Fall From Grace

By ladynicks24

7.7K 369 62

This story takes place after the filming of The Dance. Lindsey has broken Stevie's heart and she is left alon... More

After The Dance
Shining Moon
Broken Hearted
You'd Be Lost
Stir Crazy
You Coward Buckingham!
Coming Clean
Descending Into Darkness


528 28 5
By ladynicks24

Stevie laid on a hospital bed a few hours after being admitted. She had her eyes closed; concentrating on the strong thumping sound of her baby's heartbeat which was being closely watched by a fetal monitor wrapped around her belly. When she had arrived at the hospital, her blood pressure was extremely high. Now it had gone down and was normal.
Christine sat in a chair next to the bed flipping through a magazine, not really paying attention to what was on the pages.
Stevie laid there thinking back to her dream of Lindsey attacking her; no he didn't hurt her physically but he sure did emotionally and
in a time when she needed him the most.
Tears spilled down her cheeks as she cried softly.
Christine heard her sniffling and looked up from the magazine. She closed it and put it down on the hospital table. She leaned forward and put her hand on Stevie's and gave it a squeeze.
Stevie's eyes opened and stared into Christine's eyes. Christine's heart broke for her friend; she could see the pain that Lindsey had caused.
"Don't think about anything right now love. Just try to get some sleep, alright? I'm going to stay right here by your side. I'm not going anywhere." Christine said.
Stevie squeezed Christine's hand and smiled a small smile. She closed her eyes and once again listened to the baby's heartbeat and let go of every other thought.

Before Stevie knew it, it was the next day. Her doctor gave her the all clear and released her from the hospital and put her on bed rest for a few days then she would need to come back for a follow up.

The week that followed Stevie ignored Lindsey's phone calls and would have Christine or Karen turn him away from the door when he came knocking wanting to see her.
She thought long and hard of what her next steps were going to be.

Stevie had her follow up to make sure that the baby was doing fine; the doctor gave her the all clear to resume her regular activities but had told her not to stress and to rest as much as possible if she felt tired.
She also spoke to her doctor about what she had decided to do. Her doctor agreed and she was on her way; although he told her absolutely no flying.

Stevie had decided to move back to Arizona; she wanted to be closer to her family.
She didn't want anything to do with Lindsey, and had gone back to her original plan of raising the baby on her own.

Karen began making phone calls to make the arrangements for the move. They would drive the five hour drive to Phoenix.
Stevie had found the perfect house and it was only a few minutes away from her parents home.
Also, with everything going on, her Enchanted Box set was put on hold for now and pushed back until a further date.

Arriving in Phoenix, Stevie went straight to her parents home. She would stay there while Karen, Christine and Mick took care of the move.
Her parents immediately embraced her and told her how beautiful she looked. They were excited to feel the baby kick and couldn't wait to meet their grandson.

After their greetings, Stevie held on to her mother a bit longer as she sobbed in her arms. Stevie's mother Barbara, led Stevie upstairs and into her old bedroom and helped Stevie lie down.
Barbra curled up next to her daughter and held onto her until Stevie let out all of her tears.
Stevie told Barbara everything that had happened with Lindsey.
Barbara was really disappointed in Lindsey for putting her daughter through this; she had always loved him like a son and had hoped that he and Stevie would marry. Now she knew that that will never happen.
Barbara stayed with Stevie until she fell asleep; she tucked Stevie in and kissed her forehead before leaving the room to let her daughter get some rest.

A few weeks passed and everything was settled in Stevie's new home. The nursery was the first room to be set up; it was like the one at the condo.

Stevie's stress levels had gone down immensely. She now breathed a sigh of relief as she was now situated in her new home.

She sat on the rocking chair in the nursery, stroking her now eighth month belly as she rocked gently.
Her eyes were closed as she sang to her son; this was the only time when he was calm.
He was a very active baby now and his kicks were stronger, making them more painful to Stevie. Of course she didn't mind.
Stevie had told Mick the last time she spoke with him that they had a future drummer in the making. Mick beamed at the thought of that and had bought the baby a tiny drum kit that was already set up in the nursery. He couldn't wait to give his nephew drum lessons when he was a bit older.

