Wearing the Red Hood

By angl_ernshw

100K 3.7K 1.7K

What do superheroes do on vacation? Jason Todd wouldn't know. Because, one, he isn't a superhero. He's an out... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4: BONUS
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25:
Damian's Story
Spin-off Books!

Chapter 24

2K 90 54
By angl_ernshw

This chap is dedicated to @ToxicDcLover  since she offered to help me write this chapter! You're awesome! 


I stared at the monitor screen, trying to make sense of Shrike's message.

Finally, I turned to Talia and Dusan behind me. "I know I'm smart, but even I can't make sense of these coordinates."

Talia smirked arrogantly at me, and I rolled my eyes. Seriously. I was beginning to understand why Damian was the way he was. Growing up with a psychotic woman must've been hard on the kid. "It's not coordinates. It's a secret code."

"And would you mind telling us what this secret code means so we can get on with this?" Wally cut in. He was seated beside me and looking bored. We were still on the Watchtower. Everyone was aware of the plan, grouped together and had their own orders. Now, all we needed to figure out was where to go. The Al Ghul siblings still stood in the midst of our assembled superhero group. They didn't seem to be that worried though, and we were all a lot calmer considering the plan that was in place.

"Always so impatient," Talia replied. "Does that come with being a speedster and having everything move in fast forward?" Wally frowned but didn't bother to reply. Talia was already studying the coded message on screen. After a few minutes, she sighed. "You may not believe this, but it looks like we're headed to Hawaii."

From the tone of her voice, even she didn't seem to think the bad guys chose a good place. Why Hawaii? Hawaii is a place for vacations and relaxing, not trading over prisoners. I would never see that place the same way again.

"Yes!" Bart exclaimed, making all eyes turn to him. "I always wanted to go there. And now I get to kick bad guy butt, too."

"You're completely loco, man," Jaime sighed in exasperation at his friend. "We all are."

I just grinned at the kid. He had a point. This plan was completely insane.


There are a few things that I really, really hate in this world.

Waking up early. Bad guys. Resurrection. Torture. Yeah. I really hated that last one.

As my groggy brain tried to make sense of what was happening around me, my eyes scanned the surroundings. And I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There was Dick, dressed in that leotard of his. Seriously, my brother needed a better sense of style. But what stooped me were the two people standing beside him. Talia and Dusan Al Ghul.

Fuck. They actually released those two?

Talia's green eyes were shining with triumph, and the smirk on her face spoke volumes. Even Dusan looked pleased with himself, as if he was the one that planned all of this. What the heck was my family thinking? How did they get the other members of the Justice League to agree to this?

And then I felt the knife at my throat and glanced up to see Shiva standing beside me. She was pulling at my hair tightly, while I was kneeling on the ground with my hands shackled in front of me. This was slightly worse than having to wake up early. The pain in my limbs soon made themselves known, reminding me I had gone through a great amount of torture before coming here. I groaned as I felt the onslaught of the awful sensations.

"Looks like someone's awake," chirped an awfully familiar voice beside me.

I turned slightly to see Shrike stood on the other side of me. To say I never wanted to see his ugly face ever again would be an understatement. And I thought I hated him back when I thought he was just Jared. I really hoped someone thought to bring my guns, because I wanted to shoot this asshole more than anything else in the world.

"Jason," I heard Dick say my name. My attention swiveled back to him, and through the hazy thoughts in my mind and the pain in my body, I realized he used my real name.

"Does no one understand the concept of a freaking secret identity anymore?" I croaked before coughing up some blood. Damn that hurt. Maybe I should learn to shut up now.

I could see Dick tense, but with his amazing self- control, he managed not to do anything stupid. Yet. "You better not try to double cross us this time. You remember what happened last time, don't you?" Shiva told Dick, pushing the knife harder against my throat. I tried not to swallow as I felt the cool kiss of the blade against my skin.

How long is this going to take? Seriously?

I was feeling sleepy again, and a nice bed would've been nice. Finally, Dick uncuffed the Al Ghul siblings. I wanted to shout. What were they thinking? I would rather die than have those two released. Talia looked like her triumphant self as she rubbed her wrists and began walking towards our end of the dock. She glanced down at me and smirked. "Jason," she greeted coolly. I simply glared at her.

Turning to Shiva, she waved a dismissive hand. "Release him."

"Yes mistress," she said with a bow and did as she was told.

"Shrike, be a dear and help him get back to his brother," Talia commanded. Man, she was a natural at giving orders. She must enjoy pushing people around.

Shrike also bowed and did as he was told. He roughly grabbed me by the arms and pushed me in the general direction of Dick, while Dusan made his way towards his sister. The sun was boring down on us, and for the first time, I wondered where we were. There was sand all around and the waves rolled in the distance.

I collapsed when I was close enough to Dick, and he caught me in his arms before I could fall. "This never happened," I told him in a whisper. God, the embarrassment! Having my older brother rescue my sorry ass! They couldn't send Kori or Roy? No. It had to be Dick.

