" A Bittersweet Sick Love"

By bubbles_loves_yuh

420 150 73

"There is always two types of people in this world of high school. There is the shy girl that gets bullied an... More

Chapter 1: First day of School
Chapter 2: Water Balloons and Water Guns
Chapter 3: Mall Fun Day
Chapter 4: Story Of My Life
Chapter 5: Masquerade Ball
Chapter 6: Partners In Crime?
Chapter 8: Washington D.C. Trip Part 1
Chapter 9: Washington D.C. Trip Part 2

Chapter 7: Two Guys One girl

29 16 10
By bubbles_loves_yuh

Author's Note:

Natt Wolff aka Scott is on the side/top. Hope you lovies enjoy this chapter better :) 


-Jessica's POV-

We got inside the buffet and the waiter attended us right away.

"Table for three?" She asks.

"Yes please," my brother said.

We followed her to the back of the room and we sat in the booth to our right.

"What would you like to drink?"

"3 cokes please."

"Coming right up."

As the waiter left to go get our drinks I just stared at Violet and my brother. This is totally awkward right now. Normally Violet and I would go eat together but my brother would never tag along with us.

"Uh... we better go serve ourselves our food," my brother says breaking the silence.

"Yea we'll be right there Avi," Violet responds.


Avi gets up and leaves the table to get his food and as soon as he leaves, the waiter comes with our drinks.

"Are you okay Jessica? You're being really weird with me right now. I feel this awkward tension between us and I'm not liking it."

"Yea I'm fine, it's just that I thought you were mad at me or something because back at school I was ignoring all your questions."

"Oh that! Don't worry boo I was just teasing you. I know that nothing went down between you and Casey. And even if something did happen I hope you will tell me."

"No nothing happened. He just told me I have to get ready to be with him for a whole week."

"And I'm sure that will be torture for you," she laughs.

"Uh ya obviously!!" I tell her. "I don't know him like that and to make things worse he's friends with the asshole of Luke."

"Don't worry I'm sure during the trip we will have time to bond and have fun and then you can tell me if he has done something that hurt you. "

"Deal. Now let's go get that food we don't have all time Violet," I laugh and get her hand to go get our food.

It turns out having lunch with my best friend and my brother is not bad at all. We were laughing and talking the whole entire time. We should definitely hang out more often like this. Normally when Avi hangs out with his friends I decide to go away, I never like hanging out with "bros". And whenever Violet and I hang out he always leaves us alone unless we need a ride but that's it.

"Oh Avi we have something to tell you. I don't know if Jess has told you but we're going to Washington D.C. in a few days. And I think they need chaperones for the trip since most teachers have to stay at school and teach. I think it will be fun if you went with us."

"You guys are going to D.C. Jess?"

"Yea, I was sorta going to tell you all today during dinner but Violet already told you, so I just have to let mom and dad know."

"Oh well I hope you girls have a fun trip. And don't forget to bring me souvenirs."

"You don't want to come with us?" asked Violet.

"I would go but I have to go to my college classes. The rest of this week and next week I have important tests that I can't miss. But I really do hope you girls have fun. And Violet take care of my lil sister for me. And lil sister take care of Violet as well."

"Don't worry I'll protect Jess, Avi. And she'll protect me too."

"Good. Now let's just hope when mom and dad hear the news about you going to Washington D.C. they take it in a good way."

"Hopefully," I respond.

Avi asks the waiter for the bill and he pays the food for us. We leave the buffet and our way back home we just listen to some music like we normally do. Once we dropped off Violet at her house we headed to ours and when we got home all I wanted to do was go up to my bedroom, lay on bed, and sleep. Unfortunately, that all didn't happen because my aunt asked me to take care of the twins for her while she goes out into town and buys what is necessary. I just hope she doesn't take long because I could really use that sleep.

Once aunt Yessy leaves I turn towards the direction of the twins and they're in front of the television watching Sesame Street. How much I loved that show as kid and I still do. I swoop them both on each arm and sit with them on the couch. I love these little twins even if they can be a pain sometimes. I stare at them for a while and wonder how they will be when they grow up. I hope they won't be made fun of like me.

An hour had passed and my aunt was finally home. She came in through the door with many grocery bags so I put down the sleeping twins that were in my arms and went to go help her.

"Aunt Yessy why didn't you call Avi so he can give you a lift?"

"No I didn't want to disturb your brother. I already took your time by taking care of the twins."

"Aunt Yessy it's ok. I'm sure Avi would of given you a lift if you called him. Next time call and about the twins it's ok I would take care of them anytime."

