The Untold Tion Hayes Story

By lov3_dontchang3

153K 9.1K 1.3K

DISCLAIMER.... Before you read this story you should probably read Lucky Number Seven and Homecoming Parts 1... More

The Untold Tion Hayes Story: Intro
Tion 1
Tion 2
Tion 3
Lafayette 4
Lafayette 5
Lafayette 6
Tion 7
Tion 8
Tion 9
Lafayette 10
Lafayette 11
Lafayette 12
Tion 13
Tion 14
Tion 15
Lafayette 16
Lafayette 17
Ricardo 19
Ricardo 20
Ricardo 21
Tion 22
Tion 23
Tion 24
Lafayette 25
Lafayette 26
Lafayette 27
Ricardo 28
Ricardo 29
Ricardo 30
Tion 31
Tion 32
Tion 33
Lafayette 34
Lafayette 35
Lafayette 36
Ricardo 37
Ricardo 38
Ricardo 39
Alejandro 40
Alejandro 41
Alejandro 42
Tion 43
Tion 44
Tion 45
Lafayette 46
Lafayette 47
Lafayette 48
Ricardo 49
Ricardo 50
Ricardo 51
Alejandro 52
Alejandro 53
Alejandro 54
Tion 55
Tion 56
Tion 57
Lafayette 58
Lafayette 59
Lafayette 60
Tion 61
Tion 62
Tion 63
Lafayette 64
Lafayette 65
Lafayette 66
Ricardo 67
Ricardo 68
Ricardo 69
Alejandro 70
Alejandro 71
Alejandro 72
Tion 73
Tion 74
Tion 75
Lafayette 76
Lafayette 77
Lafayette 78
Ricardo 79
Ricardo 80
Ricardo 81
Alejandro 82
Alejandro 83
Alejandro 84
Tion 85
De'Cari 86
Tion 87
Tion 88
Lafayette 89
Tion 90
Lafayette 91
Tion Finale

Lafayette 18

1.8K 111 10
By lov3_dontchang3

I got Tion's house and felt stupid as fuck...... he wasn't here yet now I was standing on his porch in the cold waiting for him to show up. Just as I was about to pull out my phone and call him I saw a car flying up the street, screech to a halt and Tiana jump out the driver seat and run to the door...... for a second I thought they were being chased until Tiana started screaming about having to pee. I watched as Tion got out the car with a smirk on his face..... damn he was cute, he didn't rushed to get to the door probably because Tiana had the keys in her hand. He walked up to me and kissed me without even acknowledging his twin sister; Iran, Seven, Tyson and Amir walked up and pointed out the fact that she had the keys, after that I couldn't focus on anything else but Tion as he pushed me on the porch swing and started pulling at my shirt. Even though I could tell he was slightly drunk, the smell of the alcohol mixed with his cologne sent my senses into overdrive, almost to the point where I didn't care if we ended up fuckin right here on the porch...... almost.

"I think we should go inside." I whispered when he finally let me catch my breath. Tion nodded and pulled me into the house, up the stairs and into his master bedroom which might as well been a small apartment. Realizing this was my first time in his bedroom I became nervous I started looking around the dimly lit room and took in my surroundings all long the walls were pictures of him and his family, pictures of him with Seven, Amir and Dallas and someone I could only guess to be his oldest brother Zaire, Tion with Tiana and two other women who could only be his older sisters, Tion and his kids and Tion with an older man who looked a lot like Seven...... damn even his daddy was fine.

"Ayy I'm about to jump in the shower real quick make yourself at home." Tion said stripping down and walking through a set of double doors off to the side of the room. I was half tempted to walk in there with him but thought against it, I needed to maintain some level of control. I walked around looking at more picture which gave me a better idea of who Tion Hayes was, and just by looking I could tell he really loved his family. I was so focused on the pictures that I didn't realize Tion was standing behind me until he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my belt off in one move.

"When I said make yourself comfortable that was really code for bring your ass in the shower with me." Tion said kissing my shoulder.

"Ummm but I didn't bring any clothes........" I said lamely, Tion smiled and walked to what I guess was his closet, I watched his muscular ass and had to admit even though I preferred to bottom I definitely wouldn't turn down a chance to fuck him. A few seconds later Tion came back with a fresh shirt, shorts, and underwear still in the package.

"Now what's your excuse?" He said giving me a sexy half smirk, I stripped down and followed him into the bathroom and had to laugh so much for self control. We stepped in the water and locked eyes, the intensity of his gaze scared me a little.

"So umm...... I noticed De'Cari didn't come back with y'all." I said looking away. Tion grabbed my face and made me look him in the eyes.

