Just Let It Go {Superntural o...

By funghoul_killjoy

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Supernatural oneshots based on songs More



190 8 1
By funghoul_killjoy

"I never meant to be so bad to you, one thing I said that I would never do. A look from you and I would fall from grace, and that would wipe the smile right from my face. Do you remember when we used to dance? And incidence arose from circumstance? One thing led to another, we were young, and we would scream together songs unsung."



"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh. Hey!" Dean and Sam sung Christmas carols as they decorated the tree. Cas sat on the other side of the room cutting snowflakes out of paper and putting them on string to hang them from the ceiling of the bunker. Kevin was in the kitchen making hot cocoa for everyone , and Crowley was still locked in the dungeon, not knowing what he was missing.

"How's it goin' over there, Cas?" Dean asked.

"It's going fine. How does the tree look?" he said, not looking up from the table.

"It looks good. Sam, can you go out and get some more popcorn. I want to make tinsel out of it." Dean smiled.

"Oh, come on, Dean. You'll just end up eating it all." Sam said disapprovingly.


"Fine." Sam gave in. "I'll be back in ten.'

Sam left, and Dean walked over to see if Cas needed help hanging his snowflakes. "Need any help, Cas?"

"No. But you can go get more paper for me. Please?"

"Sure. Any specific color?"

"Pure white. And can you bring back more tape?"

"Yeah. One sec." Dean left the room to get paper and tape from the kitchen. Kevin had the cocoa ready, so Dean took some of that to Cas, too, and one for himself. He came back, and Cas had already made at least fifteen more snowflakes. He ran out of paper, and it was a good thing Dean was bringing more. Dean was helping Cas put the snowflakes on the string as the three of them drank their hot cocoa, and Kevin was looking for Christmas movies on the TV. Sam walked in, carrying three bags full of popcorn. He put the bags down to go find thread and a needle so Dean could make tinsel out of it.

"Sam, there's some more hot cocoa in the kitchen if you want it."

"Thanks, Kevin." Sam left to pour himself a mug of cocoa. Dean and Cas were snuggled up on the couch, while Kevin sat in the chair next to them, leaving Sam having to sit next to the lovebirds. They were both ok with Dean and Cas being together, but it was inevitable. They were eventually going to get together anyway.

They watched a bunch of different movies including a Christmas Carol, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, Frosty Returns, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and It's a Wonderful Life. Cas finally understood why Meg had called him Clarence so many times.

After their movie-marathon, Dean started to make dinner.

"Cas, what are we gonna do with all those snowflakes you made?"

"That's what I need your help with." Sam looked confused. "I need you to help me hang them up. I could use your height to my advantage."

"Great." Sam said sarcastically.

Sam stood up on a ladder, as Cas laid down on the floor using a laser pointer to show Sam where to hang the snowflakes. It was a sight to see. Just as they were finishing up, Dean had dinner ready. He made spaghetti and meatballs with homemade garlic bread. It was really good. Dean had also stocked up on eggnog, and they all had to drink it before it went bad. He recently became a very Christmas-y person, and no one knew why.

"The snowflakes are all hung up, thanks to Sam's help, if you want to see them now."

"Sure. Let's all see what Cas did." They filed into the living room, and looked up at the ceiling. "Uh, Cas? This looks great and all, but what's so special about it?"

"You can't look at it from an angle. You have to lie on the floor and look up." Sam and Kevin looked at Dean with faces that said Really? He just shrugged and got down on the floor. The snowflakes were in formations to look like the words 'Merry Christmas'. It really was cool. A little while later, they all went to bed.


The next morning, Dean wanted to go play out in the snow. He finally had a chance to take a break from the job, and he was going to take it. With only three days until Christmas, he hoped the monsters would lay off a little. Cas wanted to go outside with him. They put on their coats and hats and scarves, and ran outside into the white blanket of snow. All morning, they made snowmen. One for each of them, and they looked like Sam, Dean, Cas, and Kevin. They would show Sam and Kevin later.

"Hey, Cas." Dean called to his boyfriend.


"You wanna make some snowangels?" Cas glared at him. "Too soon?"

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