"Thanks honey."

I finish helping her out and then go upstairs to my room and take a nice cold refreshing shower. As the water runs down my spine and as my hands massage my head I can feel myself relax even more. My muscles take all this in and relax as well. As I get out the shower I wrap the towel around my head and put on my bathrobe. I head to my drawers and pull out my white I woke up like this shirt with some black sleeping shorts. I turn towards the clock and it's only 5:00 p.m. I could of sworn it was like 7:00. I turn my laptop on start doing my homework cause at this point there is nothing for me to do.

It was about 7:30 now and my mom knocked on my door telling me dinner was ready. I told her I would be down there in a few. I just hope when I tell them the news they won't deny me permission. I put on my cozy dinosaur slippers and head towards the kitchen. As I get closer to the kitchen I can smell the sweet smell of mole and rice and my appetite just grew bigger.

"Hey honey!" my dad greeted.

"Hey dad," I plant a kiss on his cheek.

"How was school?"

I look over at Avi and say, "I actually have to tell you both something but once we're all sitting down to eat."

"Ok then I hope it's good news Jess."

"It is I promise."

I help mom serve the food on the plates and put the utensils needed on the table. I get the lemonade out of the freezer and get four cups out and serve. We all do a prayer at first and then we dive right into the food. The sweet and spicy taste of the mole dipped in red sauce send my taste buds into a frenzy mode and then I forget everything that's going around me.

"Jess calm down. The world isn't going to end. There's more food if you want some," my mother said.

"You're right, sorry mom."

"It's ok sweetie. Now what is it that you have to tell us?"

"Well today in history class Ms. A announced that the whole junior class is going to go to Washington D.C. as a trip. And we're going to be over there for a week. I was hoping that both you and dad would let me go."

"Well of course you can go honey!! This does not happen often. And besides it will be nice for you to go and explore other places in the country. What do you say Edgar?"

My dad hesitates for a while before speaking but then finally gives in to my mother's puppy eyes. "Alright you have permission to go. But be careful sweetie you know that we really don't know how the people over there are. And are there going to be adults with all of you? Where are you going stay? Who will provide you food?"

"Dad don't worry I will be fine, a lot of teachers are going with us on the trip. The school already payed for the hotel that we're staying at, they payed our entrances for each museum we're going to visit, and about the food there are always nice places we can go and eat. I'll be just great dad and besides Violet will be there with me all the time. You know she won't let anything bad happen to me."

"Well if you're telling me all this then I guess it's okay. You can go and have fun and I'll give you money so you can buy what you need and bring back souvenirs for us."

"Thank you mom and dad. I love you both," I say and go up to hug both of them.

Once we finished eating I helped my mom clean up the kitchen and headed back to my room to let Violet know that I was going to Washington D.C. with her.

"Hey Violet!"

"Hey Jess!"

"So guess what!!"


"My parents gave me permission to go. So you know what that means."

"Jess that's great. Don't worry this will be a fun trip to remember."

"Yea it's going to be great!"

"Well not that I don't want to keep talking with you but, remember if I don't hand in my missed homework for all my classes I won't go to the trip. And I really want to go."

"Well then I'll leave you, but do the work missy don't be texting."

"You got it boss!" she laughs and hangs up.

As soon as I hang up I hear a ring telling me I have received a message. I look on my screen and it's a message from Scott. I can't believe it's been a while since I last hanged out with him. Even if three days isn't long for someone for me it is.

"Hey beautiful ;)"

"Hey Scott ;)"
                          - Jess

"I miss you darling! :( "

"Me too!  So much has just been happening lately."

"It's ok darling I understand. I just hope to see you soon :)

"Well maybe you can come with me somewhere for a week."

"You mean like only you and me somewhere where no one will find us? :0 I'm into that ;) "

"No silly! ^-^ I mean the whole junior class is having a trip to Washington D.C. and well I heard they need chaperones, so if you want you can be one so we'll be together."

"Really!? For how long will you be there?"

"For about a week. Come on it will be fun. Violet is going to be there as well. What do you say ? <3 "

"Hmm... just to see you of course I will go."

"Awe you're cute! :) If there is anything that changes or paperwork that needs to be done, I'll give it to you."

"Thank you beautiful :)"

"You're welcome Scotty. I'll see you Friday night. Remember we meet at my school at 6 and then we head to the airport."

"Ok got it. I can't wait to finally see you Jess."

