Grave Matters- A Stiles (Teen...

By silverspacechameleon

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“You are smart you have the eyes and forehead for it, it’s not rocket science, and it’s your personality prof... More

Grave Matters- A Stiles (Teen wolf fanfic)
Chapter 1: First Encounters
Chapter 2: Hypothetical Tweezers
Chapter 3: Lesson Two---Deductions Not Facts
Chapter 4: Just A Theory.
Chapter 5: One Week, Six hours and Thirty Minutes
Chapter 6: Bike Rides and Balloon Battles
Chapter 7: Carnivores and Smores
Chapter 8: Captain Carnage and Lieutenant Massacre
Chapter 9: Rain Storm Disasters
Chapter 10: The Turning Point
Chapter 11: Always Have A Purpose For Your Actions
Chapter 12: Morbid Ice Breakers
Chapter 13: Consequences of a Fray.
Chapter 14: Revelation.
Chapter 15: Rebellion and it's Consequences.
Chapter 16: Mornings and Goodbyes
Chapter 17: When The Storm Clears....
Fluff: Later That Night...
Fluff: First Date...
Fluff: Twins and Steaks.
Fluff: The Curious Case of The Water Bottle.
Fluff: Golden Opportunity
Fluff: Difficult (part 1)
Fluff: Difficult (Part 2)
Fluff: Difficult (Part 3)
Fluff: Compromised

Fluff: Hate Is Such A Strong Word.

6.6K 138 43
By silverspacechameleon

Ariel's first football game!! Whoot whoot. I wonder how it would turn out..hmmmm.



Ariel had stayed in the bedroom the entire morning catching up on homework. She found fascination in the task, assignments included essays and Ethan was more than happy to lend his laptop to long as she made breakfast for him.  Focusing was never a difficult task for her...before—now the bane to her sanity continued to torture her in the sweet form that was Stiles Stilinski.

He was all she could think about, everything around her reminded him of him or something that they had done together or something he had said that she had found entertaining.   Ariel wondered if this strange magnetic attraction would ever end. One moment she was thinking about the cute upturn of his nose and his twinkling honey brown eyes—the next moment she was in his bedroom kissing him feverishly.

Her back met the hard surface of the wall in his room, his palms flattened on the walls by her sides, caging her under him before smashing his lips against hers. Ariel gripped at the lapels of his shirt trying to bring him closer than they already were. Every inch of Stiles’s room was covered in band posters, one wall behind his working desk was dedicated to newspaper clippings and photos from crime scenes and most of the furniture was pressed against the remaining walls.

The only free space was in between his built in shelves and Ariel was amazed he had managed to push her up against that wall without his usual clumsy movements. Thinking about the physics behind the act was difficult, especially when his touch and kisses were so demanding.

Stiles was shocked by his own intensity, the way his fingers tangled in the soft tresses of her hair as they kissed urgently. Her mouth opened for him, welcoming his tongue’s delicious explorations with eager abandon.

Her chest heaved against his, wanting to breathe but not willing to stop kissing just yet. But then the heat simmered and her body felt hot and she could feel her heart thumping loudly, the sound reverberating through her being and pounding in her ears. Her senses were dizzying and heightened at the same time.

With superhuman effort she tore her lips off his, she hoped the absence of her mouth on his would stop him but his lips kissed down her jaw and to her neck. Her lips parted in wonder from the pleasurable sensations of his open-mouthed kisses to her neck, her fingers gripped at his shirt for support, her knees trembling. Ariel found a blessing in the wall behind her; she was convinced it was the only thing that kept her upright at this point, that and his splendid hands moving down to her waist.

The virginal, awkward teenager she knew was hardly visible in the passionate male that she couldn’t keep her hands off of. Normally Ariel wouldn’t’ have minded but there was something else in the air that night, the way her heart raced and the internal fiery hunger she felt was familiar. They were all the experiences she felt on the night of a full moon—coupled with sexual frustration was never a good thing.

 “Stiles we should slow down.” She uttered in a strangled whisper, she tried to sound convincing but it was increasingly difficult. Stiles barely heard her over the pounding of his heart. He could feel the pulse of her artery against his lips, it was such an over powering feeling, knowing he was the cause of such a reaction.  He pulled back a centimeter, his lips brushing up her long graceful neck to her side of her face, breathing her in.

It was like she was asking him to stop consuming oxygen.

“What why?” He questioned dazedly, his breath hot and jagged against her ear. He leaned back to gaze in to her face, she raised her gaze to meet his.

Stiles looked into her eyes and stilled.

Behind her lengthy inky lashes, amidst the misty lust in her eyes a pair of crimson orbs stared back.

In most instances when he found himself staring into an alpha’s eyes he was trembling in fear. Stiles was trembling in that moment too, except more aroused than scared. He didn’t know why he wasn’t out the window running for his life, but there was something about those scarlet eyes paired with her flushed cheeks and plump pink lips that he just couldn’t turn away from.

“It’s a fullmoon,” she spoke softly “and I tend to get a little too, excited.”

