Self Service

By lolipopmix

738K 23K 3.6K

Priscilla is a twenty-seven year old entertainment lawyer from the slums. All her life she has had to work ha... More

Tantalizing Trio
Boss Lady
Beam Me Up
Miss Independent
Work Hard
Time to Think
Sweet Home Alabama
Come Along
Precious Gems
Second Place
Easy Like Sunday Morning
Do Ya Thang
Georgy Porgy
Adios Motherfucker
We Fly High
Kangei (Welcome)
The Nightlife
Knock, Knock
Or Something Like It
Just Kickin' It
Four Brothers
Dearly Beloved
Pull Me In Close
Hand Holding
Having A Baby
Prom Queen
Word Out
The Birthday Boy
Like That
A Lifetime
Back Home
Day Out
Saturn Return
Greek Holiday
Tumbling Down
Love On Top
Hanging Out
With the Girls
Best Buddies
A Little Gift
Open Letter
The Prissy One
Wine for Mommy
Prettiest Girl
Date Night
Oh, Baby
Birth Day

Love Letter

3.2K 215 19
By lolipopmix

Priscilla entered her bedroom at one in the morning and saw Scott sleeping peacefully. She decided not to wake him this time, sitting with her stationery in an armchair in the corner of the room. She put the lamp on the lowest setting she could see in, hoping not to disturb her husband.

She was grateful for him, and she wouldn't have him think anything less, no matter how annoying he got to be. She didn't want to imagine him giving some new woman the privilege of getting on her nerves every day.

A little smile touched her lips, watching that man in the bed she shared with him, and she knew there was no place she would rather be than right here. Loving Scott wasn't such a bad deal.

She readjusted herself in the chair, and Peter kicked her in the rib. She inhaled sharply, wincing. She would be so happy when Peter was out.

Setting the notebook on the arm of the chair, she began to pen her love letter to her husband.


Sometimes, I just look at you and I wonder how I got so fortunate to have you want me. I think of all the single women begging God, the universe, karma, dating sites, just anything to bring someone like you their way, and I just stumbled into your world.

You've given me everything I never knew that I needed. I was so afraid to accept that kind of love because I didn't think that I deserved to be loved that way. Because as great as I knew I was, there was still some part of me that felt you were too good for me. So I pushed you away, tried to keep you at bay.

I couldn't have picked a better man to lose my virginity to. I couldn't have picked a better man to make a father. You're more than I ever dreamed of when I was eighteen, watching so many people fall in love for their first time.

I never imagined falling in love myself. Even once I had, I never thought I would be brave enough to admit and embrace it. You make it less scary. You show me every day without fail that you are mine, and I hope I show you that I am yours.

You get on every nerve in my body, but Paulina said that's usually what happens when people love each other and that I probably get on your nerves, too. I wouldn't want anyone else getting on my nerves for the rest of my life, so I'll just tolerate your annoyingness.

I fall so much more in love with you every time I lay my eyes on you, every time I see you smile. Dear God, when you smile at me, my heart melts. I completely understand what makes other women double take when you enter a room. I completely understand that sort of admiration. Because I have the privilege of getting to look at you every single day for the rest of our lives, and I still get taken every time.

I understand why Marguerite cried when you married me. Because a woman who had you and lost you has a whole lot to mourn. I do not want to make the mistake of losing you.

You make me feel like I am worthy of love. You make me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. I just wanted to say thank you.



Priscilla took her letter and put it on the bathroom counter so that she knew Scott would see it when he awakened. Then she went and got her phone, going to sit back in her chair.

Upon checking her notifications, she noticed that Penelope had tagged her in something. She discovered it was a video.

"I wanna dedicate this cover to my big sister, Priscilla. You're perfect just the way you are, baby," she said as the instrumental for Jessie J's Who You Are came in.

"...Why am I doing this to myself? Losing my mind on a tiny error, I nearly left the real me on the shee-eee-lf..."

Priscilla sniffled and wiped tears as they started coming down her face. She would never be able to thank her mother enough for giving her Phoebe and Penelope. She hadn't even told her sister about the insecurities she had been facing lately. She kept them to herself, not wanting to burden anyone with what she deemed as her problems. But her sisters knew her so well that each of them had been subtly letting her know that she was fine.

Priscilla liked the video and left a simple comment of "thank you" before she decided to get into bed with Scott.

She didn't go to sleep immediately, just admiring her husband. After a good five minutes of her just looking at him, she felt him wrap his arms around her. "Are you here to go to sleep or stare at me?" he asked in a groggy voice.

"Who could sleep when there is such a good looking man in her presence?" Priscilla wondered.

Scott chuckled and caressed Priscilla's back. "I think if you close your eyes for long enough, you'll manage, sweetheart."

Priscilla giggled and leaned over to peck his lips before closing her eyes. She knew, though, that she wouldn't be able to sleep until Peter was asleep. And when he had finally settled down, she fell into her own sleep.

Scott woke up and got ready for work, taking his time to admire Priscilla asleep on her side with her hand protectively over her belly. Despite the constant crying and how annoying she had become, Scott knew that he would do it again if Priscilla said she would have another baby.

When he went into the bathroom, he found her letter on the sink and smiled as he got to the end. Priscilla was better at expressing her love through actions than words, but he appreciated that she had found the words and left this for him.

He took his shower, brushed his teeth, dressed, and made sure Janice was getting ready to go before he went and sat on the bed. When he leaned down to kiss Priscilla's forehead, she half-opened one eye.

