How Louis Tomlinson Saved Me

By lovetommo24

943 44 4

Hannah Moretti has been struggling with a problem for about four months. One day, when she tries to free hers... More

Chapter One: The Great Escape
Chapter Two: Louis' Apartment
Chapter 3: Payne in the hospital
Chapter 4: Hospital visits and Niall Horan
Chapter 5: Goodnight Lou
Chapter 6: Nightmares and Pancakes
Chapter 7: First kiss and Hannah's story
Chapter 8: Shopping and Bad Memories
Chapter 10: A popstar's "normal" girlfriend
Chapter 11:

Chapter 9: Niall tickle fights

78 4 0
By lovetommo24

I woke up, my head moving up and down slowly and I remembered I was laying on Louis. He still was holding me tight in his grip. I lifted my head up and looked around. Everyone was still asleep accept me and Liam who was probably in the kitchen making breakfast. I looked up at sleeping Louis. He is so cute when he's sleeping. I smile and rest my head back down.

I just closed my eyes for a bit. Not long after that I felt Louis' entire body shift. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He was rubbing his eyes. When he opened his eyes they locked with mine.

"Good Mornin sunshine."
He says in a raspy morning voice. It was so hot, I love people's voices in the morning. I close my eyes and smile.

"Good morning."
I say in my raspy morning voice. He leans forward and leaves a kiss on my forehead. I turn around and sit on his lap.

"What are you..."
I lean my lips in to his and we were kissing. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer. I put my hands on the side of his head and we continued to mole our lips in perfect harmony. I let out a little grin each time we separate. Then Louis does to and then we just stare at each other. Smiling.

My body started vibrating. I think it was my phone, the one I got yesterday because my old one was broken. I sit back on the couch with my body still connected to Louis.

"Who would be calling me at 10:00 in the morning?"
I question, pulling out my phone from my pocket. I had an I phone 6 now, since my old 5s was broken. I got the same number and all my contacts were still in tact. I look at the screen and it reads Steven❤️

My heart drops, my whole body freezes and then starts shaking my eyes were wide open. Louis put his hand on my leg and leaned in looking at me concerned.

"Lou-Louis ?!"
I stutter nervously.

"What, what is babe? Who's calling?"
I show him the phone and he opens his eyes wide.

"Louis if I answer he's gonna know it's still my number and then he'll track me down, but if I don't answer he will also know it me from my voicemail!"
I exclaim nervously.

"Here babe give me the phone."
He says motioning it towards him. I hand it to him and he answers.

He says. I try listening but I can only get a few words.

"Who's this?"
Says Steven. Tears form in my eyes and I start shaking. Just then Niall wakes up and looks around confused.

"I think you've got the wrong numbah mate."
Louis says in the thickest British accent. Niall frowns at Louis in confusion then his eyes move towards me. He sees my fear and the tears from my face. He comes over to my and kneels down.

"What's happening?"
He whispers.

"It's Steven, he called me."
I whisper back. I put my hand up to my mouth and tears roll down my face. My body was shaking still. Niall saw me then wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me tight. He did give the best hugs. I didn't move but I felt safer. He sat down next to me and held my hand.

"Okay yeah I'm sorry ate I just think you have the wrong numbah. Wish I could be of more help."
He says calmly. An angry yell comes through the phone and I jump. Letting out a silent cry. Niall grabs me again and I lay back on his lap with my head hidden into his chest. Louis looks over and frown but then nods at Niall.

"Okay I've got to go and I can assure you this is not the right numbah."

He hangs up the phone and reaches over to me. I sit up and lunge myself towards him. I wipe my tears but they just keep pouring out.

"Thank you."
I whisper into his chest. He kisses my forehead.

"It was no problem Han."
He whispers back.

Once I calmed down, we started watching Tv. Harry was still sleeping on the other side of the couch. Liam walked in with a plate of waffles.

I say, my eyes wide. Louis looks down at me and gave the cutest little laugh at me. I was lay down on him and we were watching golf because Niall got to choose the show. I sit up and watch Liam place the plate down on the coffee table.

"Ooooh yum!!"
I say sitting up. Louis pulls me back down and kisses my cheek. I giggle and crinkle my nose. I face him and we smile at each other. Then I quickly jump off the couch and grab a waffle. Louis looks at me with his mouth open and I run. He runs after me and so does Niall. They were both faster than me so Louis was right behind me not long after. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off the ground. I scream and giggle. He sets me down but still holds on to me. Niall comes out
Of nowhere and takes a big bite of my waffle.

I yell, shocked. I frown at him and try to run. But Louis was still holding me.

"Let me go!"
I say trying to escape him. I laugh and Niall runs away. Niall then trips on nothing and falls down. Me and Louis start laughing histairically. Niall looks over to us, his face completely red. I laugh so hard until my side hurt. Niall gets up and walks toward us frowning.

"Oh my god! AHAHAHAHAH! Niall are you okay?"
I say still laughing. He grabs me out of Louis' hands and runs away, holding me by the waist. I scream and look back at Louis. He was laughing. Niall dropped me over the couch and then jumped over. He starts tickling me and I laughed so hard. I squirmed, trying to get away. Then Louis hops over and joins Niall. I scream and laugh at the same time. I laugh so hard tears come out. Louis sees me and stops.

"Niall! NIALL! Stop!"
Louis says. Niall stops tickling me and looks at Louis confused. I stop laughing and look up. Louis takes my hand.

"Hannah what's wrong?"
He says. I look at him confused.

"What do you mean?"
I say.

"You were crying."
He says frowning. I start cracking up and Niall laughs a little too.

" what!?"
Louis says confused.

"Awe Lou! AHAHAHAH I was laughing so hard that tears come out but I love knowing you care!"
I say smiling and kissing his cheek. Louis' face gets all red. Niall lightly punches him in the shoulder. Louis lays back still embarrassed. I giggle at him and snuggle up next to him. Niall has gone into the kitchen by now and me and Louis were alone.

----------------------------------------------Hi guys so sorry this chapter is very late I've just been too lazy to upload it yet hahah but I hope whoever reads this is enjoying it because I don't know if it's good or not so yeah but ily to the people who have read it and yeah more chapters will be coming soon!!❤️

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