Made In The A.M. (BWWM/ INTER...

By KoolLePlaisir

447K 15K 4.1K

'Won't you stay till the a.m.? All my favourite conversations Always made in the a.m. 'Cause we don't know wh... More

1: The Beginning
2: Mrs. Hendry?
3: Don't
4: Missing You
5: Speak Now
6: When I Realized 'It's You' (1)
7: When I Realized 'It's You' (2)
8: Moments of Heaven & Hell
9: +
10: EXit That Way
11: Mr. Hendry
12: ❌ed My Path
13: Spending Time
14: Fuck You
15: Before Thought
16: Ticking Clocks
17: Wild Boys
18: A.M.
20: Family to Foe
21: Gifts From the Past
22: No More Games
23: All About You
24: Guy Talk
25: Trouble Finds You
26: Set That Bitch Straight
27: Thanksgiving Pettiness
28: No Letting Go
29: Turning Pages
30: One Last Chance

19: My Vows To You

10.4K 356 96
By KoolLePlaisir

Hi. So here is the wedding. I hope that you like it. There will be a lot of pictures because I want you to be able to visually see it almost as if you were there too. Also, this has nothing to do with this chapter but, I recently found out that Max's name is not Maxwell. I just went out on a whim because his stuff is under lock and key. I found his Twitter and one of his friends called him 'Maxim' which is what I originally thought off top were the names, Maximus and Maximillian came to my mind for what his name could be, but after searching through Google, "Maxwell' seemed plausible. Anyways, I will be changing his name to Maxim. Please excuse my rambling! Without further ado, the wedding!

P.s. Don't forget to vote/ comment what you think! This will be a long chapter and as usual, this is unedited! Deuces!

Third Person

Today was the day. Today is the day that everything they have worked for pays off. Today is the day that Stephen and Anastasia join together as one in front of man and God. Neither of them has seen the other since earlier in the morning. Ana was tired but she played the role of a well rested bride perfectly while Stephen was standing outside on the patio, one of many of the venue staring off into the horizon.

He was not sure how he was feeling at the moment but he was definitely lost in a whirlwind of emotions. "Steph, you good?", Max asked coming out onto the patio to stand beside his friend. He was dressed in his suit that was tailored to his desires with a pair of dress shoes on his feet that cost a couple of hundreds of dollars.

Stephen glanced over at his friend before his eyes wandered back to the view before him. "I should be", he responded after a moment.

Max's brows furrowed together, looking at his friend and brother, a look of confusion on his handsome face. "What does 'should be' mean? You are not having second thoughts are you?", he asked.

Stephen did not answer him right away, his mind being elsewhere.

"Steph, you cannot possibly be having second thoughts about going through with this? You are about to get married within the next hour and I did not put on this damn suit for nothing", Max said after a few minutes had passed and Stephen still had not answered him.

Stephen turned to him suddenly, but he did not say anything immediately. He stared at Max like he was trying to figure something out and the answer was on his face before turning away again. "No. I am not second guessing anything. I just have a feeling that something might happen and I do not want anything to ruin this day. We come too far for us to just let it all fall apart when we are at the finish line", he responded.

Max sighed relieved and peeved. "So what do you want to do? I can ask the lads to be on lookout just in case", he said.

Stephen shook his head, "No, just forget about it. I do not want to ruin anyone else's time and if you tell them then they will make Ana suspicious. She will worry and do not want my love worrying on our special day. It is probably nothing but my own paranoia so just forget it and enjoy yourself", he said and ran a hand through his hair feeling frustrated.

Max hummed before giving him a pat on the back. "You enjoy today. Today is your wedding day and you should be smiling instead of whatever this is. You look like you are about to walk into a funeral instead of your own wedding. I am going to get you a drink because you are way too tense, bro. I will be back shortly and hopefully you have whatever that is bothering you sorted out", he responded before taking his leave, leaving Stephen alone on the patio once again.

Max went downstairs to order drinks for himself and Stephen but ran into Miroslav in the lobby area.

"Yo', Stephen ready to go?", Miroslav called out to Max as he rushed by.

