Now Or Never (FOURTH book to...

By goblinz4life

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Now Or Never (FOURTH book to never be over you)
Chapter 1: Exile on Main St.
Chapter 2: Two and a Half Men
Chapter 3: The Third Man
Chapter 4: Live Free or Twihard
Chapter 5: You Can't Handle the Truth
Chapter 6: Family Matters
Chapter 7: All Dogs Go to Heaven
Chapter 8: Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Chapter 9: Caged Heat
Chapter 10: Appointment in Samarra
Chapter 11: Like a Virgin
Chapter 13- Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
Chapter 14: The French Mistake
Chapter 15: ...And Then There Were None
Chapter 16: My Heart Will Go On
Chapter 17: Frontierland
Chapter 18: Mommy Dearest
Chapter 19: The Man Who Would Be King
Chapter 20: Let It Bleed
Chapter 21: The Man Who Knew Too Much

Chapter 12: Unforgiven

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By goblinz4life

Sam, Samuel and I just finished hunting an Arachne. Sam ended up getting bit by the stupid thing, and we're getting out of dodge.
"You okay?" Samuel asks Sam as soon as we're driving.
"How's the arm?" I ask.
"It'll hold till we get out of town."
"Just don't bleed out, alright?"
"Yeah, well, that's the plan."
And then there's flashing lights behind us. Great, a cop car.
"Cop." Samuel says as he pulls over. "Evening, Deputy." The cop walks up to our van.
"Agent Roark, Agent Wynand, Agent Keating, mind stepping out of the van a moment?" The deputy asks. The three of us get out.
"We're just on our way to the office. Everything okay?" Samuel asks.
"No. I can't get Sheriff Dobbs on the phone. I can't get anyone!"
"We spoke to Dobbs earlier. Maybe he's just uh-"
"Is that blood?" The deputy asks noticing Sam bleeding through his shirt.
"Hey, look, no need to get riled." Samuel says.
"You're coming with me."
"Alright. We'll follow you back." Samuel says. I'm glad he's taking care of this.
"I don't think so. Get in my car, or you're under arrest."
"You're gonna arrest two federal agents? Really? Have a good night." I say. I start to head back towards my side of the van when he grabs my arm.
"If you think-"
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, just hold-" Samuel starts saying but stops when Sam starts beating the officer till he's unconscious. "You think there were maybe calmer ways we could have done all that?"
"Do we care? Let's go." Sam says.


