Light In Darkness •NaruHina•

By potatoejung_

272K 9K 17.5K

Help me from this hell called life. Save me from the nightmares that chase me. "Hinata... Stay here." Be th... More

Author's Note


10.2K 361 982
By potatoejung_

Naruto's POV

The house was quiet as I walked through it. No one was here, just me.

The night was silent and stars bright in the dark sky. The stars all seemed to be shining in different brilliancies, some of them brighter than the others.

All of my friends were long gone by now, the house and lawn were clean from the party from the night before.

Shion stuck around a little longer and made dinner. Although I already had left overs in the fridge to eat, she insisted on cooking a proper meal.

But now I was all alone in the giant Uzumaki mansion.

My parents wouldn't be home until tomorrow morning so I had the whole house to myself. It's not like I haven't been here alone before but sometimes it just feels lonely.

Like right now.

It seemed rather quieter than usual.

Not even the sound the crickets chirping outside was heard.

My arms swung back and forth as I walked, clapping in front and behind me as I went. My bare feet made a pattering sound on the wooden floors.

The moonlight poured in through the crystal windows and bounced off of any surface that was able to reflect it.

"So quiet!" I yelled, a small echo being created.

A sigh escaped my lips as I ran a hand through my blonde hair.

Tonight seemed particularly silent... Very annoyingly silent.

I looked at the silver clock hanging on the kitchen wall, 11:36pm.

I sighed again and turned around back into the direction of the living room. My eyes felt heavy with sleep but my body seemed to be wide awake.

After a couple of paces, my feet left the hard wooden floor and connected with the soft carpet.

All of the lights in the house were off which made the night even darker than it should be. Although I liked the darkness, it was soothing for one.

I scratched my bare chest and yawned, sucking in a huge amount of air.

My cell phone began to ring from upstairs. I was honestly surprised that I could hear it from all the way down here.

I didn't rush.

A missed call is a missed call.

Walking again, the bottoms of my feet left the cozy comfort of the carpet and returned to the hard floor.

My cell continued to ring, echoing between the walls. The sound suddenly stopped, a missed call notification probably coming through.

My feet lazily dragged my body up the hard stairs to retrieve the mobile device. I yawned again as I turned the hall, almost getting to my room.

The high pitched ringtone began again just as I opened my bedroom door. I threw the covers off of the bed and found my smartphone.

"Mosh moshi?" I answered with a long yawn afterwards.

I could hear breathing on the other line then suddenly a small sniffle of some sort.

"Who is this?" I questioned.

"A-ano...." a voice squeaked. "N-Naruto..."

The voice was feminine like and my eyebrows furrowed, the voice beginning to sound familiar.

"It's me."

Hinata's POV

The night breeze blew through my hair and a shiver ran through my spine. I clutched my bag close to my chest, trying to think of a solution of where I would sleep.

My thoughts wandered around on their own as I thought of today's events.

I returned a stolen car, Toneri appeared out of completely no where and.... I got a good paying job.

Ichiraku's ramen is where I will work, starting Monday. Tomorrow is Sunday so I'll have a day to prepare myself.

A black truck slowly pulled up next to me on the road. I bit my bottom lip as I looked back slightly to see.

I released a pent up breath as I recognized the white paw print decals on the hood of the car. I stopped and turned back completely and rested my palm on my hip.

The window rolled down to reveal a male brunette with red fang marks on his tanned cheeks. He wore a sheepish smile scratched his head.

"Hinata... I'm sorry." Kiba switched heavily.

I raised my eyebrow at him and slowly walked towards the truck with my friend inside.

"For what?" I asked, peeking my head in the window.

Kiba ran a hand through his mess of hair and reached over to the passenger's side. With the flick of a wrist the door was open and he outstretched his hand.

I took it and the brunette pulled me inside with one yank. I closed the door shut and strapped on my seatbelt.

The drive, to where I do not know, began very silent. Kiba still hadn't explained why he was sorry but looked like he was in deep thought. I twiddled with my finger tips and fumbled with the straps of the bag.

The silence was beginning to kill me. He didn't even have on his music that would always be on, especially when we drove at night.

I felt uncomfortable and awkward for the first time in a long time around my brunette friend. I didn't like it one bit.

"Kiba... Why are you sorry?" I finally broke the silence that burned through my ears.

"I'm supposed to be there for you, I promised you that when we were younger." He sighed.

I put on a half smile and looked up from my chipped finger nails and to the fanged cheeked boy.

"We were just kids then, I never expected you to stick to that promise." I nudged his shoulder.

"Kuso..." Kiba mumbled under his breath. "I'm supposed to protect you, but last night you had to steal a damn car to feel safe." He gritted his teeth.

I looked out of the window as the street lights whizzed by. I bit my lip momentarily before releasing it and turned back to him.

"You were having fun at the party. You had a little too much to drink and..... Yes I was mad at you then and a little this morning but, Kiba..." I trailed off and itched my arm.

I felt his gaze shift onto me then back to the road in front of us.

"I'm not your responsibility."

He suddenly slammed his foot on the break, my body going forward but luckily my seatbelt caught me. I groaned and pulled the safety strap away from my skin and inhaled deeply.