Dick smiled for the first time since the exchange with Shiva started, and I could tell he was relieved to have me back. "Whatever you say, Jason."

"Isn't this a heartwarming scene?" Shrike spoke aloud. While Dick and I had been talking, he had made his way back towards his masters. The four of them stood across from us. Talia, Dusan, Shiva and Shrike- with a hundred Shadows behind them.

"Help me up," I told Dick as dread unfurled in my stomach. Or maybe that was all the blood. Who knew?

Dick supported most of my weight as I clutched at my bleeding wounds, not that it really helped. At least someone had thought to wrap them up in feeble bandages. "Too bad we have to kill you now," Shrike added, not sounding sorry at all.

As if they were given a silent command, the Shadows brought out their guns and pointed it right at us. "Dick, I never told you this," I began and turned to my older brother. He glanced at me, his expression curious. "I always thought you were an arrogant son of a bitch."

Dick snorted at my statement. "And?" he asked, prodding me.

"And you still are. But it's more tolerable now," I finished.

I could tell Dick was rolling his eyes at me, even though his domino mask hid it. "I'm flattered Jason."

I grinned, though it probably looked more like a grimace, considering our situation. "I just thought I should tell you, since we might die in a few seconds."

"Oh, we're not dying," Dick said and turned back towards our enemies.

"Arrogant asshole," I sang.

"This arrogant asshole has a plan," he shot back.

"And what exactly-"

My question was cut off when the sound of guns firing met my ears. I turned to see hundreds of bullets flying towards us. Was this it? I didn't even get to see Razel again. I hoped she forgave me for leaving her all alone. Heck, I hope Asteria didn't go on a killing rampage when she found out what happened to Dick. Especially since she was pregnant... Oh god. The thought of Dick's baby growing up without a dad spurred me to move despite my injuries.

"What the-" Dick was surprised when I moved to stand in front of him, my back towards the bullets.

"Tell your baby I saved your sorry ass, okay?" I said and closed my eyes, waiting for the bullets to hit. When that didn't happen, I opened them again to see Dick smirking in front of me, his arms crossed over his chest, while a delicate eyebrow was raised superiorly at me.

I turned to see the bullets had stopped mid- air and were frozen there. I turned back to Dick, the question in my eyes. "I told you I had a plan, you dramatic moron," he said. I frowned. So much for risking my life for him.

"I knew that," I grumbled trying to hide my embarrassment. I moved to stand beside Dick again, clutching my sides which hurt worse than before. This is what I got for being a heroic idiot.

There was a look of shock on Shrike and Shiva's faces, and they looked around, trying to figure out what happened. "Miss Martian, if you please," Dick shouted.

"With pleasure," Talia replied. Only, it wasn't Talia. Her hair turned into the familiar, flaming orange that I knew, while her skin morphed into its original green color.

Suddenly, the Bioship appeared out of the sky and opened up. One by one, the members of the team all dropped down from the sky. Tim landed directly in front of Dick and I, while Cassie (Wonder Girl), Bart, Jaime, Barbara and Wally all formed a tight circle around us. I thought the surprises were over, but then Dusan morphed into the form of Martian Manhunter. Why did I not see this coming?

By the look on Shiva and Shrike's faces, they didn't expect it, either. "Hey bro. How you holding up?" Tim asked as he took a surreptitious glance at me.

"I've been better," I admitted. "Although, it might help if someone thought to bring my guns."

"Sorry Jay, but the mission is to get in, get you, and get out," Wally explained.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to be missing out on the action. After everything Shrike did to me? They were just going to whisk me away? Hell no. "That sounds like a great plan," I drawled sarcastically. "Let me guess, my brother came up with it?"

Of course it was Dick who replied, looking smug as ever as he twirled his batons. "Some of it," he acquiesced. "For someone who looks like he's about to fall off his feet, you really don't shut up, do you?"

"What can I say?" I bit back. "I learned from you, big bro."

"Attack! Don't let them get away!" Shiva shouted, before heading straight for Miss Martian. Shadows also surged forward, cutting off whatever Dick was about to tell me. As the team fought off the Shadows that came at us, and I stood in the center of their protective circle, I caught a glimpse of Shrike heading towards our general direction. There was a mad gleam in his eyes. For a second, I thought he was looking at me, but when I followed his line of sight, I saw he was glaring right at Dick. Maybe Dick broke his heart or something, I thought before a Shadow went sailing over my head. I ducked just in time to avoid impact.

"Are you trying to protect me or cause me more bodily harm?" I shouted at Cassie.

"Sorry Jason," she said before flying off.

"In coming!" Wally shouted before zooming through a line of Shadows. They all collapsed after Wally passed by, and he dusted his hands off, a smug look on his face. "That's six."

"I've taken out eight," Bart chirped, making Wally's face fall. "You're getting slow old man."

"Why you little-" Wally said before running after Bart and into more Shadows.

While the team struggled to keep the Shadow army at bay, I caught a glimpse of the guns lying on the sandy beach, and a thought struck me. Ignoring the pain in my body, like I had been used to doing for most of my life, I ran for the weapons. "Jason!" someone shouted behind me, and it sounded like Babs. I ignored her like always.

