The Goddess of Mystery

By izzymarie_143

64.3K 1.4K 43

A teenage girl runs to the museum every night for the safety from her parents. It was the same thing every ni... More

Chapter 1- The Egyptian Family
Chapter 2- Choices
Chapter 3- Time Together
Chapter 4- My Decision
Chapter 5- The Queens Garden
Chapter 6- The First Kiss
Chapter 7- Relaxation
Chapter 8- Bad News
Chapter 9- Ahkmenrahs Departure
Chapter 10- Letters To Mother
Chapter 11- Time Changes
Chapter 12- The Kings Wish
Chapter 13- Death is Inevitable
Chapter 14- The Baby's Here
Chapter 16- Meeting Once More
Chapter 17-Family Reunion
Chapter 18- Alternative Ending

Chapter 15-Kahmunrah Attacks

2.9K 70 2
By izzymarie_143

                Waking up with a jolt was not the way I wanted to be woken up in the morning. With barely getting any sleep this past week, last night had been the only night that I had slept all the way through. Pounding could be heard against the door, and screams coming from somewhere in the palace. Ahkmenrah shot up, grabbing the sword that was next to the bed, and headed to the door. I sat up, pulling my robe around me and tying it. As he opened the door, I peeked around his shoulder to see 4 guards standing in the hallway. "It's started, your majesty" the guard paused for a moment before continuing "Kahmunrah's attacking the palace."

                Nobody had seen Kahmunrah since mine and Ahkmenrahs coronation, he had taken the position of Nomark and controlled a small piece of land in Egypt. It had been a shock to all the palace that Kahmunrah was coming, and had threatened to kill Ahkmenrah and me. Ahkmenrah had begun giving the small group orders, telling three of them to stay with me in the bedroom. "What about Merenkahre?" I ran up to Ahkmenrah, tears beginning to form in my eyes. He placed his hand on my cheek, kissing me "Kahmunrah wouldn't hurt him, one of the guards is going to hide him with the orphans." I nodded, placing my hand on top of his and intertwining the fingers of our free hands. "And what about you? Kahmunrah will kill you."

                The sounds of fighting were getting louder as more of Kahmunrahs men were making their way through the palace. "Not if I get to him first. I'll be okay, Amunet." His words sounded comforting, but it didn't help calm my nerves. "Do you remember what I told you and your father when I first came? Ahkmenrah, he will kill you." Tears started making their way down my cheeks, and I could tell he was suddenly remember what I told him all those years ago. "I remember, but I'm not going down without a fight." I nodded my head, kissing him on the lips "then I'm going with you."

                His eyes widened, quickly shaking his head "it's too dangerous, please, just stay here." He started shaking slightly, tears making their way down his face, too. "I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you" I squeezed his hand, "I'll stay, but the guards are going with you, and that's final." He nodded his head, knowing there was no way he could argue with me any further. "I love you, Sunshine." His lips brushed my ear as he spoke just above a whisper. "I love you too, Ahk." We exchanged another kiss, more passionate tan the last. "Now go before I change my mind, lover boy." I tried to lighten up our worries, but it failed seeing as what the situation was.

                Ahkmenrah quickly made his was out of our bedroom, the four guards running behind him. I could already hear metal clanging against each other, and I knew that Kahmunrahs men were right outside the bedroom door. Screams could still be heard on the other side of the palace, and more feet running towards this hallway. I made my way over to the desk, fervently writing a letter for Merenkahre to find. I had explained everything in the letter, from what happened to his parents, to how he is the rightful heir to the throne. The bedroom door banged opened, and Masika ran inside.

