Love Me or Leave Me [Ereri/Ri...

By iStygianEmpress

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Levi Ackerman fell in love with a certain turquoise-eyed brunet since the first time he laid his eyes. For a... More

Chapter 1: What?!
Chapter 2: You Dense Brat
Chapter 3: Problem
Chapter 4: Damn Hangover
Chapter 5: Can it get any worse?
Chapter 6: How Can I Ever Unlove You, Brat?
Chapter 7: What Are You Doing To Me, Levi?
Chapter 8: I Hate That I Love You
Chapter 9: So Far So Good? Maybe not.
Chapter 10: Date Gone Wrong
Chapter 11: Feeling's Realized
Chapter 12: Under The Pouring Rain
Chapter 13: A Nurse For A Day
Chapter 14: Skipping School For Kiss and Cuddles
Chapter 15: I'm Not Jealous... Kinda
Chapter 16: Becoming Official
Chapter 17: A Promise Sealed With A Kiss
Chapter 18: Sudden Turn of Events
Chapter 19: A Deep Slumber
Chapter 20: An Angel
Chapter 21: Left Alone
Chapter 22: Finally Awake
Chapter 23: Lost Memories
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25: Let's Start Again
Chapter 26: A Walk by the Shore
Chapter 27: Unchanged Feelings
Chapter 28: Another Day
Chapter 29: When Shit Hits The Fan
Chapter 30: Already Over
Chapter 31: Guilt, Hatred and Regret
Chapter 32: Fist Fights
Chapter 33: Protecting A Drunk Lover
Chapter 34: Make A Move
Chapter 35: Love Me Or Leave Me
Author's Note
New Book!

The End

6.1K 247 383
By iStygianEmpress


Levi's POV

Days, weeks and years came by and went on, time seems to fly faster when you're happy.

It's been years since Eren and I got into a relationship and after all the shits that happened back then, we're going strong. There are still some fights but we didn't let a single day pass without us fixing it.

I'm currently working as a psychiatrist much to almost everyone's surprise. Eren, on the other hand, is still studying to become a doctor to follow his father's step. He isn't forced to do it since he told me that he has the passion for it since he was a kid. I just told him not to be like his father who is always missing in action in which he always answer with, "Don't worry, I'll be the best husband who ever existed" and a laugh. No matter how many times I heard it, it still has an unknown effect to me which always made a fuzzy feeling inside me.

I looked at him from my place on the couch inside our bedroom and saw him sprawled out on the bed in which I just fixed. I frowned at the sight and set my book down.

"Oi, Eren."

He sat up and looked at me sleepily. "Hmm?"

"You're messing the bed."

He rolled his eyes and laid down again, rolling and completely messing my sheets.

"The fuck do you think you're doing, brat? Stop that or I'm going to throw you out."

He didn't stop and continued rolling. Why is he acting like a fucking kid? I stood up and walked to him, my footsteps heavy. I caught his hand and started to pull him up but he forced me down, instantly wrapping his arms around me.

"Oi, let go of me."

"No, I want to hold you longer."

"There are plenty of things that I need to do."

"Like what?"


He let out a chuckle and tighten his arms around me. I shifted myself and faced his chest, inhaling his piney scent before sighing in content. "Let's just stay like this for a minute."

I didn't protest since I know that the fucking brat won't let go of me anyways. I sighed and leaned in closer, letting him rest his chin on the top of my head. After he graduated high school, we decided to live together. It's quite hard at first but we got used to it and later on enjoyed the privacy. I let the silence consume us and I closed my eyes, ready to try and clear my mind from anything when the brat suddenly sat up and looked at me with wide eyes like he just saw a fucking ghost or something.

"Levi! There's only a week left until your birthday!"

I rolled my eyes and buried my face to the pillow. "It's just a birthday, brat. Don't fret over it."

He stood up and went to get some clothes before he ran to the bathroom without another word. I frowned as I continued to stare at the white door of the bathroom. What the hell is the brat stressing about? It's just a birthday for fuck's sake. Ignoring the weirdness of my bratty boyfriend, I buried my face in the pillow and waited for him to finish.

It didn't take long until I heard the door opened and Eren went out, wearing a black sweater and pants. He took his coat and went to me, kissing my lips.

"I'm going somewhere. I need to do some business. I'll be back before dinner."

