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Anthony Young.

It was like a breath of fresh air waking up in my own place, in my own bed again

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It was like a breath of fresh air waking up in my own place, in my own bed again. I didn't even care that most of my checks from the hospital were gone after buying new furniture every other week. It was worth it. Now with one obstacle out of the way, I could focus on the next.

After washing my face I proceeded to brush my teeth while dialing a number on my phone. With the toothbrush hanging out of my mouth, I heard the ringing then slight breathing on the other end, but no response.

"Morgan." I greeted, emotionlessly noticing that she seemed to be at a loss for words.
She cleared her throat and I could hear shifting in her background.
"AJ. How have you been?" She wondered and I only chuckled.

Morgan was like my best friend in college, then when I started dealing with crazy ass Cherise, they instantly clicked. I loved that my two favorite women had hit it off so well, but now I almost wished I had never met either of those bitches.

"So tell me something." I began as I leaned  against the bathroom counter. "You think it's cool what you're doing? You think it's okay to be representing her while she's trying literally take everything from me? My daughter, Morgan?" I yelled before calming myself down.
"I really didn't know at first." She mumbled, her voice shakier than before.

"You know me! The fuck do you mean-" I started before I felt myself getting angry all over again, "Where's she at Morgan?"
"You know I can't tell you that Anthony." She said sadly.

"You won't give me the address of my daughter?" I asked in disbelief even though I shouldn't have been surprised. Before she had the chance to respond with more bullshit, I hung up and violently wiped my hand down my face.

I wasn't trying to stress myself out so bad so early in the morning, but I had successfully done so.

Making my way into the kitchen for a bowl of cereal, I dialed Xora's number only for it to ring then go to voicemail like it had been for the past two weeks. She was ignoring me. I was tired of picking my brain about why the hell she would feel the need to ignore me, but that was something I couldn't afford to worry about.

Granted we had gotten really close and I felt some type of way about it, I couldn't dwell on it. Shit happens. It is what it is. I did however need to find someone who could relieve some stress for me really quickly.

Scrolling through my contacts I found all of six female phone numbers; Morgan, Cherise's old number, my mother, Xora, and two coworkers. One of which I had relations with a year ago, but stopped when she had gotten into a relationship. I tried my luck and dialed her number but quickly hung up the phone.

I was feeling way too pressed. Xora had me spoiled with pussy making me forget how I would handle my stress before she had came along; take care of it myself.

Feeling slightly relieved after a nut and a shower, I grabbed my keys and headed out to enjoy my last day off for a while. Starting with Xora's place to make sure she was okay. Something has to be wrong if she was ignoring me or avoiding me for no reason.

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