
Af KindaNewHere

421 39 12

One choice can change your entire life. And one girl should know. Meet Stella. A wallflower since birth w... Mere

Parties and regrets (past/flashback)
Panic! At the Cafeteria
Pack your bags, Let's go!
Taking off! Maybe... (Pt 2)
We're here!
What happened?
Trouble at McDonald's
Breakfast and go!
The note
Authors note/playlist

Taking Off! Maybe... (Pt 1)

23 1 0
Af KindaNewHere

"Mind if I sit next to you?" Shawn questioned. The whole grade was loaded onto buses, ready to head to the airport. A separate bus was to follow, carrying our suitcases.

"Umm... Sure." I replied. Wow have I spent a lot of time with him... I thought.

"Nice." Shawn answered, grinning. He sat down close to me, but didn't actually touch me.

"So... How's it going? I mean besides acting mysteriously..." I questioned sarcastically.

"I'm okay. Thanks for asking." Shawn smirked, "and yourself?"

"I'm doing fine." I laughed.

"Have I convinced you to run away yet?" Shawn teased.

"I don't know..." I taunted, "What is it with you and running away?" I watched as Shawn laughed, but I caught a glimmer of sadness in his smile. Something's not right here... I thought.

"Hey Stella!" A voice greeted. I turned and looked over.

"Hey Aubrey!" I answered, "This is Shawn."

"Hey Shawn." Aubrey welcomed.

"Oh... Hey Aubrey." Shawn replied.

"Is it okay if I sit across from you guys?" Aubrey questioned. Shawn was silent, so I spoke up.

"Yeah! Of course!" I answered cheerfully. I watched Shawn as Aubrey took her seat. His face was neutral, but I could see he didn't like her that much.

"-Aubrey... Hey!" Someone addressed.

"What's up?" She replied.

"Nothing much." the person answered.

"Here, Olivia." Aubrey said, patting her seat, "Sit next to me!" She walked over and plopped down in the seat next to her. I sighed and spoke again.

"Olivia, this is Shawn. Shawn, meet Olivia." I consulted.

"Hi!" Olivia answered.

"Hey." Shawn replied. That's odd... He was super talkative to me. Why isn't he talkative now? I thought.

"Alright." The bus announcements sputtered, "You know the general rules of the bus, so I'm not going to review them. This ride will take about forty minutes, so bear with me." Shawn and I exchanged glances, as the bus began to start. Before I knew it, we were away from school, heading to the airport.


"Kitten! Kitten, wake up!" Shawn called.

"Huh?" I answered, wearly.

"We're here!" Shawn said, grinning.

"We're at Washington D.C?" I asked.

"More like at the airport." Shawn chuckled.

"Oh." I said, yawning. Shawn laughed again, this time more lightly.

"Come on!" Shawn said, taking my hand. I followed him, walking off the bus.

"What time is it?" I asked. Shawn took out his phone.

"Seven thirty." Shawn answered, this time yawning. I laughed, as he rolled his eyes.

"Maybe if you keep rolling your eyes, you'll find a brain back there." I teased. Shawn chuckled, continuing to advance forward.

"Wait up!" I called. Shawn stood in place, while I jogged to meet him.

"Too fast for you?" Shawn taunted.

"Whatever. I'm just tired." I reasoned, blowing the hair out of my face.

"Let me help you with that." Shawn suggested, pushing a stray lock of hair from my face. Of course. That old movie cliché. I thought as I blushed.

"Much better!" Shawn commented, "Now you can actually see."

"Thanks." I laughed, "I think you need some help too." Shawn looked at me with a confused glance, as I put on an evil smile.

"Umm... What are you going to do?" Shawn questioned nervously. I grinned, walking closer to him. He gazed fearfully at me, holding up his hands.

"You'll see." I said, my hands out. I started messing up his hair, until finally I was satisfied, when his eyes were completely covered with black strands of hair.

"There you go!" I announced.

"Oh my... I just love my new look!" Shawn teased, modeling for me. I laughed taking my phone out to take a picture.

"You wouldn't." Shawn answered

"I would." I grinned, taking a picture.

"You're going to pay." Shawn laughed, walking toward me. I stared back, faking nervousness.

"I'll get you!" Shawn flirted, starting to run after me.

"I'm so scared!" I teased, running away. I started running toward the bus with the suitcases, hopefully avoiding Shawn.

"I think I lost him." I whispered to myself, leaning against the side if the bus.

"Boo!" Shawn said, jumping out at me.

"Guess not!" I said to myself, starting to jog again. I was losing pace though.

"Got you!" Shawn taunted, starting to tickle me.

"Stop!" I laughed. Shawn grinned.

"Alright. I've had my fun." Shawn grinned, letting me go. I smiled, and blushed at him.

"Where do we go now?" I questioned.

"Well, we get our suitcases." Shawn answered. We walked towards the bus with the suitcases again.

