Prince James: Son of Domino

By noblefan

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In this winx series, prince James is a kind, loving, compassionate, understanding, cocky and sarcastic guy wi... More

Chapter 2: Not my place
Chapter 3: Know my name
Chapter 4: Past memories
Chapter 5: Dominance in Solaria
Chapter 6: One steeped in sin
Chapter 7: Those were the days
Chapter 8: Regrets
Chapter 9: The price of freedom
Chapter 10: Deliberating
Chapter 11: Joining the council
Chapter 12: The beast awakens
Chapter 13: The beast within
Chapter 14: Temple grounds
Chapter 15: Singularities
Chapter 16: Creation of the Enchantix
Chapter 17: Play a game
Chapter 18: Teaching
Chapter 19: Land and water
Chapter 20: Birthday
Chapter 21: Taking you all under my wing
Chapter 22: Time to start all over again
Chapter 23: Contact with the Earth fairies
Chapter 24: The protector
Chapter 25: Accepting the task
Chapter 26: Setting the standards
Chapter 27: Treasure hoarders
Chapter 28: The emerald search

Chapter 1: Beginnings

1.4K 31 17
By noblefan

Alfea / winx dorm room

James was currently eating dinner with the winx and they were having a great time. They were currently eating James's version of fruit salad and pasta which they seemed to enjoy.

"This salad is delicious" said Flora.

"The restaurants back on earth don't make pasta like this, you're a top notch chef" said Bloom.

"Well thank you kindly girls but it can't be all that good, I just followed the recipes I've read in a book a year ago back on earth" said James.

"Maybe you have a magic touch" said Stella.

Musa, Tecna and Aisha all agreed that the food was great, they wouldn't be surprised if one day James decided to open up a café or restaurant.

"Well thanks girls, anyways I'm done with my portion so go ahead and eat the rest up" said James as he walked towards the sink.

"Alright!" shouted Stella happily.

"Stella be careful, you'll become a glutton soon" said Musa.

"Don't you know Musa? She already is one" said Tecna jokingly.

"Hey!" shouted Stella indignantly.

"Now now Stella, Tecna's just teasing. You know, its hard to believe that someone who cooks food like this.....took part in the biggest war in magix history" said Aisha.

"Its surprising really, we know what he's done back then since his history is all over the place but we don't actually know what its like. What he went through" said Bloom.

Unknown to the winx, James heard everything while he was washing the dishes.

"The war huh....." thought James.

Battlefield / 20 years ago

Cannon shots could be heard in the distance while soldiers and knights fighting for darkness and light charged at one another. It was a dark time for the magic dimension, it was a time of despair and chaos. The kingdoms of the world were each in desperate situations due to the overwhelming might of the dark armies spread far and wide. The kingdoms had to band together if the world was to be saved but the royalties each had a duty to their respective kingdoms. They had to make sure their people were safe and sound while their armies drove the creatures of darkness back. If something wasn't done soon, this world would surely fall.

Right now, the army belonging to the kingdom of Romulea was under siege and they were losing. Ghouls and monsters had made their way into the kingdom, terrorizing every man, woman and child. In the great castle of Romulea, the king and queen were in a heated debate with their generals.

"Your majesties, our forces are stretched thin! We simply don't have enough men to fight these creatures off! I recommend that we gather our people from the south and.....!" said a general.

"........No general, you and the others get our people to safety. We will remain behind" said king Winetka.

"But sir......" said another general.

"You have all served us well....but the time to part is now. My husband and I can guarantee your safety if you leave now. This kingdom is already lost.....and as its rulers.....we will remain here till the very end" said queen Linley.

"Go my friends, get our people to safety. It has been an honor to be your king and queen" said king Winetka.

The generals all reluctantly ran out the door, preparing to evacuate the cities while the king and queen looked out the window.

"If I am to die my love, at least I'll be by my beautiful queen's side" said king Winetka.

"I'll be by your side forever, my love" said queen Linley.

As they said that, the dark armies outside had a total number of 2 million soldiers. More than enough to wipe this civilization out. And they were advancing fast as they broke through the gates that were keeping them from advancing.

"Leave no traces of life in your wake!" shouted a ghoul in general armor.

The other ghouls did just that and they slaughtered every knight or animal they saw. The citizens that were evacuated were outside their great kingdom, in the great desert and they could only watch the monsters invade their home while the generals and their remaining forces guided them away. Just then, a small child noticed something in the great distance and it was approaching them fast.

"Mommy, what's that?" asked the child.

Soon everyone noticed the anomaly and they became tense. It could be something horrible for all they knew. It wasn't long before the anomaly approached them and every one could see.....a boy riding a horse.

"Ah yes, I remember this scene very well. I was 14 years old at the time and this was among one of my earliest adventures. This was my fifth one if I remember correctly and my hair was slightly longer back then too. Look at how tall I was, I sure do miss it" thought the future James as he remembered this scene.

It wasn't long before the younger prince James got off his horse and approached the generals.

"Greetings, I am prince James of Domino. I have come to aid you in this fight against the undead creatures" said James.

"Greetings to you as well my prince but I'm afraid you've come at a bad time. The creatures of darkness have already ravaged our kingdom and right now...we have to get these survivors away from here as far as possible" said a general.

"Hold the phone general, don't run away just yet" said James as he walked towards the burning kingdom.

"You can't go back there, its suicide!" shouted another general.

" me on this one" said James.

Soon James was in the kingdom of Romulea and all the ghouls just stared at him. The moment he brought a simple sword out, the ghouls began laughing.

"Do you not see that you are vastly outnumbered?" asked the ghoul general.

"Oh trust me, I do see that. But you know what else I see? I see fellas who might vastly enjoy watching ME pound some dense into you" said James.