“ how?” Stiles stammered out, caught under the dark promise in her eyes.

“I might bite or scratch you.” She said warningly, but Stiles was anything but cautious.

He remained close, staring deep into her still crimson eyes. He wondered if she was even aware of the current state of her eyes, but Stiles didn’t want her to notice just yet—afraid that if she did she might compel them to revert back to their usual electric blue. Not that he preferred one over the other but there was something about those red eyes that was just hauntingly beautiful.

“That’s great because um, that usually what’s supposed to happen.” Stiles was half maddened by the mental image. He wanted her desperately, years of built up sexual frustration was finally about to free itself of its strains.

“Yes, with a werewolf.”                                                                                

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Stiles replied, sighing at the fact that she clearly didn’t understand what he was hinting at—but she suddenly smiled and he was suspicious of the fact that she might be teasing him.

“I know what you meant.” She retorted slyly, putting an end to his musings. “So you’ve had thoughts like that have you?” she inquired, trailing her fingers flirtatiously up his chest.                                

Even though his face reddened from her words Stiles didn’t shy away and stared back bravely. “I might have a few times,” he admitted, he could see she was surprised by the unbanked desire in his eyes “Having a few right now.”

Ariel’s astounded expression softened when she smiled in that sultry way, her gaze drifted down to his cupid’s bow to his smooth jaw line and down to his Adam’s apple that bobbed under her piercing stare.  Her stare returned to his eyes and Stiles was caught under the magnetic tantalizing gaze that was swirling in longing.  Stiles never thought in a million years a girl would look at him the way Ariel was looking at him in that very moment.

“You should see the thoughts in my head regarding you right now.” She murmured the tips of her finger tentatively tracing his lips in awe.   

“They don’t have to be just thoughts, you could act on them—I wouldn’t complain.” He suggested against her touch, she looked to him and grinned in amusement.  

“Oh? Someone’s feeling bold.” She noted but then her smile fell when she sighed heavily and reluctantly met tore her gaze away from him. “But I promised myself I will only drop by just to return your book; I have a run I can’t miss.” She grumbled unenthusiastically, glancing at the book she returned to him; Stiles had thrown it on to his bed before grabbing and kissing her— which lead up to his point.

“Werewolf steam?” He asked in vague interest while playing with a thick lock of her hair and resting his forehead intimately against hers.  

“Among other things,” She murmured nuzzling her face into his neck; Stiles grinned like a man who won the lottery, understanding the meaning of her words. He was glad that he wasn’t the only unsatisfied in the relationship.

She pulled away and looked to him again “I’ll see you at the game yes?”

“Yeah I’ll be there.” He said with a fond smile curving his shapely lips. He kissed her once more, softly and cupping the side of her face affectionately. Hesitantly, Ariel pulled away and attempted to move to the window but Stiles intertwined their fingers and reeled her back in for one long lingering kiss.

“Stiles!” The sheriff’s voice boomed from outside his bedroom, startling the male.

“Oh thank god.” Ariel whispered in gratitude for the distraction before quickly slipping out his hold and running to the window. Stiles gaped after her in mock offence, having heard her haste words of relief.

 Just before she escaped she sent him one last mischievous grin before jumping off the ledge and disappearing from his view.

Stiles sighed staring at the window in a daze that when the Sheriff walked in, he was genuinely worried by the smitten expression on his son’s face.


Ariel was in the girl’s locker room with the rest of the team, she was getting ready beside Claire who was unusually quiet while tying the laces of her trainers.

“Ugh I hate those bitches.” Ariel heard Paige groan in contempt from the lockers on the row behind her.

“Are you ever going to get over that?” Theresa sighed looking to the captain exasperatedly.

“How could I? You know what they did, it still bugs me.”

“Yeah I know but honestly Paige, they use that against you, you know that.”

“Pfft, whatever. We won’t lose this time, I swear it.”  Paige vowed before storming off in the direction of the exit. Ariel was intrigued by the conversation she had heard, there was an obviously something vindictive about the opposing team, she noticed how the rest of her team was extremely tense.

“So you excited yet?” Claire suddenly asked from beside her, Ariel turned to the girl.


“Lucky, I am so nervous I am literally shaking!” the jittery teenager exclaimed, nibbling at her lower lip nervously.

“I noticed,” Ariel mused smiling in amusement, Claire grinned.

“Word of advice, beware of the cannon.” She whispered to Ariel like it was a closely guarded secret.

“The cannon?” The alpha echoed quizzically.

“Yeah, she is this girl. The right center forward and she is a demon I am telling you.” She expressed warningly  “But then again pretty much everyone on that team are demons waiting to be exorcised by the Winchesters, so you should watch out in general—but don’t forget to have fun.”  

Ariel stared unsure how to feel. Their behavior and expressions creased in worry was a clear sign that she should be afraid, but fear was a feeling she wasn’t familiar too—not that she hadn’t felt in other forms—but fearing a group of humans sounded preposterous to her.