"Same here Scott."                                                                            -Jess

"Well its getting late and I wouldn't want for you to miss sleep cause of me. Goodnight sweetheart :) <3."                                                                 -Scott

"Goodnight Scotty <3."

Friday Night

At this current moment Violet, Scott and I are waiting for the other juniors at our school so we can board the bus to the airport and fly to Washington D.C. This is going to be a fun trip for sure the only downside will be spending time with Casey but other then that everything is fine.

"Ok students looks like we're all here.  Now everyone on board."

Once we got in the bus we started to look for a three seater and we got fortunate enough to get the last three seater in the back. Violet was next to the window, I was in the middle, and Scott was near the edge. The bus was just leaving but then when we all heard someone yell "Wait!!! Stop the bus!", the bus driver stopped the bus.

"Sorry Ms. Autumn I'm late."

"You're always late Casey. Go find a seat and sit down."

Damn why couldn't he just miss the god freaking bus. I look up to see where he sat but he still hasn't found a seat. I look next to Scott and see the seat next to him is empty. Please find a seat somewhere else please. But nope he just had to sit next to us.

As he sat down he saw me and said, "Hey Jess, nice to see you again" and then he winked at me.

Why would he wink at me in front of Scott. Oh wait, he doesn't know Scott is my boyfriend, well more like almost boyfriend. "Hi Casey," I said in a bitter tone.

Casey turned away and stared at the window while Scott turned towards to me and asked, "You know him?"

"Yea, he's sorta going to be with me this whole week."

"What do you mean?"

"Ms. Autumn put us into pairs for this trip and well he's my partner. But don't worry I'm sure there will be time for you and me to spend together."

"Oh. Well I just don't want you to be with any other guy that isn't me."

"Are you telling me that you're jealous?" I nudge him in the shoulder.

"Me..uh.. no!"                    

"Yes you are. Admit it!!"       

"Ok maybe just a little."

"Awe you're cute!"

"Oh really?"

"Well now I take that back."

"Nope you can't take your word back."
"Well I just did loser." I said and stuck my tongue out at him.

"So I'm a loser now? I thought I was cute?" He said with a smirk.

"Well you're my cute loser."

"Awe how cute."

I stare into his eyes and he stares at my eyes and then I can't resist it and I look at his lips. I think he got the message and before I knew it we were kissing. His lips gave me the warmth I needed. I can't believe I love him.


-Casey's POV-

I'm staring out at the window looking at all the trees we're passing by and I feel like a child again.

"Mommy, why are the trees chasing us?"

"Casey they're not chasing us, they're just getting bigger every time we pass by," she laughs.

"Oh ok. But then why is the moon chasing us as well?"

"No honey, the moon isn't chasing us instead it's the other way around. We're chasing the moon."

And now that I remember what my mom told me that day I now know what she meant. I keep looking outside the window but then I hear some giggles and I turn around. It's Jessica and the guy next to her. Who the hell is he? Does he even come to this school? I stare at them a little longer and next thing I know they're kissing. I felt a little hurt at first but as soon as it came it left. Why am I feeling this way? Jessica noticed I was staring at them and I quickly turned around. I wished I had never seen that.


-Jessica's POV-

We broke apart to catch some air and then we just sat there smiling at each other. I looked over Scott's shoulder and noticed Casey was staring at us the whole time and when he noticed I was staring he turned back. I hope he didn't see everything.

"You alright Jess. You look sad."

"Yea I'm fine, just a little tired."

"Don't worry we're almost at the airport and then you can rest."

I snuggle into him, plug in my headphones, and close my eyes. This is going to be a long trip.

An hour later

We're all at the airport getting checked in right now. It's currently 7:30 p.m. so our flight doesn't leave in like 30 minutes so hopefully we're all done by then. I sit next to Violet in the room where we're supposed to wait for the airplane while Scott is over there talking to rest of the chaperones. I wonder what they're saying.

"What's wrong Scott?" I ask.

"Nothing really. They just divided us into three groups so I'm in group B. Do you guys know which group you're in?"

"No not yet at least," I respond.

He nods his head and sits down next to us and all we have to do is wait.

"People taking flight 133 please proceed to the door," the flight attendant says.

"Well I guess that's us girls let's go."

Scott, Violet, and I stand up and I get my bag and we head to the door. I'm going to miss Aurora, Colorado for a while but it will be fun to get to know where the president lives. As we get in the plane we start looking for the number of our seats. Once we found it once again Violet is near the window, I'm in the middle, and Scott is at the edge. And to my coincidence Casey and his jackass friends are seating right in front of us. Hopefully they won't disturb this 5 hour flight.

