Made In The A.M. (BWWM/ INTER...

By KoolLePlaisir

448K 15K 4.1K

'Won't you stay till the a.m.? All my favourite conversations Always made in the a.m. 'Cause we don't know wh... More

1: The Beginning
2: Mrs. Hendry?
3: Don't
4: Missing You
5: Speak Now
6: When I Realized 'It's You' (1)
7: When I Realized 'It's You' (2)
8: Moments of Heaven & Hell
9: +
10: EXit That Way
11: Mr. Hendry
12: ❌ed My Path
13: Spending Time
14: Fuck You
15: Before Thought
16: Ticking Clocks
17: Wild Boys
19: My Vows To You
20: Family to Foe
21: Gifts From the Past
22: No More Games
23: All About You
24: Guy Talk
25: Trouble Finds You
26: Set That Bitch Straight
27: Thanksgiving Pettiness
28: No Letting Go
29: Turning Pages
30: One Last Chance

18: A.M.

8.8K 321 43
By KoolLePlaisir

I bet you are wondering how things played out after Stephen woke up. I also bet you thought the wedding was called off or he just simply didn't tell her what happened. I bet I am both right and wrong. I am just rambling out of boredom and merely wasting your time. So without further ado, here is chapter 18. Please, vote/ comment! Those are always nice to receive. Deuces!

P.s. This is unedited!


I am getting married tomorrow. Tomorrow I will be making my vows to my husband in front of man and God. I should be nervous. Yet, I cannot find it in me to be. However, for some reason I cannot fall asleep. I have been trying to fall asleep for the last three hours with no luck.

I sighed for what felt like the thousandth time before flipping back the covers and getting out of bed. I went into the kitchen area of my room and grabbed a bottle of water before going out onto the balcony for some fresh air. Even at this late of an hour the city was still alive. I let out a sigh running my hand through my hair in frustration at myself. It was moments like these that I would usually call Fin, but I know that he is probably asleep right now. I stayed out on the balcony for a while before going back in my room and closing the doors behind myself.

Since I could not get any sleep at the moment I decided to get some work done. I was supposed to be relaxing but I had snuck some of my work into my luggage so I could keep myself busy when moments like these arised. I was sitting on my bed Indian style going over a custody case when my phone beeped alerting me of a new notification. I unlocked my phone, a smile coming to my face as Fin's name scrolled by on the notification bar. I clicked on it opening the text message he had sent me.

'I can't sleep and you were on my mind. If you are still up please text me back. I am losing my shit over here without you next to me. If you are asleep then sweet dreams, love. I will see you at the alter.'

'I am up, baby. I can't sleep neither. Are you okay over there?'

I chuckled when I got a response almost instantaneously.

'No. I may sound clingy and corny, but I miss you. I miss holding you, kissing you, touching you. I miss seeing that beautiful smile of yours, love. Why are you still up? I bet you are working, aren't you?'

I bit my lip, a blush creeping up on my face while I was gathering my work stuff and putting them away before settling back on the bed sending him a response.

'You are right, you do sound clingy and corny, but I find it sweet. I miss you too and no, I am not working. I do not know why I am up though. I tried going to sleep but it did not work.'

Did he just roll his eyes at me? It felt like I could feel him rolling his eyes at me. I was brought out of my musings by my phone beeping from the arrival of a new text.

'You just lied to me, love.😐'

I raised a brow as I typed a response before hitting send.


'You was working.'

I rolled my eyes and was in the middle of responding when I received another text.

'Do not roll your eyes at me and do not deny it. I know you were so do not lie to me or I will spank that ass.🍑👋😤'

I stared at my phone screen for a moment before deleting what I was about to send and writing another response then sending it.

'🙅 hold up! I'm out, daddy.'

'Do not run now. You were not running when you were trying to lie to me.🙍'



'I feel so attacked right now. You are supposed to be my husband. I did not lie.'

'I am. You just lied to me and I was simply pointing it out. You feel attacked because your conscious is telling you that you were naughty for lying to me.'

