
Av KindaNewHere

421 39 12

One choice can change your entire life. And one girl should know. Meet Stella. A wallflower since birth w... Mer

Parties and regrets (past/flashback)
Panic! At the Cafeteria
Pack your bags, Let's go!
Taking Off! Maybe... (Pt 1)
We're here!
What happened?
Trouble at McDonald's
Breakfast and go!
The note
Authors note/playlist

Taking off! Maybe... (Pt 2)

17 1 0
Av KindaNewHere

Stepping out from my stall, I washed my hands, and walked out from the restrooms. I checked my phone. Ten minutes wasted. After a while of walking, I eventually reached my gate again. But something was missing. Namely, my friends, including Shawn.

"Guys?" I called, "Shawn? Olivia? Aubrey? Alex?" No one answered. The only reply I received was weird looks from strangers.

"No no no!" I panicked, looking around.

"Where could they be?" I mumbled. Calm down, I thought, Ask around!

"Ummm... Hi!" I said approaching a stranger.

"May I help you?" The person rudely answered. Yeah, by being less salty. I thought.

"Did you see a group of friends pass through here. Teenagers? Four of them? Two boys, two girls?" I described.

"No." The stranger replied, walking away.

"Ughh!" I sighed. I'll never find them! Think! I thought.

"That's it!" I mumbled to myself, "I need to ask a professional!" I searched around, until I spotted who I was looking for.

"Hi!"  I introduced, smiling at a security guard. The security guard was talking to an older women, who clearly looked annoyed.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm talking here?" The security guard demanded.

"Umm, actually I seem to have lost a few people..." I explained.

"Look kid. Your mommy and daddy is around here somehwere." The officer smirked. The lady laughed.

"Thanks officer, but actually my friends are missing. We were supposed to board a plane together, but they left. Can you find them?" I asked.

"You'll have to describe them." The security officer advised. 

"Here." I said, handing him my phone, "Here's a picture of the three of my friends."

"I thought you said you had four." The  officer challenged.

"Oh right." I said, showing him the picture of Shawn I had taken earlier, "Have you seen them?"

"No." The security officer replied, "Is that all? I'm kinda busy."

"Yes. That is all." I sighed.

"I'm sorry. What was I saying?" The officer said, turning to the lady again.
I felt tears start rolling down my cheeks, and tried to hold them back, but I couldn't. I started hyperventilating, and hoped it wouldn't turn worse. Unfortunately it did. My pace quickened. My stomach hurt. Not now, I thought, not now.

"Stella?" I heard someone call.

"H-huh?" I stuttered, turning around. It was Alex.

"Stella. I'm here for you." Alex, answered, wrapping his arms around me. I started to calm down.

"It's okay." He assured, rubbing my back. I smiled back at him.

"Thanks." I replied, hugging him back.

"Here." He said, wiping my tears.

"Stella," Alex started, "Do you have-"

"Hey! I was looking for you!" Aubrey interrupted, walking up with Shawn and Olivia.

"I was looking for you guys!" I snapped in outrage, "Where were you? Why weren't you at the gate?"

"We were! But then we got hungry, and decided to get a snack from the vending machines." Aubrey answered, "We thought you would be fine."

"I told you guys, you shouldn't have gone." Alex told off.

"You didn't go?" I asked, in a surprise tone.

"No. I didn't." Alex confirmed. Why didn't he go? I thought, Wasn't he hungry?

"Aubrey?" I asked, starting to panic again, "What time is it?" I watched her eyes enlarge as she figured out in realization.

"Umm... Eight fifty..." Aubrey replied slowly.

"We need to go!" I warned, starting to run.

"Race you!" Shawn challenged Aubrey. Hey, that was our thing... I thought, frowning.

"Stella? Wanna race?" Alex grinned.

"Sure!" I answered.

"Ready! Set! Go!" Alex shouted. I ran as fast as I could.  

"Hey! Wait up!" Olivia complained.

"We're gonna make it!" I yelled, cheerfully.

"Guys! wait! Ahhh!!" Olivia screamed. I jerked around. Olivia was on the ground. I looked ahead, then turned back to Olivia. I had to go back. 

"Olivia? What happened?" I asked, extending my hand to help her up. 

"I tripped." Olivia said.  

"Can you walk?" I questioned. 

"Yeah. My ankle just hurts a little." Olivia explained.

"Alright. But we NEED to go." I warned, emphasizing my words. I started running again. this time with her running beside me. 

"Thanks, Stella." Olivia answered. 

"Anytime." I replied. I looked ahead, and  breathed in relief. 

"Look! The gate!" I shouted. 

"Nice! We're here!" Olivia exclaimed. Alex was nowhere to be seen. He probably boarded the plane already... I thought. 

"Hey!" I said, approaching one of the clerks.

"Boarding pass?" The clerk asked. 