Max grunted whirling around to face him. "I think, but that depends on how you define 'ready to go'", he responded.

Miroslav raised a brow at his disgruntle looking friend. "The wedding is happening, right?", he asked. Max nodded and he smiled picking up his drink off the table, raising it to his mouth. "That's all I needed to know. The rest can wait until later", he said before taking a big gulp of his drink.

Max rolled his eyes and shook his head at his friend before continuing on his way.


Anastasia was sitting infront of a full-body mirror in the bride's suite. She was anxious and... nervous? She understood her anxiousness, but the nervousness she felt was tied to something much more deeper. It was like she was waiting for something, but what she was aware. She is getting married in mere minutes and she is excited. She has dreamed of this day since she was old enough to understand the true meaning of love and marriage.

She was so ready, but she could not shake this little nagging feeling at the back of her mind that something was out of place. She was not even in her dress yet, but she could still see herself dressed with Fin standing beside her with a smile on his handsome face.

"Queen, it is time for you to get in your dress", Harmony said coming to stand beside her in the mirror. She was already dressed and ready to walk down the aisle, and honestly, she looks beautiful in her bridesmaids' dress.

It was not her usual choice of clothing, but it did look good on her. Today was not about her, but her bestfriend and sister. So she had sucked it up and wore the dress that Ana's mama had picked out for the bridesmaids because Ana did not want to in case they did not like them.

Ana nodded smiling to herself before turning away from the mirror and walking over to where Octavia stood quietly with her dress in her hands. The two women helped her into her dress and made sure that she did not fall or tear her dress as she stepped into her shoes.

The three friends and sisters stood before the mirror staring at themselves with a smile adorning their faces.

"Wow", Ana breathed feeling her eyes begin to water. "I cannot believe that the woman in the mirror is me", she said staring at her reflection.

"Yeah, and yet you still wonder why I call you Queen", Harmony commented sarcastically making Ana roll her eyes, her smile still ever present on her face.

"Hush, heifer", she responded teasingly.

"You look gorgeous, sis", Octavia complemented smiling at her through the mirror.

"She better after spending over an hour in a chair getting glamorous", Harmony said adjusting her dress a little.

"I look pretty with a beat face or a fresh one", Ana said haughtily and Harmony pinched her making her flick her on the forehead in retaliation.

"What the hell you flick my forehead for, Belle? You could have smudged my makeup. It is not my fault you are marrying the beast. You wanted to on your own freewill", Harmony  said glaring at her briefly before checking her makeup in the mirror.

"You know, you are so right about calling Fin 'the Beast'. He is a real beast in the sheets and just thinking about being alone with my man has me quivering in need. Okay ladies, now let's go. I have a man to marry", Ana responded casually as if she had not just been sharing a little bit of her sex life with her soon to be husband with her sisters. She turned and walked away from the mirror over to the doors out into the hallway where her parents and brother patiently waited for her.

When her parents laid eyes on their daughter they began to tear up. There she is. Their little girl is not little anymore. She is a grown woman starting a family of her own and about to walk down the aisle to her husband. They were so proud of her.

Her brother was proud of the woman his sister has become. She had not been a very worldly girl growing up. She kept her head buried in books growing up. She was good girl. She had her times where she had her fun, but she never got out of control. She wanted to make something of herself and look at her now. She exceeded all of their expectations and he could not help but feel prideful as he took in how beautiful his little sister looks on her wedding day.

"You look...", her mama said trailing off, tears spilling from her eyes as she stared at her baby.

"Beautiful, sis. You look beautiful", her brother, Anthony said finishing for their mama, a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Ant. You look spiffy yourself", Ana responded smiling at her brother making everyone laugh.

"You are still a dork, Sia", Anthony commented making her roll her eyes.

"And you still are a pain in the-", Ana started before her mama interrupted her.

"What? If you say 'ass' I will whoop yours. Do not think just because you are about to get married and have a baby that you are too grown for me tear that ass up", their mama said with her hands on her hips, much like Ana's own.

"I was going to say 'butt' mama. I would not disrespect you and daddy like that. Ant, I just might", Ana said raising her hands up in defense just in case her mama decided to start swinging.

