Now Or Never (FOURTH book to...

By goblinz4life

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Now Or Never (FOURTH book to never be over you)
Chapter 1: Exile on Main St.
Chapter 2: Two and a Half Men
Chapter 3: The Third Man
Chapter 4: Live Free or Twihard
Chapter 5: You Can't Handle the Truth
Chapter 6: Family Matters
Chapter 7: All Dogs Go to Heaven
Chapter 8: Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Chapter 9: Caged Heat
Chapter 10: Appointment in Samarra
Chapter 11: Like a Virgin
Chapter 12: Unforgiven
Chapter 13- Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Chapter 14: The French Mistake
Chapter 16: My Heart Will Go On
Chapter 17: Frontierland
Chapter 18: Mommy Dearest
Chapter 19: The Man Who Would Be King
Chapter 20: Let It Bleed
Chapter 21: The Man Who Knew Too Much

Chapter 15: ...And Then There Were None

231 5 0
By goblinz4life

"I've been getting blasts from hunters all week." Bobby says pointing at a map "Nest of vamps. Werewolf dance party. Shifters, six of them. Two hunters died taking them out. Ghouls, ghouls. Ghoul-wraith smorgasbord."
"Is it just me, or is that a straight kick-line down I-80?" Dean asks.
"Looks to me like it's a Sherman March monster mash." I say.
"Yeah, but where are they marching to?" Sam asks. Bobby circles another area on the map.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Guy bashes in his family's heads." The four of us head off pretty much right away to Sandusky, Ohio and to their police station so we can interview the guy, Rick, who killed his family.

"It's just like I told the cops. I blacked out." Rick says.
"Well, just tell us what you do remember." Sam says.
"Driving my regular route, and then I-I woke up in my truck at work."
"And where's work?" I ask.
"Starlight Cannery. I don't remember how I got there... So I called home. When no one picked up. I-I went there, and I found..."
"Anything unusual before you blacked out? Sights, smells, anything off the routine?" I ask.
"No. Basic night. I was giving some kid from the truck stop a ride. She took off. I-I think she took off."
"Anything else?" Dean asks.
"I swear, I didn't mean to do it. I-I loved them." We walk out of the interrogation room and go to the computers in the police station. Sam starts typing something in.
"So, demon possession or ghosts? I thought this was a monster thing?" Dean asks.
"Alright here we go. Truck stop. Night of the murders." Sam says. He has the security footage of the truck stop.
"That's him." I say. A girl starts walking towards him.
"Hmm. Hello." Dean says. She looks at the camera and Sam pauses it on her face. What the hell? It's... what's the right word... grotesque? "Freakish nightmare. What the hell is that?"
"Bobby?" Sam asks.
"I've never seen that in my life. All those vamps and ghouls out on I-80, maybe they're coming in for Mother's Day." Bobby says.
"Um... Okay, well, if that is big mama, whatever she is, we got zero on ganking her. So what are we gonna do if we run into her? Throw salt and hope?" Dean asks.
"No, we're gonna turn tail and run, because we're in over our heads."
"I mean, we better get some real info on this bitch before we do run into her."
"Hey, let's go." A police officer says.
"What's the ruckus?" Bobby asks.
"A guy just went postal down at the Cannery."
"Okay, I'll go. You finish here." Shortly after we get news from Bobby to meet him down at the Cannery.
Is that Rufus?
"Well, look what the cat dragged in." Dean says as we walk up to Rufus and Bobby.
"It really is good to see you, Rufus." I say.
"I can believe it. It must get old dealing with this miserable cuss here all by yourself."
"Is it that obvious?" Sam asks.
"Why don't you four get a room?" Bobby says.
"Alright, we all pack a snack?" Dean asks.
"Yeah." I say.
"Let's see what we can see." We walk into the Cannery. A door opens as soon as we step inside and out steps Gwen.
"Gwen?" I ask.
"Ashlee." And then Samuel steps out. Dean doesn't hesitate. He starts walking towards Samuel raising his gun.
"Welcome to next time."
"No, no, no, no! Hold on!" Sam stops him.
"I said I'd kill him!"
"Look, just a second."
"I take it you know each other." Rufus says.
"He's our grandfather." Dean says.
"Oh. Somebody needs a hug."
"Why are you here?" Bobby asks.
"We're working. You?" Samuel says.
"None of your damn business!" Dean says.