"All passengers please be aware we will take flight in five minutes and once more we advise you to not use your phones occasionally since it may have an impact with our flight."

I take out my phone and plug in my earbuds, go through my downloaded songs and press play.

"Before we take flight may all passengers put on their seatbelt as it's a precaution for your safety. Oxygen masks are right under your chair. If you need anything you can ask our flight attendant. Just sit back and relax," the pilot said.

And when he finished speaking I could feel we were going up and up and up every single time. I looked out the window and once we were all the way up I felt very big compared to the small people on earth. It was such a breathtaking view.


1:15 a.m.

"You have all arrived at your designated location and once again thank-you for taking United Airlines today as your transportation. May you all have a safe trip."

We finally landed on Earth after being 5 hours up in the air and I feel like I'm paralyzed. I tried to get up but I couldn't feel my legs at all since they were asleep. At the end I got up and grabbed my bag and left the airplane.

Everybody was already out of the airplane and we all went to the picking up area to pick up our luggage. When we were done we walked up to all the juniors from Lind Lord High who were gathered up in a corner. The teachers counted us all too see if we had everybody.

"Ok students well since it is late we will go to a nearby hotel and we will stay there for this whole week. You will each be sleeping on different floors depending what group you're in."

We all take a walk to the hotel that was casually right in front of the airport. The teachers were talking things out with the person at the front desk and then I saw that the man was taking out keys with different numbers on them.

"Ok students at this moment I'm going to ask you to get with your partner and if all teachers and chaperones please come to my right side."

I look at Scott and I can tell he doesn't want me to leave his side because he's so stubborn to let me go, so I give him a quick peck on his lips and go look for Casey. I see he's standing by the lamp so I go up to him.

"Hi Casey."

"Hi Jess."

"Hmm.. about what you saw on the bus uhh- "

"Don't worry I didn't see anything," he said. But I can hear the hurt when he spoke. I didn't think it was going to affect him like that.

"I'm sorry," I say but I don't really know what I'm apologizing for.

"It's ok."

I was going to speak again but then Ms. Autumn voice interrupts what I was going to say. 

"Ok so now that you have found your partner we're going to assign you a letter whether it's A, B, or C. The letter that I give you will determine which group you're in and what teachers or chaperones will be with you. And also what floor you will be sleeping in. If you get assigned letter A you will sleep on the second floor. For those assigned to letter B will sleep on the third floor. And those with letter C will sleep on the fourth floor. When I call your names with the assigned letter I'm going to ask you to go with the teacher/chaperone you correspond with. Everyone got it?"

We all nod our head yes. Hopefully I get group B to be with Scott.

"Let's start then. Oh and one more thing your partner will be your roommate."

At that everyone starts winning including me. I don't want to sleep in the same room with someone I don't know. No wonder Scott looked a little down when we were at the airport and no wonder he didn't want to let me go. I look at Casey and I can tell he's liking this idea very much. Great just great.

"I know you all wanted to be with your best friend but the point of this trip is to be with someone you don't know and learn a lot about the place you're visiting together and to learn more about each other. Now stop complaining and let's go over the list it's getting late," Ms. Autumn says.

"Ok Marc and Gabby group A. Jasmine and Fred group A. Kim and Williams group A."

Ms. Autumn continues on with the list but it's too much so I zone out. I see she was done with all the group A people and I watch them head to the elevator to head to the second floor. And now she's starting with the group B people and I'm really hoping I get to be with Scott. I stare at him and he stares at me and I feel like I know what we both want. But when I don't hear Ms. Autumn call my name and Casey's name I know I didn't get to be in group B. I watch Scott and the other teacher leave with the group of teens and then there are a few of us left.

"As for the rest of you, you are in group C. So you will be with me and Sharon on the fourth floor."

I look around the room to see who is in the same group and then a flash of purple catches my attention. At least Violet is in group C with me. Ms. Autumn comes to Casey and me she hands us our key to the room. When she was done handing them all out we all head upstairs.

Violet and I are next to each other on the elevator and she can tell I'm not liking this idea one bit.

"It's ok Jess at least we're in the same group."

"Yea," I say and flash a smile to her.

We finally arrived to the fourth floor and I hug Violet and bid her a good night as Casey and I are off to find our room.

We look on the whole floor and we finally find room C213. He opens the door with the keys and then right in front of us is our suite. Before we get in he tells me, "Jess welcome to your new suite and a long week with me."

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