Her brother tsked crossing his arms over his chest while her dad snickered, covering it up with a cough when his wife swatted at him.

Her mama hummed, "You better not. I brought you into this world and I will take you out", she responded.

Behind her Anthony rolled his eyes while her dad just shook his head at his wife. He was always the more lenient one of the parents.

Ana held back the laughter threatening to bubble up out of her and smiled at her mama innocently. "We know, mama. Now if you will excuse us, daddy, Ant, we all need to get a move on", she said ushering the two men down the hallway to the exit so that she can get into position. Her daddy would be walking her halfway and her brother would walk her the rest of the way to the altar as a way of passing the torch. From father to brother to husband.

The music for the groomsmen and bridesmaids could be heard as the three approach the exit. Anthony went ahead and went took his position at a side door that he would make his entrance to the aisle from leaving Ana and their father to have a moment alone before she was to be passed down to her husband at the altar.

"You look gorgeous, princess. I am so proud of you. You and your brother are your mama and I's pride and joy. I am so happy that you have found someone that can love you the way that I love your mama and I am grateful that it is Stephen. That man has been chasing you for over a decade and hopefully he will be loving you and cherishing you for eternity. I love you, Anastasia", her dad said linking arms with her as they stood in front of the doors.

Ana took her bouquet from the director, sniffling to keep herself from bursting out in tears and ruining her makeup.

"Thank you, daddy. I hope so too and thank you and mama for showing Anthony and I what love really is. I look up to y'all and Fin's parents. You guys are what love looks like and embodies it with every single breath you take for the other. I hope that Stephen and I can be that too. I love you too, daddy", she responded fanning herself to dry took keep the tears that had gathered in her eyes from spilling. 

"Okay. Your song is about to start Mrs. Hendry. Goodluck and it was a pleasure working with you and your husband", the coordinator, Jennifer, said a friendly smile on her face.

Ana returned her smile with one of her own. "Thank you and the pleasure was all ours. You did a wonderful job and we will definitely be recommending you to all of our friends", she responded sincerely.

The music began and Ana took a deep breath before letting it out as the double doors opened revealing her and her dad to everyone.

Everyone was standing and waiting for the bride. That was when she could not hold them anymore, the tears. As her and her dad took the first step onto the path to her husband, the tears finally were able to spill from her eyes as she took everything in.

It was beautiful and she felt breathless when her eyes finally landed on Stephen standing at the altar watching her in awe as she made her way to him. She went from her father to her brother, tears streaming down her face.

"You are becoming a woman", Anthony commented making her chuckle as they made their way to Stephen who patiently waited with a big grin on his face.

"I have been a woman for a while now", she responded bumping her hip against her brother's, not caring that everyone was watching.

"Yeah, but as your brother I like to pretend that you are just getting there", he responded smiling at her. "I am proud of you, you know?", he added.

"Thank you. That means a lot, Ant", she whispered just before they came to stand before Stephen and the reverend.

"Who gives this woman?", the reverend asked.

"I do", Anthony responded unlinking his arm from his sister's and stepping back as she linked arms with Stephen.

"Is this really happening, Finny?", she asked breathlessly.

Stephen chuckled, "This is really happening, love", he whispered, resisting the urge to kiss her right then and there as they stood before the reverend. She looks stunning and he cannot wait to get her alone to show her just how much he thinks so.

"To all present I say: We are gathered here, not to witness the beginning of what will be, but rather what already is! We do not create this marriage, because we cannot. We can and do, however, celebrate with Stephen James Hendry and Anastasia Kaye Williams the wondrous and joyful occurrence that has already taken place in their lives, and the commitment they make today.", the reverend spoke while the couple stared into one another's eyes, seemingly unable to look away from one another.

'My God, this is actually happening', Ana thought getting lost in Stephen's eyes, faintly hearing the reverend as he continued to speak.

"True marriage begins well before the wedding day, and the efforts of marriage continue well beyond the ceremony's end. A brief moment in time and the stroke of the pen are all that is required to create the legal bond of marriage, but it takes a lifetime of love, commitment, and compromise to make marriage durable and everlasting. Today you declare your commitment to each other before family and friends. Your yesterdays were the path to this moment, and your journey to a future of togetherness becomes a little clearer with each new day."

