~ Light Of Hope ~ (A Toushir...

By AmeChan192

19.7K 935 36

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN BLEACH CREDITS GO TO TITE KUBO~SENSEI~~<3 Yuuki is a bright, cheerful, compassionate... More

Hi Guys!! (^w^)v
1. " Things Lost in the Rain "
2." Into the Abyss "
3. " New Beginning "
4. " Home "
5. " Unknown Origins "
6. " Shinigami Daikou "
7. " Parting and Reunion "
8. " To Soul Society "
9. " A Chance Encounter "
10. " A New Found Hope "
10.5. Extra Chapter - " 3 Again "
11. " Girls Day Out "
12. " The Sacred Jewel of Soul "
13. " Growing Feelings "
14. " Incoming Storm "
15. " Game Start "
16. " Missing Again "
17. " Battle Preparations "
18. " I Hear Your Voice "
19. " Reunion "
20. " Confession "
20.5. Extra Chapter - " Personality Gone Bad "
21. " Confusion "
22. " Vasto Lorde "
23. " Calm Before the Storm "
24. " The Guardian Deity "
25. " Friends and Foes "
26. " Frustrations "
27. " Visored "
28. " Espada "
29. " The Twelve Honoured Knights "
30. " Light x Dark "
30.5. Extra Chapter - " First Date "
31. " True Feelings "
32. " Training in Hell "
33. " Visions of the Past and Future "
34. " Deciding One's Fate "
35. " Personal Vendetta "
36. " Complications "
37. " Hell Has Fallen "
38. " Strategy Meeting "
39. " Under the Moonlight's Glow "
40. " Nagisa "
41. " Pledge of Loyalty "
42. " Awaken "
43. " True Meaning of Sacrifice "
44. " Memories "
45. " Camaraderie "
46. " A Heart That Doesn't Forget "
47. " Choices "
48. " The Inner Abyss "
49. " Deepest Secrets "
50. " Truth Unveiled "
Final Chapter ~ A Place to Return To
51.5 " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Part 2) "
51.5.5 " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Last Part) "
Thank You

48.5. " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Part 1) "

212 14 5
By AmeChan192

One morning in Soul Society, a white pillar of light suddenly appears somewhere at West Rukongai. A five-year-old boy with white hair and torquiose eyes appeared from it.

"Uwaahhh!! Daddy!! Where are you?!", the little boy said as he cries.

He scans his surroundings and found the place familiar to him.

(*sniffle*) "Daddy might be back at Seireitei right now."

The little boy stands up and walks. He seems to know his way as he manages to sneak around until he reached Gates of Seireitei. He approaches one of the guards and looks up at him.

"Who might you be?", the guard asked raising an eyebrow.

"M-My... -hiro... ummm... I-I'm here to see my daddy.", he stuttered.

"No one is allowed to enter kid. Go home and wait for your dad there."

"M-My daddy lives here...", he nervously said.

Then Rangiku who happend to visit Toushiro's grandmother on his request happened to see them.

"What's going on here?", Rangiku asked.

"Matsumoto-fukutaichou! You see, this child...", the guard said as he looks at the little child.

Rangiku follows his gaze and approaches the child. She bends down to his height and carefully looks at him.

"Eh?!! Taichou you shrunk!! How adorable!! (>▼<)", Rangiku said. (Is this one of Kurotsuchi-taichou's experiments? Did he make him drink that shrinking potion? He did say he was going to talk to Kurotsuchi-taichou earlier.), she thought.

"Matsumoto-fukutaichou?", the guard called, snapping Rangiku out of her thoughts.

"It's okay, I'll take him from here."

Rangiku heads straight to the 12th division barracks to look for Mayuri and asked one of the staff if he's around.

"Sorry Matsumoto-fukutaichou, Kurotsuchi-taichou went somewhere. We don't know when he'll be back.", a 12th division member said.

"Guess it can't be helped. I'll come back later then.", Rangiku mumbled.

On her way back to the 10th division office, the child fell asleep so she carried him. By the time she arrived, she gently places him on the couch and drapes a blanket over him. She makes her way towards Toushiro's table and saw that there are still some paperworks left.

"What should I do? Taichou can't do his paperwork like this...", Rangiku mumbled and started to organize the documents. "Arghh!! What should I do?! If only you didn't shrunk!!", she said out loud.

(*cross popping veins*) "Who shrunk??", a familiar voice asked.

