
By Gleek4ever15

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Harmony Campbell was a good girl until her boyfriend Chase started abusing her. She tried dumping him but he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

84 0 0
By Gleek4ever15

~~Harmony's PoV~~

I walked into my first class at Ben's school which is science with Ms. Cook. Most people were already seated and talking. I started to make my way to the back of the room when a girl stepped in front of me.

"Hey. You're new, right?" she asked.


"Well my name is Allison." This must be the girl Ben's friends were talking about. She is pretty.

"Harmony. Nice to meet you."

"So do you want to sit by me and my friends?" Without waiting for a reply she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the back of the room. She sat down in a desk next to a girl and I took a seat on the other side of her. "Harmony, this is my best friend Emily."

"Hi," I said to Emily.

"Hey. Are you new here?" she asked.

"Yeah. I am."

"Cool. This is a great school. You'll love it here."

Just then the teacher came in. "Alright, class. Take your seats." A couple kids that were standing sat down and Allison and Emily took out their phones to text. "Now, before we begin I believe we have a new student." She looked right at me. "Can you come up here and introduce yourself?"

I stood up and went to the front of the room. "I'm Harmony."

"Okay. Where did you live before you came here?"

"Actually I've always lived here. I was just homeschooled," I lied.

"Oh, cool. Well I'm sure you're gonna like it here." I went and sat down again. "Okay. Now today's lesson is on the phases of the earth." The whole class groaned.

After class Allison waited for me. "So I'm having a party today after the football game. You wanna come?"

"I heard but I don't think I'm gonna go."

"Why not? It's gonna be so much fun!"

"I'm not much of a party girl." I used to be before I met Chase.

"Okay but you'll be missing out. Anyway, who told you about my party?"

"My boyfriend's friends."

"Ooh. Who's your boyfriend?"

"Ben Judge."

"Oh, you're lucky. He's a great guy."

"I know," I said smiling at the memory of him saving me from Chase yesterday. "Are you friends with him?"

"Yeah. I've known him since the sixth grade and he's always been super sweet. I actually used to like him. But don't worry, I don't anymore."

We got to my locker. "Well I'll see you later."

"Wait. What class do you have next?"

I looked at my schedule. "English with Mr. Yost."

She smiled. "I have that too. We can walk together."

I smiled too. "Okay. Cool." I quickly grabbed my books from my locker and we began walking to her locker.

Second and third hour went by fast. Ben and Emily were in my third hour class. Fourth hour seemed to go by slower. Ben's friend Zac was in that class with me. Right now it's lunch time.

I shut my locker and started walking to the cafeteria. Some jocks I walked past whistled at me. Guys can be such jerks sometimes. 

"Harmony!" I heard someone shout my name. I looked to the left and saw Allison and Emily waving to me at a table with their group of friends. I looked to the right. Ben was sitting at a table talking to Zac and Darren and another guy that I recognized from my Spanish class which was fourth hour. Ben looked up, saw me, and smiled.

I had to decide who to sit with; my boyfriend and his friends or Allison and Emily and their friends. I was about to go with Ben but Allison was still waving me over so I joined her.

"Hey. You don't mind sitting with us, do you?" Allison asked.

"Well actually I was gonna sit with Ben..." I started to say.

"He can join us. It's not a problem," Emily said.

"I guess I can ask him." I looked over at the other two girls at the table and noticed one of them was glaring at me. 

"Ignore her. She's just jealous because she likes Ben," Allison whispered to me. I nodded, stood up fom the table, and walked over to Ben's table.

"Hey. I'm sitting with Allison and Emily. Wanna join?" I asked.

"So you met them, huh?" he asked.


"Well, I would but I can't. Zac gets a little nervous around Emily."

"I do not!" Zac defended himself. Ben just looked at him and laughed.

"I'm just teasing you, man." He punched Zac's arm playfully. I can already tell Zac's his closer friend than Darren is.

"You better be. I may like her and all but I'm not nervous around her. We're friends."

"I told you I was joking. Chill out." Zac just rolled his eyes.

I laughed. "Well I'm gonna go sit back down now."

"Can't you sit over here with us?" Ben asked.

"I would but they really want me to sit by them."

"Fine but tomorrow you're mine." He gave me a smile.

I smiled back. "Okay. Deal." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before walking back to where my new friends were talking.

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