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By Jazinuo

140 9 3

Maria Yi Chang seems to be a normal teenage girl -- she is known to be the actress of Bonnie from The Walking... More

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64 1 0
By Jazinuo

Chandler stared down at me as the glowing sunset hit us just right.

The lighting made his face look like an angel and his eyes glow.

" I love you, Chandler." I whispered and he just smiled at me holding both my hands.

" How about you show me how much you love me with a kiss?" He asked and I blushed deeply before we both leaned in.

As our lips almost touched, an head aching noise interrupted us and I soon found myself laying on my bed, eyes wide open.

My alarm went off.

I groaned deeply and cut it off.


I honestly wished they didn't exist, but if it didn't I wouldn't get to see Chandler.

Yes, me and Chandler go to the same school even though we both work together.

It's honestly such a tease.

I kissed the poster I had of him in my room before I began to get dress.

I got dressed in white blouse and a black knee length skirt and draped a black belt around my waist. I threw on my red oversized sweater and put on my black socks with my black flats.

I brushed my hair and checked the time.

7:20 A.M
"7:20 A.M?!" I hollered.

Okay, maybe finding that perfect outfit wasn't worth it.

I grabbed my pink over the shoulder book bag and ran down stairs to the kitchen and grabbed a random toast from off a plate.

"BYE EOMMA! BYE APPA!" I yelled before jetting out the door.

I ran down the side walk taking bites out of the toast I had.

Thank god, I didn't live too far from the school.

When I finally got to school, the first bell rung and everyone began walking into school.

I saw my best friend Melanie and she waved at me as I walked up to her.

" Where were you?! I almost thought you weren't coming." She said as we walked into school.

" Fashion. I was where fashion needed me." I joked before seeing a certain junior at the corner of my eye.

I instantly turned red in the face as he talked to his best friend Sam. The two boys walked into English, A.K.A, my first period.

" Um, Mari- are you even listening?" I was cut off before rubbing the back of my neck gently.

" Oh, uh sorry Mel. I kinda zoned out." I nervously laughed.

" Ugh, you and your boy crazy self. I'll see you at lunch okay?" She said as I walked into class.

I walked over to my seat, that was exactly next to Chandler's.

I tried not to make any contact with him and it was a success as our teacher began to speak.

"As you may all know, it is the last day of school, but that does not mean you can slack off."

I slowly began to zone her out.

It was now lunch and me and Mel hid behind the bleachers like we do to talk about stuff, and maybe just maybe listen to peoples conversations.

And today our lucky contestants for today just had to be Chandler and Sam.

"I can't believe we've been together for almost a year, you know." Chandler spoke and my blushing flustered expression had ceased.

Almost forgot about Brianna.

That no good man stealer.

I must've huffed too loudly, because the boys stopped speaking and looked around.

"Abort! Abort!" Melanie whispered as she pushed me out the bleachers.

I fell onto the ground and quickly regained my posture. When I looked up I saw Chandler and Sam looking at me.

I began to get hot and clammy and began to stumble with my words.

" Oh, uh hey there, you!" I awkwardly spoke blushing a deep red.

" Oh, um hey Maria, what's up?" Chandler asked, striking up a conversation with me.

" The moon!" I quickly spoke and mentally face palmed myself for how idiotic that sounded.

" Ha, yea I guess, so you ready for filming soon? Cause I cannot wait to work with you." He smiled.

Oh, God everything's getting hot and it's not me in my sweater.

" Ha, yea I can't wait to be with you either- I mean working with you! I mean-" I began before Melanie slowly pushed me out the conversation.

" Well don't you have somewhere to be, Maria?" She said making me avoid the awkward tension.

I'm so thankful for a friend like her.

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