Surprised, Rangiku whirls around and saw Toushiro standing by the door with his arms crossed and an irritated look on his face.

"Taichou! You're back to normal!", Rangiku said.

"What are talking about? I just went out to give some documents to the Head Captain. If you meant me being back here then yes, obviously.", Toushiro said.

"Ahh thank goodness... I thought you..... wait, what?!!", Rangiku said as she suddenly came to a realization. "You mean... you were here all along?! You didn't follow me to check on your grandmother?", she asked with a surpised look on her face.

"Even if I wanted to, I still have a ton of paperwork to sign. If I leave them to you then nothing would be finished in time. So I asked you to go in my place."

"... if you didn't shrunk then who?"

(*cross popping veins*) "As I asked you last time... who do you think shrunk?!"

Rangiku runs to the couch and removes the blanket.

"Oi! Matsumoto!", Toushiro called.

Rangiku gapes at the child's sleeping form.

"Matsumoto! What's with you all of a sudden?!", Toushiro asked.

He follows Rangiku's gaze and his eyes widen in surprise upon seeing a familiar looking child.

"W-Wha-?! W-Who is this kid?!", Toushiro suddenly said out loud.

Due to all the noise, the child wakes up and rubs his eyes. The child still seems to be drowsy as he sits up. His features are a lot like Toushiro's, possibly even a child version of him.

"I-Is he a relative of yours perhaps?", Rangiku asked.

"That's impossible! My only relative is my grandmother!", Toushiro exclaimed.

"Then who is this child?"

"Ask him! Not me!"

(*yawn*) "Where....?", the child mumbled.

"Hey kid... who are you?", Toushiro asked as he takes a closer look at him.

The child looks at him and tilts his head in confusion. After five seconds his expression suddenly changed to a happy face upon recognition.

"Daddy!!", the child happily said and glomps onto him.

"Eh??!! What??!!", Toushiro and Rangiku simultaneously said.

Toushiro carries the child with both hands and places him back on the couch. He bends down to his height and looks at him in the eyes.

"What did you call me?!", Toushiro asked to confirm.

"DADDY!", the child said.

Hearing this, Toushiro and Rangiku looks at each other then back to the child. It took a while from them to process it.

"EEEHHHHH?!!!!", both of them yelled with surprised look on thier faces.

"Y-You must have mistook me for someone else!", Toushiro frantically said. "Just tell me who your father is and I'll help you look for him instead!"

"Daddy is the Captain of the 10th Division of the 13 Court Guard Squads, Hitsugaya Toushiro.", the child said as if he already memorized it.

"H-How did you know taichou's name?", Rangiku asked.

"H-Hey kid... w-what's your name?", Toushiro asked.

"Yashiro!! Hitsugaya Yashiro!!", Yashiro said and beams.

"T-Taichou... what's going on here?! I didn't know you have a kid!!", Rangiku exclaimed.

"I-I'm clueless as you are! You're the one who brought him here!", Toushiro exclaimed.

"T-Taichou w-we need to calm down first!", Rangiku frantically said as she flails her arms.

"You're the one who needs to calm down.", Toushiro mumbled and turns his attention back to Yashiro."When you said I'm your dad, are you telling the truth?", he calmly asked.

Yashiro cheerfully nods.

"You look smaller but I can still tell you're my daddy!"

"S-Smaller? What do you mean?"

"I saw a picture of you when you were younger."

(When I was younger?? Could it be?!!), Toushiro thought. "N-Ne, Yashiro, when is your birthday?"

"Hmmm... January 16th 2xxx"

"Wha-!? Taichou?! What's going on here?!", she asked.

Toushiro ponders for a while.

"There could be no other explanation is there? He might really be my child from the future."

"Is that even possible?!", Rangiku asked.

"Yashiro, how did you get here?", Toushiro asked.

"I was walking with daddy earlier this morning. Then suddenly everything went black, daddy put this thing on me and the next thing I knew I was here.", Yashiro said as he shows them a familiar ring with red gems around it.

"This is... Grandma Farah's.", Toushiro mumbled. "One of the gem seems broken I wonder if it still works."

Yashiro looks down with a sad expression on his face as he remembered what happened.

"When I last saw daddy, he was fighting with so many scary monsters. Daddy was defending me so he got hurt instead. If only I wasn't there then....(*hic*).... daddy wouldn't get hurt.", he said as he cries and clenched his little fists.

