The circle of love

By savy_44

402 20 24

Aphmau just moved to Phenoix drop. Her old friends sky,Barney,max,Ross, Jin she missed them. Her friend Abby... More

The confession
She talks
The truth
Sky army
Prom preparation
Dream switch
Real sister
Lie dont die
Broken peices
Memorys lost
Fake father
Trust is not the word
Dont worry...
The fight
A happy life
New book


11 0 1
By savy_44

Sav POV:
I wake up to a snoring Laurence. I slowly open my eyes and move a little. He then realizes I'm up and gets up.

"Morning beautiful" he says yawning in between, I just giggle

"Morning" I say, he then gets up and starts making breakfast

I slowly get up and sit on the table. I look around and see pictures of him and his father and sister. I think his sisters name is cadenza she lives in okhasis though.

Abby POV:
I have been keeping something from Savanna I know something she doesn't. I had a flashback of when we were younger. I have to tell her now but it might be to late.

The flashback means Jeffry and our mom lied. It must've been for a good reason. But savanna has to know that I'm not actually her sister.

Sav POV:
Laurence made eggs and bacon. I ate them quickly and after I was done I told Laurence I had to leave.

"Hey sorry I gotta go check on Abby all come by later" I say, he smirks

"K babe see ya later" he says, we share a quick kiss and then I head out

I decide I might as well stop at the mall first. Since I was running low on make up and leggings. I get in the mall and then I see Travis he's by himself.

"Hey Travis what you doing here" I say, he jumps a little

"Oh hey sav didn't expect you to be here" he says, I stare him down

"Wanna come shopping with me" I ask him, I didn't want to be alone

"Ummm fine but only because your cute"he says, I squeal

We head over to the leggings store I always go to. I try on like five pairs and show them to Travis.

"How do I look" I ask him, I spin around

"Your but- I mean you look good in those" he says, I glare at him ugh Travis

I ended up buying 6 pairs of leggings now to go get make up. Travis grabs my hand I allow him only because he's my bro. When we get to the make up store Travis starts grabbing make up.

"OMG you need to buy these" he says, he grabbed to masacara one eyeliner and some blush.

"Okay...." I say scared a little, he just pretends everything is normal

Travis ends up volunteering to buy them and I allow him to. We end up hanging out for a little while. Then I get a text from Abby

Abby- Coms home now got something important to tell you

Me- K

"Hey Travis I gotta go but we can hangout soon" I say, he nods and walk to me to car

"Bye see ya later" he says, I wave

I was surprised he didn't slap my butt that whole time. He did almost mention my butt but caught himself. Maybe he's getting better psh I highly doubt that. I start driving to my house.

On the way there I see some people walking and a few others jogging. Then I see someone familiar jogging. I roll down my window

"Hey Aaron" I say, he looks towards my car and waves

He was shirtless and was wearing red jogging shorts.

"Want a ride back home" I say, knowing his house was two miles away

"Uh sure thanks" he says, I pull over and he sits in the passenger seat

About half way there Aaron asks me something I never thought he would say.

"Sav can you help me get Abby" he asks, I stare at him bro knowing what he meant

"Excuse me" I reply, thinking he meant he wanted to kidnap her

"I meant can you help me get her to like me" he says, that makes way more sense

"Uhh sure" I say, I then drive him home

He goes out of the car and thanks me. I then drive home knowing Abby was waiting for me. I get home and open the door and aphmau runs up to me.

"Savannaabbyislockedinherroom" she says really fast,

"Slow down I didn't even hear what you said" I say, she takes a deep breath

"Abby locked herself in her room" she says, I look up the stairs to my sisters room

I run up the stairs and look at Abbys room. What could have happened? Did she have a flashback? Whatever it was I was gonna find out.

This must've been the reason why she called me. I really do not want to know what this is all about. But at the same time I do I just don't want it to make my life more stressful than is already is.

I slowly knock on the door. Abby doesn't answer but I can hear quiet talking. Is she talking to herself.

"A..Abby" I ask, knocking on the door again she unlocks the door but doesn't open it

I slowly open the door and see a mess. Her bed sheets thrown everywhere. Her desk chair flipped over. Paper all over the room ripped out of her notebook. I look at one of them and it says surprise every single one I looked at said surprise.

"A...Abby what does suprise mean" I ask, to be honest I was kinda getting scared

She looks at me straight in the eye and says
"They lied"

"They lied about want and who lied" I ask, I was really confused

"Savanna I had a flashback of when we were younger me you and aphmau were playing in the yard when your mom calls you and aphmau to come inside but you wanna know something I didn't come inside I went to a diffrent house which was next to yours and when I went inside my mom said aren't your friends Savanna and teony amazing they are really good sisters and that's when it ended which means we're not sisters" she says, I stare at her in shock not knowing what to say

"AND YOU DECIDED TO TELL ME NOW" I yell, she looks at me


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