'You want to know else my conscious telling me?😉'


'That you are not getting any our wedding night.😛'

'Ob- bloody fucking-jection!😠'

'Overruled, hubby!😂'

I snickered seeing his frowned up face already.

'Meet me downstairs in 10 minutes, love.'

I both of eyebrows rose at his message. What was he planning? He knows that our parents will kill us if we get caught.

'Are you crazy? Our parents will kill us. I think you need to go to sleep.😕'

'Nevermind them. Meet me, love. I just want to spend some time with you as my fiancée for the last time before you become my wife.😳'

I smiled softly at that. He really knows what to say to make me do whatever he wants me to. If I did not find this so endearing and cute I would tell him no.

'I will be there, Finny.😙'

'I will be waiting.😘'

I smiled to myself as I sat my phone on the bed before getting out of bed and slipping on some comfortable clothes. I ran a brush through my hair and put on some chapstick before slipping on my shoes then grabbing my phone shoving it in my pocket along with my room key. I opened the door peeping out into the hallway checking both ways twice to make sure the coast was clear before quietly closing the door and making my way to the elevators. I let out a sigh of relief as soon as I was on the elevator and the doors closed. I walked through the lobby waving at the woman at the front desk as I went and when I stepped outside into the late night early morning crisp air I took a deep breath before starting to walk down the sidewalk to where I spotted Fin.

He hopped off of the things he was sitting on and tucked his phone in his pocket when he saw me approaching him. He smiled making me smile as we embraced each other. "I missed you, Finny", I mumbled my hands running up and down his back. He chuckled and kissed me on the head. "I missed you too, love", he responded before tilting my head back and placing a kiss upon my lips. The kiss was short but sweet and I could not stop smiling afterwards.

"So want to explain to me why you have called me out here?", I asked resting my chin on his chest as I stared up at him. "I told you already. I want to spend time with you as my fiancée for the last time. So let's go, love", he responded with a peck to my lips before taking me by the hand and began walking, pulling me along. I had no idea where we were going but as long as I was with him it did not matter. We wind up at a little bakery and cafe a few blocks away from the hotel. It stays open late and boy was I happy that it did. It smells absolutely delicious in here.

Baby was hungry and so was mama. I ordered a sub with a slice of peacan pie and a coke. Fin just ordered a cup of coffee and a slice of coffee cake. "This brings back memories", I told him while we waited for our orders. He smiled, "It does. It is just like when we were teenagers and you came to visit me in London. You are still a goody-two shoes, love", he said. "Just because I am not as unruly as you, it does not mean that I am a goody-two shoes", I denied.

He chuckled, "But love, you are. I had to beg you to sneak out with me that time. You were giving me every excuse in the book as to why the both of us should have stayed in. If that does not make you a goody-two shoes then I do not know what does", he responded making me huff. "Does not. It just means that I believe in following the rules", I said defensively. "Some rules are meant to be broken, baby", he responded making me sigh exasperatedly. "I just cannot win with you, can I?", I asked making him smirk. "Nope. Keep this in mind whenever we have an argument, but I will give you a sure fire way to win against me. I am going to be your husband in a few hours so it is okay for you to know my weakness", he responded making me roll my eyes at him. "Really? And what is your weakness my soon to be husband?", I drawled.

He licked his lips eyeing me for a moment before finally putting me out of my curious misery. "You", he said simply and I raised a brow at him questioningly. "Me?", I asked. "You", he confirmed. I bit my lip trying to make sense of his answer, because let's be honest, it does not make any sense. "If we are arguing how can I win with the both of us yelling at each other? I am already a part of the situation", I responded and he sighed.

"Ana, all you have to do is touch me and the argument is as good as yours. Have you ever noticed how whenever we have a disagreement I avoid touching you? Love, the moment you touch me I will start thinking with my dick instead of my head and take you right where you stand. There will be no argument anymore", he explained making me blush like a virgin. I nodded ignoring the way my heart sped up at his admission. I bit my lip as I stared off into space as visions of what he had just said played out in my mind. I jumped being startled by his hand cupping my face suddenly. He used his thumb to gently pulling my bottom lip free from my teeth.