“Look there she is!” Stiles exclaimed standing enthusiastically from the stands and pointed wildly in Ariel’s direction. Watching in awe as she emerged with her team, she looked so different to how he usually saw her. She wore a tight fitting white shirt and maroon striker shorts that reflected the BHHS colours. Her auburn hair was tied up in a high pony tail and Stiles’s admiring stare wondered up the graceful arc of her neck, recalling only hours ago when he kissed that alabaster skin.

“Yes Stiles I can see her,” Scott stated from beside him, fondly. Stiles yelped when Scott abruptly pulled him down to sit beside him. “Dude she is playing left mid-field,”

“That’s pretty good considering she just started, but did you see the opposing team?” Stiles noted nudging his head in the direction of the girl’s team in blue and white colours assembling on the other end of the field. The two males instinctively grimaced at the sight of them. The entire rival team seemed to share the same fierce urge to main look and one particular girl taking up the attacking position caught Stiles’s eye.

“I am pretty sure that does not qualify as a teenage girl.” He mused and Scott followed his gaze. The girl was a towering 5’8 with wide shoulders and strong muscular legs. “I am starting to doubt the validity of their so called drug tests.”

“Stiles it’s just a school game, they don’t do tests for these.” Scott reminded rolling his eyes at his friend’s words.

“Well they should.” He retorted just as the Sheriff passed behind them, carefully swerving through other spectators with a plate of hotdogs and three drinks cradled in his arms.

“What I miss?” He asked, sitting down and adjusting into a comfortable position beside his son.

“The game hasn’t started yet dad, but it is about to.” Stiles answered looking to his father but his honey eyes lit up the moment the sheriff handed him the baked goods “Sweet, hot dogs!”

“Here you go Scott.” Mr. Stilinski smiled in his warm friendly way while handing the teenager a drink and hot dog.

“Thanks, Sheriff.” Scott replied gratefully before turning his attention to the game. Stiles was munching eagerly on his hotdog with an unwavering stare focused on the football pitch.


Ariel’s keen blue eyes wandered over each new face that greeted her on the pitch. Claire wasn’t exaggerating when she said the other team was intimidating. Their faces were glowering in their direction, somewhere sneering or whispering about them and what she heard wasn’t very promising. Clearly this was on some personal level or they were just bullies looking for a thrill, Ariel hated bullies.

She looked to the skies, the stars twinkled among the night sky but nothing was as glamorous and haunting as the gibbous full moon. She could feel the magnetic pull it had on her, the hairs on her skin were standing on end and she could sense her body’s own urge to hunt.

She tried to avert her attention to other matters, like placing herself on the position mark for her as left-midfield. She was going over the coach’s training, making a mental note of everything she had to do and what she shouldn’t do. But there were so many rules and rules were never a priority to her—Ariel was feeling a little overwhelmed.

Her gaze wandered to the tall white lights beaming down on the grass and illuminating the field, she looked to the stands skimming over the different faces of students and parents and—someone was waving frantically. She looked and blinked in surprise.

Stiles’s wide goofy smile and doting brown eyes were staring right at her, his animated arm movements was to gain her attention and she couldn’t help but stare completely bewildered. His grinned widened having caught her attention, she smiled back unsurely. The sheriff and Scott sat beside the male, covering their faces with their hands trying to seem unrelated to Stiles and her smiled only broadened.

He was mouthing a good luck and direction two thumbs up and she nodded and replied with a thank you which his understood clearly.

The referee walked into the field with the ball at hand and her attention immediately darted to the center of the field. Paige walked up to the middle with the opposite teams captain approaching from the other side. She watched in fascination as the referee flipped a coin into the air and the starting team was decided to be Beacon Hills High.

The game had begun and Claire was terrified.

She has been a goalie the entire two years she had been part of that team, but the space she was meant to protect became the bane of her misery. It wasn’t all games, sure she felt trapped in most tournaments but it was worst because it was this particular game.

The one with Lara Stanford.

Lara Stanford is the opposing teams most fierce player, with wide unblinking green eyes and unruly hair she kept tied up so securely that her entire forehead seemed to stretch back to her hairline. For some strange reason, Claire had become the female’s personal target. At first she thought it was just paranoia until—

“Move back move back!” She heard Paige order from the other side of the pitch. Claire’s focus fell on the hoard of blue and white wearing players heading her way at an incredible speed. The ball skidded across the grass between Lara and her fellow attacker Alyson.

Claire’s heart thudded madly the closer they got and even though the rest of defenders in her team tried to frantically prevent them from reaching the goal, the attempts were futile. Lara and Alyson were unstoppable once they had set a pace, their footwork and coordination was uncanny.

Claire’s eyes darted from side to side following the ball’s movements, the soles of her trainers digging into the grass and her knees bent trying to form a defense and ready herself for a catch. But her mind was racing a thousand thoughts per minute under one single conclusion; she wasn’t going to catch that ball. She knew it and from the smug smirk on Lara’s face—her fear was only validated.