Sam and I are watching the TV in our motel room.
"Sources said prosecutors were getting closer to a decision on whether to charge the actor. But they adamantly denied that any prosecution was in any-"
"What are you watching?" Dean asks, breaking my focus on the announcer on the TV
"Just trying to catch up. So... Mel Gibson really took a turn this past year, huh?" I say.
"Or he's possessed. Seriously think about it. So, I just got off the blower with Bobby."
"Oh, yeah? You got anything else on this, uh 'Mother of All' thing?" Sam asks.
"Uh, no, nothing solid. He says it's quiet."
"Quiet like quiet or quiet like too quiet?" I ask as my cell phone dings, indicating that I got a new text. Weird, people usually just call me.
"When is it ever just quiet?" Dean says.
"Right." Sam says. I check my phone, its showing me coordinates.
"What? Are those coordinates? Who's it from?"
"I have no idea." I say as I grab the laptop and look them up.
"Well?" Sam asks.
"Uh, Bristol, Rhode Island. Where three women disappeared in the last week. Apparently the, uh, victims vanished into thin air." I say researching the town.
"Could be something. Who's the text from?" Dean asks.
"I don't know. Just kept ringing."
"What's that about?" Sam asks.
"Could be another hunter looking for backup, throwing us a case? Who knows how many hunters we even met, working with the Campbell's, you know? But I think we should go."
"Whoa, wait. We're just gonna drop everything?" Dean asks.
"Dude, two minutes ago, you weren't doing anything." Sam says. At least he's taking my side with this.
"You got mysterious coordinates from a mysterious Mr. 'X', leading to a mysterious town? That doesn't throw up red flags to you?"
"I don't know. Maybe. But that doesn't mean we can just ignore a bunch of missing girls, right?" I ask.
"Okay, we'll check it out. But if things get squirrelly, we dump out, okay?"
"Yeah." Sam and I agree. We pack up and head out right away. The big 'Welcome to Bristol' sign that we pass causes something to pass through my mind.... A flashback?
Once we get to town, we find an abandoned house and stay there, and the next day we head out for lunch.
Dean's going through papers of all the girl's that have gone missing so far.
"Well, freak's got a type, brunettes. Whoa. This ones got a little bit of a wild side. It's all in the eyes, Sam. See it?"
"Alright, well, aside from your little deep insight there, these women actually have nothing in common, different job, different friends, different everything. So, what's the connection?" Sam says.
"I don't know. Why don't you figure that out? I'm going to go hit the poop deck." Dean says. He heads towards the washrooms that has a big sign above it that says 'poop deck'. A woman walks up to Sam and me at our table.
"Agent Roark and Agent Keating? It's good to see you again."
"It is." I say.
"Oh you remember my husband?" She says gesturing to the man standing beside her.
"Right." Sam says.
"Of course, right. Um, hi." I say.
"So, you're back because it started again, right... the disappearances?" She asks.
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, right. Um... So if either of you two hear anything, please let us know." Sam says.
"Where's your other partner? The big bald guy? Agent Wynand, right?" That must've been Samuel.
"Agent Wynand, of course. Well-"
"Sex rehab. Yeah, you've heard of plushies, right?" Dean says as he joins the conversation,
"This is, uh, this is our new partner." I say.
"Hi. Pleasure." Dean shakes her hand. "How you doing? Hi." He shakes Don's hand. Uh, so Agents, we should, uh..."
"Yeah of course." Sam says.
"Of course. Uh, nice chatting with you Agents." The woman says.
"You too." Sam says. The woman touches Sam's arm and gives me what looks like a lustful look and she walks away. I get another flashback? I think, of her, Sam and me doing stuff... like sexual stuff. Sam and I share a look of questioning. Did he see that too?
"What was that? She just cougar-eyed both of you." Dean says.
"I think us and Samuel have worked a case in this town." I say.
"You think?" Dean show us a Polaroid picture that Samuel, Sam and I are standing in the background of. "Come on. Let's get the hell out of here."
Back at the motel we all get into a disagreement.
"Hey, come one. Hop to, would you?" Dean asks.
"We can't go, Dean." I say.
"Uh, yeah we can."
"No, listen, five guys went missing a year ago. They never found the bodies. I mean, that's got to be the job we worked, right?" Sam says.
"Great. What difference does it make?"
"A year ago, five guys go missing, and now, suddenly all these women go missing. Something's here. So either we just didn't stop it or we only thought we did."
"Okay, but why the gender bend, huh? First it's dudes. Now it's chicks? That's a totally different M.O."
"I don't know. Who knows? The point is, something's still here."
"Great. We'll call Bobby. He can deal with it." Dean says.
"Why? We can deal with it." I say.
"Are you serious? Ash, there is a reason that hunters don't hit the same town over again, because we have a habit of leaving messes behind."
"Right, I agree."  Sam says. Is Sam abandoning me now??
"One of dad's rules, you never use the same crapper twice."
"Everyone uses the same crapper twice."
"Not us. You know what I mean."
"Okay, look. This creature is still walking around because of us, right? I mean, let it go. Dad also said 'you finish what you start'. Okay. I get it."
"Do you?" Dean asks.
"Yeah. You're afraid we'll stroll down memory lane and kick these walls in our heads so hard, Hell comes flooding through, right? And then all of a sudden, we're both drooling messes on the floor." I say.
"It's not a joke."
"Okay, we know. But listen, what's happening here right now, it's because we messed up somehow, in some big way. So every person who gets taken, every person who dies, that's on us. We have to stop it. And you'd do the same thing."
"Alright. I'll follow up with the brunettes. You see what you get from the cops." Dean finally gives in. Dean leaves in his FBI suit to the first victim's house whose name is Nicole. While Sam and I go to the police station to get what we can.
One of the Sheriff's spot us as we walk up and right away he's aiming a gun at us.
"Hold it right there! Stop right there! Hands where I can see them!" As soon as I hear his voice there's another flashback.

