The Alphas' Little Luna

By JaneEdwinstowe

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He pushed me up against the locker, holding me close so i could not get away. He pressed his face into the c... More

The Alphas' Little Luna
Chapter 1 Mate
chapter 2 My Mate Doesn't Know?!?!
chapter 3 Yep, I'm Clueless (PART 1)
Chapter 3 Yep, I'm Clueless (PART 2)
Chapter 4 And the Clock Struck Twelve
Chapter 5 Fate Just Hates Me
Chapter 6 Escaping School Guards and Meeting a Genius.
Chapter 7 Interrogations and Stupidity
Chapter 8 It's a Bond Thing
Chapter 10 Accepting The Bond
Chapter 11 Family
Chapter 12 Attractions
Chapter 13 A Twist in School Life
Chapter 14 Die Subway {Part I}
Chapter 15 Die Subway {Part II}
Chapter 16 No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk
Hello All

Chapter 9 Red Eyes and the Barrier Affects

23.5K 621 46
By JaneEdwinstowe

Hey it been a long time since I have written and that is because the school has blocked this website. I am so sorry and  i just cant get over the fact that. I was helpless to get another chapter out to the public. Any way here it is. :}


Chapter 9 - Red Eyes and the Barrier Affects

{Riley POV}

I HATE Life! Apparently Freddie will not be able to come due to a political thing in my uncles company. Although it is pretty much resolved, he has to go back to Saudi Arabia for a whole month.  I wanted to tell who ever caused this to go eat dried leaves and live under a rock because, come on, I really miss my extended family. I miss Fred especially because he has been the closest thing to a brother I have ever had.

I sit down and see the news flash on tv. It depicts a small mob break out, nothing to serious, and then I see my uncle announcing that he will be returning to Saudi Arabia. I feel like crying. For a whole week I was excited about nothing. 

It has been a week since I have had my hopes up only to see them crushed to the ground by a brief phone cal from my Aunt. I sigh as I switch off the tv and make myself breakfast. Sunday morning and nothing to do. Off my cycle, bored, and nothing to do. Hmmm.  A run would be good right about now, as  I dump the cereal, finish  the last bites to my eggs and pancakes. 

I run upstairs almost forgetting that Bellina has Sundays off. I rush back downstairs and quickly clean my dirty dishes and run back up to my room and change into a 'just do it' Nike purple shirt with black and neon pink running shorts. I put on some neon green/pink and black Nike's and get my iphone. I look at the time that reads 7:00. I walk out the door and lock it.

I start my trek with just the neighborhood, but for some reason Misty wants to run more than usual so after we finish the track we head out. I jog down the rode and then into another neighborhood, I feel the adrenaline and power in each step. the light sprinkle and mist puts me in a nostalgic mood as I run along a beaten path into the woods. 

I feel alive and for some reason I  never want to stop. I go on until i realize that I am far off from where I began. I start up a very heavy sweat and become dizzy. I stop, panting and sit on the side of the path.  I see black and know I am in trouble. Help! Some one please...Help me!

Red. Glowing red. they follow me. Hungry and curious, yet emotionless. Eyes that seem so familiar, yet i know they are not ones I have sen before. Silver. Silver hair and red eyes. Who is this. What does this person... no. This werewolf want from me. Closer. This creature moves closer to me and pushes against my chest. 

I gasp sitting up. I am back on the path. No longer am I surrounded by darkness, no longer are those eyes watching me. An illusion. That was what it was. I say to myself. Somehow though, they seemed to snap me out of whatever trance I was in.

I get up and look at my phone. It is almost 12:00. A shiver takes over my stiff body and I get up. I some how make it out of those woods and look back. It may have been my imagination,or maybe just an illusion of the remaining mist, but I could almost swear that I see those two glowing eyes.

{Unknown POV}

I tie my long dirty blonde dreads into a pony tail while looking at my reflection. Red eyes stare back at me. No emotion flickers in them, for what emotions could. I am a soulless monster. Humans and werewolves alike would think so to if they knew. If they knew about what I did. I killed. But that was not what made me heartless. It was the fact that I tore it out. Ripped it in half, and replaced it with a stone hard rock. My heart. Some would say what heart. They would be correct since I have none. I lost it long ago when I killed her. When I killed my mate.

