Mated To A Jerk |✓

By ranchchips

609K 17K 2.1K

Being mated to the future alpha isn't a breeze, especially for Cassandra. Wanna know why? Because he's a flat... More



5.4K 182 34
By ranchchips

For an hour the whole pack sat in silence waiting for a sign. There would be an occasional sneeze or cough, and a crying baby, but otherwise no one spoke. We were all too afraid.

Ameth and Mandy came to check on me, asking a million questions a second. Chase told them I needed space, after what just happened. They had understood and left to their own families.

My eyes were drifting, closing at their own tired accord. My head was resting on Chase's lap, as his hand stroked my hair. Before my eyes could close, the power went out, and the lights shut off. The pack immediately expressed their thoughts and worries, but Chase helped me off the ground slowly without speaking a word. I looked around at the ceilings, but I couldn't see since my eyes haven't adjusted yet.

"Silence!" A voice boomed over the intercom. Chase pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around me as a protective instinct.

"I'm only here for Cassandra, and if she is handed to me peacefully, nobody here will get hurt." The voice lowered into a more demonic sound. "And you wouldn't want to be a part of my games." Everyone went frantic. "Now, leave her outside, and I'll take care of the rest." The intercom shut off, and people started yelling at each other.

A roar silenced everyone, and we all looked up at the Alpha on the stage.

"There's an argument to give this tormentor our future Luna, and to not give her to him." He started, but a voice in the crowd interrupted.

"She's no use! Sacrifice her!"

"To the devil? No, we must protect our future Luna!"

"A Luna should sacrifice herself to protect her pack, not the other way around!"

"It's what she's here for anyways!"

"Where's that girl?"

"Find her! Push her out the door!"

"She's back here!"

The crowd turned to me, and I started to panic. They inched forward, all swarming me. Some came forward to push me out the door, but Chase would growl loudly at them.

"ENOUGH!" The Alpha roared. They all stood still.

"Cassandra isn't the Luna yet, she isn't to protect the pack. She's just a teenager that isn't ready to take on this responsibility yet and we shouldn't force her to do this."

"But it's her problem!"

"I'll go." I spoke, and all the heads turned to me.

"Cassandra..." Chase started.

"No, Chase stop. I bring so much trouble to our pack, and I don't want to harm them all. I wouldn't stand myself if they all got hurt because of me. This is my problem, and I need to stop it."

"But-" I kissed him. "I'll be fine." I quickly removed myself from his side, knowing he wouldn't let me go. I ran out the front doors, watching everything around me. A breeze whipped at my hair, blocking my vision when a voice spoke.

"Finally cooperating, huh?" I turned to Lucifer, who was very close.


"You know, I went through all this trouble, and you not obeying is very disobedient."

"Who said I was to obey you?"

"Hmm, let me think. Ah! I did, now we have a lot to go over." He reached for my hand, but I flinched back. His eyes switched to blue almost instantly when he saw my reaction.

"Don't be scared of me."

"I can't help it."

"I can't stand you being afraid of me." He tucked my hair behind my ear, and my heart rate sped up. I didn't like this.

"My baby can't be afraid of me, can she?" His bright eyes scanned my face, while I blankly looked at him.

"I'm scared that I'm going to be under your control, and I'm scared that my baby is going to turn exactly like you." I spat, and his eyes switches to red.

"Well maybe if you weren't such a bitch-"

"And maybe if you weren't such a bastard-"

"Fucking stop, Cassandra!"

"You just can't stand the fact that I don't want to be evil, and that I don't want you."

"Stop it right there, Cassandra." His fists clenched at his side's and he shut his eyes tightly.

"You can't stand the fact that you aren't good enough for me, or the baby. You can't stand the fact that you couldn't escape the darkness that consumed you like I did."

"STOP IT!" But I didn't. I stepped closer pointing at him while he desperately plugged his ears.

"You don't like that I got away from my destiny and you didn't, and you're jealous you can't have a relationship that isn't forced because there's another guy who has the girl's heart. And you hate that nobody truly loves you."

