You're My Protector (Zarry St...

By IvylinMalik

54.6K 2.1K 339

Zayn was Harry's, Harry was Zayn's Zayn loves Harry, Harry loves Zayn Normal isn't it? But what if one of... More

You're My Protector
•Naughty Nine•
•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
*Not an Update*


1.8K 79 2
By IvylinMalik

Harry got up early and walked to the bathroom rubbing his eyes.

He did his normal early school routine of bathing and taking care of his personal hygiene. Harry ruffled his wet curls as he walked into his bedroom with the towel still hanging low on his hips. He went into his closet rummaging through his clothes.

Zayn woke up perching himself up on his elbows in Harry's bed looking around before letting his eyes land on Harry's body. Zayn bite down on to his bottom lip as he looked over Harry's tan back, his eyes stopped at his bum.

Harry walked over to his desk placing his clothes on the chair before taking a hold of his towel.

"Oh no." Zayn whispered, as he tried to avert his eyes from watching Harry get undressed.

Harry took off the towel not having a care in the world.

"Ah fuck." He whispered to himself, losing control of his eyes, they wandered around the curly lad's torso before landing on the spot where puberty decided to affect most. Zayn's hand couldn't help himself as it went down in between his legs grabbing his bulge.

"Oh, Harry!" Zayn called out making Harry look up suddenly, "shit." Harry cursed putting the towel back around his waist.

"I'm sorry Zayn, I forgot you were in my room this morning." Harry said walking over to Zayn sitting on the bed, Zayn kept his hand in the same spot holding his boner down.

"Zayn? What's wrong?" Harry asked looking at Zayn's face that was twisted with something, he trailed his eyes down Zayn's body noticing that his hand was on his lap.

"Did...Did I give you a boner Zaynie?" Harry smirked moving Zayn's arm watching the blanket form a tent.

"Yeah.. Well a mixture of you and me thinking." He honestly said looking into Harry's eyes. Harry smirked before climbing on top of Zayn. kissing him. Making Zayn clutch his hips, their kiss got heated fast causing Zayn to moan as Harry grinded down onto him.

"I would jack you off," Harry smirked before getting off of Zayn leaving him hot and flustered on the bed.

"But, I have school." Harry teased putting his clothes on.

"Oh you fucker." Zayn growled getting up off the bed walking towards Harry pushing him against the wall.

"Fine go to school, I'll be here when you get back." Zayn growled into Harry's ear, kissing his neck before watching Harry smirk as he left.

"Morning mum." Harry said giving his mum a peck on the cheek as he grabbed the already made lunch his mother passed him.

"Be good!" She told him watching Harry smile picking up his school bag heading out the house.


"Wait! Hey Harry! Wait up!" Harry turned around seeing his blonde Irish friend rushing through the hallways to meet up with him.

"Sorry Niall." Harry apologized slowing down his pace.

"It's a'ight." Niall's thick accent coated his words making them sound slang.

"What happened here since I was gone?" Harry asked looking around as people started looking at him.

"Well besides the fact of everyone hearing about Zayn dying. Nothing really." Niall noticed that people kept looking at Harry.

"Are you okay, mate?" He asked his fluffy haired friend, putting his arm around his shoulder.

"What? Oh..yeah I guess." Harry shrugged leaning into his best friends touch.

"What are you doing for lunch?" He asked looking a tad down at the Irish lad.

"I'm gonna go and chill with Liam and Louis, ya joinin' right?" Harry chewed on his lower lip stopping at his locker.

"I-I don't know, I just don't want to be alone." Harry said opening his lock putting his books away. Niall put his bag down opening his locker which was right besides Harry's.

"Then join us, you need some social time. Trust me." Niall gave Harry a reassuring smile convincing Harry that everything will be okay.

"Okay Niall." Harry gave in closing his locker after grabbing the lunch his mother gave him earlier.

"Yes!" Niall cheered with a grin on his face.

"But only because your my lucky charm." Harry said cheekily making Niall laugh.

"Oh I know, what would you do without me?" Harry and Niall walked with each other through the hallway. Niall started to crack jokes as they made their way to the lunch room trying to take Harry's mind off of Zayn.


"Oh no, not that, I want that. And that. Thank you dear." Louis told the lunch lady watching her make the food he ordered, she placed his food on her tray sending him along to go pay for it.

"Here you go, and might I say that new hair net is killer." Louis complimented the lady at the register flattering her.

"Oh Louis you don't have to pay, go on." She smiled sending Louis away without having to pay.

"See everybody knows I'm fabulous." Louis demonstrated as he sat down with Harry and Niall at their lunch table.

"You always are Lou." Harry smirked before taking another bite out of his mothers famous home made tuna salad.

"I know hazza bear." Louis smiled before taking a bite out of his turkey wrap.

"Where's Liam?" Niall asked through the bits of cheeseburger that were in his mouth.

"I don't know." Louis shrugged taking a sip out of his water bottle. Harry looked around the room seeing if he saw Liam. Liam walked through the door messing with his hair.

"There he is." Harry said pointing his fork in his direction.

"Hey Li." Niall said before chewing his food, Liam sat down across from Harry, besides Louis.

"Did ya get a hair cut?" Louis asked him touching his hair.

"Ya I did." Liam said before looking over at Harry.

"Oh hey, your out." Liam said acknowledging Harry's presence.

"Yup." Harry said covering his mouth as he chewed, Louis watched the boys as he finished up his meal.

"Well, how's your day back?" Louis asked breaking the silence that seamed to form.

"Alright, nothing much changed, just..y'know Zayn's not here." Harry told Louis mumbling the last part.

"I'm sorry Harry." Louis whispered wiping the edges of his mouth as they got covered in mayonnaise.

"Ya, me too." Liam jumped in to the conversation. Harry nodded his head before whispering small thank you's.

"I love you guys, did ya know that?" Harry smiled throwing away his trash.

"We love you to Hazz." Niall said nudging his shoulder with Harry's as he started picking at Louis's left over lunch.

"I'm glad I have you guys."

"And so are we." All the boys at the table said except one.

This one was full of built up rage and sadness and it was desperate for escape.

Soon will the answers be revealed.

All games have an ending.

Are you willing to continue the game?

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