I walk outside my cabin and I am instantly hit with a scent. a strong and pleasant scent. So, unique. But how. I made sure a barrier was placed around so I could be left in peace. My wolf growls. Intruder, yet I feel something. Something that should be forbidden. 

I shift into my wolf and follow my nose to the source of the smell. I make the barrier has masked my scent before I make an kind of attempt to get closer to the smell. I hear it before I  see it. A heartbeat. Warm and tender. It is increasing. I am not surprised. The barrier should have made... sniff... her weak.  

I hear her collapse and something inside me urges me to help. I walk toward the girl and hold in the gasp that threatens to erupt. A slim body is before me. However did this delicate werewolf make it inside such powerful barrier. But that is not what surprises me, it her features. Silver hair..just like mine. Although she is passed out her eyes are wide open. Alarmed, I take a step back. A striking purple pierces me. Never have I seen such a brilliant color. Beautiful. Exquisite.

Words cant describe this creature. Immediately I retreat . I can not allow this fragile thing to suffer. I open the barrier and watch from afar as she awakens from her comatose. She looks back just before she leaves, those breathtaking eyes look in my direction in an almost appreciative manner.

{Cole POV}

 The progress of the moving is going well. Almost all the werewolves expected to be here are just about unpacked. kids run around outside the backyard and adults talk outside. Laughter fills the air and an aura of happiness  surrounds everyone. All that changes in an instant. A searing pain encircles my heart. DANGER, my heart screams. MATE. A menacing growl erupts from me and immediately all is silent. I can no longer detect my mates heartbeat, nor her scent. it is almost as if she is.... NO. I refuse to believe it.

In anger and rage my wolf shift. Nothing can stop me and I am sure nothing would try. I take off faster than the blink  of an eyes and soar furiously into the woods, desperately trying to detect her. I make it to her house and mere 5 minutes and know immediately that she is not there. I Howl in frustration. I run my anger out until complete and total fear take over me. Jase, and mike try to get to me after my howl, but I block them out to out of it to respond. My father then enters my mind.

'SON! WHAT IN HEAVEN'S NAME IS GOING ON!!", He yells. " I c-c-can't f-find her.", I gasp out before another howl contorts from me. Dread and pure anguish fill me as I start to shake. I feel sick to mu stomach and almost black out. "Can't find who?", my mother asks in an attempted soothing voice. I hadn't even notice she entered my mind link. My wolf rams into a tree and breaks it. I run around it only for it to collapse on me. Let me just say. A 25 foot oak, no matter the size of a werewolf, hurts like crap.I cry out, mostly from fear for my mate more then the pain I feel in my hind quarters.

" mate', I say in a sorrow-filled howl. My parents gasp. '' YOU FOUND YOU MATE AND DID NOT TELL US", my mother screams, but I could care less. I stop breathing. The only though going through my head is of my mate. I pant and whimper. MATE. I feel tears in my eyes as my wolf curls into a ball. "SON. BREATHE!! SON!!", my father yells. I do not heed his words and slowly start to feel empty.

Just when I feel the first effects of my black out, I hear it. My mate. My mate's heartbeat. I gasp in air and I can almost smell her scent. The bond no longer feels severed. My wolf immediately perks up and searches for her scent. I whimper, but could care less as I run as fast as I can toward her. My salvation, my mate.


Intense Chapter I know and I know it is short. but I hope to update another short chapter then a long one. The book has taken a drastic new turn with this and red eyed character. OOhh lala. Cant wait to find out more about him. check out.......... jk jk. I don't do websites or side logs whatever you wanna call'em. Just wait for more chapters. Sorry it is really short

-_-_-_-_-_-_- Backstage

Cole >passed out  , Riley creepy stalker smile

Riley> creepily taki9ng multiple pictures

Jason: Why is he passed out

Riley: Oh the usually, he thought I was dead orsomethin

Jason: Oh, OK th- WAIT WHATT??!?!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!!

Riley >giggles running away in the sunset with her pictures


Lyla: where is the author

Emily: Dead, I think.

Lyla: should we

Emily: Yep

2 hours later

+++ Happy Dead  Author Day Party+++

Author walks backstage

Emily And Lyla Pale

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