The Best Friend Project ✔

By Julylovve

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"Pssst, Pigtails!" More

Chapter Two: Fight
Chapter Three: Couple
Chapter Four: Roles & Rules
Chapter Five: Brother
Chapter Six: Leaving
Chapter Seven: Best Friend
Chapter Eight: Cry
Chapter Nine: Care
Chapter Ten: Outdoors
Chapter Eleven: Confession
Chapter Twelve: Taeyong
Chapter Thirteen: Dave's
Chapter Fourteen: Change
Chapter Fifteen: Fantasy
Chapter Sixteen: Suspension
Chapter Seventeen: Day One
Chapter Eighteen: Welcome Back
Chapter Nineteen: Feelings
Chapter Twenty: End

Chapter One: TBFP

7.4K 281 254
By Julylovve

After putting on my school uniform, I looked out my window and noticed it was snowing a bit. I grabbed my scarf from my drawer and I head out to school. I stepped outside, it's really cold. I wish I didn't have to go to school, especially on days like this. School isn't even fun.

I get good grades and always rank pretty high in my class but that doesn't matter when you get picked on because of it. Not only that but for my looks as well. The sad thing of it all is that nobody seems to care. They don't care if I cry or if I'm sad or... anything. I'm just the "Pigtail" girl to them, a girl with no emotions.

I continued my way to school when I heard a ruffling noise in the bushes by the side walk. I didn't think much of it, I just thought it was some birds. I continued my walk but the noise seemed to be following me.

"Pssst... Pigtails!"

I turned around and see a boy from my school. His name is Ten I believe. He's pretty popular in school and is known as the "prince" so why is he talking to me and what's he doing in the bushes...?

"M-Me?" I said, stuttering as I point at myself.

Why is Ten trying to talk to me? Did I do something? Is he going to make fun of me?

"No, the fucking flag pole... yes you!" Ten shouts at me before motioning for me to come closer. "Hurry!"

I slowly start walking to him, a little scared might I add.

"Y-Yes?" I stuttered again as I covered my mouth with my scarf.

Ten placed his hands on my shoulders and gave me a creepy smile. "You're the one!" He said before pulling me into a hug.

My face went red and mind went blank. Why is he holding me? I felt very flustered and shocked.

I shift my eyes away from him. "One for... what?" I managed to ask from his tight hug.

Ten backs away from me, releasing me from his hug he said, "My Best Friend Project, silly!"

What's this 'Best friend Project' he's referring to?

"B-Best friend project?" I repeated after him. "What is that?"

Nobody has ever asked me to do a school assignment with them. The only time someone tells me about a project/school assignment is when they want me to do it for them. Is this what he means?

"It's something I've been doing since I started high school," Ten gave me another creepy smile. "I think you can complete it!"

So he does want me to finish his homework assignment...? He did mention that he's being doing it since the start of high school. I'm so confused. I think he's just saying that though. I should have realized this in the beginning.

What I also didn't realize is that I've never spoken to a guy for this long who wasn't a brother of mine. I'm starting to feel flustered again.

"Um, I can't..." I declined his favor. "I'm really busy..." I lied.

I was scared he would catch me in my lie. I don't like turning down the most popular person but I'm tired of being used. Although if this does come crashing down on me, I'll seriously be the most hated person in school.

"I need you in my group, please?" Ten said, begging me. "Please, Pigtails?!"

Ten seemed so persistent. Isn't he smart enough to do it himself? He's one of the top students. What exactly is the homework? He's not really giving me an explanation.

I pulled my scarf closer to my nose. "I don't know..."

Which was my vocal language for: LEAVE ME ALONE. Although, I did feel bad. He seemed to really want me in this project. I don't even remember this even being an assignment of ours. So what's he going on about?

What really is this "Best Friend Project" he so badly wants me in?

Ten snaps his finger. "Okay, meet me at the field during lunch." He said before running off.

I think he's really expecting me to be there... oh no. I don't know if I should go... I don't want to go. If I don't go, what will happen to me? I'm not going.


But of course, I went. I met him at the field. I just wanted to see what he wants from me. This all could be some kind of prank for all I know. It's too late to back out now, he's already here.

"Sorry, did you wait long?" Ten apologized to me as he breathed heavily.

"No, just got here." I replied back, staring at his sweat.

