Into The Future

By toothlessstorm

247 20 7

Marinette changed her name to Toothless when she became a famous actor. She left her old name behind and is n... More

The interview
The meeting
The Launch
The Super Soldiers
The test
Just leave me alone
Truths, lies and a plan!!

Found by a dragon

35 1 0
By toothlessstorm

I wake up and it's morning, birds are twittering and leaves are falling from the surrounding trees. In the distance I hear a quite thrashing sound, it sounds like me when I am in my dragon form running. Is there another dragon?

All of a sudden a flash of black, white and yellow jumps out of the trees and my crystal shelter smashes as I am in shock. "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" I hear the other say. I grrrrrrrrrr back at it and we start circling each other, then the other suddenly disappears and I feel myself fall backwards as if being pushed by someone. Damn this other is able to be invisible. I feel a flap being pushed under my head and I fall to the ground transforming to a human, shoot it's cold, then I think 'if this is a real dragon I am going to die'. It's yellow gold eyes look into mine and then it transforms and there before me is a girl, she is my age and still has a few permanent scales on her.

I try to get up and I can't, god this girl knows her stuff. "So, your one of me" she says.

" yeah, I guess but who are you"

" My name is Lady Haz and I felt your heartbeat through the ground so I came to find you" she tells me

"So wait, you can transform, into a dragon, like me....... Are there more of us???"

"Not that I know of, but I want to show you things, things that will change your life around" Lady Haz tell me

"Yeah...WHAT....what can you possibly teach ME"

"I can show you this" Lady Haz quickly runs behind me and pushes a knot in my neck, I then feel myself transforming to a dragon, I look at her in shock.

"Oh my god your face right now is hilarious" she tells me, I end up laughing and transforming back into a human again

"What else is there I should know"

" You should know that your friends are looking for you and they are coming this way right now " Lady Haz tell me

"Oh my gods we need to leave, we need to get going, I need to run"

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I had writers block....... but anyways if you guys would like to check out my new account @Kanade_Tachibana_8 that would be awesome, I am going to start writing books on there soon.

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