"Fuck De'Cari....... he'll be aight, he found a girl at the party that should keep him occupied for a couple hours, what I wanna talk about is this...." He said grabbing my ass tightly. "You have know idea how much seeing you punch that dude turned me on." Tion said smiling.

"Fuck that nigga..... I told him about grabbing me like he was crazy, but what I really wanna talk about is this......." I said grabbing his ass and pulling him close to me.

"Ayy yo watch dem hands, you can play with this...." He said putting my hands around his dick. " as much as you want, but I don't want you getting any ideas that I'm going to be getting fucked...... anytime soon." Tion said smiling. He kissed me again then turned me around and pushed me against the wall. I felt his dick growing against my ass and his lips against my neck, I felt him start to kiss down my back until I knew his face was leveled with 

"TION, ayy y'all plan on using the porch swing because me and Tyson........." Seven said busting into the bathroom.

"Seven get out before I beat your ass and nah we're not using the porch swing and neither are you... now leave." Tion said without looking back at Seven. The door closed and Tion made me face him. "Well the mood is ruined, let's finished up." Tion said kissing me again, but I could tell he was pissed and I knew the feeling all too well.

Me and Tion spent the rest of the night talking, kissing and occasional grinding, which was fine with me. Over the course of the net two days I got to know Tion and his family a lot better and the more time I spent with them the more I could see myself fitting into his family. Finally I knew I had to get back to work, Zyshaun had been calling all day about a meeting with Kaylis and Young Mon, so that's where I was heading now while Tion took his Tiana, Iran and De'Cari to the airport. I walked into the building and the first person I noticed was Zyshaun's assistant Ricardo..... there was something about that dude that gave me a feeling, not good or bad just a feeling. He nodded towards me and I followed him to the elevator.

"Mr. Prater is in a meeting so he'll be a couple minutes, Kaylis and Ramone are already here." Ricardo said looking at his phone clearly pissed.

"You alright man you seem a little irritated?" I asked looking at him.

"I'm fine I just hate when Zyshaun does this shyt, like how am I suppose to do my job if he's always doing these spontaneous meetings." Ricardo said looking at me and when I looked into his eyes I saw something.

"So...... you and Zyshaun?" I asked and judging from his reaction I had hit the nail on the head.

"Look nobody can know about that..... but yeah we had our history, which is exactly that history." Ricardo said and for some reason I felt bad for this kid, I could tell he had been through a lot and looking at him I saw my younger brother. The doors opened and Ricardo walked out quickly, I followed him down a hall into a room where Kaylis and Young Mon were laughing at a video. I walked up behind them and saw they were watching a video someone took at the party of Kaylis slapping me.

"I'm glad y'all find that funny." I said smiling. I sat down across from Young Mon and I saw Young Mon watching Ricardo walk past and something else clicked into place...... I knew Young Mon was gay, hell the whole world knew but the way he looked at Ricardo...... damn him too?

"I'm not sure how long Zyshaun will be so he might as well get started. The tour will be about 15 cities over three months, Zyshaun wants meet and greets with the fans, album signings as well as trying to get y'all some media coverage over the local news stations. It's going to be busy but I know y'all can handle it." Ricardo said.

"So what order are we going to be performing? Because you know it goes from least popular as the opening act to most popular as the closer." Young Mon asked. I thought the answer was obvious I mean not to sound arrogant but I was the most famous out of the three of us, Kaylis was just starting to take off and so was Young Mon.

"As far as I know none of y'all will be opening..... but will have to wait until Zyshaun gets here so y'all can discuss it with him." Ricardo said. We sat there looking at each other quietly for a few minutes until the doors opened and Zyshaun walked in stared at us.

"Sorry about the delay I was in a very important meeting, now what were we discussing?" Zyshaun said sitting at the head of the table, Ricardo briefed him on our conversation and Zyshaun nodded. "Right now none of y'all will be opening, I just got out a meeting with an up and coming talent scout and he's going to be going to every stop on the tour searching for local talents that will be opening for y'all, as for who's closing I figured y'all could all do it Devin is working on a song for the three of y'all that way no one gets outshone.  But before the finale y'all will alternate in each city." Zyshaun said.

"Mr. Prater don't you think I should at least check this talent scout out before you send him out?" Ricardo asked.

"Of course that's why you're going with him, you'll get the final say in all decision but I really think this guy is good in fact he should be in here in a few seconds." Right on cue the doors opened and this man walked into the room commanding everyone's attention, Kaylis looked like she was having an orgasm, Young Mon perked up, but Ricardo was at a lost for words. "Allow me to introduce Alejandro Brewer." Zyshaun said standing up and putting his arm on the man's shoulder.

"Please call me Dro......" He said giving Ricardo a dazzling smirk. I could feel the sparks between the two and thought this was about to be really interesting to watch.

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