"Get in my car or you're under arrest."

"Look, no, sir. Please just hold on for a second. There's been a misunderstanding here."
"Let's go." The sheriff says. He sorta forces us into a cell in the back of the police station.
"Man, you two... dumb as a sack of hair. Coming back here after what you did?" The sheriff says.
"Look, there's been a misunderstanding here." I say.
"You're not damn Agents, okay? The FBI never heard of you."
"Just listen." I say.
"Where are the bodies? Mothers want to bury their loved ones."
"We don't know." Sam says.
"Where's Sheriff Dobbs?"
"We don't know." I say.
"You run out of town soaked in blood, Oh and you bash my brains in to do it, and you really expect me to buy that?"
"Look, would you believe that we don't remember anything?" Sam asks.
"No. But good luck selling it to the judge." The sheriff walks away.
"What the hell did you do last time?" I ask Sam once the Sheriff is gone.
"I think I beat him to a pulp."
"Well, that's just great." A few hours later another woman comes up to our cell.

"What happened to my husband?" She asks.
"We don't know." I say.
"Don't lie to me. I know who you are, Sam and Ash. I know what you do."
"What? You do?" Sam asks.
And another flashback..

Samue, Sam and were talking to Sheriff Dobbs and his wife Brenna.
"Let me get this straight, you're not feds. You actually hunt things." Sheriff Dobbs said.
"We know how it sounds." Samuel said.
"I'm not sure you do."
"You saw those crime scenes, Roy. You really think something human could have taken those guys?" I said.
"What you're saying... it's impossible." The woman said.
"You know, I'm sorry. I don't understand what she's got to do with any of this?" Sam asked referring to the wife.
"She's my wife. She works with me at the sheriff's station. You tell something like this to me, you tell it to her too. Alright, what do you need us to do?" Sheriff Dobbs said.

"Your husband, he's the sheriff." Sam says back to the present.
"Was the sheriff, until he vanished...And you vanished. What was I supposed to think? That thing got him, or that you killed him? I just want to know what happened."
"So do we. Believe me. Something happened to us. We have no memory of being here, ever." I say.
"What is this, 'Days of our lives'? You're telling me you have some sort of amnesia?" She asks.
"If we knew any of this, would we have stepped foot into this station? I'm sorry. We don't even know your name." Sam says.
"If this is some sort of a game, you're either incredibly clever or incredibly stupid."
"We're telling the truth. Look... we don't know what happened to your husband. But we can find out." I say.
"How?" She asks.
"If you really know us, then you know that it's our job."
"You really don't remember?"
"We really don't." Sam says.
"I'm Brenna Dobbs."
"Brenna... We're sorry about what happened to your husband. But we can find answers... Just not from in here." I say. Brenna grabs a set of keys that were hanging on the wall and unlocks us.
"Come on. Help me find some rope. If it's gonna look like a break-out, you're gonna need to tie me up." I like the way this woman thinks.
I grab a chair while Sam and Brenna find rope and then we tie her up and then head back to the abandoned house. Dean gets back shortly after.
"Hey, guys. So, how does it feel to be a fugitive again? Hate to say 'I told you so'." Dean says.
"You love to say 'I told you so'." I say.
"Actually, you're right. I do love to say 'I told you so'. So, I found out something on, uh, 'crazy eyes McGee'. Turns out you three knew each other."
"What?" Sam asks.
"Biblically. I just spoke to her roommate. I got to say, you two really got around. I mean, soulless or not I'm actually kinda impressed."
Then the police scanner goes off.
"Eight Sierra Papa. Got a 1057, 1100 block of Hope Street. Over." A voice on the scanner says.
"Missing person... another one." I say.
"Okay, alright. I'll go. You two stay." Dean says.
"Yeah. Fine."
"Stay here."
"Ash?"  Dean says.
"Yes." Dean just gives me a look.
"Fine! Go!" I say. After Dean leaves, Sam and I decide to head to the police station to try to find the cases that were started for the disappearances last year, which gives us no luck but we do find where Brenna lives and decide to pay her a visit. We accidentally startle her in the process.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Sam say.
"You can't be here!" She says.
"Okay, please, just listen." I say.
"What happened to Debbie Harris?" Brenna asks.
"Debbie?" Sam asks.
"I let you two out and she's just gone."
"And you think we did something to her?" I ask.
"I don't know what to think."
"Look, um, we need your help." Sam says.
"Are you kidding?"
"We need the case files that your husband made about the disappearances last year." I say.
"So go to the station and find it."
"It's not there. We broke in and looked, and it's gone. And we have a theory about who might have it. Look, we all want the same thing here, Brenna. I promise. We want to find out what happened last year and we want to stop what's happening now." Sam says.
"The file's upstairs. I'll be right back." Brenna leaves us for a few minutes.

