By lilyroses95

334K 8.1K 943

"I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn't love myself." Book 1 |Twilight| More

1 | beginning
2 | new
3 | connection
4 | visit
6 | comfort
7 | picture
8 | family
9 | training
10 | baseball
11 | phoenix
12 | prom

5 | destiny

20.2K 539 103
By lilyroses95

"What do you mean?" Athena couldn't understand why her Father was telling her this. He tried to protect her as much as he could and kept her away from any danger.

Her Father sighs, "Sweetheart, you and I both know I wouldn't be telling you this. I've tried to protect you for as long as I could but I guess I need to tell you the whole truth, especially with the new family in town."

"What new family?"

"I know you've meet them already. The Cullen's. They're vampires but from what I've heard, they only feed off animals. They're not a threat but I'm meeting with the family tomorrow night and I'd like it if you were there."

"Of course but there's something you should know. I think one of them might be my mate. I don't know how to explain or if it's even true but when I looked into his eyes this morning, it was like the whole world stopped and all that mattered was him."

Chris looked at his daughter in shock, knowing he had to tell her the truth before it was too late, endangering her life or those around her in any way. "I guess I should have seen this coming. What I'm about to tell you can put you in grave danger which is why I have kept it fro you for so long, so I need you to listen to me very carefully."

Athena couldn't help but look at her Father in shock, "What do you mean, Dad? You're scaring me."

"I know. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Sweetheart, you're not just a witch/vampire hybrid, you're so much more than that. You are what we call a 'Protector'. You are destined to protect the supernatural world but also humans. Your mate being a vampire, just shows how linked you are to the supernatural world."

Athena frowned in confusion, "What does that mean for me? How did you know my mate would be a vampire?"

"A Protector is usually mated to either a vampire or werewolf. This creates a stronger bond to the supernatural world and insures they always have protection. A Protector not only protects the supernatural world but they also what keeps it balanced. This meaning that if you die so does the existence of the supernatural."

Athena gasped in shock, "So you mean that if I die so does the entire supernatural world?" Athena was not only confused but petrified. She hated how much was on her shoulders now and how many people counted on her. Her parents always talked about how great she would be and she finally understood what they meant.

"Yes. I know it's hard to wrap your head around it all but you need to know that a lot of people are going to come after you. Hunters want to kill, meaning they kill the entire supernatural world. Vampires, werewolves, witches you name it will be after you too. To them you're a weapon, to kill all their enemies and protect them. I'm sorry we didn't tell you this sooner but we wanted to make sure you were ready and able to protect yourself." Chris noticed his daughter looking lost, knowing how hard it is for her to understand all this, "Athena?"

Athena jumped, her Father's voice startling her, "Sorry. I'm just trying to understand it all. So let me get this, I'm a Protector, destined to protect the supernatural world. My mate is a vampire. Hunters want to kill and other supernatural creatures want to use me to their advantage. Got it." Athena felt like she was going crazy. She knew she would always be part of the supernatural world but not like this.

Chris chuckled softly, "That's about it. Oh, I forgot to mention the powers you have. I know you can use spells, but as a vampire your ability is being a copy-cat, meaning you can copy anyone's powers and keep it. I know this doesn't exactly matter as you have many powers anyway but I want you to be careful. You never know what power you might gain."

Athena sighed, "I will. What kind of powers does a Protector have?" She was curious to know if her abilities were due to the fact she was a witch or vampire or because she was a Protector.

"Most of your abilities come from you being a witch or vampire. Your visions, telepathy, empathy, elements, time manipulation, nature, electricity, pain manipulation and shield, all these abilities you have come from you being a wait how/vampire. As a Protector, you have healing, prediction of death and shape-shifting. I'm here because you have to learn to control these abilities. As a Protector if anyone threatens anyone close to you, your emotions can control you which is why you have to learn not to let your emotions get the best of you."

Athena was in awe of what her Father had just told her, "Wow. And here I was hoping for a normal life."

Chris smiled softly at his daughter, "Unfortunately that won't be happening, besides you know what they say, 'normal' is overrated these days." Athena couldn't help laughing at her Father's wording.

One thing was for sure, normal was definitely overrated.

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