He grabbed his phone and car keys which are rested on the nightstand before pecking my lips again and leaving. Eren left the room in a hurry and I watched, not having any clue about what fucking business he is doing. Brushing it off, I stood up and fixed the bed before taking the book I've been reading earlier and leaving the room. All of the hours left was spent by reading and cleaning and Eren arrived as soon as I finished cooking.

He removed his boots and coat, walking towards me and giving me a peck. "Hey, Levi."

 "You're just in time, brat. Dinner's ready."

We went to the dining room and sat down on our usual places. While we're eating in silence, my curiosity got the best of me and I paused eating.


He looked up from his food and raised both of his eyebrows. "What is it?"

"What is that business you're doing? Care to give me some details?"

"Oh." He set his utensils down and placed one of his hand over mine which is rested on the table. "It's nothing, Levi. When the right time comes, I'll tell you."

"You better not be fucking cheating on me, brat."

He chuckled and leaned over me, giving my lips another soft peck. "I don't and never will."

With that I left the topic alone and we proceeded on.


For the past few days, Eren's always away from home even though it's their winter break. He's always telling me that he's doing some "business" again and again each fucking time I ask him. I would always demand a single damn clue but the shitty brat wouldn't give me anything. It's fucking frustrating— he may be cheating for all I fucking know— and the brat has never been this secretive.

Huffing, I ignored the knowing look on Hanji's face and started drinking my tea again. We were on our cafe, talking about how life's been going since this shitface right here can't last a week without bugging me.

"Looks like Shorty has a problem."

I glared at them and kicked their leg. "Shut the fuck up if you don't want to have a problem yourself."

Rolling their eyes, they propped their elbow on the table and rested their chin on their palm. "I know that something's bugging you because if not, you wouldn't have went here without me forcing you to go."

Sighing, I shifted my gaze outside, avoiding eye contact from them. "I think Eren's cheating on me."

What happened next is the least thing I expected them to react. Instead of getting worried, asking me how I came too that fucking foolish conclusion, they laughed so hard to the point where they're clutching their stomach, with tears at the corner of their eyes while gasping for air.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?"

They stopped laughing, still heaving from their breathlessness. I glared at them, waiting for their answer.

"What made you think that he's cheating?"

"The brat's always away even though it's winter break, he's always avoids talking about that fucking business he's always too busy with, fuck, he's even hiding his phone away from me! What would you fucking expect me to think?"

"Maybe he's just planning something."

"Yeah, planning to move in with whoever he's cheating with."

"Calm yourself, Levi. Even though you always call him a brat, he would never do something like that to you."

"Why does it feels like you're siding with him? Do you know anything about what that fucking business is?"

They giggled and wiggled their eyebrows in a playful manner. "Maybe."

"Fuck you."


A day before Christmas and my birthday, Eren stayed home most of the day. He only left for an hour and helped me cook the foods for Christmas Eve. Mom, Mikasa, Armin, Erwin and Hanji will all be here tonight since we decided to celebrate it together.

I just finished washing my hands when Eren hugged me from behind, nuzzling into my neck lovingly.

"I missed you."

I rolled my eyes and remove his hands from my waist. "Tch, you were the one who's always outside."

"Sorry, okay? I'm doing something really important."

"It's that important to the point where you're almost ignoring me?"

"Sorry, Levi, really. I'm going to tell you what is it tonight. Promise."


He smiled and kissed me until we heard the doorbell rang.

"Oops." He walked to the living room and I followed, watching him open the door. Mom and Mikasa are standing outside with a smile on their faces. Eren moved out of the way and held the door open for them, my mother walking straight to me.

"Levi, I miss you."

"It's only been a month, Mom."

She hugged me and I returned the gesture, making it last for almost a minute before she pulled away. Mikasa gave me a nod in which I returned. "Still short as always."

"Shut up, Mika."

I saw Eren trying to hold back his laugh behind her. I glared at him and immediately stopped. After a few more minutes Armin arrived and then Erwin and Hanji.

They placed all of their gifts in the living room, settling themselves on the couches as we talked about what's new. After hours of talking, we went to the dining room to eat until our stomachs are full. I saw Eren talking suspiciously with Armin and Mikasa, sometimes he even whispers something to Mom and I would see her smiling before throwing a glance at me.