'My love looks so amazing. I cannot believe that she is all mine. God please, let me keep her as happy and in love as she looks right now', Stephen thought, praying to himself that this was all really happening and not a dream before tuning back in as the reverend announced it was time for them to say their vows.

"Stephen, your vows", he said looking at him expectantly.

Stephen chuckled taking Ana's hands into his and giving them a squeeze for reassurance for the both of them.

"Hi, love. You look so gorgeous. I know that everyone was expecting me to have written something, but you know that that is not really my style. I wanted to speak to you from my heart and so, hear goes: Anastasia Kaye Williams, you have no idea how much you truly mean to me. I have loved you for so long that it has become second nature for me to do so. I wake up in the morning with you on my mind and go to sleep at night thinking of you. You have taking over my very being and I cherish every second I get to spend with you. You saved me, love", he said before pausing for a moment, feeling choked up. "You saved me from being alone and never truly knowing the beauty of loving someone so amazing and being loved back by them. Thank you for giving me a chance. Today before everyone and God, I vow to you that I will never stop loving you. I vow to be your comfort, confident, and protector. I vow as your man, husband, and bestfriend for the rest of our lives to never let you go or give up on you and us. Because love, one glimpse into those beautiful catlike irises of yours and I was a goner. I love you and thank you, here before everyone for never giving up on me."

"Damn", Ana breathed blushing when Stephen chuckled.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes to try to calm herself down so that she could say her vows, because being overwhelmed does not even begin to properly describe the way that she is feeling right now after hearing Stephen's vows.

"Anastasia, your vows", the reverend said smiling encouragingly at her.

She licked her lips, Stephen's eyes following her tongue as it glided across her lips making her smirk a little as their eyes met once again.

"Finny, I had written down my vows because you know that that is more my style, but after hearing you speak from your heart. They seem so dull in comparison eventhough I wrote from my heart. I will let you read them tonight when we are alone. Stephen, you drive me crazy sometimes. You make me feel like I am not enough sometimes because you are such perfection in my eyes. I find myself viewing your flaws as perfections as well. The love I have for you dates back to our childhood. I remember meeting you. You were so quiet and reserved. I had not met anyone like you back then, a boy like you. I tried talking to you but you ignored me and I did not like that all", she paused chuckling a little at the memory. "I snatched your book out of your hand and kept it out of your reach until you pushed me and I fell, rolling down the steps onto the sidewalk. You looked horrified and when you came to my aid and kissed it better, I knew. I knew that you would be someone special in my life. I have basically watched you grow from a boy to an amazing man and I am so blessed to be standing here with you today. Today and for the rest of our lives, before everyone here. I vow to never stop loving you. I vow to hold onto you and never let go. I vow that I will have faith in you and trust in you. I vow to not let my insecurities get the best of me. I, as your woman, wife, and bestfriend, here before everyone, vow that I will never leave you alone and that I will always be here to help you carry any and all burdens. I vow to never turn my back on you. You are it for me, Finny, and I will never nor could ever love another as I do you. I love you, Stephen James Hendry", she finished, tears streaming down her face freely as she stared deep into Stephen's eyes.

Stephen let go of her left hand and reached up wiping away her tears as he stared deeply into his love's eyes. He felt so enraptured with joy that he was practically glowing like the Sun as he stared into her eyes. She is all that he can see and he had no care in the world of anyone's opinion about him crying as well as they exchanged rings with one another.

"Wedding rings are made precious by our wearing them. Your rings say that even in your uniqueness you have chosen to be bound together. Let these rings also be a sign that love has substance as well as soul, a present as well as a past, and that, despite its occasional sorrows, love is a circle of happiness, wonder, and delight. May these rings remind you always of the vows you have taken here today.", the reverend said gesturing for the best man, Maxim, and the maid of honor, Harmony, to step forward with the rings.

