The Chosen One | Heroes of Ol...

By ricksheroes

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'None of the gods knew about the Chosen One existing in this day, and we all have differing opinions on whome... More



161 9 6
By ricksheroes

"Left!" Piper yelled, signaling Percy to dodge a falling object on his left side. They were all falling so fast, Percy couldn't even make out what they could've been. Piper threw the right side of her body over, dodging a barrel hurtling towards her head.

"Righ-" another object came shooting towards them, but the boat suddenly jerked to be parallel with the ground, causing things to fall straight down.

The three desperately held on, watching over each other's shoulders to find the enemy. Piper checked in Percy's direction, her jaw tightening and her eye contact not wavering. Percy turned and did the exact same thing. Two large figures emerged and floated towards them. They looked exactly the same as far as silhouettes went. No... They were the same. Twins. One with messy blonde hair, the other light caramel brown. Other than that, identical. Each had a massive build and clearly not afraid to show it off, being that they had no shirts on. Although they had soft, golden brown eyes, they pierced straight through Percy's soul.

The twins advanced, going towards Percy and Piper. Percy glanced over at Jason, a scowl deepening on his face. Jason seemed just as annoyed but hid it much better than Percy could. His hands gripped the railing until his knuckles were turning white, more than they should. If you looked closely you could see Jason breathing in and out heavily, presumably to control his emotions. He kept sneaking a look at Piper, a very concerned look she did not return. Her eyes never left the enemies they faced.

The messy blonde-haired twin stationed himself in between Percy and Piper, the caramel brown between Percy and Jason, forming a triangular shape. They looked at each other and had a silent conversation that Percy thought went something like this:

Blonde: Should we?
Brown: I don't know, it's kind of fun to watch them hang on for dear life.
Blonde: True, but we're here for a reason.
Brown: *sigh* Fine. We still get to watch them suffer right?
Blonde: Wouldn't have it any other way.

But that was just Percy's guess. The blonde seemed to be in control of the brown haired one, even though they were brothers. That meant he was probably the oldest, sharpest, and the mastermind behind whatever was about to go down.

The blonde cleared his throat, a deep sound that would make any girl swoon. He did a seemingly signature smirk with a slight chuckle. Gods, Percy hated these guys and they hadn't even said a word.

"Wow. How are you guys three of the great Seven? We have Dumb-" He pointed at Jason.

"Dumber-" He pointed at Percy.

"and you." The blonde pointed at Piper and said you like Piper was the question and he was the answer.

"Nevertheless, although you are inhumanly attractive, Piper darling, you are also inhumanly weak and rely on others to get you out of the trouble you cause. No matter how much you want to 'fight your own battles,' you never end them, dear. You're just a problem waiting to be solved. A constant burden on your friends." He flashed a smile as if he was Zeus' gift to plausibly weak teenage girls. And if Percy knew anything about Piper, it was that she was most certainly not weak and a very independent woman. She did feel like she was a burden to her friends, something Percy wished he could convince her that she wasn't.

"No hard feelings, yeah? I'm just stating the obvious here." Percy took a quick look at Piper. Her face was stone-hard, showing no emotion. She was subtly biting the inside of her cheek, presumably to not lash out on the jerk. Piper knew her limits, and he was going way beyond them.

"Nothing to say back?" The blonde mused. He waited for a moment, for an answer. Silence.

"Fine." He flicked his wrist in a turning motion and the ship turned back 180 degrees, the top parallel to the sky. The three demigods fell but quickly rose to their feet. The blonde didn't walk, or run, but floated over to Piper. He got close enough to whisper, but Percy still clearly heard every word.

"You'll always be a burden to them. No matter how much they reassure you that you aren't, in the back of your mind there will always be a hint of doubt." He floated away as though nothing had just happened. Piper, on the other hand, looked like she just gotten gutted in the stomach, the wind knocked out of her. Pale face, sad eyes. Every breath looking harder and harder to take. She looked ready to give up, but she never backed down from a fight. Never.

The brown haired twin shifted apprehensively. Percy guessed he was anxious to do something, but what? He kept opening his mouth slightly as if to say something, looked at his brother, and closed it. Percy could sense a bond of some sorts between the two... A connection that normal twins didn't have. He tried to think of every Greek myth he could that involved twins, but his mind drew a blank. Annabeth was always the one who could think on the spot, under immense pressure and come up with a perfect answer. Why couldn't some of that rub off just a little on Percy?

"How rude of us. We haven't introduced ourselves! I'm Pollux, this is my beloved brother Castor." Castor waved awkwardly, but Pollux shot him a look and he quickly retracted his hand. Those names... Why were they so important? His mind raced for their story...

Jason stood up a little taller. "Wait... You two are the twins, one a son of Zeus and the other mortal? Castor died and Pollux begged Zeus to give him some of your immortality... I thought you were the constellation Gemini now."

Pollux laughed a hearty laugh. "Yes, we are. I am the son of Zeus, your father, Jason. Castor and I are immortal, but forever a constellation. Well, until our mistress approached us of course. She granted us the ability to roam the earth... Just not as humans. We are kind of in between the state of ghost and mortal. But still, the Gemini twins are back and ready to serve our mistress!" He had a wild look in his eye, an unpredictable look...

"Your mistress being the one we saw in the Iris message? The one in the very unflattering jumpsuit?" Piper had been so quiet, hearing voice was almost foreign. Her voice dripped with annoyance, something only she could pull off successfully.

Pollux laughed once again, seeming to be amused by this whole situation.

"Yes and no. We do take orders from her, but there is a hierarchy. She's just the one who gets her hands dirty. Our true mistress is much more powerful than her, and certainly you pitiful demigods. Enough talking, we have a different reason to be here. Castor, would you please?" The last sentence seemed so rehearsed like Castor was programmed to respond one way to those words.

He unsheathed a sword unlike one Percy had ever seen and tossed it to his brother. The sword glistened against the searing October sunset. Typical Greek swords have a silver or gold polish, but Pollux's had an icy finish, light blue cracks splattered on a 35-inch white blade. It looked a lot less lethal than it probably was, which was saying a lot. The hilt was a smooth, golden brown leather that fit perfectly in his hand. There was a circular ruby diamond placed in the center, a weird thing to have on a Greek sword.

Castor pulled out a dagger, similar to Piper's, but it looked more broken in. Used.

"We have our orders," Castor said, for the first time. His voice was shaky, wavering. "And you just happened to be them." The twins lunged into action, and so did the demigods.

Hey hey hey! This chapter was so fun to write, I hope you guys liked it! Fun fact for you: the whole concept of the twins was based off of Teen Wolf with Ethan and Aiden! So to all of you Teen Wolf lovers out there, you're welcome.

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