Let Me In (StudxStud)

By withyourgirl

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By withyourgirl

Jayla P.O.V

It was now third period. Today was going by so slow. I don't know why but, when I want time to fly by fast it goes slow and when I want it to go slow it goes fast as hell.

I was doing my work when someone called me I turned around and it was some ugly nigga. He was mad black with some yellow ass teeth. ( aye black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow. I'm so corny)

Wait how does he even know my name.whatever.

"After school you wanna come to my place and have some fun"

I laughed so fucking hard. Did anyone hear him I looked around the class and saw everyone looking at me. They probably think I'm crazy oh well.

"No dumb ass I'm gay tf"

"I'll pay you"

I looked at this nigga like he was crazy.

"I'm gay. G-A-Y gay"

"Come on just one date"

Did this negro not hear me. I put my hand in the air and spread them apart while
saying "In your imagination "

After that I just ignored him and went back to work


My last period was history we had a substitute today.

Me, key, and the rest of the crew were in this class together. We w-no they were arguing about some dumb shit. The flash like who the hell is that.

"Yo the reverse flash suit is not yellow and black" chance said looking annoyed

" omfg god yes it is " domo said rolling her eyes

" y'all are ode dumb his suit is yellow and red" ty said shouting loud af

"YO CAN YALL SHUT THE FUCK UP" key said standing up

"Rt like no one fucking cares about what color his fucking suit is" I said calmly being the peaceful person I am.

Me and key just ignored them. We were talking until someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hi" this person said

"Hello" I said while turning around facing the person

My daw dropped when I seen who it was. She was sexy af.

She has short curly hair, her skin is a rich light shade of caramel brown, her lips are plump tint of pink that just looks naturally moist. I just got lost in those hazel with a little green eyes that were just so captivating.

"Um...hello" she said waving her hand in my face

"Uh y-yeah"

" i just asked what your name is"

"Oh it's Jayla but you can call me jay"

"I'm akyrah but you can call me my"

"Are you new I've never seen you before"

"Yeah I just moved here from Florida"

"Oh that cool I've always wanted to go there"

"Maybe I could take you some time" she said smiling

"Maybe" I said blushing

We continued to talk for the rest off the period

The bell finally rung. I got up heading out of class waiting for key so we could head to the bus.

" who was that person you was talking to in class"key said taking her seat on the bus

"She's just the new girl" I said blushing remembering I gave her my number

"Oh" she said dryly



"You coming to my house later"


I just sat back texting akyrah waiting to go home. I'm so tired.


I know it's been awhile but- actually I have no excuse. Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Don't forget to vote and comment

Please excuse any mistakes thank you 😊

Peace ✌🏾️✨

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