"Stephen say your ring statement then place the ring on Anastasia's ring finger then vice versa", the reverend instructed receiving a nod from the couple as they took their rings from their bridesmaid and groomsmen before they stepped back into their respective places with the other bridesmaids and groomsmen.

"With my body, I thee worship
With my heart, I thee cherish
Would all that I am, I give unto you
Would all that I have, I share with you
From this day until forever done.
With this ring, I thee wed", Stephen said and slid his ring onto Ana's finger.

"I will wear it gladly. Whenever I look at it, I will remember this joyous day and the vows and commitments that we have made.", Ana responded sliding her ring onto Stephen's, who was grinning like the Cheshire cat, finger.

The reverend smiled at the two before announcing, "You may now kiss".

Stephen and Anastasia stared into each other's eyes, their lips getting closer before they met in loving kiss. Her arms going around his neck and his her waist as they embraced before everyone for the first time as husband and wife, the sounds of applause faintly being heard in the background over the sounds of their racing hearts.

"Family and Friends, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Stephen James Hendry", the reverend declared, Stephen and Ana separating with grins on their faces.

"And now it is time for the candles of unity before we go", the reverend announced signaling for the parents of the bride and groom to step forward, each now holding a candle.

Each mother holds an unlit candle. Fathers light the mother's candles, then mother's use those candles to light bride and groom candles; followed by bride and groom lighting the larger unity candle with their respective candles.

"On this day you make a new light together, symbolizing the two becoming one. May you also continue to recognize that separateness from which your relationship has sprung. May the lights of your own special lives continue to feed the new flame of love which will fuel your future together -- through all its hopes and disappointments, its successes and failures, its pleasures and its pains, its joys and its sorrows -- a future filled with the warmth and love of the flame you share today...", the reverend spoke as they lit the candles, pausing and watching as Stephen and Anastasia lit the unity candle.

"May a kind God forever bless this marriage. And so it is. Again, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Stephen James Hendry", the reverend said finishing the ceremony, music playing softly in the background.

Stephen and Ana shared a chaste kiss before walking down the aisle laughing and smiling as husband and wife with their parties in tow while everyone else applauded.

The guests made their way to the reception area while the two parties stayed behind to take a few last pictures together. The first ones to be taken were of the the bride and groom then each with their parties followed by some of each with their maid of honor and best man, and lastly of them solo. When pictures were all said and done they all made their way inside to the reception walking with their respective partners.

"We are finally married", Ana said as they made their way to the elevator and rode it upstairs to the second floor.

Stephen nodded, "We are finally married. You are officially Mrs. Hendry now", he responded with a prideful smile on his face as they exited the elevator and made their way over to the grand staircase. He watched Ana walk across the bridge to the other side for them to make their grand entrance into the reception.

"I love you, Mrs. Hendry", Stephen called across the way to Ana.

"I love you too, Mr. Hendry", she called back and blew him a kiss that he caught right before their que.

"And now presenting, Mr. And Mrs. Stephen Hendry!", the DJ announced and the guests began applauding as they made their way down the stairs to the landing before clasping hands and intertwining their fingers together then descending the stairs together to the reception.

They stood under the gazebo like structure that was covered in white flowers smiling and waving at their guests before posing for some pictures then making their way to the dance floor for their first dance.

"May I have this dance, love?", Stephen asked bowing a little as he held a hand out to her, all while staring into her beautiful eyes causing Ana giggle.

She curtsy, "You may, handsome", she responded taking his hand.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and the other held her hand while her free arm went around his neck loosely, her hand resting on his back as they gently swayed to the sounds of K-Ci and JoJo's voices playing through the speakers. 

"You have no idea how badly I want you right now, love. You so stunning and cannot wait to tear that dress off you", Stephen husked into Ana's ear sending a spark of arousal through her body.

She hummed letting go of his hand and placing it around his neck to pull his head down into a passionate kiss. Everyone else had ceased to exist to them as everything faded into the background and they melted into their own world. Stephen's hands had taken on a mind of their own as they made their way from her waist to her butt where they firmly grasped her cheeks, giving them a nice little squeeze as his tongue delved into her mouth. There were wolf whistles and clapping as they started to get a little carried away before the clearing of a throat had woken them up from their trance like state. The newlyweds reluctantly pulled away from each other, but not being able to handle being away from one another, they settled for wrapping an arm around the other as they faced the person that broke their love bubble, their mothers.

