White Rabbit - A Criminal Min...

By Cherrywrotestories

1.1M 30.6K 7.4K

Finishing a lecture at a local college, Dr Spencer Reid is suprised to be approached by a nervous young woman... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Eight

Thirty Seven

17.4K 487 255
By Cherrywrotestories

A/N: apparently chapter 36 had duplicated so you were all missing chapter 37..whoops.


Dusk was falling as the vans turned into a long road, following signs for "Benson Air Field". The sky had turned a bright pink colour as the sun had started to set, and it was now fading to a dull dark blue, slowly turning to black.

The two government vehicles were still escorting them, Alice managing to crane her neck enough to look back and see that it was Agents Hotchner and Rossi that were in the vehicle directly behind them. They'd nodded to her when they saw her looking and she felt a sense of hope that maybe this would turn out okay in the end. The drive had been pretty much silent, only the sounds of the engine filling the van. Alice had been watching the roads as they passed through them, trying to work out where they were being taken, realising it was some sort of air field when she saw the same signs over and over, the vehicle finally turning in. Abby had fallen into a deep sleep, not long after they'd left, the bottle that Charlie had given her falling from her fingers and on to the floor. She didn't even wake when the vehicle had had to slam it's breaks on to avoid an animal that had run out into the road, jolting everyone. This made her wonder, was it only juice in the bottle or had Charlie put something else in it. And if so, why?

The small convoy of vehicles pulled onto a large concrete flat and Alice could see a small plane in the distance. The first vehicle led them over the tarmac and pulled to a stop, not too far from the air craft, stopping in front of two large metal cargo containers. Looking through the windows Alice could see at least five other vehicles parked slightly back from the plane and as they parked up, the car that was behind them with Aaron and Dave situated inside it, drove to over to the other cars and parked beside them. She squinted, trying to see what was happening, the only lights being the head lights from the cars, the lights shining through the windows of the plane and the lights on the run way.

Alice could make out Agent Hotchner speaking into a mouth piece of sorts and then he and Agent Rossi exited the vehicle, a loudspeaker in Aaron's hand. Agents Jareau and Morgan got out of another car, both carry large guns. All four Agents were in bullet proof vests.

Charlie wound his window down so that the conversation could be heard.

"Lewis and Rebecca. Exit your vehicles leaving any weapons you have behind. You can inspect your transport before you all board and before we make the exchange. On board is a suitcase containing the cash ransom you requested along with enough food and items to get you settled" Aaron spoke into the mouthpiece as Derek and JJ raised their guns and pointed, ready for any false movement.

Lewis climbed out of his car and walked part of the way down the tarmac to where the Agents were standing, Rebecca climbing out and remaining by the car.

"Agent Hotchner, how do I know this plane is going to start, how do I know you're going to follow through on your word and let us leave?"

"At multiple times during the driver here, we could have ran you off the road. I have trained snipers in these vehicles who could have taken every last one of you barring Alice and Spencer out as your vehicles pulled to the stop. They're trained to hit the target and nothing but their target every time. This afternoon during out meeting I could have easily overpowered you and taken you as our own hostage but I didn't. As I have reiterated multiple times, I wish this to end peacefully with no unnecessary loss. Return my Agents to me unharmed and you will be allowed to leave. Now please, inspect your transportation. You will be able to see us all from the windows of the plane. We will make no move towards Spencer or Alice or the rest of your family."

Lewis nodding taking in the Agents words and motioning to Rebecca to follow him up the small staircase to the plane. As promised, the FBI made no movement, holding their fire.

"Alice, can you move enough to release your seat belt?"Charlie whispered from his seat, his eyes focused on the windows of the place.

"What?" she was confused.

"Can you remove your seat belt?" his asked more insistently. She shifted in her seat, her hands bound in front of her. Yes, she could, just about. She twisted her body awkwardly, managing to release the catch.

"Yes... "

"Drop to your knees in the foot well and move your arms as far forward as you can. I can't turn around, I need to keep watch but I'll hold this steady for you."