"Right here." I confirmed, reaching into my back pocket. Nothing was there. 

"One second..." I assured, reaching to my other pocket. Still nothing. Where'd it go? Did I lose it?  I thought. 

"Young lady? I'll take your pass." The clerk said, gesturing to Olivia. She handed her pass over, and started to walk inside. I looked around, starting to look back, where I had ran. Then I spotted it. It was about two yards away. I turned back to the clerk. 

"Uhh, I see my pass... but it's kinda far away. How much time do I have left?" I questioned. 

"Three minutes." The clerk warned. 

"Thank you." I said, dashing off. I could make it. If I hurried. I ran, faster then before, the pass spotted. 

"Got it!" I exclaimed, and ran back. 

"Here." I said extending my arm, gasping for air. 

"One minute to spare. Pretty good." The clerk eyed. I smiled briefly, and boarded the plane. I looked around. My grade was seated in the middle of the plane. 

"Stell!" Someone shouted. I walked forward, to find Alex patting the seat next to him. 

"Come sit next to me!" Alex requested. I plopped down. Alex took the window seat, and I took the middle. 

"Where did everyone else go?" I asked. 

"Oh. They sat farther back." Alex sighed. 

"Why didn't you sit back there with them?" I questioned. 

" I didn't want to. I'm still mad at them." Alex explained. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"They just left. They didn't think about how worried you'd be when nobody was there." Alex stated. 

"It's fine. Really." I assured. 

"Stella. I saw what happened when you found out they were gone. It's not fine." Alex ranted. 

"It's fine." I lied.  

"Stella. You can't pretend it's fine. If you pretend the moon isn't there, darkness takes over. You just can't pretend." Alex sighed, dragging me into a hug. Light tears trickled down my face. I sniffled and wiped my tears. Alex exited the hug, and smiled at me. 

"Now, you feel better?" He wondered. I nodded my head. 

"Good." Alex answered. I looked back, and saw Alex flirting with Aubrey. Ughh... I thought, rolling my eyes. Why  did I feel so  bad?  I glanced over at Alex, who smiled back at me. 

"Hi everyone! I'm your pilot, Mike." The announcements crackled, "And today, before we take off, we have to go over a few things." I rolled my eyes. 

"First things first, is safety." Mike explained, "Please watch Laura, my demonstration attendant." I looked up, and watched as Laura explained what to do in the worst-case scenarios. 

"Next, Is smoking. Please no smoking aboard this flight." Mike instructed, "Lastly, make sure to wear your seat belts, when the light is on. Oh, please turn your phones off, and on airplane mode. You will be able to turn them on, when I announce. I believe that is all. Have a nice flight."  The announcements crackled off.  

"So, How was your bus ride here?" I asked, trying to make conversation. 

"Pretty good." Alex answered, "And you?" 

"It was interesting..." I replied, "Hey, are you hungry?  I have some snacks..." 

"I could eat." Alex explained. 

"What do you want?" I questioned, opening my backpack, "I have pretzels, chips, trail mix, granola bars..." 

"Some pretzels would suffice..." Alex replied. 

"Here!" I exclaimed, handing him the pretzels. 

"Thanks! You're a lifesaver!" Alex expressed. I blushed. 

"Hey, why didn't you go with Aubrey and them when they went to the vending machine?" I asked. 

"I knew you would get worried, so I didn't go." Alex explained. 

"But weren't you hungry?" I questioned. 

"Yeah, but I had to think of you. I couldn't leave you all alone. " Alex stated. I thought back to a couple years ago,  remembering back to the party. He had been there for me. 

"Thank you." I answered. 

"Excuse me?" A voice said. I turned around. The person was a middle aged man, with fading brown hair, "May I sit by you? The person in the seat next to me was really rude." 

"Sure!" I exclaimed. 

"Thanks." The man answered, "What's your name?" 

"I'm Alex. This is Stella." Alex introduced. 

"My name is Pat." The man informed. 

"So, why are you going to D.C?" I questioned politely. 

"Work." Pat replied, "Here's my business card." 

"Cool." I answered, looking at the card. It read: "Pat bedree, CEO of Publisher's County." It had a phone number below, and I beamed with excitement. A publisher! I could publish my book, I thought. 

"What brings you to D.C?" Pat asked. 

"Field tri-" I started. I felt the plane rumble. We were taking off. 

"Gum?" I asked, holding out a piece to Alex "It helps with pressure." 

"Sure! Thank you!" Alex replied, as I took a piece myself. 

"It's Watermelon?" Alex exclaimed. 

"Yeah. It's my favorite." I admitted. 

"Mine too!" Alex shared.  I smiled, then looked past him out the window. 

"Look!" I said, pointing. The runaway sped past, until we were lifted into the air. I started to feel myself   drifting off, until I fell asleep. 

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