"STOOOP!" He roared in a demonic voice. A dark cloud surrounded shim, and all I could hear was bones cracking. The cloud dissipated, and remaining was the same Lucifer, but in his true form. His wings were a charcoal black, with fire flaming off the ends. He had a long tail, that had a sharp arrow end. His shirt burned off, and his pants remained. His eyes held not a color, but fire.

I backed up, choked over my previous words. I've never seen his form. But he just gave a devious smirk and stalked forward.

"Didn't think you would ever see me in my monstrous from?" He chuckled, seeing my fear. "Lucifer, the fallen angel. Oh how rebellious that sounds." He finally backed me up into a corner, and towered over my small frame.

"You know, being kicked out of Heaven isn't so bad." He murmured, his eyes roaming.

"Wha- what do you mean?" I asked. He smirked.

"Everyone thinks that being an angel is great, and that heaven is the most pleasant place to live."

"But it is-" I stopped in a jump when he slammed his fist into the brick wall above my head, some pieces crumbling to the grass.

"How is Heaven supposed to be enjoyable when you aren't given the attention you deserve?" His hand rested on my cheek, and his eyebrows furrowed. "It's like we don't have a choice to lead. I deserved to be higher above all!" He laughs hysterically. "I'm better than everyone." He gripped my face with both of his hands, looking at me with his fire. "I deserve to get whatever I want." He gritted his teeth. "But unfortunately there are twats that think they deserve my prize!"

"Lucifer, you're scaring me." He dropped his hands and took a step back, grinning.

"Haha! So what? As long as I get my prize."

"What's your prize?"

"You. At first when I was assigned to make sure you were getting the right transformation, I was annoyed. What kind of job is that? But then when I saw how tough and hard-headed you were I wanted nothing but you. Different than the whores in Hell." He grabbed me by the waist, and just in that moment before he could take off the doors burst open and a very angry looking Chase stamped out. He was in half shift, standing like a man, but looking as a wolf. A very rare state for a werewolf to be caught between.

"She is mine and nobody can take her away from me!" Chase growled.

"We'll see about that, pup-" Lucifer growled, but was interrupted by my curdling scream. I clutched my stomach, sweat forming at my forehead.

"What-" Lucifer started, but Chase ran towards me in worry.

"I'm in labor, idiots!" I exclaimed, making a sour face at the pain. The two looked at each other angrily. "And I need you both to be peaceful with each other and help me!" I yelled, and they immediately aided me. Lucifer went inside to find the pack doctor, or in other words scare the doctor to come help me. Chase carried me to the pack hospital that was nearby, and we waited for the doctor.

Dr. Steal rushed in, not in her uniform like how I usually saw her. She looked frightened, yet ready to help.

"In this room." She directed Chase who was still holding me. He placed me on the bed as the doctor frantically got everything assembled.

"You know it would be easier if my team was with me." She commented, but Lucifer just shrugged. He had switched back into his human form, since his wings wouldn't fit through the narrow doorway.

"Now I'm going to need both of you two to leave, so nobody gets in my way." Dr. Steal instructed, but they both looked appalled at the command.

"Hell no, i'm staying by her side!" Chase argued, while I huffed and puffed in excruciating pain.

"I'm the father!" Lucifer butted in.

"Well mates help with pain!"

"So what?! I'm the baby daddy, I deserve to be in the room the same time of the birth!"

"NEITHER OF YOU HAVE SEEN MY VAGINA AND NEITHER OF YOU WILL, NOW LEAVE!" I roared, squeezing the mattress when I felt a contraction.

Chase kissed my forehead before following Lucifer out the door.

"AND DO NOT FIGHT OR I WILL KILL BOTH OF YOU AND EAT YOUR GOD DAMN BODIES!" I yelled before the door could close. Maybe that made me sound like a lunatic, but I'd you were in the same position as me you'd understand the frustration.

Dr. Steal locked the door and continued to set everything up, telling me to breathe in and hold then exhale, and what not. Hours later of pain, I knew it was morning. What a pain in the ass to give birth. God bless.

"There's the head..." Dr. Steal informed, telling me to push harder. I let out a mighty cry and pushed the living daylights out of myself. And in no time, there was a crying child in the room.


Ooh, I didn't like writing the birth part.

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