Stevie had stopped singing as she gasped.
She rubbed the side of her belly where the baby had just kicked.
"Oh god." She cried out as she arched her back.
Christine was walking by when she heard Stevie's voice. "Are you alright Stevie?" She asked walking into the nursery.
"Yes...I'm fine. He's just stretching." Stevie replied with a small chuckle as she relaxed back in the rocking chair.
"How are you holding up love?" Christine asked.
Stevie sighed. "I'm...hanging in there. But...I'm extremely uncomfortable. My whole body aches...my feet are swollen! I'm tired all the time. I might as well move into the bathroom, I'm in there a hundred times a day." She began to sob. "I'm scared Chris! I...don't want to go through this alone! I thought that...he would be by my side. But well, then the truth came out that he had been to lying to me. Chris? Would you...be there with me in the delivery room when the time comes?"
"Awe Stevie, it's all going to be alright. And of course I'll be there with you every step of the way! I can't wait to meet my nephew!" Christine said kneeling down in front of Stevie and placing both hands on her belly. Christine then spoke to Stevie's belly. "Hey little one, it's your auntie Christine here. I'm going to spoil you rotten! Oh yes I am! If mommy says no then you come to auntie Christine and I'll say yes! We are going to drive mommy mad! Oh my goodness! You're going crazy in there!"
Stevie laughed, her belly bouncing. "Oh gosh! I'm in trouble!" She put her hands back on her belly and winced. Stevie closed her eyes and breathed in and out.
Christine stood up and asked again. "Are you alright?"
Stevie nodded. "Yes, it's those Braxton Hicks contractions. They last only a few seconds, I'll be okay. But, I think I'm going to lie down for bit. Maybe I'll take a nap."
"Alright Stevie, I'm going to start dinner and I'll wake you when it's ready." Christine said.
"Thank you Christine. See you later." Stevie said as she struggled to stand up.
Stevie giggled. "Chris? Can you help me?"
Christine chuckled and helped Stevie stand up.
"Thanks again Chris." Stevie said giving her hug.
"Anytime!" Christine said leading the way out of the nursery.

Once in her bedroom, Stevie laid down on her side, trying to fall asleep. Instead of counting sheep, she was thinking of baby names. She had yet to choose one.
Before falling asleep, Stevie began to have a strange feeling; it had nothing to do with her pregnancy but she couldn't understand why she felt so...uneasy.

Back in L.A. Kristen didn't file for divorce. She had told Lindsey that she wasn't going to let him go so easily. She was going to make his life difficult from now on.
Kristen had canceled her surrogate's appointment and had the rest of her eggs frozen until a future time.

As the weeks passed, Lindsey spent most of his time alone in his studio thinking of how much his messed things up. He tried to see Stevie but when he saw that the condo was empty he had called around even calling Barbara to please tell him where Stevie was; of course no one gave him what he wanted to know. He was cursing himself now; he wanted to be there for his son and had hoped that Stevie would call so he could be there when their son was born.

Also, as the weeks passed, Lindsey grew concerned for Kristen's mental state. She had begun talking about their baby. She had told Lindsey that they'll have their baby home with them soon. She had even bought a crib and baby clothes and was setting up a nursery.
"Kristen? What's all this?" He asked.
"Lindsey honey, don't you remember!? Our baby will be home soon!" She said stroking her flat belly.
Lindsey's brow furrowed. "Kristen..." He was cut off.
"Give me your hand! The baby's kicking!" Kristen exclaimed as she grabbed Lindsey's hand and placed it on her belly. "See! Did you feel that?"
Lindsey stared at her with wide eyes. He didn't know how to respond so he just nodded.

Lindsey was at his wits end. One day he called Kristen's mother and asked for help. Kristen's mom had heard what Lindsey had done and the lies he told and wasn't happy with him at all but when she heard how Kristen was doing she had told him she would visit very soon and help her daughter through this.

Sometime after, Kristen came and knocked on his studio door; Lindsey opened it to her and she stepped inside.
"Lindsey, I realize that...my behavior has been...I don't even know. But it hasn't been right. I need sometime away from L.A. I'm going to visit my mom and family. Maybe when I come back, my head will be much clearer." Kristen said.
Lindsey agreed and told her to have a safe trip and to take as much time as she needed.

Stevie's began to feel nervous as her due date drew closer; she was only a few weeks away.
Christine and Karen tried to settle her nerves by giving her words of encouragement, it help a bit and had settled some of her fears but still she just couldn't shake off that feeling that crept into her mind; the feeling of unease.

