Shadow: Awakening II

By ShadowAceSonic

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Hi! This is a continuation of Shadow: Awakening. This fanfiction follows Shadow after he wakes up from stasis... More

Shadow: The Doctor
Shadow: Two Emeralds Closer
Shadow: Stacking the Deck in My Favor
Shadow: Attack on Prison Island
Shadow: A Plan in the Shadows
The Last Emerald
Shadow: My True Home
Shadow: Maria's Wish

Shadow: It's Finally Time

171 5 0
By ShadowAceSonic

I keep my walking pace at a fast clip as I head down the hallway, and find that my steps feel purposeful; more so than they have for 50 years. I revel in the fact that I have almost completed my promise to Maria. I can't believe I've come so far in such a short time... It's hasn't been two weeks since I woke up from stasis! Victory is so close, so amazingly close that almost nothing can stop me now. I shall not fail Maria, not this time! No, this time I will succeed. I have to; it's the only way I can avenge what--

My ears twitch, alerting me to a familiar voice as I walk. At first I don't care, but then I start to pay attention to what the person is saying. "R-I-A. Maria. Now, let's see just what comes up..."? Why would someone be spelling out Maria's name? And what does she mean, "what comes up"? What is going on in... Searching with my eyes, I see the door to the Eclipse Cannon is open. Something turns in my stomach, and I am getting a very peculiar feeling about who is operating the Cannon. I stand still for several moments, wrought with indecision. Then my brain brings me back as the voice spouts out another familiar word.

"Project: Shadow. The research project aimed at finding a cure for the fatal disease NIDS, and a government-funded weapons project. Successful in creating The Ultimate Lifeform, the two creatures that were created during the project were sealed off. Interesting story, and certainly worth a pretty gem or two. I've got almost all of the data, and once I download all of it... Then I'm free to take all of these beautiful jewels." I walk up to the doorframe, keeping my steps silent, and look with contempt at the bat inside. Rouge is listening to a person on a different communicator than the Doctor gave us. I hear a few of the words from the device; something about analyzing data. Rouge starts talking into it while I stroll up to her, casually not making a sound.

"I've got it all, and it looks like there's plenty of it. Even Eggman doesn't know everything about this one." The voice replies enthusiastically, and inquires as to whether or not she has the Chaos Emeralds, but Rouge, having finally turned around, is so occupied with looking in shock at me that she forgets to pay attention. She drops the boxy, handheld device, and I reach out with a foot and viciously crush it.

"I would leave those Emeralds alone if I were you," I growl, and Rouge frowns in what appears to be nervousness. "But then, you are experienced enough to handle risks, aren't you, Agent Rouge?"

"Oh, so I'm not the only one who's been spying? And to get up in a ladies business like that. Aren't you the naughty little boy?" Rouge smirks, and she seems remarkably in control. Ignoring her jest, I stay on topic.

"You've been a government spy all this time, and you think I needed to spy on you to figure that out?" I say, the incredulous tone in my voice one I don't have to fake. "I can't tell if that's more a compliment to yourself or an insult to me, but you're wrong either way. I knew something was up the moment you appeared on the ARK."

"Well, I've certainly earned a few compliments myself. If you truly are the Ultimate Lifeform, then why is this picture of 'Shadow' not showing you?" Rouge holds up a paper, and a picture of a large, mechanically augmented lizard is on it. Not entirely sure why I have the information, I know what the creature is.

"That," I scowl, "was the prototype of the project that created me, the Biolizard. I was the final creation made during Project: Shadow. If you'd done more thorough snooping, you would know that, Rouge."

"Oh? Then why does this pile of research call it Shadow?" She asks, waving the paper around to demonstrate. "Why not refer to it as the Biolizard? According to this paper*, it was a creature that needed a life support system. Prototypes were made to try and find one that was the most effective. Besides that, it couldn't even walk by itself, nor think with any recognizable ability. I doubt Professor Gerald could have gone from a creature so needy and imperfect to something as sophisticated as you."

"The Professor created the Biolizard by himself earlier on, and he had more help while he was creating me. Besides, he used different DNA to--" My wristwatch suddenly goes off, and I glare down at it.

"Good news and bad, Shadow!" I tense at the urgent tone in the Doctor's voice, and he begins to explain his call. "I've found all of the Chaos Emeralds, but someone is heading towards the Eclipse Cannon, and I need you to stop the person from arriving!" Turning back to Rouge, I decide to head the anonymous person off.

"If you want to live, leave the Chaos Emeralds where they are!" I bark at Rouge, and start heading off towards the hallway. My steps halt as Rouge calls after me.

"Do you actually believe you're the real Shadow? Your memories might not even be your own!" She exclaims, sounding surprised. My brain seems to be glitching, trying to wrap itself around the information Rouge is trying to convince me of.