This house looks very familiar.

"So you guys just travel all the time? I mean, you just pick up and go? Doesn't that get hard?" Brenna asked.
"Not when you're young, it's great. Once you got a family, it's a little tougher. Deanna got pregnant and we didn't know what we were gonna do. But Mary was... She was a blessing." Samuel said then noticed his empty beer bottle.
"There's more in the garage." Roy, the sheriff said.
"Ah, listen, you sit. I'll get it."
"He misses her. You know, at least you three have each other." Brenna said to Sam and me.
"Well, Samuel wasn't really around when I was a kid. We have more of a, uh, business relationship." Sam said.
"Uh, do you have any other family?"
"Family just slows you down." I say.

"Ash? Ashlee? You alright?" Brenna asks me as she's back in the room.
"Yeah. Yeah. Um... alright. Let's see what you have." I say. The three of us start going through the files and more memories just come flooding back.
Samuel, Sam and I are sitting in a restaurant.
"Best guess, it came from an Arachne." Samuel said.
"You ever seen one?" I asked.
"No one has, not outside of Crete, not for about 2000 years."
"Then what do we even know about them?" Sam asked.
"Zip. Just a bunch of guesses and a blurry picture on the side of a Greek vase."
"Yeah!" Another customer in the restaurant yells.
"Yo ho sea captain!" A waitress said. A pirate hat was placed on the customer's head and a polaroid was taken.
"So, I gather we got no clue how to kill this thing, huh?" I asked.
"I guess we just go at it till something sticks." Samuel said.
"Well, I got an idea of where it might be, at least. So far, all the vics have been men in their 30s and they've all gone missing within a 2-mile radius." Sam said.
"So we just get out and kick bushes."
"No, that'd be a waste of time. I mean, it's a suburban sprawl, hundreds of houses, at least. It could be anywhere." Sam said as he pointed at a map.
"Lonely Pines Park." I said.
"Yeah. I say we make this thing come to us."
"How do we do that?"

