Pure {Werewolf VS Vampire}

By Beautifully_Driven_

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Briella Silverstone is human. She's funny, sarcastic, and one hell of a spitfire. Even with her tragic back s... More

Pure {Werewolf VS Vampire}
I'm A Morning Person, Can't You Tell?
I Spy With My Little Eye, London!
Different People.
New Friend? Or Just A Challenge? ( Part 1 )
New Friend? Or Just A Challenge? ( Part Two)
Racing Misconception... I Think?
Pearl Harbor Parody
Movers Suck At Their Job
Internal VS External Conflict.
Finding Blake
I Like Them Difficult.
Blake Breaks Down

Curiosity Killed The Cat.

364 21 2
By Beautifully_Driven_

Hiii beautiful people!!!

Thanks you SOO much for over 1,150 reads, and over 130 votes! c:

Also, I want to give a special shout out to Not_today_sir who created the beautiful cover for the book!

Thank you girliee!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD

Also I'd like to dedicate this chapter to whattheduck who has given me so many nice comments, and she is super nice!


Sum up of Chapter:

They don't know about the things we do

They don't know about the I love you's

But I bet you if they only knew

The would just be jealous of us

~One Direction{They don't know about us}


"Briella Silverstone... will you do me the great honor of being my friend?" he smiled a true genuine smile.

Should I accept?


Xx Briella's Pov xX


Me and him?










Hell to the yeah I would! I mean, why wouldn't I?

Blake is like the brother I've never had! An over protective brother at that, but still....

I think I owe him a piece of my friendship, as long as that is all he can ever accept. Just friendship.

And as to him and I being friends, I humbly accept his offer.

Being the goofball I am, I grabbed the hem of my shirt with my fingertips and did a proper curtsy. Crossing my legs, bowing, and all that special crap.

"Friends" I declared, showing my teeth in an innocent smile. Even though, we all know I am not innocent. Right?

He looked down at me with a skeptical look, possibly because I was scaring him?

Nope! Not today!

He bowed respectfully back to me.

But not without grinning like the Cheshire cat would down to Alice.

I think this friendship we have just formed, will work. Most definately.

An odd friendship no doubt, but a great one.


A sudden slam of metal against tile filled my earsdrums, and started me.

I looked over my shoulder, to see employees in the distance locking the metal barred gate to the stores they work in.

'Why are they closing so early?' I thought.

I frowned inwardly, trying to piece why the mall is closing up shops. Me and Blake were only here for what seemed like an hour or so! So why wou-

But the obvious dawned on me.

"Blake" I shouted at him, getting his attention immediately.

"Yes?" he said startled by my sudden outburst.

"What's the time?" I asked panicking, and my hands shaking.

He looked down at his watch that was conveniently on his right wrist.

"11:11 pm," he said as if it were nothing, "Why, what's wrong?"

I gasped. '11:11? Oh Shit' I mentally cursed myself.

I began to hurriedly run down the malls isles, bobbing and weaving as I went.

"Briella wait!' I heard Blake scream after me. I didn't stop for him though... as much as I wanted to stop for him and explain, I had to keep in mind that I remembered one vital piece of information I stupidly forgot.

*** Flashback ***

"BE BACK BY SUNDOWN" My mom yelled from across the yard.

Anyways, I jumped onto the seat, revved the engine a few times as a teaser, and switched the gear into drive; shooting me down the driveway like a speeding bullet.

*** Flashback over ***

Over all...... I was late. Beyond late.

And I'm screwed so far up my own ass, I can probrably see my own tonsils.

I kept sprinting, until I reached the malls exiting doors. I pushed then open to such a force, they slamemed against the brick wall. Oops.

Why am I so worried about getting home late? because my mother will physically hit me in the face with fresh eggs, and pour every liquid content over my head in anger. It may not sound bad, but when I say everything, I mean everything. Including ketchup. Yea, I went there! SHE'S SO VIOLENT!

I reached for my keys, which I kept in my pants pocket and nervously pulled them out.

As I neared closer to Terror, a cold hand stopped me from going any further by grasping my elbow.

I gasped aloud.

The man (judge by the grip of his hand) quickly turned my entire body frame to face him.

Blake... Phew! Thank god it wasn't some creepy pedo dude looking for a young girl to.... you know.

It rhymes with 'grape'.

"Briella, where are you going?" he asked, concern lacing his delicate, yet strong face. He looked so beautiful in this moonlight.

Is it weird to call a guy beautiful? Yea? okay...

"Home" I whispered, audible enough for him to hear.

Guilt panged at my heart for leaving my newfound friend I met just hours ago behind.

Once he heard me, he lifted my chin up with the touch of his gentle fingers, and looked deep into my silver eyes that were probrably glowing from the reflection of the moonlight.

Yea, my eyes glow at night. Not freaky at all, right?

Note the sarcasm.

Understanding, Blake cupped my soft cheeks with both of his rough, yet gentle hands, and stroked them with the underside of his thumbs. He made me at this moment, feel welcomed in life. His life. And that's all I could've ever wanted in this new life I'm beginning.

I felt Blake lean closer to me, still gazing into my abnormal, yet eccentric eyes.

Wait.... is he going to kiss me???

I thought I established a just friend zone for us!

As he neared closer to my face, he placed his soft, delicate lips on my forehead. Oh.He let them linger for a moment before pulling away.

"Be safe Briella" he whispered as he pulled away, and walked towards his pick up truck, and leaving me wanting more.

I watched him, as he buckled himself in, and drove away into the darkened night.

Is that how people say farewell? Strange... yet such a tease!

I contued my walked to Terror, and seated myself back onto her modified seat. Her engine was still warn from the workout I gave her hours beforehand.

'Good times' I smiled.

I turned her on, and she roared loudly to life.

I placed my hands on her handlebars ready to go home. I was ready to kick off, but as I did, a soft crunching noise was made. The hell?

I looked over the handlebars, and saw a suspicious red envelope tapped onto the engine.

Confused, and beyond curious, I reach for it, and ripped it off the engine easily.

The tape on the red envelope was still sticky, so whoever left it for me did it in only a couple hours notice.

'Strange' I thought, 'Is it a party invitation?'


You know the saying "Curiousity killed the cat"? Well, as I read the letter obvious addressed to me, I realized I just dug a bigger hole for myself...

Sweet Briella,

Welcome to London.

I hope you find it to your liking?

I read on.

It seems you have made a friend. Good for you. You will have plenty more judging from your beauty.

I blushed slightly at that.

But unfortunately you will need to choose your friends more wisely.

You have been warned sweet Briella.

Drive home on Terror saftely.

How did he know, or "it" know I called her Terror?


P.s. Did you enjoy the 3rd gear, I modified for you?

3rd gear? What did "it" mean?

I thought a moment, and I'm not stupid.... something seemed familiar, yet so foreign about this moment

Then, like gears to the mind, my brain was triggered such as a machine would do. It was him...

This son of a monkeys anus just nearly killed me on my own motorcycle!

This explains everything!


Should I be scared, or frightened by this?

Maybe even mad, or furious?

All of them combined more like it.

But all through the anger, and fright, the main message this letter was telling me, was someone wants to harm me. Or possibly even want me for something in not aware of...

20 Votes for next Update!


So there you have it. The story is now officially beginning!!!!

Blake is being friendzoned..... Poo.....

for now(;

It seems like Briella still have feelings

Also... who left the letter?

Comment/ message me on your ideas, and ill let you know if your close to the answer!

Bye for now my loveliesss xD


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