CODE NAME: Big Brother Projec...

By JackXantho

110 2 1


Complications with the genome

Report starts here

82 1 0
By JackXantho


HEAD SCIENTIST: Professor [REDACTED], graduated from [REDACTED]

Project Code: 01A23FB6

Project Description: To create workers in the forms of "Big Brothers". Genetically engineered, biological, super workers, who bend to the every whim and desire of "Little Sisters". Little girls who have a sort of mental link with the Big Brothers, able to cause changes in radiofrequencies and control Big Brothers.

Funding: [REDACTED]

Start Date: 15\08\XX

Project State of Completion: Early prototyping.

Notes: Big Brothers have shown states of distress when Little Sisters are subject to or threatened with, physical or mental pain and or limitations. Big Brothers will stop at nothing to prevent guards and scientists from getting close to Little Sisters.

The following Report/Case File will detail the experiment.

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