Among the chaos of her mind, Claire watched as Lara positioned herself a little ways outside the 18 yard line and Claire resisted the urge to shut her eyes and await the ball to make impact with her. Lara’s foot was in the air in her strong fast, forward momentum when the ball was suddenly swiped from under her.

All players had frozen to process the event that had just occurred—except for Ariel—she was half way down the court. The rest could only stare with slacked jaws and they were shocked out of their stupor when Paige suddenly yelled out for them to move up field. Everyone rushed to support Ariel but Claire could only stare thinking...the girl was doing fine on her own.

The opposing side was still processing what had happened and the moment they did it was too late because Ariel was already near the goal. She was stealthy and focused, they chased after her eagerly trying to get the ball but she avoided them with ease.

Ariel could hear them catching up to her, running while kicking a ball was no easy task but she had managed to get to the other side of the field. The defenders came running towards her, determined to get the ball. Her gaze darted towards her surroundings. There was no clear path to the goalie, she need an alternative.

“Ariel, Ariel!!” She heard someone call, she looked to the right. Theresa was standing in the corner closest to the goal. Angling her position Ariel side kicked the ball in Theresa’s direction. The globe went spinning across the grass and right at Theresa who stopped it with ease and kicked it with enough force that the ball went flying right into the goal.

The net trembled from the impact. The crowd roared in amazement.

“Did I see that right?” A random defender in front of Claire questioned in disbelief.

Theresa was awe struck; the cheering was numb to her ears when even her team huddled around her to hug her she couldn’t take her eyes off the goal.

“YEAH!” Scott and Stiles screamed enthusiastically rising from the seats—Stiles with more vigor than his friend.

“That was amazing!” Stiles exclaimed looking to Scott who nodded eagerly with a bright smile on his face.

Ariel was keeping to the sidelines as usual but he saw the way Theresa rushed up to the unsuspecting alpha and hugged her tightly. He grinned adoringly at the sight of her utterly confused expression when the rest of the team crowded her, embracing her and patting her back in congratulations.

“Well, look at the groupies. Simmer it down boys you are going to embarrass Ariel.”Aiden’s taunting voice snapped them out of their excitement. Stiles narrowed his gaze on the twins who stood beside Scott. Aiden wore his usual burly wood coloured jacket paired with a black t-shirt and jeans, Ethan stood next to his brother looking more casual with a plain long sleeved dark blue shirt and black jeans.

“What are you guys doing here?” Stiles demanded his eyes darting between the two; Ethan opened his mouth to answer only to be interrupted by his twin.

“What? We can’t cheer on our friend?” He snapped, returning Stiles’s glare with one of his own.

“So you guys came to support Ariel, that’s nice.” Scott mused friendly, trying to keep the tension between Aiden and Stiles to a minimum.

“It’s the least we could do.” Ethan added grinning and glancing in the direction of the field.

“Who are your friends there, boys?” Mr. Stilinski spoke, his head peeking out from beside Stiles.

“Dad this is Aiden and Ethan, they are Ariel’s....friends?” Stiles introduced unsure on how to place them in relation to his girlfriend.

“How you doing there Sheriff?” Ethan was the first to greet with a nod of his head.

“Good thanks,” Mr. Stilinski replied politely before they all sat down to resume watching the game again.

The match continued on into the night, everyone watched amazed by Ariel’s speed and stamina waiting for her to make a goal. But in the last minute she always passed it to Theresa or Paige who awaited the ball eagerly.

The rival team caught on to the pattern and furiously tried to divert each pass but with the two more points BHHS had scored—their confidence had elevated and had become fierce.

The whistle rang signaling half time.

Claire cheered enthusiastically looking to the score board and shocked to find they were in the lead.

“Ariel!” She yelled waving at the auburn haired female; Ariel looked to the girl and nodded in acknowledgement.

In her momentary distraction, Ariel didn’t see figure heading her way and sharp pain shot through her shoulder when a heavy weight made impact. Her head snapped forward to face the cause of her hurt to find an unfamiliar face glaring down at her.

“You better watch where you are going, newbie.”  She hissed through her teeth at Ariel, glowering in to her eyes. Carden wasn’t familiar with being intimidate so she stared back boldly, the angry girl was obviously thrown by her fearlessness but then recovered by smirking cynically. Brushing past she made her way to the other side of the court with Ariel staring after her in confusion.

“DID YOU SEE THAT?!” Stiles exclaimed having witnessed the entire irrational threatening act by Lara Stanford towards Ariel.

“Stiles calm down.” Scott warned pulling at his best friend’s arm trying to get him to sit down again and not cause a scene. Stiles reluctantly sat back down though his intense glare was focused on the Lara girl who was huddled around her team—whispering battle tactics no doubt, Stiles couldn’t help but think.

“She totally purposefully did that, it was wrong!”

“Yeah, I hope Ariel didn’t get too riled up by that.” Scott mused but he wasn’t too worried, Claire had approached Ariel and the girl seemed completely at ease.

