Professor Layton and the Memo...

By EffervescentElixir

19.2K 552 389

Set after 'The Lost Future'/'Unwound Future', 'Professor Layton and the Memories Of A Time Gone By' explores... More

Prologue: The Lost Future
1. A Mystery To Solve
3. Next Stop... Dropstone!
4. The Quiet Village
5. Midnight Shadows
6. Trouble In Town
7. A Diverging Path
8. A Puzzle Among Others
9. Pieces Of A Puzzle
10. Move On The Castle
11. Lost Soul
12. The Investigation Begins
13: Moonlight Madness
14. Faith and Mysteries
15. Heartbreaker
16. Turning Point
17. Traps And Rescues
18. I am Undying
19. The End

2. The Thirst For Adventure

1.7K 55 31
By EffervescentElixir

"I'm afraid I shall have to disappoint you, Dimitri. I am not sure a mystery would brighten my mood any more than a cup of Earl Grey tea would!"

Dimitri sighed and took a step towards Hershel. He placed his arms on his shoulders and stared into his eyes. Hershel could see the twinkle in his eyes. The thirst for adventure.

"Don't you understand?! If anything can cheer Hershel Layton, it's the chance to solve a massive mystery that has been puzzling great minds for centuries!

"The does sound tempting... Please enlighten me." He was beginning to get interested, but he was still wary.

"Well I knew that once I saw this, the only man for the job was you!" Hershel blushed, and then nodded for him to continue. "Well, have you heard of a town called Folsense?"

Hershel glanced up furtively at the mention of the name.

"That I have! Luke and I solved the mystery of the Elysian Box and of the rumour of a vampire living in Herzen castle. A most heart-warming tale in the end."

"Ah yes! I did hear about that on the news. I wasn't listening much at the time. Around then I was... perfecting my plan." He stared silently at the floor, recalling the events of the time travel incident and the attack on London.

"Indeed... What news have you of it?"

"Well after that incident, over the last year, there have been some people repopulating the town."

Hershel raised his eyebrows. This was news to him. Standing up, he approached the door, a new purpose in his eyes. "I would like to see this. Was the story featured in the newspapers?"

"Yes! It was covered just a few weeks ago, in fact."

"Then I wish to have the full story!" Dimitri smiled and then turned to follow him.

"I shall go with you!"

A knock startled them both, and Hershel drew to a sudden halt, Dimitri almost colliding with him. Opening the door, Herhel grinned at the small figure of Flora. It quickly faded when he saw her scowl.

"Professor! I've been looking for you!"

"I do apologise, Flora. A gentleman should never abandon a lady!"

"I'll say! You left me with the officers at Scotland Yard! The last few days, I have been telling them everything I know. I'm just so... exhausted." She yawned and then rubbed her eyes.

"I have not been myself the last few days. I..." He coughed and then straightened up. "I see that you are most tired from your ordeal."

"Maybe I am... I've just been worried sick!"

"Follow me, my dear." Hershel escorted Flora to his sofa and left her to lie down. "I shall be back momentarily. I am just going to fetch something and then we'll be back." Flora glanced up and only just noticed Dimitri for the first time. She didn't say anything. She did not trust him, but if he was with the Professor then that must have meant something! "Rest your eyes!"

Hershel smiled once more as he led Dimitri out of the office. She intended to follow them, not believing that the Professor would come back. She always felt abandoned. Why couldn't the professor just trust me?! she thought in frustration. Sitting up, she tried to summon some strength, but the sofa was so comfy, and the frustration of the past few days caught up with her.

"Maybe I'll just take a little nap, then..."


"Ah! Here it is!" Hershel winced, gripping the ladder tighter, as he reached up on a high shelf, and pulled out a ruffled newspaper. Scanning the headline, he nodded. It was the correct paper.

"Have you found the right one, Hershel?" Dimitri called from below. Glancing around, he frowned. It had been a long time since he had been down here in the archives, eyes ever pressed on an elusive prize. A woman never to be his.

But Gressenheller University still held many great memories for him.

"Yes! I shall come down now!"

He placed the paper in his jacket pocket and climbed down the old rickety ladder. This must be replaced soon if we do not wish to have an accident, he thought concernedly. When he reached the bottom, he took out the paper and spread it out on a nearby table.


When the great Professor Hershel Layton solved the mystery of the Elysian Box or what many thought to be Pandora's Box of legend, he also discovered that the quaint little town of Folsense wasn't all that it seemed to be.

When miners hit a leak over fifty years ago, unbeknownst to them, an hallucinogenic gas was released. While this gas proved to be non-toxic, it possessed adverse side effects. Scientists studying the mysterious gas observed its manipulative effects, able to play on the mind's beliefs and fears. The stigma surrounding the fabled box of legend triggered chemicals in the brain, dropping them into a comatose state, thus furthering the belief that the box brought death upon whomever opened it.

The Elysian Box was crafted with ore from the now-defunct Folsense Gold Mine, and contained trace amounts of the substance. It is currently in the possession of  Dr. Andrew Schrader, a prominent archaeologist in the field, under study until the full effects of the gas can be identified. Speaking with Dr Schrader, the senior archaeologist expresses his desire to find a way to extract the illusionary gas, but claims that he has made 'no significant breakthroughs, as of yet.'

A leak of the gas had many fooled as the once-abandoned town appeared bustling with life, however, many said citizens were in fact projections of the gas. Anton Herzen, Duke of Folsense during its illustrious days, and oldest living survivor of Folsense has remained out of the public eye, along with his granddaughter, Miss Katia Anderson, rebuilding his manor estate and overseeing 'Project Phoenix'.

Despite rumours circulating that Mr Herzen was a vampire, Anton has since denied such 'absurd accusations' and focuses his energies on this monumental project.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Anton and Katia, along with volunteers from the neighboruing village of Dropstone, with funding from Molentary Express owner, Fredrich Beluga, also Anton's younger sibling, have worked tirelessly over the past eight months to rebuild Folsense and return it to its former glory.

Many residents of Dropstone have taken accommodation in completed houses during the project, expressing great interest in a town they find more 'lively' than their own.

Currently the town boasts bright colours and the worker's enthusiasm shows clearly. Mr Beluga has told us here at Gar Nett Publishing that they hope the reconstruction of the town should be completed by the year's end.

What could have remained a sad footnote has taken a pleasant turn, and I for one am excited by the vision these fine people hold.

I might even more here myself; the people are delightful, the attractions unforgettable and the food even more so.

By Oliver Strapping

Hershel sighed, his thoughts turning warmly to memories of Folsense. He had only been prey to an illusionary version of the town, and now he could only imagine how much improved the town had become.

"The sun rises when you and I meet, and when the wind blows, you will know my heart."

Dimitri glanced up from the paper, frowning at Hershel.

"What does that mean?"

Hershel snapped out of his blank state and smiled.

"It is just something I once heard. Now, what was that mystery?"

"You mean... You wish to help?" He straightened up and approached Hershel, his eyes gleaming with hope. There was a small pause and then Hershel nodded.

"Yes. I shall solve this mystery!"

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