Chapter 2

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I woke up with a big headache. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a room with a tv and an xbox 360. Obviously this is a boy's room. Just then someone walked in and saw that I was awake and smiled. The person was blurry.

"Good, you're awake. I got you a glass of water." The voice belonged to a boy. He set the glass of water down on a nightstand.

"Thanks." I grabbed the glass and drank it all at once.

"Wow, you were thirsty!"

"Yeah." I started to get my vision back and that's when I saw his face. He had brown hair. He looked to be about my age and he was really cute.

"So what's your name?"

"Harmony. Yours?"

"Ben." There was a moment of awkward silence. "So, why did you run into the street?"

I thought about if I should tell him the truth or not. After a few seconds I decided that even though I don't know him something is telling me to trust him.

"Well, my boyfriend abuses me and I thought that if I got hit by a car I would die and I'd never have to see him again." As soon as the words left my lips I realized how stupid I sounded.

"That's horrible! But don't try and kill yourself. Why don't you just break up with him?"

"I tried but he threatened to kill me."

"Wow. Have you tried calling the police?"

"No. I'm too scared. He's dangerous and he could probably escape from jail and find me and kill me."

"Well we have to go to the police. If he's really that bad something has to be done about it."

My eyes widened as I reached for the phone. "Please don't! I'm begging you!" I started to cry.

"Okay, okay! I won't call the police!" I sighed relieved.

"Thank you." 

"If you don't mind me asking, what all has he done to you?"

Oh gosh, this is gonna take a while. "He hits me, pushes me against walls, slams me against counters." I left out a lot of other things he does, one that I'm too embarrassed to tell anyone.

"Is that it?" he asked not believing that's all.

"Yeah, that's all," I lied.

"You're lying. I can tell. What else is there?"

"He... he..." I couldn't finish my sentence. I broke down crying.

"It's alright," he said and ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me. "I can't believe he did that to you. That's messed up. Not just that but all of it."

"I know. I'm so embarrassed."

"Don't be. It's not your fault."

"I know..." I didn't want to tell him the other part that happened.

"Are you okay?"


"What's wrong?"

"One time.. he got me pregnant. When he found out he was so mad that.. he pushed me down the stairs and lost the baby. I was in a coma for a few days and he lied to the doctor and said I fell." I began to cry harder if it's even possible.

"Wow. That's horrible! Where were your parents through all this?"

"My dad was on a business trip like he always is and my mom died when I was just a baby."

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