“They better not be hard on her.”

“I think she can handle it.” Scott replied giving his friend a incredulous look for his words, but Stiles seemed genuinely worried.

“Yeah but I mean the full moon, Ariel isn’t as controlled as she seems to be.”

“What do you mean?”

Stiles glanced to his father and then to the twins before looking to Scott and then leaning towards him. “Before she got to the game, she came over to my place and we were making out and things got”

Scott went wide eyed in reaction to Stiles’s whisper. But then his shock morphed into an impressed yet nosy grin “Really?”

Stiles nodded enthusiastically, his ego taking place of his worry “Yeah man you—my point is, her eyes got all red and alpha like.”

Stiles didn’t want to go into detail about his time with Ariel when his father was sitting right next to him. Scott immediately absorbed the situation and stared in disbelief.

“Ohhhh, just from kissing?”

“Well yeah, didn’t you get that way around Alyson?” Stiles questioned wondering why Scott seemed so genuinely doubtful.

“Yeah true, but I didn’t think you would be able to bring that sort of reaction from her.” Scott mumbled open and shifty eyed.

Stiles gaped in outraged “What the heck is that supposed to mean? I am a good kisser you could have had the chance to find out but you said no.”

“Should I be worried about where this conversation is leading to?” Mr. Stilinski cut in; two teenagers tensed and then grinned sheepishly in his direction.

Ariel found it strange that they had to switch places for the second half of the game but it didn’t throw off her stealth in the slightest. But ever since the first half, the other team had taken an great—annoying—interest in blocking her methods in getting the ball. Ariel wanted to shove a few of the girls aside or break a few arms but that was frowned upon apparently. The thoughts of maiming and murdering weren’t helping, especially when the moon was slowly reaching its apex.

The match progressed and it was increasingly difficult to score a goal when they blocked every possible chance of her getting to the net. Ariel noticed how they were getting increasingly aggressive with their death glares and pushy nature, but the aggression reached its peak when Theresa ended up getting wounded.

“Theresa, tilt your head back.” Paige ordered gently as the rest of the team huddled around the fallen team mate. When Theresa was trying to receive the ball a defender from the opposing team had “accidentally” thrown her head back to bump her forehead into the ball, thus knocking the back of her head against Theresa’s face.

“Ugh it hurts, what the hell is wrong with that bitch.” The brunette groaned as blood poured down her nostrils. The sight of the crimson liquid fed Ariel’s own lust for death; she cursed and averted her glare to the other team who was trying to convince the referee of their innocence.

“Cussing usually helps elevate the pain, don’t stop.” Claire spoke kindly patting Theresa’s comfortingly on the shoulder. Paige threw her friend’s arm over her shoulder with the help of Kylie—a defender—and they supported Theresa to the benches.

“If I get my hands on that little—“The coach’s sudden blaring whistle cut into Theresa’s irate diatribe.

“Girls get over here!”  He ordered, everyone jogged over to the benches and formed a circle around the trainer.

“That was so bogus coach! The referee ruled that off!” Jessica exclaimed noticing the lack of a red card directed at the other team—judging from their smug smiles.

“I know Lindy, but we gotta stay positive here.” Finstock stated with a hand out gesturing for her to remain calm, Ariel glanced at Jessica on her opposite side, she was silently seething.

“Coach I have a suggestion.” Paige spoke up, joining the huddle after placing Theresa on the bench for medical attention.

“Go ahead.” He said giving her a nod of approval, all eyes fell to the girl.

“Ariel should take Theresa’s place as centre forward and Kylie should take left mid.” The alpha wasn’t expecting her name to be spoken from the captain’s lips. Ariel was temporarily brought out of her racing thoughts.

“That’s good; we need all the help we can get up front and the best defense.” The coach agreed actively, which was shocking because Paige and the coach never seemed to agree on much.

 “Alright girls we are one up, this is the closest we have ever gotten so make me proud!”

A chorus of ‘yes coach’ followed before Paige turned to her team, mainly focusing her gaze on. Ariel could feel a sense of eagerness among them and anticipation to get back on the field and play like their livelihood depended on it. Ariel found she shared their keenness, her legs were trembling from the exertions of her muscles but the fire inside her, the need to play kept her going.

“Alright, this is what we are going to do...” Paige began as they all listened intently.

“Looks like things are getting serious, considering it’s the last few minutes.” Ethan mused from in between Scott and Aiden.

“I know right, I hope they can get the two points before the whistle.” Aiden added glancing at his twin.

“Ariel there, they can do it.” Stiles words grabbed their attention. The twins took in his proud smile and resolution in his honey eyes focused on Ariel who was standing quietly on the field.

Paige was seething, she tried to keep her mind focused on keeping the lead but all she could think about was destroying the girl who hurt Theresa. When the whistle blew the defender went racing for the ball and Paige didn’t waste any time rushing after the ball, but her attention was more on injuring the girl.