"Sam, Ash, take Dean for a walk." Bobby says.
"You got to be kidding me."
"Look, Dean, its fine." I say.
"How?" Me and Sam usher him into the next room. "What is wrong with you?"
"Look, maybe he knows something." Sam says.
"You don't remember what he did. I do."
"I know. I'm not saying don't. I'm saying not yet." I say. Dean waits in the room, while Sam and I walk back out to the rest of the group.
"So... you're Samuel." Bobby says.
"You must be the guy pretending to be their father."
"Well, somebody ought to."
"Sam, Ash. You're looking well."
"Save the small talk, all right?" I say.
"You seem different."
"We got our souls back. No thanks to you, I hear." Sam says.
"You hear? You don't remember."
"We remember enough." I say.
"I, uh, really hate to break up this little circle of love, but why don't we talk shop, huh? How about you tell us what it is you're hunting?" Rufus says.
"A creature from Purgatory. She calls herself Eve." Samuel says.
"Eve?" Sam asks.
"Yep. They call her mother. She was here about ten thousand years ago. Every freak that walks the face of the earth can be traced back to her. And she's back."
"How the hell do you know all that?" Bobby asks.
"You don't know half the things that I know, kid. Hell, until recently, you didn't even know about us."
"I now know that you'd throw your own kin to hungry ghouls. I think I know enough."
"You what?" Gwen asks.
"Dean lied to the man." Samuel says.
"How about you ask Dean?" Bobby says.
"Good idea." Gwen leave the room and goes into the room where Dean is.
We hear a gunshot and all of us run into the room. Gwen is on the ground. Sam check for a pulse and Dean is nowhere to be found.
"See if you can plug that hole up, Bobby." Rufus says. He automatically gets down and starts doing CPR on Gwen. "Come one girl! Come on! Come on!"
"She's gone." I say.
"Ah, damn it."
"I'm sorry... if you care." Bobby says to Samuel.
"Screw you. I care." Samuel says. Sam and I decide to go look around for Dean and come back with no luck.
"Where's Dean?" Rufus asks
"We couldn't find him. Whatever got into those guys must have got into Dean." Sam says.
"Rufus, help Samuel move her somewhere. Sam and I will lock down here. We're gonna want to find Dean before he finds us." Bobby says.
"We're gonna find him alive, Samuel, or I'm gonna put a bullet into your head." I say. Bobby, Sam, Rufus and I start doing another search for Dean. I eventually pull out my phone and dial Dean's cell to try to hear it ring, and we do and follow the sound.
"Dean, put that damn thing down." Rufus says as Dean has his gun aimed at us, Samuel then runs in aiming his gun at Dean.  "Dean, put it down."
"You're the least of my worries right now, Rufus." Dean says.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." Sam says.
"Okay, both of you." Bobby says.
"Both of you, my ass." Rufus says.
"I'm not in the mood. I just had a 12-inch... Herpe crawl out of my ear." Dean says.
"What?" I ask.
"You heard me. I just woke up on the ground, just in time to see this...worm thing sliding out of my freaking ear and into that vent. So you tell me what the hell's going on!"
"You killed Gwen. That's what's going on." Samuel says.
"We were just talking out in the hallway. That's the last thing I remember. That thing must have jumped me."
"So, we're talking about, like, a monster that gets in you?" I ask.
"It's like a Khan worm on steroids." Dean says.
"You mean like a parasite, something that took over your body." Sam says.
"Worm crawls in you, worm crawls out."
"Monster possession? That's novel."
"Or that thing's still in you and we can't trust a word that you're saying."
"It's not!"
"Check your ear." Bobby says.
"What do you mean, check my ear? Check my ear for what?" Rufus sticks his finger in Dean's ear. "Hey! What? Why don't you buy me a drink first?"
"Second date. Oh yeah, we're goo positive." Rufus says.
"What does that mean? What does that mean?!"
"That means it was in you, alright."
"Or it still is." Samuel says.
"It's not in me!" Dean yells.
"Okay. Everybody give up your guns." Bobby says.
"What?" Samuel asks.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, think about this for a second Bobby." Rufus says.
"I'm thinking we don't know who is and who ain't got the damn Khan worm inside their melon." Bobby says.
"Its not in me!" Dean says again.