I grabbed the weapons the same time the ocean waves rose above us like a tsunami, and Kaldur appeared with the rest of the team. He led a squad that included Lagoon Boy, Connor, Beast Boy, and Karen. My team seemed to really like surprises, but it threw the Shadows off guard, so I couldn't exactly complain. While the Shadows tried to get over their shock and were distracted by the new arrivals, I searched for Shrike.

"Jason, we really need to get you out of here," Connor ground out before throwing a Shadow like the guy weighed nothing.

"And you really need to save your relationship with Megan before thinking about saving me," I replied with a grin as I shot a Shadow in the leg when he ran towards me. Before Connor could reply or incinerate me with his laser vision, I was on the move again.

I finally found Shrike, but Dick was also there to ruin the moment. Sometimes, I really hated my big brother, too.

He and Shrike had made it onto the wooden platform that led out onto the ocean. They were both weaponless and fighting hand to hand combat. What surprised me was how well Shrike was keeping up with Dick. Even though I would never admit it out loud, Dick could probably kick my ass if we were fighting like that. Their fight seemed to be evenly matched, though, and if I didn't interfere, they would probably go on forever. Too bad I had to cut into their little dance.

I fired the gun, but with my injuries, my aim was off. I missed Shrike by an inch and nearly grazed Dick in the process. "Watch where you point that thing!" Dick shouted at me, while Shrike had the audacity to laugh.

"It's not easy when you won't stop moving," I said through gritted teeth as I took aim again. Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself. Focus, Jason. Focus. I heard the wood creak as Dick and Shrike continued to fight, and another light bulb seemed to go off in my head. Pointing the gun towards the docks, I rapidly fired off a few rounds.

"Oh fu-" Dick's sentence was cut off as he plummeted to the ocean, the wood he was standing on completely gave way due to the impact from the bullets. While Shrike was frozen in shock, I finally got my shot and lodged two bullets into his knees.

He screamed in pain as he collapsed onto the dock. I heard Dick spluttering below us as he came up for air. "Whose side are you on?" he asked as I approached Shrike slowly. The asshole had his head bent, but when he glanced at me, there was a grin on his face.

"Jason," Dick called again, when I didn't bother to reply. There was now worry in his voice as I aimed the gun right at Shrike's head. "Jason, don't do it. You're better than this. Better than him."

"Listen to your big brother, Jason," Shrike cooed at me, like I was some sort of child. "Think of how Razel would react if she found out you did this. Would she even look at you the same way again? Would she still love you?"

His green eyes were shining with mirth as he looked at me. There was a part of me that hesitated to do it. He was right. If I did this, Razel would think I'm a monster. She would never look at me the same way again. I had wanted to walk away from this. From being the Red Hood. I had thought about living a normal life and starting over. I began to lower the gun, and Shrike smiled in relief. But then I thought about what Shrike did to me. The pain I went through. His vengeance in going after Dick. The fact that Dick's child could've grown up fatherless if it weren't for the plan we had. And I knew. I knew I could never give up wearing the Red Hood. Not when guys like Shrike existed. Not when people like Razel needed to be looked out for. They would've hurt my family- the family I had fought so hard to find. The family that Bruce built. They would've killed us. And now I'm just returning the favor. My grip tightened around the gun again, and before Shrike could blink, gun fire echoed in the silent beach.

"NO!" Dick shouted just as he climbed onto the docks. Shrike's body fell to a heap on the wooden platform, while I watched numbly as Dick crouched by the body. The life went out of Shrike's eyes, the bullet from my gun buried in his head. Then Dick looked up at me, his face a mask of horror. "Jason..." he trailed off, at a loss for words.

I didn't stay to see if he would continue the sentence. Throwing the gun into the ocean, I headed back towards the beach. Apparently, the team had taken care of the Shadows, and they had all been watching me in shock as I walked back to join them. Heavy silence hung in the air. "You killed him," Bart finally whispered in disbelief, looking up at me with wide, green eyes.

I stared right back at him. He sounded surprised. A smile forced its way onto my lips, even though I didn't feel any humor inside. "You sound surprised, kid. In case you forgot, I'm not like you guys. I'm no hero." With that, I continued to walk past them, feeling even more tired than before. The adrenaline was probably leaving my system, and in its absence, I just felt the pain.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw who stood behind the team. Damian was there, silently standing in the shadow of his father. Bruce was quiet as he stared at me. I stared unblinkingly right back. He obviously saw everything that just went down "Well," I said, expecting he was ready to scold me. Justice not vengeance, he would say.

"Well," he was all I heard him say just before I passed out. 


Omg I'm finally back after how many months huhuhu

I hope you guys are still with me, because I'm happy to report that I finished Jason's story (but no, this isn't the last chapter!) 

It took me awhile, and I had to wait for summer to come to be able to finish this. Its almost been a year since I started this story whew. 

Anyway, enough drama and onto the next chapter!

Love always,


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