Adopted by One Direction (One...

By PB_zalfienala

46.6K 875 198

I was 5 when Mummy and Daddy first started abusing me. I don't know where my parents are now, but I hope I ne... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

13.1K 148 40
By PB_zalfienala

Hello! So I edited this, it will be different :)


Dear Diary,

Not sure how this day is going to pan out. I had a nightmare last night. I really hate them. Mummy and Daddy were hitting me and punching me. Then they threw me down the stairs. Why do Mummy and Daddy hate me so much that they gave me up to an orphanage?

Nobody likes me and I only have one friend. Her name is Maddy. She knows all about my past. All the terrible things that have happened to me. Do you want me to tell you? I can write it out for you. Okay here goes.

When I was nine Mummy and Daddy woke me up for my first day of school. It was my birthday and I got a cute little teddy bear and this pink fluffy diary that I have never bothered to write in till now. They sung me happy birthday and we had chocolate chip waffles for breakfast. Then it was time to go to school. Me and my friends hung out the whole day. Mummy and Daddy then picked me up and we went out for tea. It was yummy. I had a spaghetti bolognaise. My favourite. We got home and Mummy told me to go to bed because I had school the next day. I was getting ready for bed when Mummy came in and tucked me in like she always does and said "I love you forever and always." Then I went to sleep. I was asleep for maybe 3 hours until I woke up to glass being thrown around. I didn't know what was going on so I walked downstairs, into the lounge to find Daddy going crazy. Mummy told me to go back to bed but I didn't listen. That was a huge mistake. Daddy came over to me, smacked me across the face and said "listen to your mum or I will do worse." I ran upstairs crying. That's when the abuse started. I won't go into detail about everyday I was abused because I would be here forever. But what I will tell you is that Daddy really did do worse. He smacked me, burnt me, threw me down the stairs. He broke many bones and he raped me dozens of times. I have been in and out of hospital because of it.

"LUCY GET DOWN HERE AND DO YOUR CHORES!" I heard the mean orphange lady yell.

I slammed my diary shut and put it away under my bed in a lockable box so no one could read it. This is going to be my private thing.

I ran downstairs and said "Yes Mam, sorry mam." I started doing the dishes and then I set the table for lunch. "Ms Dick am I done?" I always mentally laughed when I say that because she really is a dick. "Yes Lucy you will get paid your $5 at lunch which is 15 minutes away." "Thank you." I run back up stairs and finished my diary entry.

I'm back. Sorry I had to go and do my chores. Ms Dick is very scary when you don't listen to her. Anyway back to telling you about my past. So Daddy really did do all those nasty things to me. At the age of ten Mummy put me in the car with a suitcase of my clothes and drove away from the house. I wasn't sure where we were going. I asked Mummy where we going were going but she just ignored me. 15 minutes later we got to the destination. I was scared. Mummy said "Get out now." I was always confused. From the day she said "I love you forever and always", something changed and she was really mean to me. She confused me and I was really hurt. She got hold of my arm really tight and I winced in pain. That's where Daddy had burnt me countless times. Daddy always told me I was ugly and I was a horrible daughter. Mummy dragged me into the place. I walked in and it said "ORPHANAGE". Mummy screamed at the lady and said "Here have her. She's a little brat and I hate her." Mummy then ran off and I have never seen her since. I have since been adopted 3 times and all of them abused me after the first week. They did this for a month then returned me. I haven't been adopted for 3 months now and I don't want to be. I am too scared of everyone now. And the worst thing is - I can't even remember when my birthday is.

"LUCY LUNCHTIME!" Ms Dick screamed at me. I never looked forward to lunch because I was never able to eat it. I mean we did only have Bread, biscuits and one fruit but I was never able to eat it all.

I ran downstairs and sat at the table beside Maddy. Ms Dick silenced us and said "So you all get your $5 for doing your chores." She came round the table and gave us our $5. I quickly put it in my pocket and started eating. I ate my Banana then I had my sandwhich and said nervously "Ms, can I be excused, I am finished?" "Yes Lucy, go lock yourself back in your room till tea time." I ran upstairs as this was a routine ever since I came here.

I got to my room and counted my money. I had $35 exactly. I ran to Maddy's room and asked if she could take me to the mall because I wanted to go by my Harry Styles doll. She said yes so I ran back to my room, put on my jacket and shoes and ran downstairs and met her in her car. We had 1 hour to get to the mall and out before it closed. It took us half an hour to drive there because it was on the other side of town so we rushing to get there. Maddy came into the mall with me because of my past and we bought the doll and left. We got back to the orphanage and I said thank you to Maddy for taking me to the mall and I went to bed, feeling happy for once and fell alseep hugging my new doll.



"Hey boys, I have just had an idea!" We were all sitting in the movie room watching a movie together. They all looked at me like "oh no what's he thinking about now?" "What it's nothing bad!!" I said to them with a confused look. "Okay Louis, what is it?" Niall said with a smile on his face. "I was thinking that would could go down to the orphanage and adopt a child!" The boys all looked at me like "OH MY GOD YES I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED A LITTLE CHILD!!" They thought about it and Liam then said "Boys lets all vote!" They all scream a huge YES and then in a split second we were in the car on our way to get our little girl.

"Hey Louis should we call Simon and let him know what's happening?" Zayn asked nervously.

"Oh yeah, I will do that now!" I said excitedly.

"Hello Simon here."

Hello Simon!"

"Louis, what's up?"

"Umm I just wanted to say we are on our way to adopt a child!"

"ARE YOU KIDDING!?!?!" Simon yelled into the phone.

"Nope. We are all wanting one and we would love to make a difference in a childs life! We love children Simon so please can we?"

"Fine. I guess it will be good for publicity." Simon says sighing.



And we arrived.



"LUCY LUCY WAKE UP YOU WON"T BELIEVE WHAT"S HAPPENING!" Maddy yells in my ear. I open my eyes and see her right there with a smile on her face.

"Someone is about to adobt you! Get packing! You won't believe who it is!" Maddy says jumping round the room.

"I pack my clothes. 2 pair pants. 3 hoodies. 1 t shirt. 2 pairs of shoes. Then I go under my bed and grab my diary and then my Harry Doll. I walk downstairs nervously. Ready for a beating in about a week.

I stop at who's infront of me.

Oh my god.

It's One Direction.

"Hello sweetie, we are adopting you!" Louis says with a smile on his face.

My idols. My idols are going to adopt me. I can't believe it.

Are they gonna abuse me like everyone else or am I finally able to have a normal life?

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