"Boy, I thought I was going to have to slap you off of her. There are children here and people that does not need to see all of that", their mum scolded smacking Stephen upside his head, sending Ana into a giggling fit while her husband pouted like a child.

"Don' be giggling too much, Anastasia. I will beat yuh ass for encouraging the boi", their mama chided, hands on her hips, ceasing Ana's giggling.

Stephen smirked and kissed her on the forehead before addressing their mothers. "Mum, mama, we apologize for getting a little carried away, but please understand that we have been away from each other these last few days and missed each other dearly", Stephen apologize half-heartedly, fibbing a little to save face.

Mama folded her arms across her chest while mum's hands came to rest on her hips, a motherly glare on both of their pretty faces. "We understand that you missed each other, but we know that you two spent the night together", mum responded.

Before either could deny it or defend themselves, mama spoke.

"A mother always knows. We had you, we know you almost as much as you know yourselves and as much time that you both have spent at our houses we have learned the other too. So we knew that one of you would crack and seek out the other. You two could never be away from each other for long since you met as kids. So we let you be", mama explained.

"Exactly, April. So you two save that for later, and sweetheart, next time be considerate of your neighbors. Son, mum's proud of you for being able to make your wife sing like a cannery", mum said proudly giving Stephen a pat on the back causing the newlyweds blush and April to giggle.

Stephen groaned covering his face with free tattooed hand that was not occupied with a handful of his wife's butt. "Mum", he groaned embarrassed that their mothers had heard them.

"Oh son, hush. You should be proud that you make your scream like that in the throes of passion. A satisfied woman does not stray and from what I heard you really know how to satisfy a woman. Groan again and I will announce it on the microphone", mum said nonchalantly, but you could see a mischievous smile playing at her lips.

"Oh, Tavia, Ton. Hi!", Ana said to the passing couple, slipping away from the mothers leaving her husband alone to face their wrath. 

Keyton and Octavia looked at her questioningly as she linked arms with them and walked with them to the wedding party table.

"You two just saved me from mama and mum", Ana said wistfully making Keyton smirk knowingly while Octavia raised a brow in amusement.

"What exactly did we save you from?", Octavia asked making Ana blush all over again.

She cleared her throat before leaning in so noone else would hear her besides them. "They heard us", she said lowly.

Keyton and Octavia glanced at each other and burst out laughing.

"Are you serious? They heard you two fucking?", Keyton laughed causing a few heads to turn in amusement and curiosity.

Ana turned beet red in embarrassment amused buried her face in her hands trying to hide.

"And here I thought it was Mony and Sov just for you to confess to your sins", Max said seeming to have appeared out of thin air with a drink in his hand.

"Shut up, Maxim", Ana grumbled peaking from behind her hands up at him as he came and stood beside her.

He smirked clearly amused by her response. "Shouldn't I be the one telling you that. After all, you screaming kept me up earlier this morning. Tell Steph I am proud that he can make you scream that loud", he teased before spinning out of the way chuckling when Ana swatted at him and walked away to go mingle with the other groomsmen.

"I am going to get you, Maxim", Ana called after him and huffed as she redirected her attention back to the laughing couple before her. She gave them a drawl stare that sobered them up.

"Sorry, that is just pretty funny", Keyton defended half-heartedly making Ana roll her eyes.

"Well, I am glad that I could humor you two. Excuse me, I am going to save my husband from our parents", she said noticing that their fathers have now joined their mothers in talking with Stephen. She walked over to them with determined strides where they all stood by the staircase now as guests took to the dance floor.

"And here comes the bride", Papa Hendry said announcing Ana's approaching presence, a smile on his face.

Ana walked up to him and hugged him before attaching herself to her husband's side.

Fin turned his head to her and leaned down pecking her on the lips, a promising look in his eyes that made her womanhood quiver in anticipation.

The rest of the night was spent mingling with guests and dancing. From what the newlyweds could see, everyone was having a good time and when it was time to cut the cake everyone gathered around to take pictures and record videos of the cutting of the cake.

