Back To The Roots (REWRITTING)

By IryshLily

7.9K 295 414

Kyla has been trapped in an abusive relationship and has finally decided its time to break free. But how will... More

New Character list
1: Ideas
2:The Decision
3: Sheltered
5: Panic
6: Leaving the World Behind
Which one do y'all like more?
7: Finding Home
8: A need for Safety
Plant Info (just for fun)
9: Fishing
Ch. 10 Meat
11: Wonders in the woods
13:A New Perspective
14: Changes
15: Delivery
16:The Task at Hand
Ch.17 A Hard Decision Made
Word Guide

4: The Trigger

524 19 20
By IryshLily

When Kyla woke up the next morning the woman and the little boy were getting ready to leave. She threw off the covers and sat up.

"We're going to breakfast. Uh, do you... Um... Do you want to go with us?" The brown haired woman asked?

Kyla sat there staring at the woman in shock for a moment. She didn't know how she'd missed it last night, but this woman was extraordinarily gorgeous. It must've been because she was so caught up in her own troubles. The woman also had the remnants of a black eye. She realised she'd been staring and tried to come up with a quick reply to cover it up, even though she was pretty sure she was too late.

"Uh breakfast, sure, yeah."

She stood up and reached under the bed for her shoes glad she could hide the shame and embarrassment on her face. She put on her shoes followed them out the door.

"Um, is there a bathroom around this place somewhere?" Kyla asked.

"Yeah, we'll pass it on the way."

"Ah, okay, great."

There were so many hallways in this place she didn't know how this woman even knew which way to go. They stopped off at the bathroom then continued on to breakfast. There was a school cafeteria like setup including lunch lady's in hairnets and people standing in lines. They got in line and quietly waited their turn.

"Mommy I'm really hungry," the little boy said, tugging on his mom's hand after they'd been waiting about ten minutes.

"I know baby it's not that much longer," she said squeezing his hand back.

Kyla looked down at the little boy and caught a glimpse of what looked like a fading handprint on his wrist. She quickly looked away and held back the tears the sight made her want to spill. Thank god she was leaving, whatever happened to them could've been the same thing that happened to her and her future child she thought rubbing her belly sadly.

It was finally their turn to get food, they had most everything breakfast related and you could have your pick. They made their selections and the server put it all on a tray that she handed over to them and then they went to sit down at a table together. It all looked delicious but Kyla was a little more interested in the mysterious woman sitting across from her. The woman acted like she just wanted to be left alone but Kyla couldn't help herself. She had to know her story, even if it was none of her business.

"What's your name?" she finally asked, after thinking of nothing better to say.

"Jen," she said, with a bit of hesitation.

"How long have you been here?"

Once again she hesitated

"Uh, a couple weeks, I guess."

"Is it nice here?"

"I suppose, it's better than some places."

The entire time they talked the boy stared at the table and nibbled at the corner of a piece of toast not speaking a word. When she went a couple minutes and didn't ask her anything else Jen seemed relieved. However that only sparked her curiosity more.

"I'm sorry if I'm overstepping my bounds but, you're acting kinda like a deer in headlights." Kyla said, smiling warmly at her.

"It's a cruel world, how should I act when a stranger talks to me? You never know their motives." Jen replied a bit sharply.

"It's a bit crueler to some than others. You look like you've had more than your fair share."

"So do you," she said, making a point of looking her over. " And maybe so, but that wouldn't be your business would it? Come Josiah let's go now," she grabbed the boys hand and started away from the table.

"But I might have a way to make your life much easier, at least I think I do. If you could trust me."

Jen hesitated, then spun around and stared into Kyla's eyes, Kyla stared back into hers. They were full of pain, fear, distrust, and a tiny glimmer of hope. "And how might that be?"

"I'd be more than happy to tell you about it, but we need to go back to the room."

"Why can't you just tell me here?" she asked, the suspicion all over her face.

"Because, some things are only safe if kept a secret," answered Kyla.

Jen nodded and sat back down with Josiah, "Fine, after breakfast I'll go with you and listen to what you have to say."

When they got back to the room they sat on the beds across from each other and Kyla told her all about her plan to escape. Jen looked skeptical but also hopeful and desperate to try anything.

"Oh ma! Can we go? Please!" Josiah begged, speaking for the first time.

She looked down at his beaming face then back to Kyla, "What if it doesn't work? What then? I can't just take crazy chances and possibly end up stranded not with my son."

"If you try it and you don't like it then I have enough money that you'd be able to come back at any time. What have you got to lose?"

"Please ma please! I don't want to run any more!"

Jen looked into her precious son's pitiful pleading eyes then looked at Kyla and her growing belly, "I guess if you're willing to try... I am too," she said smiling. "But if anything happens to my baby, I'll make sure whoever you're hiding from finds you. And I won't feel bad about it, that I promise you. And I want the money for our return trip now just in case."

"Okay, and I promise nothing will happen to him."

After a little more conversation they decided to go ahead and leave so they could get there before dark. They were about to walk through the door into the front lobby when the young blonde woman who'd showed Kyla to the cafeteria yesterday stopped them. She put her finger to her lips telling them to be quiet. They stopped and looked at her quizzically. Kyla opened her mouth to ask what was going on and then she heard it. Something that sent chills up her spine and she snapped her mouth tightly closed.

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