"Hey, um, Brenna, do you mind if we, um, borrow all this stuff for a couple hours?" I ask.
"Um, okay, I guess. You really don't remember Roy, do you? He was a good man. I've made peace that he's dead. I have. But I just want to know what happened."
"I'm sure he died a hero." Sam says. We head out the door to go back to the motel. Once we're outside I check my phone and I have a voicemail from Dean.
"Ash, answer the phone, damn it. I found the connection between the missing chicks. They all had a threesomes. With you. It's you and Sam. The texts, the victims, all of it, it's a trap for you two. Call me back."
"Well shit." I say and tell Sam what the voicemail said. We start walking but stop as we see a giant spiderweb. Sam and I get tapped on the shoulder, we both turn around. Sam has his gun aimed.
"Whoa, whoa." Dean says.
"I almost shot you... Again. What the hell?" He should really learn to not sneak up on us.
"I figured you'd come talk to her. I told you to stay home, guys. Did you get my message? Come on. We got to get you out of here. Let's go." And Dean pretty much forces us back to the house we're staying at. "Well, we know that this is a monster with opposable thumbs and unlimited text messaging and we know that it wants to kill you two specifically. Does that about cover it?"
"It's an Arachne." I say.
"A what?"
"I remembered."
"You remembered? I'm sorry. Uh, what else have you remembered?" Dean asks.
"Don't worry, alright? It's nothing to do with Hell."
"Sam, you too?"
"Yeah, me too. But no hell."
"Uh huh. Not yet, anyway." Dean says.
"What can we do Dean? The stuff just started coming back, alright? Maybe it's natural."
"We're leaving."
"No, we can't."
"We are not the only hunters on the planet, okay? We can call Bobby. He and Rufus  could come wrap up."
"How? Like you said, it could be anybody, we got jack for leads." I say.
"We know that it hates you."
"We know who did that. We just... we just can't remember."
"I don't think you get the risk here."
"Yes, we do." Sam says.
"Really? You get that every time you scratch that wall, that you are playing Russian Roulette?"
"Dean, we get that you're worried, okay? And I know what you think is gonna happen. But you know what? It will or it won't." I say.
"Look, I'm starting to think that, that we might have done some bad stuff here, Dean. And so I don't care if it's dangerous. We have to set things right, because we got a frigging souls now, and -- and it won't let us just walk away. I'm staying here. And I need you to back us up."
"Alright. Why not? Well, let's 'memento' this thing, shall we?" Dean says. Dean and Sam start pinning up the evidence to the wall.
And more flashbacks....yay...
"So you're back because it started again, right? The disappearances?" Debbie asked.

"You're not feds. You actually hunt things." Roy said.

"You really don't remember?" Brenna asked.

"I, uh, found something on 'crazy eyes McGee'. Turns out you three knew each other." Dean said.

"You okay?" Dean asks me and Sam. Me and Sam share a look. I think we both just remembered what happened.

Sam, Samuel and I were at the restaurants and Sam decides to give Roy a call.
"That's right. Yeah, Lonely Pines Park, one hour. Thanks Roy. Alright." Sam hung up his phone.
"Are you sure about this?" Samuel asked.
"The Arachne's been snacking on mid-30s guys. We need bait that fits the demo. I'm too young. You're too old and Ash is a chick." Sam said.
"89 and counting. I still think that we should have looped Roy in on the plan." Samuel said.
"Do we want  a credible performance or don't we?" I asked.
"But what if something goes wrong?
"Roy's a big boy. He'll be fine. Trust me." Sam said.
"It' just... not the way I'm used to doing things."
"Got it. Welcome to the future. Let's go." I said. Then we drove to the park.

"Let's hope this thing's hungry." Sam said.
"Ugh! Aaah!" We heard Roy yelling.
"Let's split up, look for him." Samuel said.
"No, no, wait. It's too late." I said.
"Let's go!" Samuel yells.
"They're gone Samuel! Look, it's okay. I turned on the GPS on Roy's cell." Sam said.
"In English, please."
"We can track them back to wherever she goes." I explained.
"So, what, Roy's just some redshirt to you, just spider bait?" Samuel asked.
"No, no, of course not. This is my back-up plan." Sam said.
"My god. You two are about as cold as they come. You know that?"
"Let's go." I said. We followed the GPS to where this Arachne is hiding. It's at a large bulding by some docks. There was several men trapped in what looked like spider-webbing.  Samuel started cutting out one of the men right away.
"Poor bastard." Samuel said. The first man that got cut out gasped for breath. At least they're still alive.
"Help me. I can't... Feel..." Roy said I was cutting him out.
"Roy, hey, where is she?" I suddenly got thrown back. I was able to kick the Arachne from where I got thrown. Samuel shoots it and she threw him across the room. Sam came up and sliced off its head with a machete.
"Well, I guess decapitation works. Roy. You're gonna be okay. Just hang in. we're gonna get you some help. Listen, if we can get him back to the hospital quick-"
"He can't be helped." Sam said.
"What?" Samuel asked.
"I don't know about Arachne, but I do know about spiders. One brown recluse bite can kill you. This thing? Look at these guys, that poison's eating them alive. They're just dead men walking."
"So, what are you saying?" Samuel asked.
"We put him out of his misery." I said. Sam pulled out his gun.
"Sam... please." Roy said.
"Killing this thing saved a lot of lives. We couldn't have done it without you." Sam said.
"You're a hero." I said then Sam shot him in the head and continued to do so to each of the other men. "We can't just leave the bodies here. Get the gasoline."