She picked up the cutter and he placed his hand over her's before they held it just above the bottom layer ready to cut in a second, holding it there for a moment so everyone could get a picture. Then they cut into the marble flavored cake and placed the slice onto a saucer. Stephen held it while the both of them broke off a piece of cake and crossed their arms with one another like you would do with flutes in your hand.

"Open wide, baby", Ana said in a sultry voice as the two stared into each other's eyes.

Stephen smirked stepping closer to his wife. "Shouldn't I be the one saying that, love. After all, that is usually what I tell you when I am about to make you wither beneath me", he responded, his voice an octave deeper.

She bit her lip before opening her mouth as he did so as well and fed the piece of cake to him. He did the same, both sucking on the other's fingers before laughing at one another. They were both apparently having the same thoughts which they found amusing.

"I really hope that you are in the sucking mood later, love", Stephen mumbled into he ear before laying a gentle kiss to her head.

She hummed eating the piece of cake in her mouth before leaning up and pecking him on the lips.

"I am in the mood for more than sucking, Mr. Hendry", she whispered in his ear before retracting from him and smiling at everyone.

The newlyweds spent another hour eating, drinking, dancing, and talking with their guests before calling it a night and heading to their hotel for the night. In the morning they would be getting on a plane to Jamaica, but for now they just needed to feel each other. They needed to surround each other in the others essence.

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You do not have to read this part if you do not want to. This is the mature part so read if you want to. Again, you do not have to. You can leave it here and this be the end of the chapter.
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Almost as soon as Ana stepped foot in the room her back was slammed up against the adjacent wall and her lips were covered by Stephen's in a seering kiss. No words were exchanged between the two as they finally gave into their sexual desires. She turned, her back to his front, her back arched thrusting her butt against his hardness. "Fuck, take this off now", Stephen demanded unzipping her dress and stepping back to watch it fall down her flawless body to pool at her feet.

"Take me, baby", she said seductively as she stepped out of her dress. She turned around to face him and his eyes were smoldering. His pupils were blown with lust and she could not help the giggle that passed her lips at the knowledge of her being the cause.

"How do you want it, love? Fast and hard or nice and slow? Extra naughty or extra nice?", Stephen asked pulling his shirt out of his pants.

She bit her lip as she walked over to the bed and climbed onto it, mulling it over in her head. She sat up on her knees, knees spread and flipped her hair over her shoulders.

She looked at him and motioned for him to come closer. He walked over to the bed slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

"I want you to give it to me extra naughty and finish it extremely nice", Ana whispered unfastening her bra then holding it in place before it fell exposing her breasts to her husband.

Stephen bit his lip as he unbuttoned the last button of his shirt. "Come here, baby", he whispered taking off his shirt. His eyes burned into her skin as he watched her hands fall away from her breasts before she crawled towards him, stopping at the foot of the bed and sitting back on her hunches. He reached out running his fingers through her hair a few times, her eyes falling shut in content, before grabbing a fistful of her hair and jerking her up onto her knees. He leaned down and brushed his lips against her's a few times before kissing her tenderly. He reached down and cupped her ass in his hands giving it a firm squeeze before shoving her backwards on the bed.

He kicked off his shoes and took off his socks before climbing on the bed on top of her until he was sitting just above her upper abdominal on his knees. She sat up using her arms to support her upper half. She smiled up at him innocently, her catlike eyes drawing him deeper into his lust filled haze.

He leaned down, his lips brushing her's as he stared deeply into his love's eyes. "I have another vow that I did not make to you. I wanted to wait until we were alone before making it to you", he mumbled reaching his hand out and cupping her face in his hand. "And what is this special vow, Finny?", she whispered, slightly panting in anticipation.

He pecked her on the lips before simply just resting his on her's as spoke his vow. "I vow to always please you sexually. To always make you cum at least twice whenever I play this body like a finely tuned guitar. I will always give you pleasure when the time arises for the occasion. I vow to you before God that I will always take care of your needs for as long as I shall live", he vowed against her lips. 