"Stop biting your lip. You are tempting me", he mumbled rubbing my thumb across my lips before removing his hand from my face and placing it back on the table where it previously had been. The waiter came carrying a big silver tray that had our orders placed on it. "Okay, I have a sub, peacan pie, and slice of coffee cake for food and a cup of coffee with cream and 6 sugars and a coke for drinks", he said listing off the items as he placed them on the table before us. I smiled at the man and thanked him, ignoring the way Fin's eyes bore into the side of my head as I did. When the waiter left I picked up my sub and began unwrapping it. "You know that you do not have any reason to be jealous of another man, right?", I asked finishing unwrapping my sandwich and taking a bite from it.

I moaned at the taste of the teriyaki chicken and bacon hitting my taste buds. He raised a brow, a knowing smirk on his face. As of late, I have been known to moan when I eat something I find good so he is used to it but he still teases me about it. "You should be jealous of this sandwich. It is so good and the baby loves it just as much as I do", I taunted him before biting into the sandwich again and moaning at the taste louder than before. He rolled his eyes, that smirk still in place on his face. "I know something that you love more than than food", he said.

I smirked amused. "And what might that be?", I responded playing along. "This dick. You love this dick way more than you love food and baby does too because this dick gave it life", he responded. I just stared at him with a straight face for over a minute before bursting out laughing. "Just fookin' wit' meh, right?", I laughed, my ascent coming out heavy. He shook his head, "Nope. Serious. Besides, you can say the same about me in retrospect to you and that piece of heaven between those thick thighs of yours", he responded before sipping from his cup of coffee.

"You are so nasty sometimes. You better not say things like that around our children", I warned. "You want more children?", he asked. I nodded, "With our careers you would think one would be enough for me, but I actually want to have four total. I want a big family and hopefully that is alright with you. I know that you enjoy what you do and that inclu-", he interrupted me by reaching across the table and covering my mouth with his hand. "You are rambling, love. I know that after all of this time knowing each other we have yet to discuss children, but it does not matter to me. I just want at least one of our children to be athletic like me", he said nonchalantly and I nodded like an obedient child.

"Are you going to remove your hand now?", I asked, but it came out muffled due to his hand still being over my mouth. "What was that, love? You cannot wait until we get back to the hotel for me to power drill that pussy? Me neither, babe", he said rather loudly making me look at him incredulously. I slapped his hand away from my face and opened my mouth to rip him a new one when the waiter cleared his throat alerting us of his presence. I felt so utterly embarrassed that I could not even look at him the man, and I had let Fin do the talking. "Ana, you know that I was just joking. Relax, love", he said after the waiter left to get our check. I shook my head and ignored him giving him the cold shoulder.

After we left the bakery he spent nearly fifteen minutes trying to get me to talk him before he cracked and swept me off my feet into a smoldering kiss that had left me lightheaded. "You still giving me the cold shoulder, love?", he asked his eyes boring into mine. I leaned forward pressing my lips to his in a chaste kiss. "No, but I would really appreciate it if you would stop embarrassing me like that. No-one needed to know anything about what goes on behind closed doors between us", I responded and small smile playing on my lips. He nodded and pecked me on the lips before sitting me back down on my own two feet. "I apologize for embarrassing you. I let my possessiveness get the better of me and I am sorry for that, Ana. However, I will never apologize for being possessive of you", he said sincerely.

"Apology accepted. I would never want you to apologize for your possessiveness because it shows me that you care. It makes me feel good knowing that you have not problem with claiming me as yours as I do you", I responded taking his hand in mine and pulled him along with me as I began walking. "Where are we walking to, love?", he asked draping his arm around my shoulders as he walked beside me. "Just around to a little place I remember us going to once", I responded looking at the familiar buildings. A sense of nostalgia washed over me as we got closer to our destination. "Are we going where I think that we are going?", he asked as we got even closer to our destination. I giggled feeling excited, "Depends, where do you think we are going?", I responded as we crossed the street to get to the other side.

