Chapter Five

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Godfatherly acquaintanceship

"Are you sure that it's Severus?" Hermione asked the immediate moment after I'd finished reading the letter aloud.

"Well he did sign it. And I told you, I recognize his handwriting." I retorted as Ron took the parchment from my hands.

"You didn't recognize it in that potions book after reading it off a blackboard for six years prior. You can't blame me for being dubious."

I shot a glare at her.

"I don't think you should ignore this Harry." Ron cut in, giving me back the parchment. "I mean, he did somehow survive. He obviously knows a lot more about this than even 'Mione."

"Who's Sev'rus?" Draco asked from my lap.

"He's one of the bravest men I know." I told him. He stared back with wide eyes.


"Yeah, and we're gonna go stay with him for a week so he can... um..." My words died off as I realised that I didn't know how to explain the situation to tiny Draco.

"He's going to tutor you and Harry." Hermione said. "Since Harry is  behind in his classes and you're the only one who is stopping him from receiving a failing grade."

I glared at Hermione again and Draco giggled. "We need to pack," I said, standing up with Draco in my arms. "Since we'll be gone for a while and if that letter is anything to go by, Severus hasn't changed a bit and won't like me looking scruffy." I looked down at Draco. "You either." I added, fluffing his hair with my hand and making him giggle again.

I set Draco on my bed when we got to my room and I began pulling out and refolding clothes into my trunk, which already had my textbooks and parchment in it.

"Harry?" Draco asked after a while.


"Does... Do you have a girlfrien'?"

"Yeah. Ginny, Ron's sister." I said, slightly confused as to why he'd be asking me that.

"Oh." was all he said, before sliding off the bed and helping my fold my clothes and fit them into my trunk.

"Why did you want to know if I had a girlfriend?" I said, latching my trunk and taking it to the doorway.

"Coz I heard somet'in' I shouldn'ta." he said, sitting on the trunk and swinging his legs.

"what do you mean?" I asked worridly.

"The door to the girl room, I heard some'ne yellin' so I listened."

Oh no, I felt sorry for him already.

"What did they say."

"Some'ne was sayin' dat you don' treat 'em like your girlfrien' anymore. Was it Gin?"

I laughed a little at the nickname. "Yes, It was. She's a bit of a drama queen sometimes but she's still a good person. Don't worry. Now, off to bed. We got a big week ahead."

"Okay." Draco smiled, walking quickly over to the bed and crawling under the covers. I changed into my pajamas and lay next to the Draco shaped lump, closing my eyes to sleep.

"Nigh'-night Harry." I heard Draco say. The a soft peck on my cheek. I sat up quickly only to find that he'd fallen asleep.

Did he just give me a kiss?


Once again, someone knocking on the door woke me up. I rolled out of bed with a less than elegant thump and trudged to the door and opened it.

"I thought i told you to be ready." A familiar voice drawled. I looked up blearily at the ex-professor's disapproving expression.

"It's barely six." I tried to protest.

"Irrelevant. Get yourself and Draco dressed or you will both be going to Diagon Ally as you are." He turned around with a sweep of his robes and made his way to the main area.

I closed the door and slowly walked back to the bed, shaking Draco's shoulder gently to wake him up.

"T' early." He whined, curling into a ball.

"Yeah, I know. But Severus is here so we have to get ready."

Draco didn't move so I decided to get dressed first. I then dressed the very sleepy five-year-old and carried him and my trunk down the stairs.

"I only wish I could still take points from you for tardiness, however I am inclined to forgive you on the basis you are caring for a child." Severus said from one of the couches in front of the fireplace.

"Gee, thanks." I groaned. "I'm ready now so let's just get going."

Severus rose from the chair and took out a small, dusty bag.

"We're not travelling through the fireplace are we?" I asked, concerned for Draco's peace of mind.

"Well, since apparition into and out of Hogwarts is still well and truly impossible would you like to suggest any other options?" He asked, throwing some floo powder into the fireplace, turning the fire green.

I sighed out a small 'no sir' ans we stepped into the fire and onto the streets of Diagon Ally.

"Where are we staying?" I asked, holding Draco a little tighter.

"I have been staying at a very nice home in a small muggle village, I just needed to get to a place where we could apparate." 

"Do you think apparition is a good idea for Draco?" I asked. Severus ignored me.

"As soon as we get there you will begin your tutoring." he explained. "Any questions?"

"If I ask any will you even answer them?" I asked.

"Most likely not. Off we go." He replied simply grabbing my arm and apparating us.



I am really sorry for the massive gap in between this update and the last. I am a really bad procrastinator, but i hope this chapter didn't suck.

And i also know i said that any characters that died in the series were going to stay dead, but I just cant do it ):

so now you can enjoy Severus being back.


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