What Meets the Eye

By MissParker_

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t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
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t w e l v e
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f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
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t w e n t y o n e
t w e n t y t w o
t w e n t y t h r e e
t w e n t y f o u r
Come One, Come All
t w e n t y f i v e
Chapter 25!
t w e n t y s i x
Not An Update!! But please read!
t w e n t y s e v e n

n i n e

6.3K 424 177
By MissParker_

"Good morning, can I have an onion bagel with vegetable cream cheese, smoked salmon and a side of cucumbers with cheese grits and orange juice?" I politely asked the waiter as Rani, Ava and I sat at a small table in the back of the pretty empty diner.
"This bitch" Rani mumbled causing the waiter to laugh. "Always have to be extra. "Can I just have the strawberry stuffed French toast with extra whipped cream and a small coffee two creams, four sugars?"
"But you want to talk about me." I playfully rolled my eyes.

I was in dire need of this girls day. Especially after how horrible my fight with Zeek was a few weeks ago. Luckily for me, Ava had unofficially moved in with her boyfriend and allowed me to rent her place out for a while until Zeek got his shit together, or I found a place of my own. Whichever came first.

Ezekiel had been killing my phone battery with his constant apology calls, texts, pictures and videos. He'd been sending flowers, fruit, chocolate and anything else that could be delivered to my job, and while I knew he felt bad, this distance was needed for us. It served him right and hopefully he would officially get it together but in the meantime, I'd be getting my own self together.

Biting into my breakfast, my ears perked up as Rani prepared to fill our cups with much needed tea. I was tired of always bringing the tea. "Girl, between Ricardo's mama and that baby mother of his my ass will go to jail and I can't beat my face in jail bitch so the Lord is going to have to give me the strength."

I spit orange juice through my nose and Ava cackled like a hyena at Rani's dramatics. Ninety percent of her issues didn't come from her long time boyfriend, Ricardo, but from the two other women in his life. They had silent beef since Rani found out she was pregnant 5 years ago.

Rani brought the comic relief I needed in my life even though my time away from Zeek did put me in a better place.

I wouldn't admit that I was a bit lonely though. Not having him or any of his things in my new temporary home bothered me a bit, but I would have to deal with it. Especially if this turned out to not be temporary.

I should've been using my unofficial break as a chance to have some guilt free sex but I could bring myself to dial Mr. Young's number again. Not after our last conversation. He didn't owe me conversation. He didn't owe me anything actually, but the embarrassment I felt after needing a nonjudgmental so badly that I was ready to confide in a nigga whose name I don't even know. And if that wasn't bad enough, he completely rejected me. There was no coming back from that I would just have to kiss that great dick goodbye.

"Veronica!" I chuckled. "You just gonna have to hurt their feelings one good time. Ain't no respect bitch. They got you fuc-"
"Don't listen to her." Ava laughed before something caught her attention. "Lord! Look at this man candy! I need him." She cooed biting on the acrylic of her nail.
"Get him, Ave!" I laughed scrolling through my phone not bothering to look up. This was nothing new with her. She was still enjoying life and sometimes I envied that a bit. Even though she had a boyfriend, she still unapologetically did her own thing. She loved him to pieces though and apparently he felt the same way about her. I was in no place to comment on anyone's relationship. If it worked for them, more power to them. If they liked it, I loved it.

She must've succeeded in getting his attention because soon I felt a fourth presence at our table. Finally looking up, my eyes landed on Ava's man candy

Who turned out to be none other than Mr.Young himself. That's what my ass gets for thinking about him. Clearing my throat I pretended not to see him, but the smirk he held that I noticed from the corner of my eye let me know that he saw me.
"Look he's coming." Ava quietly exclaimed. "It's fate. Meet y'all future brother in law!" She laughed.

"Ms. Hamilton." He greeted as he mad his way to our table walking strong and powerfully like he had it all. I was jealous. Here I was going through hell when he looked like he was living the life. I felt disgusted with myself for even thinking of venting to him, but grateful that I hadn't.
"Zo, you know him?" Ava asked and I finally picked my head up and plastered on the largest, fakest smile.
"Oh Mr. Young! How are you? Guys this is Aaron's English teacher." I told them to ensure that they didn't wonder too hard why this man was comfortable enough to walk up to where we were enjoying our breakfast in peace. Especially Ava who had taken an immediate interest in him, and although she wouldn't admit it, felt a bit salty that he paid her googly eyes no mind. I wanted no bad blood with my best friend.

Ava was in her relationship, but in her eyes she was the single one out of us, so sometimes she felt like she had more to prove. Zeek and I had almost ten years in and Rani and Ricardo had almost nine, but Ava had only been with Hanif for a year and a half. She didn't know everything that I went through with Zeek though. Neither of them did. I couldn't bring myself to tell them all the embarrassing stories about how we would fight and how he would call me names and belittle me then turn right around and be hugged up with him the second he was acting right again. As far as they knew. we just had a rough patch after the first incident with the dumb foot locker bitch. I was glad Ava didn't ask a lot of questions, but something led me to believe she knew a little more than I wanted her to and I was okay with that, as long as she didn't pity me for it.