She could not take it anymore. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down on top of her a as she began dominating his mouth. She undoes his pants and pushes them along with his briefs below his butt.

With an unknown strength she rolled them over so that she was on top of her husband staring down at him like a predator. She slid up and down his body sucking, kissing, and caressing until he had enough of her teasing.

He grabbed a fistful of her hair and guided her head downwards towards the one place he really needs her to take care of, his dick that stood tall and proud. The head was purple and the veins that ran up and down it were prominent he was shot hard. He guided her mouth to it and she latched onto his head and began suckling it like the nipple of a bottle. He threw his head back, eyes clenched shut as he bathed in the pleasure his love was giving him with her talented mouth. "Shit, just like that baby", he said in a shuddered breath, groaning when she took more of him into her warm wet mouth.

She went down further on his length, using her tongue to lick at it all the way to his base. He was in her throat and she could feel him throbbing. She stayed there for a few seconds before retracting and began bobbing her head up and down on him. She  sucked, slurped, licked, and deep throated his hardness until he felt himself about to cum. That was not how he wanted to cum and he knew that if he did not stop her than she would keep going until she sucked him dry. His grasp on her hair tightened so tight that she moaned in pain around him nearly sending right over the edge when he yanked her head back freeing his hardness from one of two of his personal heavens.

They were both panting as they tried to catch their bearings. She stared up at him tracing every line and dip of his face licking her lips slowly, tasting the remnants of his milk on her lips.  He had his head tilted back, eyes and jaw clenched shut trying to catch his bearings. After a minute he relaxed his jaw and opened his eyes rolling his shoulders before tilting his head downwards. Their eyes met in a heated stare as she climbed up his body. His hands moved from her hair down her neck pass her breasts to her sides.

They slowly moved further downwards to her hips where he gently caressed them before sliding his hands behind her to her big arse groping it. She sat on her knees straddling his waist, her thong covered sex on his naked hard on. Her skin had ignited and her blood was rushing. She was extremely wet and he could feel it as she ground her sex against his. She ground harder, riding him until she hit her peak letting out a soft moan of his name as she did so. She was shuddering in the aftershocks of ecstasy and nearly missed one of his hand reaching further to her front and rubbing her clit, making her orgasm last longer.

Stephen sat up taking her left nipple into his mouth as he continued playing her clit making his wife a moaning mess, but it was all a distraction. While she was occupied with one of his hands being on her clit and his mouth working her chest, he used his other hand to move aside her panties. He switched his mouth to her right nipple and sped up his hand, her hips rocking vigorously now chasing another orgasm. He looked up at her blissed out face, a smirk coming to his before thrusting his hips upwards sharply and impaling her with his dick. She screamed startled from the sudden pleasurable pain she was feeling as he buried himself deep inside of her with one thrust. He gave himself a mental pat on the back for hitting the bullseye on his first try as he began began a brutal pace, pounding her into submission.

In no time at all they were working together to bring the other and themselves to the peak of ecstacy. She wind her hips and bounces meeting his upwards thrusts into her. They had set a brutal pace and neither seemed to be slowing down anytime soon. The sound of skin and a wet sound could be heard nearly just as loud as their moans and groans of pleasure. "A-An-hmm-ah! I love you", Stephen groaned from beneath  her before rolling them over so that he was on top. Sweat dripped from his face falling onto Ana's sweat covered body as he hiked her legs over his shoulders so that he can penetrate her deeper.

His strokes were much slower now but still holding the same force behind them as he thrusted into her. His hands and mouth kissed, licked, and caressed her her body as he made love to his wife for the first time. And when they both reached their orgasmic peaks, their bodies molded into one as they shuddered moving frantically against one another riding out their highs. That is how they fell asleep, wrapped in each other's arms. She had her arms wrapped around his shoulders while his head laid on her chest and his arms wrapped her waist as he laid on top of her. They were finally husband and wife and were very content by the fact.
So, what do you think? Is this chapter, okay? I usually end my stories at the wedding followed by an epilogue, but I just cannot let this story go yet. So I will continue on for a little longer before this story comes to an end. Also, next chapter I will make some announcements!

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