He hummed, "To the little Shop we had came across when we had snuck out that time years ago", he responded with a small smile on his face. "The exact same place", I confirmed with a smile of my own. In the distance I could see the shop sign lit up in neon lights above it. After all of these years it is still there and it still stays open late. I know it seems lame and childish, but it is a toy store. I remember walking in and being amazed like the children in Holiday movies when they walked into the toy stores.

Finny and I had spent hours here running around and playing. Imagine two teenagers running through the store playing with toys like two overgrown three-year olds. The manager had to put us out of the store because would not stop getting into stuff. Stepping foot in here again makes me feel like I am back in those days again. I could not keep the smile off of my face as I watched Fin's reaction to being back here in this place again. As tough as he looks, he is still a child at times and to see his light up the way they did was an amazing sight.

"So Mr. Hendry, what do you think?", I asked grinning up at him and was pleasantly surprised by a kiss from him as a response. He pulled away before I could respond though, a grin on his handsome face. "Let's go have some fun", he said before grabbing my hand intertwining his fingers with mine before taking off with me in tow. We ran up the escalator to the second floor and split up. "Thank goodness I wore tennis shoes", I mumbled to myself jogging through the aisle until I found what I was looking for. I grabbed it off the shelf and opened it along with two refills.

I had just rounded a corner when I felt a stinging in my butt cheek. I turned around, a glare on my face to see Fin's standing at the end of the aisle with a smirk on his face and dart guns in either of his hands.

"You did not just shoot me in the butt?", I said with an attitude. He raised a brow looking amused by what I had just said. "I just could not resist, love. It was just too tempting", he mused making me narrow my eyes into slits. "You are about to be begging for mercy soon, baby", I called aiming my gun at him.

"I sure hope so, love. Make me beg for it, babe", he taunted before taking off again. "You better run, Stephen Hendry", I shouted taking off after him. Although it was very late there were still people there in the store and while some were amused, the others not so much. We raced through the store bantering, laughing, and shooting at each other until we ran out of darts. We had found some bikes on the third floor and rode them around racing like we used to as kids. "You can't catch me, old man", I teased zooming down the raceway.

I could hear laughing behind me before he passed me making me scowl. I tell you that it was dejá vu because next thing I know, Fin is flying off his bike and skidding across the floor. Then I am jumping off my own bike and running over to my fiancé who is currently lying on the floor with his bike on top of him, the back wheel still spinning and all. I have no idea why, but I burst out tears as I dropped down to my knees beside him. "Finny?", I cried pushing the bike off of him.

"Fuck! That bloody hurt like a kick in the dick!", he cursed. "Are you okay, baby?", I asked sniffling as I checked him over and do you know what this asshole did? He laughed. He burst out laughing while I was sitting beside him with tears streaming down my face worried about him. I open palm slapped him right across his face before rising to my feet. "Fuck you, Stephen!", I snapped before I walked off fuming.

"Ana!", he called after me, but I ignored him walking to the escalator and getting on it, riding down to the second floor then getting on the one on that floor before riding down to the first. I was about to walk out of the door when he caught up to me and grabbed me by forearm. I jerked my arm free from him and fixed him with a cold stare. "Ana, please do not be angry with me?", he pleaded pulling me into a bear hug. I squirmed in his arms trying to wiggle free from his embrace. "Let go of me, Stephen", I demanded but he just held on tighter.

"No", he said placing kisses all over my face. "Stop", I whined turning my head to try to avoid his kisses but failing miserably. "Say you forgive me", he demanded still planting kisses on my face. "No", I protested wiggling even more. "Say it, love", he demanded. "You are squishing the baby", I groaned.

"No, i'm not. Now say you forgive me", he groaned mockingly. "Stephen!", I snapped annoyed by his antics. "Ana!", he mocked. "I will knee you in the dick if you do not let me go", I threatened. He scoffed, "Do it, but you will have a sore ass to match my sore dick", he countered making me grunt in frustration. "You are being impossible, Finny", I hissed glaring at him and he just chuckled kissing me on the lips in a sweet kiss that nearly made me forget why I was even upset with him to begin with, nearly.