"Mr. Young." Ava flirted and I felt like she was calling him a pet name that was only meant for me. I felt disrespect but chuckled to myself as how crazy I sounded. "Do you have a first name?" She asked him moving the fourth chair out for him to sit, but he silently decline and nodded his head. "I do." He simply left it at that.

"Well, I was only coming over here because I noticed you and remembered that I couldn't get in contact with Aaron's mom about our conference coming up. You'll remind her about it for me? It's pretty important." His tone was cool and confident, yet I still realized that he was referring to me. He wanted me to stop ignoring him. I was flattered, honestly.

"Sure, I'll pass the message along." I told him before looking back down at my phone.

"Nice meeting you ladies. Enjoy your meals."

"You too." they both said in unison as he made his way out the door.

"Girl. Please give me-"

"Nope." I chuckled while Rani continued to give me a straight face like I had missed her telling a joke or something. "I think he's about to get married." I lied. I wasn't about to share my dick, even if it wasn't mine and I would never be able to get it again. She wasn't getting it. Chuckling a bit more at my thoughts, I opened up a blank text thread and began to tap my olive green nails against the screen of my iPhone.

To: Mr. Young

Are you stalking me now?

Before I was able to lock my phone and jump back into the conversation with my girls, my phone vibrated against my skin.

From: Mr. Young

Don't flatter yourself. I'm in the plaza across the street. You know my car. Come see me when you're finished.

To: Mr. Young

Are you asking or telling me?

From: Mr. Young

I'm an English teacher, so don't ever think my grammar or punctuation was a mistake. You didn't see a question mark, am I correct? Don't take too long.

Surprisingly, I smirked a bit before tossing my phone into the side pocket of the oversized pink metallic bag I sported for the day.

"Are we still meeting up later for girls night or are you hoes ditching me since this is my third time asking?" I playfully rolled my eyes.

"I'm not sure yet, Hanif wants to go to his parents house and you know they live in east Jesus nowhere so we'll probably end up getting back late." Ava began and Rani jumped right in.

"Ricky was talking about a mommy, daddy night while the kids spend the weekend with his sister." she told me and I suddenly felt a wave of loneliness wash over me.

Kai was with Zeek for the weekend, which he needed, but I missed him. I had already gotten my hair, nails, and feet done so I wasn't sure what else to do. I wasn't used to having this much free time, it was pitiful.

Both Rani and Ava gave me sympathetic looks as we prepared to leave each other for the day about a half hour later.

"Y'all are dramatic as hell." I laughed causing them to do the same. They worried about me, and I appreciated them for that.

I was planning to learn to enjoy my time alone as I made my way out of the one way entrance to my car. Sitting in the driver's seat, I tapped my fingers against the leather of my steering wheel debating on whether or not I wanted to head over to the plaza where Mr. Young had mentioned he was parked.

With my lip tucked between my teeth, I tried to weigh my options. I did deserve some good dick. That was the only thing I needed to think about to convince myself to hop out of the car, lock the doors and make my way across the street.

I hopped into the passenger seat, like I owned it and he didn't even bother to look my way. Instead he looked at the gold watch on his wrist, and finally turned to face me. "What took you so long?"

"Don't complain about how long it took me. You're still here, right?"

He smirked a little and I turned to face the window to hide the smile that had formed on my face.

"So, why you been ignoring me?" he asked getting straight to the point that I didn't feel like discussing.

"Is that what you wanted to come over here for? To talk?" I ask a bit bitterly. I didn't want to talk. When I wanted to talk, he reminded me that talking wasn't our thing.

"Yeah. I mean you sounded weird when you called me then ignored me for three weeks after. Obviously something was going on."

"I had a bad day. It happens."

"I don't have a problem with you calling me if you need to talk. I didn't mean for it to come off like-"

"Listen," I chuckled a bit. "That's not what I'm here for right now if you want me to be honest." I told him.

"Yeah?" He laughed as well before clicking the unlock button on the door and looked my way as I continued to sit in my spot.

"That's what I thought. Stop being the fuck stubborn and be an adult. If something is on your mind, say it."

Suddenly, I was right back to where I was when I called in the first place. I could speak freely and get an unbiased opinion from someone who doesn't owe me shit.

"How much time do you have?" I wondered as I shifted in the cool leather seats.

"How much time do you need?" he retorted putting his car in reverse.

We ended up back at my temporary apartment at the table eating the leftovers I had planned a date with. I had vaguely told him about my issues with Zeek, but not going to deep into details and he nodded, scrunched up his brows and mumbled "hmm" often during the story, but didn't seem to want to say much. He did mention how disrespectful Zeek was for doing the things that he had done, but he seemed to be in his own world as he looked around at pictures that decorated the living room of Kai and I.

"You okay?" I asked as he sipped from his third glass of Malibu Rum and pineapple juice that I forced him to drink. It was my favorite. I had told him about my problems, but he didn't say anything about his life. Part of me was happy that he didn't jump at the opportunity to shit on my life, but the other part was growing tired of him being so mysterious.