"I didn't say it was. Point is we don't know who it is. It could be any one of us. So the best we can to make it that much harder for that thing to blow our fool heads off." Bobby holds open a sack, Dean, Sam, Rufus and I throw our guns in the bag.
"Are you waiting for a handwritten invite, Campbell?" Rufus asks. Samuel puts his gun in the bag, but he does it reluctantly. We go back to the main room we were in before. Bobby stashes the bag in a locker with a lock.
"Okay, we need some time to breathe, make a plan." Bobby says.
"A plan? Based on?" Samuel asks.
"I'm gonna make a few phone calls, see if anybody has ever heard of anything like this."
"Hmm. Ditto. Got a few trees I can shake." Rufus says. After about 30 minutes of Rufus and Bobby on their phones. Samuel gets up, seems like he's trying to leave the room. Probably because Dean his giving him a death glare. Sam gets up and blocks Samuel from leaving.
"Relax. Bathroom break. So unless you want to hold it for me..." Samuel says then leaves the room. Sam, Dean and I follow. We wait for him to come back along a line of lockers. "What?" He asks when he sees us.
"Nothing. I'm just wondering how you sleep at night." Dean says.
"Like a baby. Thanks for asking."
"You fed us to Crowley."
"True, but what am I gonna do about it now? Do I blame you for wanting to kill me? Of course not, Dean. What I did was... but I'm not apologizing. I did what I did. I don't cry over spilled blood."
"So you really can just go on, like..." I say.
"Just because you're Dr. Jekyll at the moment doesn't mean you can get all high and mighty. Don't forget, we spent a year together."
"Yeah, we did. We're blood. And you still sold us out." Sam says.
"Trust me, what I did pales in comparison to what you did, and on more than one occasion."
"Alright, tell us what we did." I say.
"No. Ash, come on." Dean says, he stands between me and Samuel. "The only reason you're alive right now is because we're working a job. The minute we kill this thing... you're next."
"Okay, then. We'll just see." Samuel pulls his gun on us, Dean rushes and aims his arm up, the gun shoots but it misses it's target and then the three of us are shoved against the lockers and Samuel runs.
"I heard a shot." Bobby says as him and Rufus run out to us.
"Samuel!" Dean says.
"I'm gonna be needing my gun back now, Bobby." Rufus says.
"You think?" Bobby says.
"Yeah." I head back into the room with Rufus and Bobby while Sam and Dean go look for Samuel. Bobby breaks the lock on the locker where our weapons are. "Hey, don't feel bad. You know, it was a good plan, except for the part where a monster would definitely, definitely not give up all his weapons."
"Shut up."
"We lost him." Dean says as they come back.
"So, what's the plan?" Sam asks.
"We stick together. We got to keep track of this thing, who it's in." I say. The five of us start looking around the building together. Just as we're about to go into a new room, Sam grabs Dean's shoulder and pulls him back. The rest of us immediately raise our guns at him.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hold on. Look." Sam says then shines his flashlight down, there's a tripwire.
"Booby trap." Dean says.
"I'll be damned." Bobby says. Each of us carefully step over the wire and then a sliding door gets slammed and Sam is separated from us.
"Hey! Hey!" Dean yells.
"Whoa! Dean!" Sam yells from the side.
"Sam! Damn it. Son of a bitch."
"I'm gonna go around, okay?"
"Alright, watch yourself."
"Yeah." We continue walking around and find a way back to that room where Sam is. When we get there Sam is still standing.
"Sam! Sam." Dean yells.
"Oh, thank god." I say. Samuel's dead body is lying on the ground.
"Drop the gun Sam." Bobby says. Sam puts his gun down.
"It's me." He says.
"Okay. That's great Sam. Just got to cuff you, uh, till we can be sure, okay? You understand, right?" Rufus says.
"It's in him." Sam says gesturing at Samuel.
"Are you sure?" Bobby asks.
"Yeah. Yeah, I think."
"You see anything come out of him... after he dropped?" Rufus asks. He puts cuffs on Sam and then the boys drag Samuel back to the main room and lay him on the table. Bobby swabs his ears.
"Tell me you got something." I say.
"What? So... so you mean he wasn't a monster when I ganked him?" Sam asks.
"One way to find out. Bobby, you got a cranial saw in the car?" Rufus asks.
"Of course."
"You're not going alone." Dean says.
"Oh, no, he won't. He won't. We will both go grab some tools and see about getting some power in this place. And I want you and you and you to -- okay, I want you and you to watch him and her and -- all right, if anything crawls out of anybody, somebody step on it." Rufus says.