He produced a large steel blade holding it low to avoid being seen.

"Charlie, what? They're releasing us aren't they?"

"Alice please, just move and start working the rope free. Lewis has every intention to exchange you both, Rebecca doesn't, she told me."

Alice dropped to knees quickly, pushing her wrists forward and immediately rubbing the rope that bound them up and down the sharp steel blade, moving them as quickly as she could.

"If I say move, you need to get back on you seat quickly and refasten your belt. Keep you wrists together like they're still tied okay." his voice was frantic as he kept his eyes trained forward.

"Okay" she muttered, feeling the first bond give and come apart. She worked up and down the blade faster.

"Rebecca hates you, she's threatened by you and everything you represent to Lewis. She was going to let Spencer go and then make me escort you onto the plane. She was going to use Abby as a shield, threatening to shoot her if they tried to rescue you. Once we got into the air, she was going to kill you herself."

"She was going to use....."Alice glanced over at Abby, feeling another binding give way. "Charlie, did you give her something?"

He nodded, holding the knife steady. "Sleeping pills. Enough so that she'll sleep through all of this but not enough to... She'll wake up Alice, when this is over. I just didn't want her to witness this if it all goes wrong."

Alice understood what he was saying, working faster as she felt another bond snap, the blade of the knife cutting against her arm as she moved. She winced but it was nothing she couldn't handle.

"Ally it wasn't me. I didn't betray you and Spencer, I need you to believe that. I don't know who did or how they knew, but it wasn't me."

Alice wasn't sure whether to believe him or not, someone had to have told their secret and he was the only who knew. The final binding broke just as Charlie hissed at her to get back in her seat. She moved quickly and carefully, refastening the seat belt and placing her wrists together, ignoring the dull pain that was throbbing through her bleeding arm. Lewis and Rebecca left the plane, walking over to the first vehicle and opening the door. Lewis led Spencer out and across the concrete, stopping halfway. Aaron walked forward to meet him as Spencer glanced backwards towards Alice.

"Alice remains in the car until we're loaded up and taxiing down the runway" Lewis spoke loudly and clearly, Agent Hotchner nodding.

"Acceptable. Move your things quickly."

Hotch placed his hand onto Spencer's arm, leading him back towards the Agents as Lewis gave orders for the belongings from the vans to be bought in.

"Hotch, are you really letting them leave?" Spencer murmured, barely moving his lips as Dave unbound his wrists. Aaron gave a barely perceivable shake of his head.


"Ally, wait until Rebecca's boarded again and then slip out and run" Charlie instructed her, holding the knife out behind him. She took it from him, watching as he got out of the van and started carrying belongings from the vehicle.

He handed a large holdall to Rebecca who met him partway and she turned, walking back towards the plane and up the stairs. Nicholas, Oliver and Eric were already aboard, stashing their belongings.

As soon as Rebecca boarded, Charlie looked back to the van at Alice and she quietly opened the door and climbed out. The way they'd parked meant that her door was facing the two large cargo containers. She moved towards them, quickly realising that she could slip between the two and be hidden.

Or at least that was what she thought.

Spencer had seen the car door open and saw Alice slip out, motioning to Hotch who glanced over and saw what he had. He was just about to move forward to try and get her when Aaron put his arm out stopping him. Lewis and Rebecca had exited the plane again and Spencer watched as Rebecca looked over to the vehicle, her eyes narrowing when she saw Alice wasn't there.

"Where is she?" she yelled, her voice hoarse.

"Aaron, we had a deal" Lewis spoke, looking over to the group of Agents, who were now carefully watching him.

"We did. We haven't touched Alice, my Agents would not have been able to make it to the vehicles and back again without you seeing us."

Alice was trying to work out her best plan of action here. She could see Rebecca's eyes searching the area for her. She was trapped between the two cargo containers just a few feet from the vehicle she'd arrived in, she'd have to run past it, to get to the Agents. But the vehicles would shield her movements somewhat if she kept low enough.