If he had not of grabbed my butt, groping it with both of his hands I would have fallen right into his trap but that snapped me right out of it. I started pounding my fists on his strong chest as he kissed and groped me. "Stop it", I moaned into the kiss as I melted against him, all of my fight dying. "Baby?", I breathed into the kiss making him hum. "We should be getting back now", I mumbled into the kiss, kissing him back fervently. "We should", he mumbled rubbing my butt.

Then someone cleared their throat pulling us out of our sexual haze. We turned our heads to see the manager of the store standing a foot away from us with his arms folded across his chest. We smiled at the graying man innocently as we pulled apart. "I see you two are still making a fuss in my store", he said looking at us pointedly. "We were just simply making up", Fin said in our defense. Mr. Knight tsked, "I saw you through the surveillance cameras. You were running around like bats out of hell playing with toys", he drawled.

"And it was fun", Fin said with a shrug of his shoulders, not even denying it. I rolled my eyes slapping him on the arm. "Mr. Knight, we will pay for anything that we messed up and a little extra for the hassle", I said going into lawyer mode. "Are you two together now?", he asked. "Yes sir, we are. We are getting married later today. Why don't you come over to the wedding? We will have you put down as a special guest", I responded and he smiled. "I am glad. I remember the way the two of you looked at each other when you thought the other was not looking. I am sorry to say this, but I cannot make it. Congratulations though, and keep your money. This is my wedding gift to the both of you and I only ask that you come back soon", he said with a look of fondness on his face.

I hugged him feeling overwhelmed with emotion. "Thank you, Mr. Knight. We will definitely be coming back and we will be bringing a special guest with us", I said breaking our embrace to retake my position at Fin's side. "A special guest?", he asked curiously. I nodded, unconsciously putting my hand on my stomach. "We will be busy after we get back from our honeymoon so we will be bringing our little one with us the next time we come visit your store", Fin said beaming with pride. "A baby? You are pregnant, Ana? Wow. Congratulations, and please excuse me for a moment. I want to give you three something before you go", Mr. Knight said before rushing off somewhere in the store.

I looked up at Stephen. "So you were looking at me with heart eyes when I was not looking?", I teased and he pecked me on the lips. "And you were looking at me the same way. We have wasted a lot of time, love", he responded. I nodded humming in agreement. "Well now we have all of the time in the world. We have the rest of our lives. When we get back to the hotel how about a nightcap?", he said with a mischievous smile on his handsome face. "That sounds good to me", I responded standing on my tiptoes and giving him a chaste on the lips.

"Okay, I am back", Mr. Knight said announcing his return. "Here you go you two. This is one of the best baby toys we have and a little stuffed bear for the little one to have at night", he said handing Fin a bag. We urged and thanked him before leaving. By the time we made it back to the hotel it was nearly sunrise and by the time we werr walking through the door of my hotel room the run was about to rise. We kicked off our shoes and grabbed a bottle of apple juice before heading out on the balcony to watch the sunrise. I was sat in his lap as we shared the bottle of juice between us as we watched the sun rise into the sky and sneaking in little kisses here and there.

When the sun was up in the sky we made our way back inside and made love one last time as fiancés before he had to leave. Neither one of us wanted to let the other go but we knew that we could not let our parents catch us together. We had broken tradition in more ways than one, but that did not mean that anyone needed to know that besides us and God. I was soaking in the tub to relieve some of the soreness between my legs when I heard shuffling in from inside my room. My mama and my bridal party along with a glam squad had arrived to get me ready for my big day. It was time for the hustle and bustle and I am not ready. So I just relaxed, sinking further into the warm bath I was currently sitting in and soaked up as much relaxation and calmness as I could before I had to face the world again.

Confession: I wrote a good percentile of this while listening to Future's 'Purple Reign' and some other artists such as Adele, Linkin Park, Zayn, Jessie Ware, A Great Big World, ect. None of which really tied together, but oh well. Comment what you think about this chapter!

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