The general did not like what James had said and he immediately ordered his troops to kill him. James just smiled and shook his head.

"When will they ever learn......." thought James.

He then kicked a ghoul so hard it crashed into several others that they all splattered upon hitting the wall. The ghoul general then stared at James with saucer like eyes.

"That they are messing with a champion" thought James.

Inside the castle, the king and queen could hear the sounds of battle. Didn't they order their people to retreat? Looking out the window, they could see a lone boy fighting an entire horde of ghouls all by himself and he was actually winning. They could see the boy punching, kicking, slicing and blasting the enemies away. He was succeeding at something an entire army of soldiers couldn't accomplish.

The people of Romulea and the generals also watched as this warrior wiped out an entire army that vastly outnumbered theirs. Soon It was just the ghoul general left.

"How can this be? We had over 2 million soldiers" said the ghoul general in shock.

"Listen and remember well monster, this land is protected. I am prince James of Domino and right now......" said James.

He then impaled the ghoul general in the stomach causing it to bleed until it was eventually dead.

"I am your superior" said James.

Soon the citizens of Romulea cheered for James and they were happy that their lands were safe. It wasn't long before the king and queen came out to greet him.

"Greetings prince James, I am king Winetka and this is my wife queen Linley. We've heard a lot about you even though you've only been on the battlefield for 5 days now. On behalf of my people, I wish to thank you for coming to our rescue. Had it not been for you, this land would have surely been taken by the enemy" said king Winetka.

"Greetings to you and your wife as well king Winetka, my father king Oritel spoke highly of you. It was an honor to defend this great kingdom" said James.

Soon the people of Romulea were busy rebuilding their world while doctors tended to the wounded. James was with the king and queen discussing the events that have played out in the castle.

"You have provided well for your people my king" said James.

"Thank you young man, in time you will too. Based on your actions today, you will make a fine king one day" said king Winetka.

"I am still learning your highness but I can already see that there's a lot I don't know" said James as he looked out the window.

The king just smiled but he soon became serious.

"I take it that your visit here wasn't just to demonstrate your powers, am I right?" asked king Winetka.

"Yes your majesty. As you're aware, the army of darkness won't stop until all life in this world is erased from existence. If we don't band together then who knows how long before the universe is enslaved" said James.

"What you say is true, however my people have suffered enough and there are those that are tired of war" said king Winetka.

"Perhaps but you must realize that this war is inevitable and if we don't stand together than we'll all be alone in this world. And soon all traces of light will be extinguished" said James.

"He's right" said queen Linley.

"I know........very well James. Although I can't say this is good for my people, it is necessary that we win this war and make sure the enemies never return. I'll rally what's left of my forces and meet you back on your homeworld" said king Winetka.

"Thank you your majesties" said James.

"Don't thank us James, it is we who should be thanking you" said queen Linley.

"She's right, if it weren't for you we wouldn't be here talking. Now then, allow me to give you one of our ships so that you may fly back to your homeworld" said  king Winetka.

"I appreciate it your majesty and could you do me another favor? The horse I borrowed belonged to a farmer living near your kingdom, could you see to it that the horse is returned back to its owner?" asked James.

"Of course James, have a safe journey back" said  king Winetka.


James soon landed his ship on the courtyard where he was greeted by his parents, Daphne and Hagen. The moment James stepped out of his ship, he was hugged by Daphne.

"Welcome back my son, how was it? Is Romulea secure?" asked Oritel.

"Yes father, Romulea is safe for the time being and I've managed to convince the king and queen to join us" said James.

"I knew you could do it" said Mariam.

"Not too shabby huh Oritel? Your son has only been training for months and this is the fifth time he's ventured out and returned home successful. You've trained him well" said Hagen.

"Well I can't take all the credit, you've spent some time with him as well and Saladin has been teaching him magic. But I must admit I am surprised by his quick growth in abilities" said Oritel.

"Don't you think its time for the surprises my love?" asked Mariam.

James and Daphne overheard their mother and they were interested.

"Surprises?" said both James and Daphne.

"We'll start with Daphne first, Daphne dear....the council of magix have agreed that you displayed phenomenal abilities and as such you are elected as the next nymph of Magix" said Mariam.

Daphne couldn't believe what she heard, all her hard work paid off. James placed his hand on Daphne's shoulder and winked at her.

"Told ya you'd make it" said James.

"And as for you James....." said Mariam.

Hagen then brought two swords out, one red and one silver.

"These are for you James, since you're proving yourself on the battlefield I think its time for you to have your own signature weapons" said Hagen.

"These are mine? Cool!" said James as he held them.

"These are no ordinary swords, just like your father's they are powerful enough to bring you ultimate victory. Of course they are less powerful than your dad's sword but these two can still bring untold destruction if used incorrectly" said Hagen.

"What are they made of?" asked James.

"The silver one is made of pure.....well, silver. Of course this silver is stronger than most metals so it won't be snapping anytime soon. As for the red one, its actually made of rubies. However its been infused with a melted meteorite so its also just as strong as the silver one. In fact, the silver one has been melded with a meteorite too" said Hagen.

"Swords made with rubies and meteorites, that's new. I take it you've been experimenting again haven't you" said James.

"Hahahaha, well I can't call myself a blacksmith if I don't try out new things right?" said Hagen.

"Haha, can't. Thanks Hagen" said James.

Oritel and Mariam smiled as James tested his new weapons by swinging them expertly while Daphne watched her brother spar with Hagen.

"Yep, this was my life. My beginning and the beginning of my story. This was just the start of things to come and I thought I wouldn't have it any other way. But the universe seemed to think otherwise" thought the future James as he remembered these events clearly.

End of chapter

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