I was confused why he was sweating so much... isn't it too cold for a sweat? I don't really do anything active so I don't know.

"Okay, so-"

"IF," I cut him off. "If... this is some joke... please just leave me alone..." I said before covering my face with my hair.

I looked down on the ground. It's hard for me to keep eye contact. Especially when you don't know if they'll yell at you. I'm starting to regret saying that. I'm regretting coming too.

"Joke?" Ten chuckles before lifting my chin up. "This is not a joke, Pigtails." He then gave me a warm smile. "Why would I waste our time in the cold if it weren't important?"

"You have a point..." I said, looking down again. "So... It's not... a joke?" I ask.

I'm a little happy but can I actually trust him? Probably not. I'm not going to get my hopes up.

"Not at all!" Ten placed his arm over my shoulder. "I just want you to join my Best Friend Project!"

"Can... Can I ask what it's about?" I finally had the guts to ask him.

"Sure, that's why I told you to meet me here." Ten said, chuckling again. "Take a seat."

We both sat down on the wet grass. I just know our uniforms are going to have a wet grass stain. I looked at the grass and watched the snowflakes melt into water.

"Well first of all thank you for coming out." Ten said, clapping his hands like he just gave a speech to a crowd of people.

I decided to clap as well. "Yeah... no problem." I said, awkwardly smiling as I continued to clap with him.

Ten suddenly stops clapping so I stopped as well. What's wrong now? Was it my clap? Was it my lack of gratitude?

Ten looked at me dead in the eye and said:
"Are you ready to learn?"

I nod my head. "Y-Yeah..."

Ten smiles at me, creepy once again. "Excellent," He said before looking around the field then back at me. "Alright, the Best Friend Project is a fake group."

"F-Fake group?" I repeat after him, not understanding what he meant. "What do you mean "fake group" Ten?" I ask him.

Ten narrows his brows at me. "What I mean is that it's fake friendship," he said.

Fake friendship? What's with this guy? He's nuts.

"Fake friendship?"

"Yeah, I've been forming this group since I was a freshmen but," He held my hands. "It's not complete until I have you."

"Again... why me?" I ask him, feeling really weirded out.

"I have everything in my group besides a shyer," Ten said, referring to my quietness.

Is that even a word? Quietness doesn't always equal to shyness... does it?

"A shyer?" I repeat.

"Yes!" Ten snaps his finger. "A shy person. That is you! You fit that role perfectly!"

Ten seemed to have his mind set on me for his project. For the role of the... shyer? What does that even mean?

Ten got up and pulled me up with him. "Just meet me at the gym after school, okay?"

He then ran off again.

I don't understand this 'Best Friend Project' that he keeps going on about. So what I understood is that it's a fake friendship with roles? One of them being a shyer... which is a shy person. I don't know if I got that right. I think he's really expecting me to join.

I start walking back to the building before I slipped on the wet grass. I hate this school. How was he able to run in it?

During class I decided I was going to go to go the gym. The meeting location. I want to see and understand this 'project' he so badly wants me in.

Hours went by in school and it was time for me to go to the gym. I went straight there without stopping at my locker. I open the door and I see a group of people. Seven... I think. I made eye contact with some boy before I direct my eyes to the ground.

"Oh, you made it!" Ten shouts as he ran to me. "I'll show you to the crew!"

"C-Crew?" I ask, looking at the group of students. He wants me to meet them? "Uh..."

Ten takes my hand and drags me to the group. Is he actually leading me to my death? If I won't die from them beating me up... I'll die from embarrassment.

Ten pushes me to the middle of them. "This is Sena. What do you think?" he asked them.

A girl with red hair walks up to me. "Hmm, it looks like she'll fit the part." She the scans me from head to toe. "She definitely looks innocent..." She touched my pigtails.

"Huh?" I said, taking a step back before falling to the ground. "Uh..."

She laughs before sticking her hand out for me to grab. I grab her hand and she lifts me up.

"I'm Mina, your fake new best friend." She introduced herself.

My face went red. "My fake... what?"

"Best friend." Mina smiled before throwing her hair back. "I'm kind of the fake 'bad girl' of the group." She then came close to my ear. "It's not all fake though." She whispered.

Best friend? Bad girl? Fake? What?

"I'll introduce you," Mina said, pulling me towards the others who were silent.

"Um, I'm okay..."

She ignored me.

"Those two holding hands are our fake 'couple' Mark and Yeri."

