SBD - Extras

By serendipity_s

531 30 153

Hey this is kind of a shitdump A set of random short stories, pictures, and interviews based on Small But Div... More

Bruce vs John Cena
Spring Cleaning
The Switch
Promise To Be Enemies
Substitute Teacher
Are You A Beaver?
Ross and the Girls
Previously Chapter 6 - Football
Previously Chapter 7 - Slumber Party
Previously Chapter 13 - Childish Manner
Previously Chapter 20 - Jasper's Birthday
Alby, a [Petty] Intellectual

How The Science Lab Was Destroyed

64 3 8
By serendipity_s

How The Science Lab Was Destroyed

Marigold's POV

"Blaze! No! Don't put that in there, you don't know what it'll do!" I yell, trying and failing to stop her.

"It will be fine," she waves me off, pouring more unknown liquids into the beaker.

Right now our small group of diviners was in the science lab. The assignment was to mimic any kind of magic you want and just my luck, I got paired up with the most destructive person ever.

"Hopefully it will make an explosion." She adds another liquid in.

"But that isn't the assignment! We were just supposed to find which liquids would mimic a kind of magic!" I argue.

Blaze was about to comment back, but Aria and Lanny walked in. "What's Blaze doing?" Lanny lifted an eyebrow.

"Probably nothing good..." Aria replied.

"Blaze isn't being smart and mixing random liquids together." I answer.

"You're right, that doesn't sound smart..." Lanny agrees.

"Ooh! I wonder what this does?!" She pours in a pink liquid.

"Blaze! Nooo!" I reach out to grab her arm, but she already poured every drop. "That was a future love potion!" I cry out.


"If the potion is disturbed, it releases a chemical into the air affecting the nearest couple. In this case it's Aria and Lanny." I explain.


"Mini copies are made of them, kind of like the future kids they're going to have." I continue.

"Awwwww, they'll probably be very Kawaii!" She says, oblivious to the horror to come.

"Also...the more liquid that's disturbed, the more copies are created-"

"That doesn't sound too bad..." Blaze smirks as Aria and Lanny glare.

"Another thing...the potion is highly explosive!" I yell. Soon after, the beaker started bubbling while smoke fills up the room and the liquid rised up and over the glass lip and spills onto the floor.

Lanny's eyes widen. "Take cover!" He yells, as everyone ducks under the table.

A loud boom was heard as pink slime and small pieces of glass flew everywhere.

The smoke cleared as people started coughing, recovering from the surprise attack. A very angry Rana stood up and looked around before settling her eyes on Blaze.

"BLAZE!!!" the hologram stomped over.

"Why does everyone keep yelling my name?" Blaze asks.

"I wonder why..." Aria rolls her eyes.

"Detention! After school! You will clean this up!" Rana yells again.

"Why do you think it was me? It could have been Bruce for all you know!" she defends.

Everyone gives her a pointed look. "It was obviously you, Blaze."

"All you had to do was mimic a magic." Rana tried to calm down.

"But I did! I mimicked my magic." Blaze protests. Rana shook her head and told everyone to leave the room to get ready for their next class.

I sigh. This is going to be a lot of work and I kinda felt bad for the red haired idiot.

Blaze looked around the slime filled room. "Totally worth it! Best explosion ever!!!" She suddenly throws her arms up, "I regret nothing!!!"

Never mind.

I start to leave when Blaze stopped me. "Marigold, wait."

She looks at me, looking guilty and walked over to a plant, scooped some dirt out of it, "The plant doesn't need it anyway." She said, and put it into a new beaker. Then she walked over to a shelf filled with bottles and got a green one. She poured that into the beaker too. Next she got a brown and clear liquid before mixing them all together.

"The green liquid is filled with vitamins and minerals. The brown liquid contains a compressed fertilizer and nutrients. And the clear liquid is just water, but......there also might be a liquid-ized form of Aria's air mixed with it, but don't tell her that! Anyway, if you put them together it forms into..."She paused for a dramatic effect, "Mud! A copy of your magic!" She seemed really proud of herself.

I burst out laughing, "I thought you were making some sort of over-the-top stew!" I laugh.

"I was at first, but I couldn't find any ice cream...." Blaze looked serious. I cocked my head. She can't be serious. "I'm only joking." She laughed as I joined her, but that didn't stop me from hearing the next word. "Maybe."

"I guess it is my magic.....sort of..." I agree.

"Rana never said how basic or extravagant it had to be," Blaze points out.

"True...." I smile, Blaze wasn't to bad. "Would you like some help cleaning up?" I ask.

"Really? That'd be great, Thanks!" She grins.

"You're welcome."

