Magical: The Sequel (Niam Hor...

By Potter_Who_1D

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(Sequel to Magical, please read that first. This probably won't make sense to you if you don't read it first)... More

Magical: The Sequel (Niam Horayne AU)
Chapter Two: Floare
Chapter Three: Getting to London
Chapter Five: Experiments
Chapter 6: Rescue

Chapter Four: Check Up

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By Potter_Who_1D

Ok, this chapter's a little on the shorter side, buuuuuttttt! I'm already working on the next one, so yay! I'm so so excited for the next chapter like, omfg guys, you have no idea. 

-Liam’s POV-

I could feel the bones in my body groaning in discomfort as I begun to wake up. It felt as though I had fallen asleep on the floor of my dorm- then I remembered.

The alarm, running away… “Niall…” I whispered shooting up into a sitting position, and nearly ramming into someone.

“Liam!” The voice said. It was May’s. “Thank god you’re awake.” She hugged me tightly, and I held onto her tightly.

“Are you ok?” I said, and I felt her nodded.

“I’m fine. Alive, breathing. A little spooked, but I’m good. You?” May asked.

“Besides the fact that we’ve been captured, I’m fine.” I replied, looking around the room. It was a grey squared room, with beds lining the wall- at least 20- and there seemed to be about half that many people in the room. “How long was I asleep?”

“About 5 days.” May replied, sitting back on the bed. Which felt like the floor, in all honesty.

“Have you…?” Seen anyone else? I wanted to ask, but I was scared of the answer.

“Just Louis.” She said sadly. “He’s in the room down the hall. They’re sorting us by our abilities, but they let us out for a couple hours each day for fresh air.”

“How many people do you think got caught?” I asked, trying to sit up, but failing. The room seemed to spin around when I tired.

“97, exactly.” She said. “40 magics, 25 werewolves, no vampires, 15 shape shifters, 7 fairies, and 10 merpeople.”

“40 magics?” I said, shocked.

She nodded. “We’re the most human-like, the easiest to catch. You know that Li.”

I nodded, “Yeah, yeah. You’re right. Have you seen who’s…?”

A dark and evil look crossed May’s face. “Yes. He caught me personally, the son of a bitch. It’s Lee’s ex, Miles.”

“Miles?” I was shocked. He’d seemed nice enough when I had met him, but that was wrong, I guess.

May nodded. “I don’t know if he’s running it or what, but he seems like, high up or whatever.”

“Have you tried-”

“Using magic?” She laughed, but it was bitter. “The walls… There’s something cutting off almost all my powers. I can only see the ghosts, and sometimes communicate with them.” May looked around for a second. “There’s so many ghosts Liam.”

I hugged her tightly, comforting her. “Everything’ll be ok May… We’ll get out of here, we’ll be fine.”


There was an actual schedule for us prisoners. Or, as the people who were ‘caring’ for us liked to call us, guests. At 9:15AM, it was breakfast time. Then from 10AM to 11:30AM it was free time, where we were allowed to go anywhere on the floor. From 11:30AM to 12:30PM it was lunch, then from 12:30PM to 5PM it was free time again, then 5-6PM, dinner. At 6, we went back to our assigned rooms and were locked in for the night. The only time we were allowed to go outside, was in the afternoon, on an assigned day each week. And it wasn’t very outdoors-y. Basically, there were four cement walls with an open top, but guards were always patrolling at the top, and there was some grass on the ground.

It was already passed dinner when May finished explaining to me, and more magics began to stream in. A couple I recognized from my classes, a few I didn’t know. One girl handed May a napkin with some rolls and butter in it, and we shared them. The rolls were slightly too hard, and the butter tasted weird, but I didn’t complain. It was better than being starved.

We climbed into our separate beds for the night, and even though I was asleep for days, I was fell asleep fairly easily.


The next morning, May woke me up again, handing me some clothes. “We’re given clothes to wear each day.” She explained, and pointed to a door I hadn’t noticed yesterday. “That’s a small washroom, you can get changed in there. Hurry up though, it’s almost time for breakfast, and I’d rather not see what happens to people who are late.”

I nodded, heading into the washroom. It was small, a little cubical with a small shower, a toilet and a sink. There was barely enough room for me to get changed in, but I managed. I rinsed my mouth with the water, and left the washroom. May was still waiting for me, but she was the only one left in the room. “Ok.” I said, letting her know I was done.

She nodded, and motioned for me to follow. The hall was cement and dimly lit, the width of it being barely wide enough for two people to walk side-by-side and guards passing every so often. I followed May until we came to a door, and she pushed it open.

There was food already set at each open spot, and the tables were wooden and long picnic tables. There was a guard every other foot or so, lining the walls. May weaved through the crowd, coming to the far end of the table, where another familiar face sat.

“Louis.” I said, surprised and sad that he was there.

“Liam.” He gave me a small smile. “Good to see you’re well… Well, as good as you can be when you’re being held captive.”

“I can’t say I’m glad to see you.” I admitted, sitting across from him and beside May. I took a bite of the roll on the side of my plate, finding it tasted the same as the night before.

“I could say the same to you.” Louis nodded, taking a sip from his cup.

“No one wants to be here.” May pointed out, taking a bite out of the pancake on her plate. “And that-” She motioned for us to lean in closer, “Is why we’re going to break the fuck out.”

“How?” Louis questioned. “None of our powers work inside these walls… I think there’s something in the cement that’s blocking them.”

“When we’re outside, the cement doesn’t cover the top, it should be easier to access them.” May pointed out. “We need to figure out a way to get everyone involved, without it being obvious, so we can all try and make a break for it at the same time. There should be at least some people to get out ok. They can try and get back to the safe place, and inform everyone where we are, and how to try and break in.”

“That sounds too easy May…” I said, wary. “They wouldn’t make that outside thing if they weren’t prepared for a mass escape.”

“We have to try something.” May said desperately. “I think they’re beginning to experiment on people. I was talking to someone else, and they said some guys in lab coats took her friend, and she hasn’t seen him since.”

“If anything, that means we need to be more careful.” I said softly, glancing around at the guards. “We don’t need people getting suspicious of us, then trying to take one of us. We need to stay off radar, and figure out a good plan. Not something half-assed.”

“Like what, Liam? Wait for the government? They’re not going to come. We’re stuck here if we don’t try something.” May hissed.

Louis shook his head. “Liam’s right. In a sense. We can’t talk about this here, not with all the guards. We need somewhere a little more private to meet up at, somewhere where we can actually discuss this without the fear of someone seeing one of us as a threat, and trying to take us away to do experiments on us. We need to stay under the radar.”


Unfortunately, we’d already drawn way too much attention to ourselves.

It was the next day, and the three of us were ‘outside’ and playing cards when it happened.

“Your go May.” I said, looking at the cards in my hands. They let us have certain things, like cards and balls, to use outside, but that was it.

“I know, I know. I’m thinking. Calm yourself.” She mumbled before laying down a jack of hearts. “Skip your turn Lou, go Li.”

I was about to lay down my own jack when I saw them. Three men in lab coats, followed by four guards. They were headed our way, and I put my head down, the other two following my lead.

It was no use. They were already here.

“Are one of you Liam? The wizard.” One asked. He looked normal enough, in his mid 30s, maybe. He had dark brown hair, tall and had jeans under his lab coat.

“I’m him.” I said, looking him in the eye. They seemed almost lifeless, the cruel grey cutting through my soul in a way that didn’t seem possible.

He smiled at me, but it was creepy, not comforting. “Fantastic. You’re going for a check up.”

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