Chapter 2: Not my place

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Castle of Sparks

Here I was, fighting in the biggest war known to the world. Honestly.....I didn't think it could get any worse.......then they had to go and open the door.

"Sir!" yelled a guard as he opened the door to the throne room.

"What is it?" asked Oritel.

"Solaria is under attack and they need reinforcements" said the guard.

"Do we have any of our own men to spare?" asked Oritel.

"Yes but the number is few my king, we simply don't have enough resources to provide for our allies as we're still gathering more for ourselves" said the guard.

"If we could.......Radius was once my comrade in much as I would love to help....." said Oritel.

Queen Mariam just placed a hand on her husband's shoulder while motioning for the guard to give them some space.

"There's nothing you could have done...." said Mariam.

"I could have tried, Radius is one of his kind.....there's no one else like him. I saved him, he saved me. But now, he needs me and I've failed him" said Oritel.

"We have our duties here, I'm sure Radius understands this as well. Speaking of Radius, shouldn't his wife be giving birth right now?" asked Mariam.

"That's right, today is the day and I can only hope nothing bad happens to him or his wife" said Oritel.

Unknown to the king and queen, their children had been eavesdropping and they've heard the whole thing.

"Its hard....being in our father's position" said Daphne.

"I know.......its hard, having a duty to your kingdom when your best friend is in trouble. Its never easy. By the way, I've heard you made a new friend. What was her name? Politea?" asked James.

"That's right, she was also the youngest person to be named a nymph just like me" said Daphne.

"This world is certainly having its share of talented people, I told you that you were one of those people. Graduating out of Alfea early and already the guardian of our world" said James.

"Perhaps but so are you" said Daphne.

"........I'm nothing special, I'm just a guy doing his job because its the right thing to do and because its fun in a way. I'll be just a simple warrior and wizard, nothing special. You on the other hand get to be the first hybrid between a fairy and a nymph. If one of us had to be special, it should be you" said James as he walked down the corridor.

"Why do you think it is?" asked Daphne as she caught up.

"What is?" asked James.

"Why are the guardians and protectors of our worlds all female? Fairies are girls, nymphs are girls....." said Daphne.

"Ha, forgetting who you're talking to already? You're asking the wrong person, I would never know the answer to that question much less become one of them. But you're lucky, at least you have the option of using your abilities to save others. Me.....I'll just be like the other guys, support the fairies and other 'guardian fairies' as you claim in battle. They lead the charge, I'll be there behind them.....behind you all the way" said James.

Daphne stopped as she watched her brother enter his room.

"I don't know James, if is you who should be leading 'us guardians' may not realize it're just as capable as any one of us. Hopefully others will see it as well" thought Daphne.

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