Her body slid across the wet grass and her foot made contact with the attacker’s ankle. The ball went rolling offside and the girl fell on to the grass clutching her leg in pain as Paige got to her feet.

“Man this is one brutal sport, that girl was clearly out for blood.” Aiden stated more excited than concerned, Ethan nodded in agreement.

“Can you blame her?”

“God I love this game,” Aiden groaned sitting up on the bench ready to see how the events played out, Stiles and Scott simultaneously rolled their eyes.

Great just freaking fantastic! Claire was resisting the urge to pace the length of the goal. Paige had successfully fouled an opponent and now Claire had to deal with consequences.

I can’t do this. She felt her heart racing and the blood pumping through her system, she felt like she was suffocating and the net was closing in on her.

“Hey, are you alright?” She looked up, surprised to find Ariel towering over her.

She immediately faked a grin “Yeah I am fine.”

Claire could tell Ariel didn’t believe her but she didn’t feel like placing the effort to convince the female, especially when all she could think about was the ball making impact with her face.

“Don’t show your fear, doubt hinders your abilities.”

“What? I am not afraid.” Claire reacted defensively, Ariel gave her a incredulous look and she sighed in submission.

Who am I kidding? I am terrified.

“She makes this gesture with her hand, it’s small but visible.”

“What do you mean?” She asked bewildered but Ariel’s words. The auburn haired female glanced in the direction of the attacker who was taking to the rest of her team, listening to their encouraging words.

“She likes to calculate the angle she wishes to kick in; her fingers slightly dart in that direction before she positions herself.” Claire’s eyebrows disappeared behind her damp bangs. The observation surprised her and she couldn’t help but see the truth in it. Watching the blonde girl place the ball on the grass Claire saw the way her fingers slightly flexed to the right, her cold calculating gaze focused on the goal.  Claire looked to Ariel to thank her but she had already moved to the side, awaiting the result of the penalty kick.

Claire braced herself, ready to move when needed.

The girl ran and the kicked, the ball went flying through the air and Claire didn’t dare divert her attention from the ball. She jumped up and her gloved hands reached for the ball and her heart leaped in joy when she caught it gracefully.

The whistle blew, signaling the end.

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Stiles screamed jumping up from his bench and thrust his arms into the air in celebration. The few members of the opposing team fell to their knees in despair while the other frowned and ran their hands through their wet sweaty hair.

Stiles knew that winning was an aphrodisiac but was watching his girlfriend and knowing that her team won—an aphrodisiac too?

Ariel smiled at the pure joyful expression of Claire’s face when she was smothered by the rest of her teammates, congratulating and hugging her in fierce enthusiasm. Ariel kept to the sidelines trying to be recluse she looked to the stands to find Stiles staring right at her, grinning widely.

“ARIEL!” A gasp escaped her lips when Claire suddenly embraced her, the entire weight of her body forcing Ariel on to the grass.

The four males winced in unison, having witnessed Ariel’s fall before the entire team piled on top of her and Claire. Aiden on the other hand was staring wide eyed in fascination with a perverted grin stretched across his face.


Stiles waited restlessly for Ariel to emerge from the locker rooms. He was leaning against a wall in the corridor, fumbling with his jeep keys in a jittery act.  

He stood up alert when the sound of chattering girls echoed in the halls. The rest of the team members filed through the passage and he stood on his toes over looking them to find Ariel. He smiled at the sight of her listening to a rambling Claire. She had her hair down in soft waves, wearing a familiar band-tee. Stiles blinked in surprise, realizing she was wearing the t-shirt he had given to her on the night she stayed over, after the alpha pack had attacked her.

Stiles had to admit, she looked great in his shirt on, it was like he had marked her in some way and he wondered if it was an unconscious act from her. He quickly tensed when he realized his father was waiting outside for the two of them, praying internally that he didn’t recognize the shirt—because that would just lead to unwanted questions and awkwardness.

Ariel looked up and their gazes met and his thoughts came to an immediately halt, he loved that just one look from her left him breathless and mind a complete blank.

“Stiles right?” Claire’s question snapped him out of his staring and his turned his attention to the short girl.

“Hey Claire.” He greeted smiling down at her though he kept glancing at Ariel. She left Claire’s side to stand beside him. The petite girl looked between the two in confusion.

“Hey! Were you waiting for Ariel?” She asked regarding him with her clear eyes, Stiles nodded, she smiled. “How do you guys know each other?”

“Stiles is my boyfriend.” Ariel stated frankly and without a moment of hesitation. Stiles froze and gazed at her in awe. He knew it was always a silent knowing between them that they were in a relationship but the fact that she admitted it to someone made his heart swell in happiness.

Claire was shocked and looked to Stiles in a new light, one full of wonder and mystification.

“Th-that’s great! I should probably leave you two alone huh, to celebrate our awesome victory.” She beamed at them “See you later you guys.”

“Good night.” Ariel uttered with a small smile curved at her lips, Stiles grasped her hand in his.

“See you,” Stiles retorted grinning, Claire practically skipped out the door with her bag at hand. The moment she left Stiles turned to Ariel and grinned from ear to ear, she stared back amused by him.