"What was that for?" I breathed out, my lungs having a burning sensation.

"Hinata Hyuga," Kiba said, his voice deep and head down. "Whether you are or not... I'll be there for you."


Kiba parked the truck in his driveway and turned off the vehicle. The rest of the ride was silent and agonizing.

After Kiba said what he said... I didn't speak. I couldn't speak.

I love him like my friend and all but as of right now, I'm not anyone's to protect.

No matter how much I want to be.

I stepped out of the truck and pulled my dress down in the back and grabbed my bag with my still punch soaked clothes.

The moonlight illuminated the night's dark atmosphere, giving me enough light to see where I needed to go. I followed Kiba up to his back apartment and we walked up the stairs.

He unlocked the door with the key and stood back so I could enter. A small smile graced upon my lips when I saw my clothes and regular shoes in duffle bags on the ground.

"Hinata.... like I said, I'll protect you." The brunette said quietly.

"I'm not saying you can't, I'm saying that I'm not yours to protect." I mumbled and sat on the edge of the mattress.

"Besides Shino, who's never in town, you're my best friend. Plus ever since freshman year, I --" Kiba cut himself off. His canines gripped his bottom lip then released it. "I've loved you."


I stretched out my arms over my head as I sat up. Sleep was still in my system and my eyes were closed.

A groan emulated from somewhere around the room and I slowly opened my eyes to look for the source of the sound.

No one was on the bed next to me and no one was around the room, that I could see. I peeked over the side of the mattress and saw the culprit.

My brunette friend sleeping, snoring, on the ground next to the bed. He held a pillow close to him and his mouth was wide open, drooling and snoring.

I frowned slightly then my lips pulled into a straight line. I moved my left wrist and winched in pain. I looked down at my bruised wrist and rubbed it slightly, trying to reduce the pain.

He hurt me.

I slowly slid off of the bed, passing Kiba quietly, and tiptoed to the restroom. Kiba's mother knew he was up here so I was able to turn on the light.

I looked down at my wrist and was able to see my injury better. It was a deep purple bruise around my wrist, almost like an odd bracelet.

A tear escaped my eye when I thought of last night.

How he treated me. How the person I trusted most hurt me. Sure I've been hurt and betrayed before, but he knows that.


My back pressed against the wall and I slid down onto the hard tile. I held my knees close to my chest, my arms folded over them and my head rested on my forearm.

The tears flowed freely now and I bit my quivering lip to prevent any unwanted sobs to escape. I could still hear Kiba snoring outside of my small sanctuary.

"Why Kiba?"

Naruto's POV

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked, glancing at the passenger's seat.

"Hai.... Not like this is new to me." She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Are you okay?"

"Don't change the subject. You really need to take better care of yourself." I scolded and furrowed my brows.

The morning sky was calm and not many people were driving down the road. I had been driving all night to the Hachō village, where my friend was staying.

"Don't ya think I know that?" She sighed and fumbled with the tip of her braid. "But ever since my grandma died--"

"You keep getting involved with guys that are only bad news." I cut her off.

This friend of mine isn't necessarily a bad person but she kinda has a thing for them. She got, gets, involved with all these guys that aren't good for her.

Ever since the person she loved most past away, she ran away from the place she grew up in.

Her hometown was just outside of Konohagakure and that's how we know each other. My parents would usually let her stay over some nights, that's how we got so close.

But eventually we lost contact for about half a year after the death of her grandmother. She went from town to town, getting little jobs until one day she called me.

That day was last night.

"I think I love them but they only hurt me." She whispered silently.

I frowned slightly and continued to drive. Silence filled the car and I glanced at my female friend. She rubbed her swollen and bruised cheek.

I could see the tears that threatened to fall from her hazel brown eyes. She blinked them away and wiped her nose.

"I thought you would call Sasuke to pick you up, isn't he your favorite?" I asked with a small smirk, knowing about her minor crush on him.

"W-well I did.... But his phone was turned off." She murmured, a blush creeping onto her face.

I chuckled slowly and ran a hand through my blonde hair then returned my hand to the steering wheel.

"And what about the great Uzumaki? What's up with you?" The brunette asked.

So I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"My car was stolen." I stated plainly.

"Nani?! Then what the hell are we driving in now?!" She yelled, making me swerve on the road.

"My car."

I could feel her eyes burn into me and I put on a smile.

"She returned the car, baka."

My friend remained silent with a confused expression on her face. Her tan skin glowed in the morning light, except for the dull bruise on her cheek.

Her bastard ex hit her last night for not putting out. She's not a whore.

"Why didn't you call me sooner? I would've kicked his ass." I said, changing the subject from me.

I don't really like to talk about me all that much.

"Exactly that reason, Naruto. The last thing you need is to be dealing with me." She huffed.

"Well you dropped off the side of the earth. No one knew where the hell you went. Even Sasuke was worried, we all still are."

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't....." she trailed off and pulled her knees to her chest.

"I know... You'll be safe now." I put my hand on her foot since it was on the seat of my car.

"Promise?" She sniffled, I could hear the tears caught in her throat.

"I promise, Tamaki."


Aha... Well you see I have this friend named procrastination and he's a very bad influence on me.

Thank you to my patient readers.


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