By SherineCArifa

57.5K 1.7K 160

Young Autumn Wilde was a happy she-wolf along with her twin, Summer Wilde and her big brother, Luke Wilde. I... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
C. Twenty One
C. Twenty Two - The End
Epilogue (Finally)
Short Story - When The Pup's Older

Foreword : It's the werewolf!

4.7K 93 8
By SherineCArifa


The moral right of the author has been asserted. All right reserved. This story is published subject to the condition that it shall not be reproduced, rewritten, or retransmitted in whole or in part.
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Text © 2016 Sherine Arifayahya. All right reserved.


START: 25 June 2016
FINISH: 31 December 2016




Dear, my awesome readers and followers.

Hey! Finally, we meet again! This story is my 3rd stories and I've deleted the others before they're finished yet. But, I will try my best to complete this story so you don't have to worry.

And then, for readers that still unaware about Werewolves, I will write some informations about werewolves here so keep reading this Author note.

And the last thing is, I really hope you can understand that I'm not a native speaker so, this story might contain some bad grammars and typos.
I hope you enjoy this story! If you like the chapter, please give this story a vote! Thanks xx


A werewolf or lycanthrope is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf or a therianthropic hybrid wolf-like creature, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction.

Werewolf usually lives in packs. The pack will be organized by some wolves that are stronger or have more superior abilities than the others.

There will be Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Hunter, Sentinel, Elder, Scout, Guardian, Omega and Pup. But, in this story, not all of the wolf rank will be mentioned.

Alpha: Alphas are the leader of the pack. They usually have more superior abilities than the other wolves. They control the pack and they make rules to the pack members. One Alpha needs to know the other packs' Alpha to make several agreements with the other packs in order to avoid war or events that are not good for their pack. Their Mates called the Female Alpha or the Luna. (modern stories of werewolf call the female alpha as Luna)

Beta: Betas are the second in command. They help the Alphas to make decisions. Betas usually the one who will keep their members in safety along with the Sentinels. If there're more werewolves want to join the pack, Betas are the one who will ask them questions and they will ask for the Alpha's decision. Their mates called the Female Beta.

There won't be any Gamma in this story.

Delta: Deltas are the soon to be Betas. They will be Betas after their Training is completed but sometimes, they will stay be Deltas as the third in command in the packs. Their job is helping the Betas to call hunts along with the hunters and watch over the members training. Their mates called the Female Delta.

Hunter: Hunters are the one who hunts for food. In real life organization, Hunters may be the one who plans over the meals in some events. Hunters will only hunt in Alpha's command along with Beta's and Delta's. Hunters are the one who skilled at tracking (search for scents).

Sentinel: Sentinels are more like guards and knights. They are skilled at fighting so if there are any troubles with other packs, they will be the one who fights in the first row. They sometimes came along with hunters to hunt foods. Their main job is securing the pack's territory so no one is trespassing.

In this story, hunters and sentinels don't hunt for food since it's a modern kind of werewolf story so they can just go to supermarket or something to get foods, lol.

There won't be Elders and Scouts in this story. Elders are more like the past Alphas and Betas who make a new organization and help the new Alpha to make decisions. Scouts are the one who makes peace with other packs or more like a walking phone (or like a communication media)
Since modern life has a real phone, we can just call other packs for informations and we don't need scouts as our communication media.

Guardian: They are the pack's doctors. They help ill pack members without any spell or magic. Just like the modern doctor does.

Omega: Omegas are just the pack's members. They don't have superior abilities (except for what werewolf already has. They're still not human.) Usually, they're the females and the new generation who still in training.

The last one is the Pups. Pups are the new born wolf or wolves who still not trained yet. They still freely playing in the Packs house. Sometimes, the 6 or 7 years old pups will have the pack's rules lesson before they get their training as Omegas when their wolf finally strong enough to appear and shift by the age of 8-10 years old.

There are 2 kinds of Werewolf that don't have packs I mentioned in this story, it's Lone Wolf and Rogue.

Lone Wolf: Lone wolves don't have a pack as a family. They live by their self. Sometimes, it's because they are kicked by the Alpha from the pack or they ran away from the pack without the Alpha's agreement.

Rogue: Just like Lone Wolf, Rogue Wolves lives without a pack but usually they make groups of rogues. Rogues sometimes are called the wolves who can't be ruled and sometimes they are the wolves who are crazy enough to be in the pack. They hurt the other pack members or didn't follow the Alpha's order and rules that made them got kicked from the pack.

And that's all I can tell you. Well, I told you this werewolf story is based on the modern type of werewolf. The real werewolf has no rules. If there's a wolf who wants to be the Alpha, they can just kill the former Alpha and become the new Alpha (if they did not die yet). The old werewolves story are savage and not cool. They can shift to pure human, half human-half wolf or pure wolf. Even so, they still live in packs to protect their life.

I wish the old kind of werewolves does not real. But I also wish the modern kind of werewolf does real. Why? Have you watched Twilight or Teen Wolf? Can you see? The wolves there are all hot! Omg and can you read the modern kind of werewolf story? They usually so sweet and loyal to their mate. Agh!

Okay, I think the author notes are enough. I will stop there before I can't stop at all, lol!

Happy reading sweeties!


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