                Her eyes were wide as ran to my open arms. "We have to get you out of here, my Queen." I shook my head as a no, "I'm staying here, Kahmunrah will kill me either way." I knew Masika was scared on losing me, I was closest thing she had to a mother figure. "It'll be alright, child." I walked over to the desk, folding the letter and handing it to her. I bent down slightly to her level, "I want you to go to the orphanage, and stay with my son. You will care for him for as long as you live. Once he reaches age 13, you will give him this letter. I trust you with this task, and do not speak a word to anyone of what you are doing. Do you understand me?" She nodded her head, "Yes, My Queen" I stood up, pulling her in for another hug. She hid the note on the inside pocket of her dress, and ran out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

                I made my way to the balcony, people were calmly making their way around the streets, having no clue as to what is happening inside of the palace. I had waited minutes, or maybe it was hours, I wasn't all too sure, until Kahmunrah had showed up. The door had made a loud bang, and the door flew off the hinges. I turned, making my way into the bedroom. A sinister smile had been placed on Kahmunrahs face, "I'd been looking for you, my dear sister-in-law." I smirked, trying not to let my fear show, "And I'd been waiting for you, Brother-in-law."

                He chuckled, waving his hand slightly as a signal for two of his men to grab me. He turned and walked out of the door, the two men pushing me for me to follow. I glared at them as they grabbed on to my arms, pulling me down the hallway. We had made it to the throne, and the first thing I could notice was Ahkmenrah tied to a chair, out cold. Becoming angry, I started shoving the guards and screaming "What did you do to him?" One of the men hit me over the head, and black spots quickly covered my vision, before all I could see was black.

                The blackness left just as quickly as it came, although it may have been hours since I passed out. Ahkmenrah was screaming in the background as I tried to rub my eyes but came to realize that my hands were bound behind me. I looked around taking in my surroundings, noticing I was still in throne room. "Let her go," Ahkmenrah was struggling in his seat, his neck straining, "she has nothing to do with this. This is between you and me, Kahmun." Kahmunrah chuckled, circling around Ahkmenrahs chair before stopping to stand in front of him. "Oh, she is just as much a part of this as you are brother." He looked over, noticing I was watching their exchange, "And it looks like our little Goddess is final awake. How are you feeling, dear Amunet?"

                I puckered my lips, trying not show how scared I was once again, "As good as you can be after getting hit on the head." I looked down at my feet, and then back up at him, "It also doesn't help that I'm tied to a chair." He chuckled again, walking over to stand in front me this time. His hand gripped onto my chin, I tried jerking my head away, but his hold just became stronger. "I can't exactly let you go, because then you would never agree to my offer." Kahmunrah finally moved his hand from my chin, and walked a few paces to sit on the throne.

                Ahkmenrah looked at me, and then over to his brother, "And what exactly is your plan?" An evil smirk formed on his face as started explain, "Its great plan, actually. I would let both of you live, if our dear Amunet were to become my wife. Of course, you would also have to give the throne up to me, little brother." I gasped, and before I could protest, Ahkmenrah did for me "There is no way I would let her marry you, brother." Kahmunrah stood up again, and began making his way over to my chair. "Well, why don't we let Amunet decide for herself?"

                My lips curled back, a disgusted look overcoming my face, "No, I will never marry you, Kahmunrah." He shook his head back and forth, making small 'tsking' noises with his mouth. "That was the wrong answer, I'm afraid. And now, you'll have to pay the consequences, by watching your husband die." My eyes widened, tears beginning to fall from my face. Kahmunrah raised his hand for the archers to take position and raise their bows. Ahkmenrah looked over at me, whispering an 'I love you' from across the room.

                 The archers were given the signal to let their arrows off one by one. The first hitting him on his left hip, the next his shoulder. I could tell how much pain he was in by the expression on his face, the only noise being heard was my scream as the last arrow pierced his heart. Kahmunrahs voice had caught my attention, "Do you want to change you answer now, Amunet?" Tears were still making their way down my face, my voice raspy from screaming, "I would never marry a monster like you." He walked over to me, the cold blade of his sword pressing against my neck. "That's just too bad" was the last thing I heard, before everything went completely black.

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