"Yeah, don't worry. I'll watch Samuel. Dean will watch me and Ash will watch Dean." Sam says.
"Yeah, right." Rufus says. Him and Bobby walk out of the room to grab stuff from Bobby's car.
"You did the right thing, you know." I tell Sam.
"You mean you think I did. If it's in him and I'm me. This thing's playing three-card monte with us." Sam says.
"Well, I'm going to assume you're you." Dean says.
"You want to take this off, then?" Sam asks, referring to bounds on his wrists.
"Not till we get that sucker out of his walnut." I say.
"I don't know. I mean, I barely remember him, and what I do remember, it's not good. And what he did to us... But..."
"There's a 'but'?" Dean asks.
"I mean, I just can't help but think... What would mom say?"
"You know what I think mom would say? She'd say just because you're blood doesn't make you family. You gotta earn that." Suddenly the lights go on and Rufus and Bobby walk in.
"Well, alright. Let's play operation." Rufus says.
"You boys want to take a breather?" Bobby asks.
"We're good." Dean says.
"We're about to crack open your grandfather's grapefruit. Take a breather." Dean and Sam walk out of the room.
"I think I'll go with them." I say then walk out after the boys. Shortly after I can the saw going and then it just stops. Then there's a sound like something being shoved into something.
"Dean." I say. I free open Sam's hands and the boys kick the door in.
"Bobby, you okay?" Sam asks. Samuel is no longer laying on the table. Rufus is laying on the floor, knocked out.
"Rufus. Rufus. Rufus. Hey, you alright? Wake up."
"Hey, hey, hey, hey. It's alright. I got you. Come on." Sam helps Bobby up and Dean helps Rufus.
"This can't be my afterlife because the four of you are here. What happened?" Rufus asks.
"Well, when we left, he was dead on the table." I say referring to Samuel.
"Yeah, till he wasn't." Bobby says.
"So how did he get double dead?" Rufus asks.
"Bobby threw him against that. I guess it was a live wire. It shorted and he went ape. Then that thing crawled out of his ear." Dean says. Samuel is leaned up against a wire thing.
"At least we know what tickles it. Electricity." Bobby says.
"Yeah. Now the question is, where'd it go? You see?" Sam asks.
"You two were down for the count." I say.
"Yeah. Well, either it bailed or it's in either one of you." Dean says.
"Or, it's in one of you." Rufus says.
"No, we were awake." Dean says.
"Did you have eyes on each other?"
"Yes." I say.
"100 percent of the time?"
"Define 100." Dean says.
"Like I said." Rufus says.
"Alright, how about, uh, check for goo, right?" Sam says. We each stick our fingers in our ears.
"Nothing." I say.
"It might just be gone." Bobby says.
"No. It might have wised up and covered its trail." Dean says.
"Alright, let's settle this... 100%."  Sam says.
"How?" I ask. Sam goes to strip the cable from the wall and Dean plugs it in.
"You're live." Dean says.
"Okay, alright." Sam holds the wire part of the cable to Samuel to test it. It works.
"Okay, I'm not a doctor, but I'm gonna go ahead and call this one." Rufus says.
"Yeah. Alright. Who wants to go first?"
"Come on." Dean takes his jacket off and holds out his arm.
"You sure?" Sam asks.
"Hurry up before I start thinking-" Sam holds the cable against Dean's arm. "Son of a... Whew. Awesome. Here, you want me to-" Then Sam holds it against his own arm. "Let's go." Dean says once Sam's done electrocuting himself.
"Yep." Sam says.
"Me next." I say holding out my arm. Dean holds it to mine. I feel the electricity jolting through my body. "Oh, mother of... God, that hurts."
"Uh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Uh, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Rufus says.
"No passes Rufus. Come on."
"I got a damn pacemaker."
"Well, you better hope it's a good one." I say.
"Since when do you got a pacemaker?" Bobby asks.
"Since Bush Jr. term one. I'm down three toes too FYI. Alright. Come on. Just make it quick." Dean holds the cable to Rufus' arm. "God! God! Damn it! Damn it!"
"You okay?" I ask.
"No, I'm not okay. Give me that." He grabs the cable from Dena.
"Okay. Alright, my turn. Well, it ain't inside me, so go right ahead." Bobby says. He's acting fidgety.