“Boyfriend huh?”

“Would you rather be referred to as someone I am familiar with?”

“No boyfriend is good,” He uttered wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her to his side before pressing a doting kiss to the side of her head “You were brilliant out there.”

“Really?” She wondered her blue eyes glimmering playfully.

“Yes you were all like zoom and zap—those girls didn’t see it coming you were a bolt of lightning!” He exclaimed animatedly “The Red Lightning of Beacon Hills, that’s what they are going to call you.”

“Red Lightning? You read too many graphic novels”

Stiles scoffed—figures Ariel would use the more technical term when it comes to comic books. He liked it though, it was like she didn’t think of them as juvenile like most non-comic readers did.

“At least I know what the banner for your next game is going to say.” He retorted with an adorable lift of his chin.

“Banner?” She echoed looking to him.

“Yeah, to show my support.” He said heedlessly, Ariel stared at him silently with an unreadable expression on her face. His excitement dulled and he gazed back “What?”

Stiles was worried he might have overwhelmed her with his usual passion for pretty much anything that excited him. But the doubt left him when she smiled and leaned to press her lips against his cheek in a chaste kiss.

“Thank you for coming today.” She murmured gratefully, Stiles blushed.

“Of course, I am your boyfriend after all.”

“Why do I get the feeling you are going to repeat that excessively tonight?” Ariel murmured giving him a skeptical look that Stiles couldn’t help but smile.

“What are the plans for tonight?” She asked.

“My dad wants to take us out for dinner”

“Your dad is here?”

“Yeah, he wanted to see the match too.”

“That’s nice of him; we are having meat though right?”

 Stiles only grinned and slanted forward to kiss her when a clearing of a throat grabbed their attention. Deucalion stood behind them at the door smiling in his usual charming way.

“Sorry for interrupting.” Stiles had to admit, he didn’t sound apologetic at all.

“Ariel my dear, you did splendid—“

“Go away.” She snapped glaring at him; Stiles could feel the chill in her stare.

“Now, let’s not be so brash. After all I came all this way to support you and your team.”

“Don’t use that word Deucalion, it clearly doesn’t suit your demeanor.” Ariel grumbled from beside her boyfriend. Deucalion sighed and nodded in agreement.

“I suppose you are right,” His clear cyan eyes moved to the silent male beside Ariel “Evening Stiles.” He greeted.

Stiles was taken aback by the man’s acknowledgement and instantly grew nervous.

“Hey,” He greeted with an awkward wave which he instantly regretted doing.

 “What do you want?” Ariel demanded through gritted teeth.

“Nothing, I just came to congratulate you on your victory—seems like the uncle thing to do.”

“Does it?” She questioned cruel and sarcastically.

“I was hoping to invite you and your...friend to a dinner with me. But I understand if you prefer not to.” Deucalion smiled gently in reaction of Ariel’s passive expression and glaring eyes that made Stiles pity the man. “Your parents would have been proud; I just wanted you to know.”

He uttered before turning away and exiting through the door. Stiles sighed in relief the moment her uncle had left; he was worried he would be stuck in the middle of another werewolf brawl. He looked to Ariel to find her trembling with an urge to punch something, she abruptly took a step forward and Stiles immediately reacted.

“Ariel whoa what are you doing.” He demanded stopping her in her forward momentum with his hand wrapped around her wrist. Ariel’s hateful stare focused on the door was unwavering but she didn’t struggle against Stiles’s grip.

“I am going to snap his neck and then rip out his heart.”

Stiles gulped at the mental image.

“Thanks for the detailed explanation but you need to calm down; this is just the full moon talking.” He spoke gently, Ariel was bristling but at his words she calmed down slightly a deep sigh escaping her lips.

“How dare he mention my parents, he had no right.”

His worried gazed softened in compassion “I know, I know—look at me.”

Reluctantly she did and Stiles saw the way her blue eyes were dark and stormy but glistening in sorrow. He cupped her face in his hands, his fingers combing through her hair soothingly.

“You are better than this, you know that.” He breathed holding her gaze, she looked to the floor unable to withstand the intense affection in his eyes.

“He is trying to bait me.”

“Actually, I think he was genuinely proud.”

“What?”  She hissed glaring up at him, Stiles tensed. He could feel her pulling away but Stiles held on to her tightly forcing her to gaze at him.

“Just listen to me, you are just holding on to this rage because you have trouble dealing with the fact that his betrayal hurt you more than you want to admit.”

“That’s ridiculous.” She snapped flushing at the grain of truth in his words.

“Is it?” He retorted Ariel fell silent. He hesitantly dropped his hands to her arms, trailing them down to her fingers and squeezed them tenderly. He quietly began to gather his next words, knowing they had finally fallen on to a subject that they had both being avoiding.

“Ariel just, you never talked about what happened and even when you did you just stuck to the details, you never told me how you felt.”

“There is a reason.”