"Yashiro....", Toushiro mumbled. "Those were just bad dreams.", he said.

"Bad... dreams?"

"Yes, I'm still here, see?", Toushiro said. "So don't cry, okay?", he said and pats him on the head.

(*sniffle*) "H-Hai.....", Yashiro said as he finally stopped crying.

"Is this for real? I mean, time travelling?!", Rangiku said.

"I also experienced it myself, though Grandma Farah said there are rules. One of them is 'Not to go back in time where you already exists because a soul cannot occupy the same body or place at the same time. You'll basically erase yourself from existence.' Yashiro here isn't born yet so he'll be fine. We just need to find a way to get him back to the future."

"Even if we manage to get him back, is it really safe? I mean, in there you did managed to protect him but we don't know what happened to you afterwards."

Then someone knocks on the door.

"Hitsugaya-kun, I brought the documents you asked for.", Momo said at the other side of the door. "I'm coming in."

Momo opens the door and steps inside.

"Mama Hina!", Yashiro cheerfully said.

He runs up to Momo and glomps onto her. Toushiro and Rangiku were both speechless.

"I've had enough surprises for one day.", Rangiku mumbled.

"Eh?! Mama?! Who's is this kid? He looks a lot like Hitsugaya-kun!", Momo asked with a confused look on her face.

Toushiro and Rangiku explained everything to her. It also took a while for her to process things.

"Y-You mean... I'm his mother in the future?!", Momo asked.

"He called you mama so what else could there be?", Rangiku said.

(If he's really our child from the future then that means....),Toushiro and Momo thought.

They unintentionally made eye contact but quickly turns away as they blush.

"Mama Hina, I'm hungry...", Yashiro said.

"Eh?! Ah! O-Okay I'll go get snacks then."

"Yaay! I'm coming too!"

Yashiro grabs Momo's hand and leaves the room.

"Wow... does that mean taichou will choose Hinamori-chan in the future?", Rangiku mumbled. (Then what about Yuuki-chan?), she thought.

Toushiro was also lost in his own thoughts so he didn't hear what Rangiku just said.

"Matsumoto, we're going to the human world. Yuuki and the others might know where Grandma Farah is. She's the only one who knows how to get Yashiro back safely.", Toushiro said.

"What about Hinamori-chan and Yashiro-kun?"

"They're coming too."

When Momo and Yashiro got back they quickly went to the human world. They went to the Kurosaki Clinic but no one was home. Rangiku decided to call Orihime to ask where Yuuki has gone.

"Oh! We went shopping and just separated a little while ago. She must be on her way home now.", Orihime said on the other line.

"I see... thanks Orihime-chan.", Rangiku said and ended the call.

"What did she say?", Toushiro asked.

"She might be on her way home so we just need to wait for her."

"Then we should call Hinamori and Yashiro at the playground."

Momo and Yashiro are at the nearest playground because earlier, Yashiro suddenly wanted to play so Toushiro and Rangiku went on ahead to the Kurosaki Clinic.

Momo was sitting at a bench as she watches over Yashiro playing happily with the other kids.

(Is Yashiro-kun really Hitsugaya-kun and my child? I still can't feel that something is a bit off. He calls me mama Hina but it's my last name... shouldn't it be just mama?), Momo thought.

"Eh? Hina?! What are you doing here?", a familiar voice said.

Momo snapped out from her thoughts and turns her head to the source of the voice.

"Ah! Yuuki-chan! Perfect timing we were looking for you!"


"Owwie... uwaaaahhh!!", Yashiro suddenly began crying.

"Ah! Yashiro-kun!", Momo called. "Excuse me for a bit.", she said to Yuuki.

Momo runs towards Yashiro while Yuuki sits on the bench.

"What's wrong Yashiro-kun? Did you hurt yourself?", Momo asked.

"Sand in my eye..."

Momo helps him wash up and wipes him with a hankerchief. Yuuki was watching them all along.

(She's babysitting? That child looks a lot like Shiro! How cute!! (>///<) Maybe a relative of his.), Yuuki thought with a smile on her face.

Momo brings Yashiro back to where Yuuki is and sits beside her with Yashiro on her lap.

"Sorry about that.", she said.

"It's okay...", Yuuki said. "You're babysitting? Is he Shiro's relative? He looks a lot like him.", she asked.

Yashiro still has a bit of problem opening his eyes. So he still can't see who Momo was talking to.