Alice couldn't see a gun on Lewis's belt, she reckoned she could make it. She crept to the edge of the container, and began to run.

No one was expecting Rebecca Olson to pull out a gun and fire as she spotted Alice's shadow starting to move.

No one was expecting the loud crack of glass shattering as she missed her target and hit the window of the minivan.

No one was expecting the loud cry that left Lewis's chest as he saw his seven years old daughter take a bullet to her head, the noise so horrific that it stopped Alice in her tracks, causing her to drop to her knees when she saw the same thing.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE" Agent Hotchner yelled loudly. Rebecca had lowered her gun when she'd seen what, and who she'd hit, her hand clasping over her mouth.

Lewis ran to the car, hauling open the door and pulling his daughters lifeless body from it, laying her onto floor as he sobbed over it.

"Aaron..... " Spencer was watching Alice who looked dazed and extremely confused suddenly. She looked towards Spencer and then back towards the horrific scene of the man she'd made a child with, sobbing over the dead body of that child.

Something triggered inside her chest and rather than picking herself up and running towards to Agents like she knew she should, she crawled on her hands and knees towards the small lifeless child that she had birthed into this world.

"No no no no NO!" Reid muttered, watching her reach out to touch the child, her face crumpling when her hand came away bright red with blood.

Alice's vision was blurred as she looked at her dead daughter, the daughter she'd felt very little for when she'd been alive. Suddenly, she felt the atmosphere change and Lewis lunged forward, grabbing her by her neck and pulling her up to her feet, positioning her body in front of his as a shield.

"This is your fault" he hissed, his arm pressed against his throat as he signalled to Rebecca to move next to him.

"Lewis, you do not want to do this" Aaron called across the tarmac. "You can still leave, you can still start over. Just let her go."

His grip tightened.

"Lewis please. Let Alice go" Spencer called out, trying to reason with the man. "Alice didn't want this. Look at her, she's as broken as you are. That was her child, she loved her. Let her go and you can leave."

Lewis looked at the young woman he was gripping so tightly. Tears were running down Alice's face and she struggling to breathe through her sobs.

"Did you love her?" he asked her quietly. When she didn't respond immediately he asked again, louder. "Did you love HER?"

"YES!" she choked out. She did love her, in the way that one had to love a family member. She hadn't wanted Abby to die, or for any harm to come to her. She just didn't know what she'd do with her afterwards. She recognised though, that this was her way out. To act like a broken mother.

"I loved her so much, why do you think I came back? I'm her Mom. I wanted to be her Mom" she lied through her teeth feeling Lewis loosen his grip and shove her away and to the side.

No sooner than she was free though, and she felt another pair of arms grab her, the cold steel of a gun barrel pressed to her forehead.

Rebecca Olsen.


Derek raised aimed his weapon immediately.

"Hotch, I can take her."

"Wait" came the order from his superior.

"Aaron, if he has the shot.... " Dave countered.

"Wait" came the order again, sterner this time.


"This is your fault, all of it" Rebecca spat out, pressing the barrel into Alice's temple as she squirmed.

She glanced towards Lewis who looked shocked, then looked over to the open door of the plane seeing Charlie standing this, an expression of horror on his face.

"How did you even get free anyway? How did you even manage to escape. I was going to end you, I still will. Right here, right now."

"Rebecca lower your gun and let her go" Aaron called out.

"No, everything that has happened is because of her. She deserves to pay."

"Do you not think she is paying? Her daughter is dead. You put in a bullet in her head" Charlie yelled from the top of the stairs.

"It was you wasn't it, you let her out. You've always had a thing for her, right from day one. You let her go. Today and back then, I'll bet."

The expression on Charlie's face told Rebecca everything she needed to know and she reangled her body so that she was blocked by Alice, held out her arm and fired for the second time that evening.

Unlike the first time though, she didn't miss her target and Charlie's chest exploded with scarlet before he tumbled to the floor.

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