Birdflash Stuff And Fluff

By Blondie309

10K 234 53

Lots of random birdflash stuff I will update as I please and I'm sorry if it takes me a while. More

studying gone wrong (or right )
seven minutes in heaven
authors note (please read)

Wally's return

2.2K 68 16
By Blondie309

OK guys, so today is the day that Wally died in young justice and people are really sad so I decided to make a one-shot to lighten the mood. I hope you guys enjoy.

Nightwing's (Dick's) p.o.v

It's been a year after Wally's death and I still haven't gotten over it, but then again I guess no one really gets over the death of a close friend, family member, lover....
I decided to rejoin the team after a while and found out the impulse and bluebeetle are dating (Yay bluepulse) I totally shipped them (but not as much as birdflash.)
Artemis and I decided to have a tradition where Artemis and I go visit Wally's death site on the day of his death every year.
We borrowed the bioship fromwith Mg,gann and headed out. We arrived at the spot about an hour after we left and I looked up at the sky. There where dark grey clouds in the sky with thunder and lightning, almost like it never left after what happened that fateful night one year ago.
Artemis and I kneel on the ground and sob quietly in remembrance of Wally. Lightning starts to strike and I help Artemis off the ground. "We should get out af here before we catch our death of cold." She wipes her tears and nods. We start to head to the bioship when I heard something in the distance. "Dick!......." I turn around and scan the area when a flash of lightning strikes the ground and something starts running towards us. "Dick!......." I hear it yell again as I watched it draw closer and I was tackled to the ground. I look up to see who what talked me and is met by a pair of emerald green eyes. "Wally! I thought you were de-mmph!" I was stopped short by Wally's lips against mine and I kiss back. The kiss was short but sweet and we pulled away as Artemis runs up to us. We pick ourselves up off the ground and Artemis hugs Wally. "What the hell Wally I thought you were dead!"
"So did I...... Artemis there is something important I need to tell you." Wally lifts Artemis's chin up so she is looking him in the eyes. "The entire time I was dating you I was lying to myself. Artemis, I love you but not in the way I thought I loved you. I'm in love with someone else and that someone is Dick. All that time I spent dead made me realise what ways I love the people in my life. Please forgive me." The look in Artemis's eyes turned from joy to anger as she slapped Wally across the face. "IT TOOK DEATH FOR YOU TO REALISE THAT YOU LOVE DICK MORE THAN A FRIEND! Ugh, I could have told you that!" Wally looked at her stunned. "You knew!?" "Oh course I knew! Have you seen the way you two look at each other!? Ugh, it's so obvious!" Wally turned and look me in the eyes "I love you Dick." "I love you too Wally." And we kissed again. The kiss only little while until Artemis coughed interrupting it. "Come on Baywatch we got to get you home to do a few things 1: get you declared alive. 2: get you a shower. Seriously though after a year of death you smell really bad. 3: get you moved in with your new boyfriend." We all burst out laughing and started walking to the bioship. "So wally." I spoke up. "When you where running towards us, how fast were you going? That was obviously faster than flash." Wally leaned in close to my ear and whispered." Well maybe I can test that out on you later tonight." I can feel the blush rush up my neck to my cheeks and for once in that past year everything was going right and everything was perfect.

Yay, I'm finally done I hope you guys enjoyed. 😉😘

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