"Yes, his name is Hitsugaya Yashiro.", Momo said. (Well, he is the father so its not a lie. But that's beside that point! What should I do now?! I don't know if I should tell her that this child might Hitsugaya-kun and my child from the future. It might hurt her so I'll keep quiet for now. Besides... there's still no solid proof that I'm his mother.)

"Mama Hina, I'm thirsty.", Yashiro said.

"Eh? Mama Hina?", Yuuki asked.

"Err... well... he calls most girls mama.", Momo nervously said.

"I see...", Yuuki mumbled.

Yuuki bends down and smiles at Yashiro.

"Hi there Yashiro-kun! I'm Yuuki, a friend of your mama Hina.", she said.

When Yashiro saw Yuuki he couldn't help but stare at her for a while.

"Umm... Yashiro-kun? Is there something on my face?", Yuuki asked.

Yashiro didn't respond instead tears forms at the corner of his eyes. Then the next moment, he suddenly bursts out crying.

"Waaaahhh! Mama! Mama! Mama!", Yashiro said as he cries and hugs Yuuki.

"Eh?!! Y-You're right Hina he really does call girls mama.", Yuuki frantically said as she hugs him back.

Momo came to a sudden realization as she looks at the two.

(He called her mama... and his reaction when he saw Yuuki-chan..... could it be?!), she thought.

"There, there Yashiro-kun don't cry, tell me what's wrong? Does your eyes still hurt?", Yuuki said as she pats him on the back to comfort him.

"What going on here?", a familiar voice asked.

Yuuki and Momo turn their heads to the source of the voice and saw Toushiro and Rangiku.

"Ah! Shiro! Matsumoto-san! What brings you guys here?", Yuuki asked while still patting Yashiro on the back.

"We were looking for you. I was hoping you might know where Grandma Farah is.", Toushiro said.

Then he finally notices Yashiro crying.

"What's wrong with Yashiro?", he asked.

"Sand got into his eye earlier. Ah! But Hina already washed them.", Yuuki said. "Anyways, I'm sorry Shiro but I don't know where she is either. She suddenly just pops out of nowhere. Why are you looking for her?"

(There's no need to bother her with this right?), Toushiro thought. "This ring belongs to her."

"I see... Mii-chan might be able to help. I'll try calling her."

"Alright, thanks."

Yuuki takes out her phone and dials Miharu's number.

"Hello, Mii-chan? Shiro is looking for Grandma Farah but they don't know where to find her. There's something here that belongs to her and he wants to return it..... I see.... okay then.", Yuuki said and ends the call.

"What did she say?", Rangiku asked.

"She said she's not sure she can do it but if you guys want, she'll try to think of something."

"We have no other choice then, we'll have to try."

"She said she'll be going to Orihime's house later so you should wait for her there."

"I see... thanks Yuuki, we should get going then."

"You're welcome, see ya."

"Let's go, Hinamori, Yashiro.", Toushiro said.

"NO!", Yashiro protested.

The three of them wore a confused look except Momo.

"Yashiro-kun you should go now, Shiro is calling you.", Yuuki gently said.

Toushiro tries to take him but Yashiro tightens his grip onto Yuuki's clothes.

"NO! I want to stay with mama!!", Yashiro exclaimed.

Rangiku and Toushiro looks at each other. Then they look at Momo, she nods at them hinting them what they were thinking was right.

"Yashiro-kun, you can't call girls mama all the time or else they'll get confused.", Yuuki said.

"Yashiro let's go.", Toushiro said.

"No!", Yashiro stubbornly said.

(*sigh*) "Yashiro-kun is a good boy who always listen to Shiro right?", Yuuki said as she smiles and pats him on the head.

Then Yashiro remembers a vague memory about his mother saying,

[Yashiro is such a good boy who always listen to his daddy, right?]

He reluctantly nods and faces Toushiro. Seeing this, Toushiro lifts him up.

"You seem to be good with kids Yuuki-chan.", Rangiku said.

"I often visit an orphanage near the school since elementary. There were many little kids there so I play with them."

"We should get going then, let's go Matsumoto, Hinamori.", Toushiro said. "We'll be back, later Yuuki."

"Okay.", Yuuki said then looks at Yashiro. "Yashiro when you guys get back we'll play too, okay?"

Yashiro looks up at her and beams.

"Really?! Yaay!", he happily said.

"Yes really!"

"See you later Yuuki-chan.", Momo said.


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