"I know what happened." Sam says. Sam and I explain to Dean what happened last time we were here.
"What are you gonna say to Brenna?" Dean asks.
"Relax, Dean." I say.
"Hey, Brenna. It's Sam. I'm just checking in. Yeah, of course we can swing by. Okay. Yeah. Bye." Sam called her.
"What was that about?" I ask.
"She wants us to swing by."
"For?" Dean asks.
"She said it's no big deal, but I can tell she's in deep trouble."
We pack up some stuff that could be useful and head over to Brenna's house. We're sneaking around the house for the best way to get in there unnoticed.
"Dean, back door." I say.
"Sam. Light's on in the shed. My spidey sense are tingling." Dean says.
"Shh." Sam says.
"Sam? Ash?" Brenna says as she comes outside.
"Brenna? Hey." I say.
"What you did to Roy... it is true?" She asks. Shit... Roy attacks Dean and then me and Sam and has us both at the throat.
"Answer the question." Roy says and the he traps the three of us in a sort of spider webbing. "You gotta admit I look good. Well, except for your little souvenir." He points to his forehead where there's a bullet sized scar there.
"You win. We're here. Let Brenna go. This has nothing to do with her." I say.
"You come back around, start hanging out with my wife, and you think this has nothing to do with her? But thought I was out of the way, right? I got to say, you get a hell of a lot wrong, like that thing you threw me to. You thought it was here to feed."
"She was here to breed." Sam says.
"Yeah. That thing was playing the mating game, and I guess I fit her profile...Me and all those other poor bastards. She bit us to turn us into what she was. By the time you pulled that trigger, I wasn't human. Not anymore. So bullets didn't hurt me much. Oh, and neither did fire. So after you left, well, we ran. Me -- I hid for months, nearly starved. But you know what kept me going? Every night, I dreamed about ripping your throats out. I thought I was sending you a neon sign. The text? Taking all those girls you two screwed? I was kicking so much sand in your eye, I couldn't figure out why you weren't getting it! Then Bren tells me you've got brain damage. It's just too good."
"Where are they Roy .... The women?" I ask.
"Scattered... in the wind. They're like me now. You killed one monster, you made so many more. Congratulations. The only question is, do I kill you... Or turn you?" Dean somehow gets free and attacks Roy who just ends up getting thrown back. Roy now has Dean by the throat. Brenna frees me and Sam from the webbing.
"No! Roy, stop!" Sam decapitates Roy. We all just stop at look at each other. Dean gets the mess cleaned up while me and Sam try to help Brenna inside.
"Brenna... Look, we are so sorry." I start.
"Brenna, I mean, I..." And she closes the door in our faces so we head back to the abandoned house to finishing packing.
"You okay?" Dean asks.
"You were right. We shouldn't have come back here." Sam says.
"Well, you did kill uh... spider man."
"So, you're suggesting what I did back there was a good thing?"
"I'm just saying-"
"What?" I ask.
"Sam, Ash. You got to understand that all that crap last year. All of it, none of it was you."
"Let's be crystal clear okay? It was us." Sam says.
"Well, can I get you anything?
"What are you now, my waitress?"
"I'm just trying to make you feel better. Don't be a bitch.
"Yeah. We're fine." I say.
"Yeah, you look fine. All I'm saying is everything's gonna be okay." Dean says.
"I don't know Dean. If we did this here, then who knows-" And then all I know is I'm falling to the floor and I feel like I'm back in the cage, burning, screaming and being Lucifer and Michael's play toys.

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