The Human's Possessive Alpha...

By xStranger_Strangerx

1.3M 29.4K 5.3K

"Hello Alexandria. My name is Jace and you are mine." This story is in the process of being revised ten years... More

Chapter One - A New Beginning (Again)
Chapter two - Scared
Chapter three- What?
Chapter four- Oh God
Chapter Five- Who you belong to
Chapter six -I will break her face
Chapter Seven - Will you be my girlfriend?
Chapter Eight -Introductions
Chapter Nine -Isn't Bush Gardens supposed to be a good thing?
Chapter Ten -Kids?!
Chapter 11 -I promise
Chapter Twelve- I want crazy
Chapter Fourteen- I'm sorry
Chapter Fifteen- I can still feel him-
Chapter Sixteen- Going Home-
Chapter Seventeen- Let's play a game-
Chapter Eighteen~ I will not accept her~
Chapter Nineteen~ He. Did. What?~
Chapter Twenty- A smile that should've lasted
Chapter Twenty One~ Seriously dude trust her~
Chapter Twenty Two ~ Boy were we wrong......
Chapter Twenty Three~ Entertainment~
Chapter Twenty Four ~Birthday Boy~
Chapter Twenty Five ~You lied, Jace~
Chapter Twenty Six ~I didn't mean it~
Chapter Twenty Seven~I think that's plenty of time~
Chapter Twenty Eight ~Victoria's Secret Commercial~
Chapter Twenty Nine ~Ever.~
Chapter Thirty ~All Dressed Up~
Chapter Thirty One-I Think We Should Wait
Chapter Thirty Two ~Distraction
Chapter Thirty Three~...Or Not
Umm...Hi lovlies

Chapter Thirteen- You have to let Jace go-

34K 784 82
By xStranger_Strangerx



     "Have you found anything yet?" I asked Blaze through the phone. I'm currently in my office doing some pack stuff and trying to find Alpha Richard's pack. Alex was downstairs with Brant while Gram was in here with me, doing his work. You know, third in command stuff. Blake was with his dad. I was having Blaze and Mark, Gram's dad and current third, looking for Richards.

     "No. It's the same as an hour ago. Still nothing." he said. I groaned and slid my hand down my face before running it through my hair.

     "Alright. Keep looking."

     "Yes Alpha."

     We hung up and I went back to the paper work. Ugh. I feel a headache coming on. A few hours later we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

     "Come in." I called. Alex came in with a tray of food and a smile.

     "Brant said for you to meet him in the kitchen." she said to Gram. He nodded and left us alone.

     "I brought you some food. Thought you might be hungry." she said. I smiled and set down the papers I had in my hands and leaned back in my leather rolley chair. She came over to my side of the desk and set the food down in front of me before sitting across my lap. My hands went to her waist as hers went to my shoulders rubbing gently.

     "Are you okay?" she asked.

     "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

     "Well, to be honest you look like hell. You look tired and you have a headache, don't you?"

     I swear to God, she's a fucking mind reader. I sighed and put my head on her shoulder closing my eyes. "Yeah. It hasn't been a fun day." She put her chin on my head and rubbed up and down my upper back. After a few mintues she pulled back.

     "Eat. Before it gets cold." she demanded.

     "Well sweetheart, that's gonna be kind of hard considering you're sitting on my lap." I smirked. She smirked back and grabbed the fork on the plate. She cut some a piece of the steak and stuck it with the fork. She dipped it in the A1 sauce, from the smell of it, and put it up to my mouth.

     "Eat." she demanded again. I smirked and took it off the fork. Flavor exploded across my taste buds and I closed my eyes, groaning and smiling. "Well, what do you think? I made it myself."

     I opened my eyes and saw her nervous expression. I swallowed and looked at her smiling. "It's delicious babe." I said. She smiled, relieved, and cut another piece of steak and fed it to me. Then she went on to the mashed potatoes.

     "These I got from Wal-Mart, I just followed the instructions on the baggie, so I don't really know how they taste. They just looked really good on the package." she chuckled. I ate the potatoes off the fork and smiled.

     "You know what would make these better?" I asked. She tilted her head to the side with a small smile.

     "What?" she asked.

     "This." I grabbed the A1 sauce and poured some on the potatoes, not too much but not too little either. Just right.

     "I knew we were mates for a reason! I love A1 on my potatoes!" she exclaimed. I looked at her in truly utter shock. This didn't go unnoticed by her. "What?"

     "You like A1 on your potatoes?" I asked skeptically.

     "Yeah." she said slowly. She reached over to the potatoes and took a bite. "See? I love this. It's delicious." she said.

     "Just another reason I love you." I smiled. She smiled back and continued to feed me, taking some for herself every now and then. When we were finished she grabbed the plate and tried to stand up.

     Key word tried.

     "And just where do you think you're going?" I asked gripping her waist tighter and keeping her down with a smirk planted firmly on my face.