"Yes, I do," I say, and I try to keep my voice steady and sure. "Even if my memories are not real, I'm still me. I'm still Shadow." My voice goes up microscopically, but I refuse to believe that my time with Maria was fake. "And I will fulfill my promise to Maria, even if, as you say, I never actually met her." Could... Could Rouge be right? Were Maria and I ever actually friends? I swallow quickly, and find myself saying something in which I can believe. "Her wish is all that matters to me. I promised her, and memories of her is all I have left. There's nothing more important than her."

Walking out of the room, I can feel my quills bristling with anger and confusion. I hate being confused. I hate being unsure. Dammit Rouge! I practically stomp out into the corridor, but I take a deep breath to calm myself down before I battle the intruder. I know my time with Maria wasn't fake. There's no doubt in my mind that I really did meet her; my memories are too realistic and detailed to not be true. My steps and breaths measured and controlled, I nevertheless feel surprise when I see the identity of the anonymous intruder. Finding my voice, I make my sentiments known.

"You never cease to surprise me, blue hedgehog," I say, and Sonic whirls around. "I was sure it was you who was destroyed on the capsule not long ago, but I guess you didn't die, after all."
"You know, what can I say?" Sonic shrugs, and my body tenses in anticipation of the fight to come. "I die hard. You actually helped me escape, you know." With his final sentence, he brandishes a yellow Chaos Emerald with his left hand.

"It was a Chaos Emerald, wasn't it?" I realize, almost mentioning it more for my sake than his. "I felt a strange energy right after the explosion. But, I don't see how you could have used Chaos Control with a fake Emerald." I think about what Sonic's ability means, and decide that there is more to this Mobian hedgehog than meets the eye. "So, there really are more similarities between us, besides sharing a similar appearance. Who--what--are you anyways?"

"What you see is what you get!" Sonic grins, and he starts running suddenly. "I'm just a speedy guy who loves adventure! I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!" Lowering my eyes thoughtfully as I skate on air besides him, I contemplate this for a second.

"I see," I say, my tone considering, "but I can't let you live. I hope you've had enough adventure for one lifetime, Sonic, because it ends here!" A crackling Chaos Spear appears in my hand, just like the last time we battled. This is the first one I've called since Prison Island. Fitting that I would use it against him. I throw it, and Sonic barely dodges in time. Summoning several at once, I start hurling them at him.

Sonic yelps as one almost hits him, but then runs ahead, making it harder for me to aim. Smirking, I teleport while skating and end up right in front of him. Sonic's eyes practically bug out, but he manages to dodge me and the Chaos Spear I just tried to impale him with. I continue to teleport in front of him, effectively aggravating him to the point of going faster and faster. Eventually, he turns around and faces me off.

"Alright, Shadow," he growls, and I can see I've hit a nerve, "what is going on he--?!"

!!Rumble!! Suddenly, a giant rumble goes through the ARK, shaking everything. I start, and look around for a screen while Sonic looks worriedly up at the ceiling. Finding a screen in one of the walls, I smirk as I see Gerald lit up on it. It's finally time.

Author's Note: Yay! Update! Now, I'm going to be gone for three consecutive weeks at chemistry camp starting Sunday, and no technology is allowed. This means no updates for three weeks. O.O I am working on chapters to update the day I get back, because I have to leave for week-long music camp the morning after my return. >-< Fun, right? *I actually read the paper that Rouge shows Shadow in the Sonic Adventure 2 cutscene, and this is what it says word for word:

Current Status:

12:30am, on January, we initiated the experiment to start Shadow's first prototype. The experiment was successful. The life form's eternal engine and the organ to start the Chaos Control are working normally. However, the measurements of the experiment were higher than we expected, we will continue this experiment at the Central Dome from now on.


Pr. Gerald pointed out that the growth speed of the first prototype is getting faster. The current body length is 2.7m, and the current weight is 350kg. It's growing so fast in the last couple of days at an exponential level. Professor has requested that the control part of the life form's vital organs needs to be reinforced.

We need to keep an eye on the prototype, because the prototype is still not strong enough to walk by itself, but it has a strong neck and a tail. The prototype is sensitive to the temperature and humidity changes, and its intelligence and learning ability is still low. At this point, the prototype is still more like an animal.

And, in case you're wondering about the text found in the Japanese version of Sonic X (episode 37), this is what the paper Rouge shows Shadow says:

The Progress Report--The Project Shadow--


Scientists say they have found evidence of the earliest known animal whose existence led to the development of monkeys, apes, and humans.

The creature was extremely small, about the size of a human finger. It lived 45 million years ago in a rain forest in what is now this country. It probably slept during the day, and searched for food at the tops of trees at night. It ate insects and fruit.

An examination of Eosimias' foot bones shows that the creature was an extremely early example of creatures that could--

And the paper cuts off there. I don't know what Eosimias has to do with Project: Shadow, but I'm sure it makes since somewhere. Feel free to check these papers out for yourself, as I typed this with my own hands and know it's correct. :3

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