
By ThecharmingSnake

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After the war, everything slowly starts to get back to normal. Well, as normal as it can get at Hogwarts. Har... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
A Simple Question
Bonus Chapter

Chapter Four

4.8K 270 101
By ThecharmingSnake

What's a Malfoy?

The rest of the week went by uneventfully. I continued getting glares from Pansy and Ginny seemed to be hanging around me less and less but otherwise it was normal. Draco sat on the end of my bed as I finished off my transfiguration homework.

"Harry." He said, once I started rolling up my parchment.
"Wha'sa Malfoy?"
I froze and looked at him. Where had he heard his name, and in what context.
"Why, did someone say it?"
"Yeah, the others are wonderin' where it is? Did som'ne lose it?"
I almost laughed at him referring to himself as an it. Almost.
"Uh, yeah. I guess it was lost."
"Is i' a bad thing. Ron says it was" I scooped him up in my arms.
"It is most definitely not a bad thing. It's a little misunderstood, but it's not bad." He wrapped his arms around me and I made my way downstairs.
"Finished your homework Harry?" Hermione asked the minute I sat down.
"Yes mum."
Ron chuckled and Hermione shot him a glare.
"How's Draco?" The young boy in my lap held two thumbs up, his favourite gesture that Seamus had taught him (since I refused to let him teach Draco any other hand gestures).
Hermione smiled. Everyone had gotten used to Draco being here, I couldn't even begin to imagine what it'd be like without him there. "Well, I did some reading earlier and I think I found something about the spell."
I forgot that Draco was in my lap and leant forward slightly. "What about it?"
"It's unbreakable. There is no jinx, potion or action to diminish it."
I stared in disbelief. nothing, zip, nada.

"Then how do we-" before I could finish, Draco started pushing on my chest. "Y'squishing me." He said, trying to  push me off him. I leant back with a chuckle. "Sorry 'bout that."
Draco huffed.
"What were you saying Harry?" Hermione asked.
"I was going to ask-" I was cut off again by a tapping sound. I looked to the window to see a barn owl tapping on the window impatiently. I placed Draco on the floor and walked over to the window, opening it and taking the letter from the owl. The owl screeched and flew away. I closed the window and sat down again, Draco crawling back into my lap and wrapping my robes around himself.

"Who's it from?" Ron asked. I examined the writing on the front.
"I know this handwriting," I said, using my wand to open the envelope. "But it's impossible." I opened the letter to see very familiar cursive script.

I have been notified by Professor McGonagall that Draco has been placed under your care after a magical accident.

I am sure that with Granger's extensive knowledge you will know that the spell is irreversible. If, however, you did not know that you do now.

The spell is in fact reversible but takes quite the time and patience. Something that I know from experience, you do not possess.

However, I am inclined to help you due to my relationship with Draco and will be arriving on the weekend to excuse you from classes to help with the reversal of the spell. Merlin knows you never pay attention in class anyway.

I expect you to pack a trunk with a weeks worth of clothes, your textbooks, parchment, a quill, and any other items you deem nescessary, I will tutor you while you are not at Hogwarts.

Please, for the love of Merlin, be ready for once.

Severus Snape.

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