Chapter 17-Family Reunion

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^Italics is Egyptian (Merenkahre is the character on the right)
Tonight was the night, the night that my family would finally be reunited. Larry had explained his whole plan to me the week before, on how he would get Merenkahre here to the museum. He had called my mom, and had explained everything to her. How I was on display, and how he thought it was important to have a special showing of the Egyptian family together. She had made a huge donation, and got Merenkahre to be shipped here for a week.
A week was all Ahkmenrah and I needed to see our son, and explain to him everything about what had happened all those years ago. The museum he was at wasn't far from here, and he was able to be shipped out arrive here within the same day. My sarcophagus was moved into Ahkmenrahs exhibit, and Merenkahre's would be in mine. I wasn't sure why it was set up this way, but it meant I could spend more with Ahkmenrah.
It had been an hour since everything in the museum had awoken. Ahkmenrah and I were in our exhibit, patiently waiting for Larry to bring Merenkahre here. He had offered to help Merenkahre adjust when he first woke up, and after situated and explaining the situation, he would bring him to our exhibit. We both looked towards the hallway, hearing foots coming closer.
I turned to Ahkmenrah, suddenly becoming panicked to finally seeing our son again. I grabbed his hands, my eye widening "What if he hates us?" My breath hitched in my throat, "What if he hates us for not being there all these years?" He placed his hand on my cheek, his fingers intertwining into my hair, "He won't hate us, he'll understand what happened, Sunshine." I nodded, leaning my forehead against his cheek. He turned, kissing me as the footsteps down the hallway became louder.
I could hear metal slightly hitting against each other, and Larry's loud boots getting closer to where we were standing. I took a deep breath, before turning around, Ahkmenrahs arm wrapping itself around my waist. "You'll do great, he'll love you" Ahkmenrah had softly whispered in my ear, and I smiled up at him. We walked over to the entrance of the exhibit, just as Larry had arrived with Merenkahre.
I froze, just staring at him, not fully believing that it was him in front him. He stopped also, his hands falling to his sides as his mouth made a small 'o'. His face changed to a huge small, as he let out a small laugh "Mother, father?" It was like he almost couldn't believe, and I couldn't either. I nodded my head, a small coming to my face also as I let out a breathy 'Merenkahre.' I ran forward, wrapping my arms around his tall frame as he wrapped his around mine.
Ahkmenrah soon came forward, and joined the hug, me being engulfed in the middle. Tears began running down my face, and my arms wrapped tighter around them. We pulled away, Merenkahre standing in front of us, all of us having big smiles on our faces. "I'm so sorry we weren't there for you growing up, little prince." My old nickname for him had slipped out, and I let out a small giggle.
He shook his head, placing his hand on my arm, "It's alright, momma. I know everything that happened." I smiled, thankful that I wouldn't have to retell that awful time. "You know everything of what Kahmunrah did?" Ahkmenrah had spoken up, having a look of happiness on his face as he spoke to Merenkahre. "Yes father, the viziers had filled me in. They had wanted him from the throne also, but had no one to take his place."
Ahkmenrah nodded, understanding why no one wanted Kahmunrah on the throne. "Why don't we talk about something else?" I suggested, wanting to get off the topic of my murderer. "Yes, tell us about your family, Mere." Ahkmenrah told him, us leading him to the pillows that were in the room. The same pillows that had sent on the room of our bedroom years ago.
We had sat there all night, all of us talking about our lives. It had soon been close to sunrise, Larry coming in to give us the 30 minute warning. I frowned, knowing that I could only have 5 more nights with Merenkahre. "We should all head back to our exhibits." Ahkmenrah stood up first, grabbing my hand and helping me up.
Ahkmenrah spoke to Merenkahre first, clasping a hand on his arm. "You have become a good man, my son. I will see you tomorrow night." Merenkahre nodded, moving slightly closing to Ahkmenrah, "Thank you father, I love you." Ahkmenrah had said it back, and I could tell he was close to tears. He turned to me next, ready to say goodnight. "Can I walk you to your exhibit?" I sounded hopeful, wanting to get the chance to 'tuck' my son into bed one more time.
He nodded a large smile coming to his face as he held out his arm. "Of course, mother." Another large smile covered as I began to walk away after telling Ahkmenrah I would meet him back at our exhibit. As soon as we made it I turned to Merenkahre, grabbing both of his hands. He was the same height as Ahkmenrah, so I still had to look up at him, "It's crazy how much you look like your father." He chuckled, looking down at me "I get that from Masika, saying how much I looked like him."
I peeked at the clock in the hall, noticing we only had 15 more minutes. "I will see your tomorrow night. I love you, little prince." He had a boyish smirk on his face as he raised one eyebrow, "I'm no longer little or a prince, momma." I chuckled, looking down at his hands that I was still holding onto. "I know, but you're still my little prince, Merenkahre." He nodded his head, a small smile on his face "I know momma, I love you, and I'll see you tonight."
I nodded moving my hands to hug him, and he returned it. I pulled away, helping him into the sarcophagus. I smiled, my hand cupping his cheek as he laid down, "I'll see you tonight, my little prince." We both let out a chuckle, and he closed his eyes, his chest still rising and falling. I walked back mine and Ahkmenrahs own exhibit, noticing him sitting up in his sarcophagus.
I walked over, leaning against the edge of it as he grabbed my hand, kissing it. "Thank you for the idea of bringing him here." He smiled, his thumb rubbing the back of my hand "Thank you for giving me a son." I leaned over to kiss him, both of us exchanging 'I love you's as we settled into our sarcophagi. I could faintly see the rays of the sun, before falling into a deep sleep with a smile on my face.

** hey guys sorry it took so long to update! If you would to check out some of my other pieces, i run a blog on tumblr with one shots (on rami characters and some marvel). You can make requests on there for one shots/stories and i will gladly do them, Link is below :)

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