He looked at me with low, hooded eyes and chuckled a bit. "I'm good." he said, running his tongue across his bottom lip as he sized me up. His life didn't seem all that interesting anymore, because my mind wandered to why we were able to have this conversation in the first place. Because he had good dick that I wasn't ready to let go of just yet.

I smiled at him and suddenly felt like a nervous school girl. "Good." I told him. "I'll be right back. I have to use the bathroom. Make yourself at home. I have snacks and-"

"Don't you think that speech should've been made when I first got here?" He chuckled cutting me off. I only smiled slightly and headed for the bathroom.

I didn't get the chance to make it past the door frame before I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and gently pull me away. "Which room?" he asked in a low whisper.

I guided him to the bedroom that I had made my own, feeling like I was having a boy over for the first time. Taking in the aroma of my Hawaiian breeze glad plug in, my nerves began to calm a bit. The room was brightly lit so I was able to take in all of his features as he stood before me, removing his white shirt.

He was handsome. Lighter in complexion than what I was used to, but I only thought about our skin tones clashing so beautifully as they moved as one.

Finally taking in the view of his exposed skin, I admired the colorful art that adorned his small frame as he neared me. I let my eyes roam from his chest and abs, to his chiseled jaw line and up into his brown eyes that were staring back into mine.

It was like our previous encounters had never happened because I was feeling like I was just seeing him for the first time. Maybe it was the alcohol.

"I thought you wanted to talk." I mumbled as he backed me into the king sized bed and onto the blush colored sheets.
"We did talk." He reminded me before popping the buttons off of my denim shirt.
"Not about you though. What if I wanted to-"
"Shut up." He demanded, pulling one of nipples into his mouth.

I did as he said, not because he told me to, but because the way his tongue swirled around and the way he sucked like he was a nursing baby, I knew that if I opened my mouth the only thing that would come out would be embarrassingly high pitched moans.

It didn't take long for his completely naked body to be on top of mine with his lips against the skin of my neck as he slid his condom clad penis into me inch by inch. I shut my eyes tightly and felt like I was on a high I wouldn't mind never coming down from. My body was feeling amazing and I needed it.

With his palms grinning the back of my thighs and my legs high in the air, he pounded into me hard and fast and at that rate I was already working on exploding and it was only 10 minutes in.
"Let it go. I'm here for as long as you need me to be." He told me and his tone alone had my legs shaking as I came.
"Shit" I mumbled. But within seconds my legs were pried opened again and I felt the warm sensation of his tongue between my legs. My legs hadn't even stopped shaking yet and I wasn't prepared at all. Which would explain why I screamed and crawled backwards on the bed like a child ready to get whooped.
"No! No! Oh my God please I can't." I told only for it to fall on deaf ears.

He used his tongue and lips to suck the soul out of my body and I had no choice but to let him. He groaned into me, driving his tongue in and out repeatedly like I was the best thing to ever hit his taste buds as he positioned him better for comfort like he was never planning to stop. I had never seen a nigga so passionate about eating pussy.

He swiped his tongue over my sensitive yet throbbing clit and I lost it all, dripping cum down my legs and all over his face, but even that didn't stop him.
"Fuck!" I huffed grabbing onto both breasts as he gently bit down, then pecked it like a sour patch kid.
"Why you taste so good?" He mumbled, letting his voice vibrate off of my walls before finally coming up for air. I was relieved. I fell back into the pillows and shut my eyes ready to go night night.

"You good?" He chuckled and I sat up lazily only to see him sliding a fresh condom on. "Good." He said before I even had the chance to respond. "Turn around."

I was going to hate this in the morning, but I obliged and he slid into me with ease. "Shit." He grunted and he pushed my face into the pillows. "Throw it back." He demanded like the drill sergeant he was in that moment.

I moaned and panted heavily which only made him pump faster and faster. His left hand gripped my left cheek tightly as he slid the thumb of his right hand into my butt filling me with way too much pleasure at once.
"Please! I - fuck!" I gasped and bit the fluffy pillow in front of me.
"Please what? I'm already giving you what you want right?" He asked, but I kept my teeth clenched onto the fabric of the pillow case.
"Right?" He asked again slapping my ass in the process for bad behavior I supposed.
"Mhm." I moaned.
"Rub your clit for me, I want to cum with me." He told me and I softly rubbed my middle finger against the still sensitive knob only to receive another hard smack.
"Do it right before I do it myself." He demanded and I rubbed like it was just me and her in the room sending myself into overdrive. Moaning and panting and throwing my ass back like my life depended on it.
"Fuccccccccck!" I belted out while he groaned and held onto my hips for dear life.
"Say my name." He grunted.
"Mr. -"
"Anthony." He mumbled as he almost broke my hips with his strong grip.
"Anthony." I moaned like I had just found the cure for cancer. "Shit."

He fell into my back and I shut my eyes instantly, ready for a good dick nap.


I'm so so so sorry for making y'all wait
I hope this add was worth it even though it was kinda poo poo
Working on another one now
Hopefully I'll have it posted before the weekend is out

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