"Nice to meet you!" They both say in sync.

Are you sure they aren't twins? A fake couple, huh? That's so... strange.

I nod at them. "Nice to meet-"

"Yeri is our fake 'fashionista' while Mark is our fake 'funny' friend who plays 'jokes' all the time." Mina said before coming close to my ear again. "He's really not funny, that's why it's called fake." She chuckled.

I nod at her. "Not funny... got it."

"That guy with the curly hair who is reading is our fake 'boring' friend, Jaehyun." Mina introduced a good looking guy.

The Jaehyun guy looks at me and then looks back at his book.

"He's actually boring." Mina whispers in my ear. Shen then takes me over to a guy on his phone.
"That guy in his phone, is our fake 'playboy', Taeil." He looks at me and gives me a creepy smile.

"You're super cute, Sena!" Taeil said before pulling me towards him. "Can I get your number?"

Huh? My number?

Mina smacks Taeil's hands. "Ow!" He yelps. "Damn, Mina."

"Don't touch her." Mina warns. I looked at Mina with lust in my eyes. She's so cool. I've never had anyone do that for me. "Hey kid, snap out of it." She snaps her finger at me.

"Sorry!" I apologized before bowing at least three times.

Mina smiles before continuing. "Okay, the boy with the glasses is our fake 'genius' Doyoung. He's actually smart but whatever." Mina said, shrugging her shoulders.

"So none of this is true?" I ask Mina. "I'm kind of confused because you say fake but they actually are what their role is..."

"Well Ten did pick people that would fit perfectly the roles that he wanted, like you." Mina pokes my chest. "But then you have roles like Yeri and Mark playing as a 'couple.' Remember, that's fake.

"I'm still confused... why exactly is it called fake?" I asked her still not understanding the fake title.

"Well it's the friendship as a whole that's fake. We're not actual friends, remember? That's why we have fake in the title when I introduced us." Mina explained to me

"What about him?" I point at the boy who I made eye contact in the beginning.

He has white hair and looks really scary. I think I've seen him before...

"Oh that's Taeyong he's our fake 'bad boy' but he really is. The amount of stunts this guys has pulled at this school are way worse than mine... can't believe he hasn't been expelled."

Expelled? Wait, I know him! He once threw stink bombs in my science lab.

I looked at everyone in the Project. Why these roles?

"Can we get this over with?" Taeyong, there white haired kid asked. "Our project says nothing about being together after school."

He looked very annoyed. I don't EVER want to mess with him.

Mina glares at him. "Will you shut up?"

"Whatever," Taeyong said before closing his eyes shut. "Wake me up when you're all done with the stupid introductions so I can go home."

Ten appears behind Taeyong. "Sorry about that, Taeyong." He pats Taeyongs shoulder.

"Can we get this over with, Ten?" Taeyong asked Ten with this irritated look on his face.

"Yeah, in a second." Ten said before walking to the middle. "I really wanted her to meet you all so she could join." Ten then looks at me. "I'll introduce myself, I am the fake 'prince' as in the leader or good looks or-"

"Just leader." Said everyone in sync.

"We need you to have this group complete." Yeri said to me with these puppy dog eyes. "I can even do your hair once in a while because let's face it... that hair is... eh."

I grab my pigtails. "I'll keep that in mind..." I turn my attention to Ten. "How did you form this group?" I ask.

"Well I went to middle school with all of them and they were all outcast so I made up this group just for them when we entered high school." Ten explained. "I gave them fake roles and we've been having this fake friendship since freshmen year. We hardly ever meet after school since we aren't actually friends. So what do you say?" He asked me.

I scratch my head. "I don't know..."

This all still too weird. I'm not sure if I'm up for this. All this for some... fake friends? I want real friends but... maybe this is the closest I'll ever get to any friends.

"Come on?" Ten said, hunching down to my level. (Which wasn't much since he's kind of short) "Don't you want friends... even if they are fake?" He asked.

I do want friends. I want to laugh. I want to talk. I want to have fun. I look straight into his eyes before replying:


Ten gave me a creepy smile like the one from the beginning. "Then it's settled, we have a shyer!" Ten slowly claps his hands. "Welcome Pigtails!"

First chapter!!!! I really hope you enjoyed this!!! Thank you so much for reading!! I hope you support this story!!! Please comment and vote!!!

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