"Alright then. Just stand still Bobby."
"Okay, sure."
"I'll make this quick." Rufus says.
"No problem."
"Alright? Let's do this."
"Okay, uh, just a second, Rufus." Bobby says.
"Just a second nothing, whatever you are."
"I'm Bobby."
"Bobby, my ass." And then Bobby stabs Rufus in the chest.
"Bobby!" Sam yells as he catches Rufus mid fall and lowers him to the ground.
"Bobby, there are three of us, and one of you." I say. Me and Sam rush him and grab him while Dean knocks him unconscious.
As soon as he's out we tie him to a chair with duct tape. He wakes up 10 minutes later.
"Well, hey there, you little herpe." Dean says and holds the cable to the side of Bobby's neck.
"Why do you keep talking about herpes?" I ask.
"What? I don't. Shut up. Shut up. Now, don't you even think about shagging ass out of here because we got every crack in this room sealed. So get comfy."
"I am comfy. It's nice in here. And you love this guy, don't you? You really want to kill me and take him with me? Havent you lost enough pals today?" Bobby...the thing says.
"We'll do what we have to do. And we got some questions for you, so you can either play ball or we could fry up a little shrimp on the barbie."
"Ask. Been waiting for you to ask."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Sam asks.
"It means I got nothing to hide."
"What are you?" I ask.
"You haven't got a name for me yet. I'm new around here. Eve cooked me up herself." Dean holds the cable to his neck again for a few seconds.
"Who is she, this Eve bitch?" Dean asks.
"The mother of all of us, and the end of all of you. By the time she's done, there'll be more creatures than humans. You'll live in pens. We'll serve up your young and call it veal."
"And what's your deal in all this? I mean, how's jumping a few truckers gonna help?"
"You think I'm here to mess with a couple of Cannery workers? We led you here."
"Why?" I ask.
"She has a message for you." Bobby says.
"Oh yeah? What's that?" Dean asks.
"She's pissed. She's here. And it's gonna be nothing but pain for you from here on in."
"Well, here's my response." Dean says that zaps his neck again.
"Dean. Dean! How much more do you think he can take?" Sam says.
"You can't kill me, not without taking him with me." Bobby...parasitic thing says.
"Well, we'll just have to do what Bobby would want us to do." I take the roll of duct tape and wrap it around Bobby's head so that it's covering his mouth and ears. "No way out now, slug-o. Bobby, hang on in there." Dean holds the wire to Bobby's neck until he passes out and sages forward. "Bobby?"
"Is he, uh... Hey, hey." I say while peeling off the duct tape and then the Khan worm falls out, dead. "Whoa, Bobby."
"Bobby, hey." Dean says.
"He's not breathing. Bobby!" Sam says. Sam undoes the duct tape that's keeping Bobby to the chair. Dean keeps trying to wake him. Eventually he does, probably from lack of oxygen. I help Bobby out to the car while Sam and Dean wrap up Rufus so we can take him and bury him.
Once Rufus is buried in the cemetery, we pay him a visit.

"I got to say, I never figured Rufus for the religious type." Dean says.
"Well, he didn't exactly keep kosher. He always used to pull the old 'can't work on the Sabbath' card whenever we had to bury a body. You know, I-I was just a job. I was Joe mechanic. Then my wife got possessed...went nuts on me. I stabbed her, and that didn't stop her. Next thing I knew, this guy comes busting in, soaks her with holy water, and sends that demon straight to hell so fast. I'd have gone away for killing her. But... Rufus cleaned up everything. Taught me a thing or two about...what's really out there. Pretty soon, we were riding together. Worked like that for years, kind of like you three knuckleheads." Bobby says.
"So, what happened?" I ask.
"It was Omaha. It was my fault. And he never let it go."
"Well, he should have." Dean says.
"You don't know what I did, Dean."
"Doesn't matter."
"What do you mean, it doesn't-"
"I mean at the end of the day, you two are family. Life's short, and ours are shorter than most. We're gonna spend it wringing our hands? Something's gonna get us eventually and when my guts get ripped out, just so you three know, we're good. Blanket apology for all the crap that anybody's done all the way around."  Dean says.
"Some of us pull a lot of crap, Dean." Sam says.
"Well, clean slate."
"Okay." I say. Bobby pulls out a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue, pours some on the grave and then takes a swig for himself.

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