“What is the reason?” He asked in gentle insistency, her dark brows furrowed in thought.

“It is unnecessary; my feelings on the subject are redundant because it already happened.”

Stiles gaped in disbelief of the words that left her lips.

“Of course they matter! He wasn’t just any alpha to you he is your uncle and you cared about him and what he did hurt you.” Ariel was startled by his outburst, his grip on her hands tightened “And you are scared to forgive him knowing that if you do it will give him the chance to hurt you again.”

Ariel watched him speechlessly, absorbing his opinion slowly and thoughtfully. She hated to admit it because she had been denying it for so long but Stiles was right. Ariel had cared about Deucalion, he was the only one who seemed to understand her and he always so fondly recalled moments with her father that she had started to rely on him as her only connection to her parents.

His betrayal had impacted her harder than she wanted and the hate still burned inside her, even a smile from him hurt because it seemed to taunt her as if silently saying—you don’t matter to me. Her eyes fell to the plaid designs of his shirt, studying them with a new found fascination.

“I want to not care.” She admitted knowing there was no point hiding it, especially from someone as perceptive as the sheriff’s son.

“That’s impossible and so unlike you.” He murmured fondly, she raised her gaze to meet his. Stiles was smiling, not sympathetically but comfortingly like he understood her completely.

“I don’t trust him.”

Stiles grasped the side of her face, the pad of his thumb soothingly brushing over the softness of her cheek while holding her serious stare. “You don’t have to, I am just saying as much as I love seeing you bust his balls—the hate is only hurting you.”

 Ariel peered into his honey-brown eyes and felt the weight in her heart and storm in her mind lift phenomenally. She found herself wondering what she would do if he wasn’t in her life; the thought scared her—being without him seemed impossible. But she wasn’t ready to admit that, when she had spent her entire life finding comfort in being a lone wolf.

Stiles watched the vulnerability in her eyes blend back into the heated look in her eyes, a slow grin worming its way across her full lips as she leaned up towards him. She gripped at the lapels of his shirt and tugged his body to hers, their lips inches apart.

“Maybe I should just skip the food and sink my teeth into you.” She whispered suggestively and Stiles felt that familiar rush of blood as his heart raced from the desire in her gaze.

Stiles knew it was her way of feeling in control to push aside her susceptibility and distract herself. He didn’t mind as long as he was the source of her distraction, the one she could rely on to make her feel better. She leaned in to kiss him and just when their lips were about to meet another distraction came in the form of hulking twins.

“Get a room!” Aiden howled and Stiles groaned glaring in their direction.

“Are you freaking kidding me?!” He hissed in frustration, Ariel pitied the man.

“Hey there roomie, great game tonight.” Aiden spoke with a charming grin across his face that instantly bugged Stiles. They approached them with their usual pompous air, Ethan moved closer to Ariel and threw an arm over her shoulders.

“Yeah it was awesome, wanna celebrate with us?” Ethan suggested, hugging her to his side and Ariel rolled her eyes.

“Get lost, she has plans with me.” Stiles snapped glaring at the twins.

“Oh yeah?”


“Honestly don’t you two have other people to annoy?” Ariel wondered glancing between Stiles and Aiden, they were having a death stare match with Stiles was winning from the obvious twitch in his eyes.

“But Stilinski’s reactions are funny.” Ethan mused grinning at Stilinski’s comedic expressions.

“That’s why you guys hang around us? To piss me off?”  The twins nodded simultaneously, Stiles looked to Ariel.

 “See I told you.” He concluded confidently and irritated at the same time.

“We are leaving, thank you for coming though.” Ariel announced pulling away from Ethan’s hold and reaching for Stiles’s hand, their fingers intertwined.

“No problem babe, we will see you back at home.” Aiden assured lightly punching her on the shoulder and Stiles frowned.

“She is not your babe.” He huffed and dragged her through the corridor and out the door.

They met up with his father who was in the middle of a conversation with Coach Finstock when they approached.

“I’ll see you later, cupcake.” Stiles and Ariel exchanged perplexed stares in reaction to the sheriff’s title towards the Coach who grinned, quiet happy with the name.

“Great work tonight Carden, I’ll see you Monday.”

“Thanks Coach.” She uttered and waved in good bye, which was a bit of struggle since Stiles practically dragged her behind him.

“Dad, I think I am the one who should be worried.” Stiles muttered to his father who rolled his clear blue eyes and looked to Ariel beside his son.

“Hey there Ariel, you were great I didn’t know you were so good at soccer.”

“Thank you, Sir.” She uttered bashfully, Stiles smiled at the sight of her blushing face.

“Please we can drop the formality, sir makes me feel old.”

“You are old dad.” His son stated frankly which the sheriff chose to smoothly ignore.

“So where are we eating? I am thinking some place Mexican, you like spicy stuff right Ariel?” He asked as they approached his car.

“I am versatile, you two should decide.” Ariel replied, the two Stilinski’s glanced at each other and silently nodded in agreement.

“Mexican it is!” 

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