"Good morning, Scott Nolan," she greeted.

"I didn't mean to wake you."

"You didn't," she assured him. "I wasn't asleep."

Scott chuckled. He couldn't remember how many times the role was reversed in this situation. "Do you sleep anymore, Priscilla?"

"What is sleep?"

"I need you to try to find out at some point in the day, wife."

"Mm hm." She took his hand in hers. "Have a good day at work."

Scott shook his head and leaned down to kiss her lips. "I'll see you when I get off. I love you."

"I love you too."

He left the room and met Janice in the garage where she was drinking a yogurt smoothie. He tossed her his keys and let her drive to school.

"Your aunt never seems to sleep when the moon is out, so if she's not here to pick you up, just call me."

"Penelope has been picking me up," she informed him.

Scott just shook his head and got out. "Alright, Jan. As long as you make it home safely from school, I don't care which of those sisters picks you up anymore."

Janice just laughed, getting out so her uncle could get into the driver's seat. "See you at home, Uncle Scott," she called, waving and going to catch up with a group of friends.

When Scott got off work, he made it home to find Priscilla eating Hot Cheetos and nacho cheese.

"Do we have stock in Frito Lay?" he asked.

Priscilla glanced over her shoulder at him and turned back to the television. She couldn't be bothered by his snack commentary right now. Gossip Girl was on.

"Where is Janice?" he asked, coming to sit in the front room with her.

"I dropped her off at the roller rink a couple hours ago. She says a friend will bring her home at about ten."

"Did you get some sleep today?"

She glanced at him from the side of her eye and paused the TV with a heavy sigh. "Do you want to talk before I turn the television completely off?"

"You know what, yes, Priscilla. I would like to have a civilized conversation with my bride."

"I took an eight hour nap at nine."

"So you just woke up? No wonder your ass likes to stay up until three in the fucking morning."

"Okay?" Priscilla rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I'm going to start getting ready for karaoke with everybody. Maybe if you be nice to me, I'll sing a duet with you."

Scott took his turn to roll his eyes as Priscilla went to get dressed. He text Janice just to make sure she was doing okay and got a text a few minutes later that she was fine and would let him know when she made it home if he wasn't.

Scott went to join Priscilla in the shower, hoping to talk her into sex. She glared over her shoulder at him. "I feel like that erection has caused enough problems for me."

"Not this particular one, Priscilla. It's new."

She rolled her eyes, took him in her hand and manually did the job. She wasn't in the mood for sex or accepting sex she wasn't in the mood for, but she would give him a hand job.

When they got out of the shower, Priscilla took her time doing her hair and makeup. She knew that photos would be taken, and she had to look up to par for it.

Scott was ready two hours before his wife was and barely spared her a glance as they went to his car.

When they met everyone at the club, Penelope came and squeezed her sister. "Hey, Prissy. Hey, Scott."

"Hi, Penelope," the couple greeted together before she led them to their table.

Priscilla looked through the catalogue before giving the moderator her choice. When she was called, she approached the microphone with butterflies. It had been a long time since she had performed karaoke in front of strangers.

"I'm a train wreck in the morning. I'm a bitch in the afternoon."

"Oh shit," Phoebe mumbled.

No one had heard Priscilla sing a song that required any real effort on her part in so long. She was singing well for someone who hadn't exercised her vocal abilities in years.

"I'm a peasant by some standards. But in your eyes, I'm a queen. You see potential in all my flaws. And that's exactly what I mean."

Scott watched his wife, so mesmerized by her. He had no idea that she had a voice like that. He was aware she could carry a decent tune, but he didn't know she could do that.

"Damn, Prissy." Penelope shook her head in amazement.

Priscilla smiled at Scott. She loved the way he looked at her. Like she was special and he was just so happy she was his. He looked at her with stars in his eyes, and she loved that.

Priscilla hit the last run, and someone whistled. "You," she finished, still smiling directly at her husband who had started clapping for her immediately, standing to his feet.

When Priscilla came down, he wrapped his arms around her. "Wow."

"Did you like it?" she asked, biting her lip.

"I loved it, cherie. You were phenomenal!"

Priscilla grinned then. There were no praises higher in her world than Scott's. Long before she would acknowledge it, she sought his praise.

"You keep this up, I just might marry you."

Priscilla giggled at that. "I'll annoy you for the rest of your life," she playfully warned, a gleam in her eyes.

"Some things are just worth the trouble, sweetheart." He kissed her forehead and sat with her.

"Prissy, I forgot you could sing," Jaheim told her.

"Me too," the girls agreed together.

"Yo ol' in love ass," Dion teased, flicking her hair.

Priscilla popped him. "I could just about swear I have told you men about touching a black woman's hair without permission."

Dion just laughed as the next person went up. "You talented, but I guess getting married had to remind you."

"Leave me alone," Priscilla whined.

"Oh God," Steven complained.

When the night was over, Janice text Scott that she had just walked through the door, and he let her know that he was on his way home himself.

"Scott," Priscilla called, pulling her seatbelt on as he turned the engine.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"I know what I want now."


"I would like a baby grand. I haven't played in a really long time, and I would like to tune up my skills. And I think I've done really well with cutting back on the chocolate, so I would like some of that with my wine."

"That's fine, Priscilla. We can pick your piano and chocolate out before the baby gets here."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

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