     "To the kitchen. I need to clean up." she explained trying to get up again, but I kept my grip firm, not painful, but firm. "Jace. You have to let go at some point."

     "Well it's not that point yet." I smiled goofily. She rolled her eyes but stayed put. She put the plate back down and rested her head on my shoulder.

     That's when my headache turned into a migraine. My face twisted into one of pain and I reached up and rubbed my temple.

     "Jace?" Alex asked. "Are you alright?"

     I couldn't answer her. I was in too much pain. I pushed her off of me and stood up tugging roughly at my hair and squeezing my eyes shut tightly.

     "Jace?!" Alex repeated. I felt her come up to me and place her hands on my upper arms. "Jace, what's wrong? Jace, baby, tell me what's wrong." she pleaded. But still I couldn't answer. It hurt. Oh God it hurt so bad.

     Then, the ringing started. It sounded like a dog whistle but so much worse. I yelled out and I felt my angel jump.

     "Jace!" she yelled out.

     Too much. Too much pain. Those were my last thoughts before all I could hear, think, or see was darkness.


     "Jace?" I asked concerned. His face was twisted as if in pain. "Are you alright?"

     He didn't answer. Instead he pushed me roughly off him and onto the ground before standing up and pulling at his hair. What the hell?!

     I got up off the ground wincing. Yeah I'm gonna have a bruise there. I thought.

     I rushed over to Jace who was clinging to his head in pain. "Jace!"

     "Jace, sweetie, what's wrong? Jace tell me what's wrong." I begged him.

     He didn't answer me. Instead he yelled out causing me to jump back. Then he froze and started swaying side to side. Oh no. I don't know how but I somehow managed to stop his head from hitting anything. I sat there for a few moments with his head in my lap and his body was shaking badly. His skin was growing ice cold contrasting to his usually hot skin. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know what. After a few more seconds I finally came to my senses.

     "Help somebody! Please help! Please!" I yelled desperately. I heard foot steps pounding up the stairs and down the hall before the door burst open revealing Gram and Brant.

     "H-Help him. Please." I begged as Gram rushed over to him.

     "Alex. You have to let Jace go." Gram quad quietly. I didn't even realize I hadn't let go of him and was clinging to him tightly. I frantically shook menu head. I couldn't let him go.

     "Sweetheart, you have to let him go. We can't help him if you don't." Grant said patiently. I looked at them with wide desperate eyes.

     "You'll help him?" I whispered loosening my grip, but only slightly.

     "Yes. We'll help him, but you gotta let him go first." Gram said. Slowly but surely I released my grip on him. Gram slowly picked him up and then rushed out of the room. As soon as I couldn't see Jace anymore I immediately started to call out to him.

     "Jace." I whispered. "Jace!" I screamed. I got up off the floor and tried to run after him but a strong grip held me still. "No!" I yelled as I struggled against Brant's hold. "No! Let me go. I have to go after him. I have to get to Jace!"

     "Alex stop." he said. When I continued to struggle he turned me to face him. "Alex stop." he growled. I stopped struggling and started to sob uncontrollably. He brought me to his chest and I sobbed loudly. "He's going to be fine." he whispered. And I had to believe him. If I didn't that means that I'm giving up on Jace and he's not going to be alright.

     He has to be alright.

     He has to.

     Because I know if he wasn't, I wouldn't be either.

     Brant picked me up and led me to an unknown location in teh house. The only noises either of us made was my sniffling and his footsteps. When he stopped he opened a door and carried me in. I picked my head up and saw that we were in a room and Jace was laying there perfectly still. The only sign that he was still alive was the steady rising and falling of his chest. Brant set me down and I slowly walked over to Jace. He was only in a pair of sweats and no shirt. I gently sat down next to him on the bed and wrapped my warm hand around his cold one. This is normally the opposite. He's supposed to be warm, not me. I let out a dry sob and put my head down. Then the doctor came in with some dire news.

     "Luna, I'm sorry. Alpha Jace has gone into a coma, and we're not entirely sure when he'll wake up." she explained. "The earliest we think would be a week and a half, the latest, six months. We're not quite sure what caused this, but we're working on it now." I looked at Jace and didn't say anything. I had a blank expression on my face and I was rubbing the side of his face gently.

     I heard Brant say something to the doctor before they both left me alone with my coma indused mate. I let out a shaky breath as I leaned down and put my forehead against his. I softly pecked his lips, letting mine linger for a few moments.

     "Wake up." I whispered against his lips. "Please wake up soon. I can't do this without you. Please don't leave me." I leaned down and kissed him again. I tasted the saltiness of my tears as the dripped from my face to his. "I love you Jace. Please. Please wake up."

     When he didn't, I laid down next to him and curled up into him trying not to hurt him. I placed my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso, throwing my leg over his hips.

     I fell into a deep slumber with the steady beat of the heart monitor.






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