Hell On Earth

By ahsthetic

4.8K 161 34

When Weslynn discovers that she has unique powers growing in her, she is sent away to Miss Robichaux's Academ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Six

493 19 5
By ahsthetic

Hours had passed by and Madison and I were still chatting away in her room. The more I got to know her, the more I realized how hard it was for her to make friends.

Her parents had pushed her into the acting industry, which is how her family made the money that they now have. I would never know what kind of stress I would be under if I were her. She explained why she had a hard time opening up to everyone, myself included, and always felt ashamed for it.

After becoming financially stable, her parents sent her off to Miss Robichaux's Academy and completely abandoned her. She had to tend to herself and lock all of her feelings away. She thought if she were rude and cruel to everyone, it would make things a lot easier on her. If everyone was afraid of her, she would not have to make any friends only for them to let her down.

"So that's why I have been so awful to you. I didn't even give you a chance and I'm sorry. I hope you won't take everything I did to heart because having a friend in this place wouldn't be so bad."

Growing up feeling unwanted was something that I found to have in common with Madison. I made a bold move and hesitantly put my arm around her tiny figure as an act of comfort. She did not flinch. I sat there with her until she fell asleep.

All six of us sat in a circle on the floor in the living room. We were all playing a card game that Nan taught us and it was a great stress reliever. We had all forgotten about the incident with Madison and Fiona and were actually getting along with each other.

Thinking back to earlier, I had noticed a blonde head in the kitchen. I had completely forgotten that I had seen it and I slapped all of my cards down.

"I'll be back in a minute."

The girls groaned about me running off again, but I did not care at this point. I raced to Cordelia's office and quickly knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I pushed the door open and Cordelia sat there at her desk droopy-eyed and haggard. I sat myself down in the plush, black seat and stared at her.

"Weslynn, what is it?"

She looked slightly freighted.

"I know you were in the kitchen behind the corner when Fiona sent Madison flying across the room. Why didn't you come out and help her? Clearly you saw she was in trouble, but you didn't do a single thing except watch. I thought we were supposed to stick together and have each other's backs."

She slowly lowered her glasses only to take them off completely.

"You have to understand something; there is not a single thing that I, nor you, can do about Fiona's actions. She is the Supreme. She is free to do whatever she pleases and feels is right and I would not get in the way of that if I were you."

I did not understand any of this at all. The last time that I checked, having the title of Supreme did not come with physically hurting other witches in the Coven. But this was Fiona Goode we were talking about.

I began again.

"Cordelia, we have to do something about this. Fiona is doing a terrible job of being the Supreme leader of this Coven and you know it. You would make a much better Supreme than any of us would. Something has to be done or I'll start doing things on my own, which frankly, I'll need help with sooner or later. Please...I need you. This Coven needs you."

Cordelia sat there for a while, twisting her crystal ring around in circles before answering. Cordelia seems to be like a little bird who hides under her mother's wing. She has no freedom to take flight. She deserves that freedom.

"Alright, I will help you. But if we do this, not even one of you can back out of it. We have to kill my mother for the sake of this Coven."

Cordelia placed both of her palms on the table and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Kill her once, kill her good, kill her dead."

I lay there in my bed quietly listening for the front door to open, waiting for Fiona to announce that she had made it back. I could not fall asleep for the life of me. The thought of killing Fiona was enough to get my heart racing and my blood pumping.

How in the world were we going to do it? There are six of us and one of her, so we could easily kill her off. It was just exactly how we were going to get it done and make sure she stayed dead that was part of the problem.

The front door suddenly slammed shut and the whole house shook. I gripped the sheets of the bed until my knuckles turned white all while holding my breath. I felt as though my head might burst.

Usually on nights like these, Fiona will stumble up the stairs with a man who has her drunken up with whiskey and they go off to make love. There is almost a new man every night. I waited for Fiona to make her way up the staircase and into her room to slam her bedroom door shut, but there were no indications of her coming.

Minutes ticked by and there was still no sign of Fiona. Did something happen to her? It was odd of Fiona to not automatically go straight into her throne of a bedroom after going out.

I decided to push the sheets off of me and get out of bed. I was going to go search for her by myself. Surely a drunk witch could not do much harm, right?

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