One afternoon, Stevie was making some tea for her and Christine, Karen had to fly to L.A. to take care of somethings for Stevie.
She had just set tea cups on a tray when she heard the doorbell. "I'll get it!" She told Christine.
Stevie's eyes were wide when she opened the door and saw Kristen standing in front of her.
"Kristen, what..." She began.
"Oh Stevie! Look at you! He's grown since the last time we saw each other!" Kristen gushed. She took a step inside and put her hands on Stevie's belly.
Stevie felt uneasy and took a step back. "Kristen, what are you doing here? How...did you find me?"
Kristen collected herself and said. "Oh I'm sorry Stevie. I just...had to getaway for a bit. It's been hell with Lindsey. I filed for divorce and he won't sign the papers! He just won't let me go. And I had to do some detective work to find you. I just, didn't know where else to go." She began to sob.
Stevie had her guard up but said. "Well, come sit in the living room. Christine and I are making some tea. Join us."
Christine had come into the living room with the tray of tea and two cups were already filled. Christine raised an eyebrow as she saw Kristen walk in with Stevie.
"Christine, can you grab another cup for Kristen? Please." Stevie asked. Christine placed Stevie's cup on her side of the coffee table in front of them and left her's on the tray.
Christine nodded trying to read Kristen but all that she had gotten was that Kristen looked helpless. Christine walked back into the kitchen and Kristen had asked Stevie about some art piece that was hanging on the wall. Stevie turned and Kristen slipped something into her tea cup. Stevie turned back around and Kristen asked about another art piece and quickly added something into Christine's cup and stirred quickly with her finger before Stevie turned back around.
"They're lovely! You have to tell me where you got them!" Kristen's asked happily.
Christine came back with an extra cup and poured some tea for Kristen.
They all sat down and sipped on their tea. Kristen had told them that they had went through with the surrogacy. It had only been a month or so but told them that she was too excited to wait so she began to decorate the nursery. Also she told them that even though she filed for divorce, they were going to settle on a custody agreement. Then she went back to her story of Lindsey not wanting to sign the divorce papers.
Stevie had almost finished hers when she got quiet. She began to feel funny.
Christine was halfway through her tea when she sat up and asked. "Kristen, how did you find us? No one knows we are here and the people who do know wouldn't have told you."
"Well...I..." Kristen began.
Stevie began to breath heavily and sat on the edge of the couch as she held her belly.
Christine turned to look at her. "Stevie? What's...wrong?" She asked and began yawning.
"I...don't know. This...does not feel like a Braxton Hicks!" Said Stevie.
Christine yawned again. "Oh jeez! Why am I so sleepy all of a sudden?"
Stevie's breathing became normal again.
Kristen put down her cup and said. "Why don't you lay down for a bit? I'll keep Stevie company."
Christine yawned again then nodded her head way too sleepy to function properly.
Stevie settled back down on the couch and drank the last bit of her tea not thinking much of it.
"Would you like some more tea Stevie?" Kristen asked.
Stevie shook her head. "No thanks."
Kristen cursed internally; she needed to get Stevie to drink another cup to make the process go faster. She had done some research and got her hands on a medication to induce labor. As for Christine, she had slipped in crushed sleeping pills into the tea cup.
"I'm going to check on Christine, I'll be back." Stevie said as she stood up.
Kristine nodded and smiled. When Stevie was out of the room, she poured some more tea for herself then put the rest of the medication into the teapot, hoping that Stevie would change her mind.
Kristen was sipping on her tea when Stevie came back.
"She's out like a light! Wow, Christine never takes a nap! I wonder why she was so tired."
Stevie sat back down on the couch, she closed her eyes.
"Is everything alright Stevie?" Kristen asked.
"Yes I think so; it's just, I'm starting to feel some cramping. I mean, I've felt them before, but this...feels different." Stevie said as she put her hands on her belly.
Kristen stared at Stevie's belly with envy; she wished it was her who was carrying Lindsey's child. She quickly pulled herself together and said. "I feel so lonely drinking tea on my own. Why don't you just drink one more cup while I finish mine?"
Stevie sighed. "Alright, maybe it'll help settle my stomach."
Kristen smiled and said. "Maybe. I'll pour you some more. Just sit back and relax."
Kristen poured some tea from the teapot that was tainted with medication into Stevie's cup and handed it to her.
They sat in silence drinking their tea. Kristen waiting impatiently. She smiled and thought to herself. "It's almost time. She'll begin her labor, then, I'll get my baby!"

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