We were casually talking in the living room when Eren suddenly stood up. He excused the both of us and led me to our room, grabbing his car keys and giving me my coat. I gave him a confused look and he pecked my lips before saying, "Wear it, we're going somewhere."

I did what he told me and we left our house. Eren drove away, the way we're taking is familiar to me.

"What are we going to do at the riverside, Eren?"

Without removing his eyes from the road, he answered, "Just wait, Levi." I stayed silent after that, starting up the stereo to provide a little entertainment. I kept my gaze outside, watching as the snow fall down. 

As soon as we arrived, Eren took his flashlight and went out, walking to my side to open the door for me. He pulled me into the woods without a word and before I knew it, we're making our way to the riverside we always went to every anniversary. Just like the first time we went here, Eren blindfolded me and carried me to the riverside. I don't know why but I feel like there's something that's going to happen.

When Eren set me down and my feet met the ground, he removed the blindfold but he kept the blocked the view using his body.

"I'm going to show you what kept me busy for the past few days."

He side stepped and my eyes widen at what I saw. The river was froze because of the cold, the snow covering the usual green land of the riverside in white. The place was being lightened up by candles that are encased in glass cases, making the place glow in a romantic way. Petals of red roses was scattered along the place, complimenting the whiteness of the snow.

I turned around and saw Eren holding his guitar— I don't know where the hell that came from—and he started strumming it.

 The best thing 'bout tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

I watched him in awe, letting my ears be pleasured by his voice. Despite hearing it too many times, it still has the same effect on me. He continued singing with a smile, my eyes never leaving his face.

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start

I let myself absorb each and every word he sang to me and I can't help the heat that started to form on my face. What is this brat's planning?

So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight when you're asleep  

I know that you're mine to keep, brat. If not, I wouldn't have stayed beside you after all these years. Despite how sappy it is, I can't help but smile at the effort the brat made.

Tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a boy like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find  

He ended the song with a strum, looking at me straight in the eye with a nervous smile on his face. He set his guitar down on the snow covered ground before standing up and giving me a slow kiss. He took a step back and deep breaths before staring at me again, a serious look settled on his face and eyes.

"Levi, I know that after this, I don't think that I'll have enough courage to say the things that I'm going to say so please listen." He took another deep breath before he knelt in front of me. My eyes widen and my breath was caught in my lungs.


"Levi, I know that we've been through a lot since the beginning. I almost died and forgot everything about us, we fought and we broke up but up until now you're still with me. You never get tired of me despite the shits I had put you through. And now, I wanted to prove to you how thankful I am for having you."

He took out something from his coat's pocket and tears started to flow down from my eyes when I saw him holding a box, a silver band with studs of emerald stones inside it. He held it with both hands, looking up at me.

"I wanted to show you how much I love you, Levi. I know that I already told you this a hundred times but I'm going to say it again. I want to be beside you forever. To grow old and die beside you. To face the future while holding your hand. You're the only one that I ever wanted and I won't get tired of saying these things to you until my life is gone. Levi Ackerman, would you accept this ring, my love and all of the things in the future and be my husband?"

I couldn't stop crying, my mind is still processing what he had told me. He's proposing? This is what he's been planning all along?


A wide grin crept up his lips and he stood up, taking my hand and placing the ring on its rightful place. He cupped my face with his two hands and kissed me deeply, lovingly. Both of us are crying right now because of the happiness and as soon as our lips separated, he pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"I love you, Levi. I really do. Thank you."

"Well, I don't really mind becoming a Yeager."

He wrapped his arms around my waist once again and I wrapped my arms around his neck, staring at each other's eyes that's full of love and undescribable happiness.

"Levi Yeager, hell fucking yeah. I know that it suits you more than Ackerman."

I rolled my eyes playfully and tip toed, pecking his lips.

"I love you, Eren, until the day I die."

"I love you, Levi, up to the end of infinity."

And with that we locked our lips to seal the unspoken promise, ready to face what's waiting for us in the future. Knowing that he's beside me, I couldn't get anymore happier.

The End.


Author's Note

Since you guys told me to do an epilogue, I did it. I don't think it's an epilogue since it's too fucking long but, who cares. I just hope that it's satisfying >.<

And yeah, this isn't proof read (As

This is really the end, guys. I hope that you enjoyed that journey because I surely did.

The long-ass author's note would also be updated.

Thank you for reading, guys! I love all of you!

'Til next time, then!

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