-----After School-----

As soon as Blaze and I entered the now closed off science room, our eyes widen.

"I can't believe I forgot!!!" I panicked.

"I was right...they are kawaii!!!" Blaze runs over to them picking up 15 at a time. They really are mini.

The pink slime that littered the room now turned into exact mini replicas of Lanny and Aria.

"They are so......tiny.....only an inch or two tall!" I exclaim. I didn't think it would have been that small.

"When did this happen?" Blaze poked a mini Aria, which earned her a mini annoyed-glare.

"It must have evolved while we were gone..." I was truly fascinated.

"How many do you think are there?" Blaze asked.

"I would guess around..... 1000." I reply.

"Numbers like that are annoying, I'm gonna go with.........1033!" She concluded.

"That's such a random number..." I say.


"Weird idiot..." I mutter.

"Well since the slime is gone we don't have to clean anything up!" She starts to walk out.

But I stop her by grabbing her shirt. "Yeah, but now we have to catch them all so they don't wreck anything and wait for them to disappear. It will probably take around a week," I explain.

"But that takes to long!!!" The red head whined.

"It's the only way."

Blaze thinks about it for a second. "Are they alive in any way?"

"No...not really. Not in the sense that they are living breathing humans. They're essentially just mobile dolls." I reply, not sure where she is going with this. "Just magic."

"Are they connected to Lanny and Aria?"

"Not really, other than their appearance."

"So they wouldn't feel anything that these guys do?"


"How easy can they be defeated?"

"Pretty easy since they are just small amounts of magic that won't do no harm if they attack."

"And are there any side effects if they disappear?"

"No. Any more questions?"

"One more. Are they fire proof?" Blaze lifts up a fire lit hand, smirking.

"Blaze......... you better not be doing what I think you're going to be doing," I warn.

"Well it depends... Are you thinking of having a bonfire?" she gives an evil-like laugh.

"Wait Blaze, maybe we should think this through..." I try to reason.

"Bring the marshmallows!" she shouts, completely ignoring me, as she starts turning around in a circle. Her flames, now in each hand, getting bigger and bigger. "Swirling Flame Blade!" she cries out as I make a break for it, running out of the room and shutting the door. I felt the temperature of the door rising, but not quite melting.

After a few minutes I figured it was safe to come in. Everything was gone. Or should I say melted. the room was now empty except for the large puddle on the floor and the flame brain standing in the centre.

"Idiot! You didn't have to melt everything!"

"Oops...?" She tries.

I shake my head. "What is Rana going to say about this?"

" Probably something like: BLAZE!!!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH IT'S GOING TO COST TO REPLACE ALL OF THIS!!! THIS IS COMING OUT OF YOUR POINT CARD!!!!" She laughs. I stare at her before joining her, she did a pretty good impression of her voice. Once we stop laughing we stand in a comfortable silence until...

"Sorry Marigold..." Blaze speaks up.

"For what?" I ask, confused.

"Well it's my fault we are going to get a bad grade on our assignment and I just destroyed your favourite room in the whole school..." She looks down in shame.

I smile, "It's fine. It is basically in your nature to destroy literally everything you touch did get rid of the problem...kind of..."

Blaze laughs, "Yeah, I guess I did."

"Hey, can I ask you something?"


"Why do you hate Bruce much?" The incident reminded me of when Blaze and Bruce first met. The first thing he did when he arrived was prank Blaze. The week after, she 'accidentally' burned his luggage. I thought they were even now, but they are still rivals to this day. I don't find Bruce too bad since he has only pranked me once with the fake 'I like you' confession. Just thinking about it makes me slightly angry all over again, but it's not enough to make him my number one target.

"That's a random question, but it's mostly because he's a GrayLu shipper and.... I need someone to chase. It keeps me entertained. And also his head is extremely annoying. It blocks my vision when he stands in front of me. And I caught him eating my ice cream once." Blaze laughs. She's a walking contradiction; the fire mage that is obsessed with ice cream and swimming.

I laugh too, it actually is pretty entertaining. Those two keep the school from getting too boring.
"How much do you hate Bruce?"

"If he was on fire.........for some reason...... and I had a cup of water....... I'd drink it.........with the marshmallows I would also be roasting..."

"For some reason?" I quirk my eyebrow.

"For some reason." she confirms.

All of a sudden we feel an angry presence.

"BLAZE!!!!!!!!!!" Rana's face was definitely mad. If looks could kill... Blaze would be a goner and Bruce wouldn't be covered in bruises anymore.

"Told you," Blaze called out.

"When will you ever learn!?" Rana seemed just tired now.

"No clue."

~Credit To Dixie_Awesome_Horse For Writing This Side Story~

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