"Excuse me?" Shawn asked.

"Yes?" The bus driver answered.

"Can we get our luggage?" Shawn questioned.

"Sure." The driver replied.

"Let's go." Shawn directed, taking my hand. Only 3 bags remained. Two I recognized to be mine, the other I guessed to be Shawn's. I took both of my suitcases, letting go of Shawn's hand to pick them up. Shawn grabbed his bag, and we walked off the bus.

"Where is everybody?" I questioned.

"Inside, I guess." Shawn answered, shrugging.

"We lost them!" I yelled in terror.

"Not exactly... We know they're inside..." Shawn replied.

"This can't be happening!" I panicked.

"It's going to be okay. We'll find them together." Shawn comforted.

"Alright." I sighed, still worried. Shawn rubbed my back, as we started to walk inside.

The place was huge. People of kinds were walking, talking, standing, waiting, sitting. It was going to be hard to find our group.

"Hey Stella!" A voice called. Huh. I guess it wasn't going to be THAT hard... I thought. I jerked to my right.

"Hey Aubrey!" I sighed, breathing in relief. Thank god I found someone.

"Do we wait here?" Shawn asked, as I glanced around. I recognized almost everyone.

"Yes. After you get your luggage you come over here and wait. The teacher is checking us in." Aubrey said, pointing ahead. I gazed forward, watching the teacher.

"Aubrey? When does boarding start?" I asked.

"Well, the grade is being split between three planes, each with a teacher on them. They are all scheduled to be boarded at nine." Aubrey replied.

"How do you know all this?" I questioned, laughing.

"Eavesdropping." Aubrey replied, with a smile.

"Alright kids! Form a line and hand the workers your bags! Then get a ticket and wait by your gate." The teacher announced. I looked around, and joined the adjoining line.

"You weren't gonna leave me, right Kitten?" Shawn teased.

"Sure. Wasn't planning on it..." I replied sarcastically. Shawn frowned, actually looking genuinely sad.

"Shawn... I was just kidding... You know that.. " I assured. I saw him smile, but he still had a hint of melancholy in his expression.

"Yeah. I know." Shawn answered.

"Come here you big baby!" I replied, opening my arms for a hug. Shawn grinned and walked over.

"So you don't want to get rid of me?" Shawn taunted. I laughed as Shawn pulled me closer.

"No, I don't. Not right now anyway." I teased.

"Good." Shawn answered, exiting the hug. The line narrowed down, until only a few people remained ahead if us.

"Hey Shawn... I have a question..." I started.

"Well, I'm sure I have an answer." Shawn smirked.

"Why do you only have one bag?" I asked.

"I just do." Shawn replied, "Why do you have two?"

"One's my clothes and stuff, the other is my carry-on bag." I explained.

"Why the carry-on?" Shawn questioned.

"To carry my laptop and notebook." I answered.

"Lapt-" Shawn started to say.

"Hi. May I take your bags?" The clerk interrupted.

"Yes. Thank you!" I said, handing her my bags.

"And your name is?" The clerk questioned.

"Stella. Stella Lamaet." I answered.

"Alright. Your boarding pass should be printing." The clerk informed, typing on her computer.

"Thank you." I replied.

"Umm... Mister? May I take your bags?" The worker questioned.

"Okay." Shawn agreed. He handed her his bags.

"Alright. Name?" The clerk asked.

"Shawn Marldine." He answered. I held back a snicker.

"Your pass should be printing." The worker sighed. I glanced at Shawn,  and collected my pass, while his printed. Shortly to follow, Shawn collected his too.

"Anyway," Shawn continued as we walked away, "Why do you need your laptop?"

"Isn't it obvious? To write! Well, more like procrastinate about writing... But sane thing!" I answered, plastering a fake smile across my face.

"So you want to be an author when you grow up?" Shawn questioned.

"Yeah." I answered, blushing. Man did he know my insecurities...

"That's cute." Shawn answered grinning, "Whatcha writing now?"

"It's abo-" I started.

"Hey Stella, What's your boarding pass say you gate is?" A voice interrupted, this time I knew it to be Aubrey. Surprise, Surprise. I glanced down.

"Ummm, gate D7." I answered, looking over now. Aubrey was with Alex and Olivia.

"Nice!" That's what I have!" Aubrey answered.

"Me too!" Alex seconded.

"Well, it was nice talking, but we really should get to our gate." Shawn rushed, putting his arm around my shoulder, starting to walk away. I looked over at him, removing his arm, and glared.

"We should all go to are gates together!" Aubrey suggested.

"Yeah sure!" Alex agreed, smiling at me, "What do you think Stel-?"

"I think she thinks we should get going." Shawn argued.

"Actually," I started, glaring at Shawn, "I think that'd be a great idea!" Why is he being so clingy? I thought. Shawn rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms, clearly annoyed.

"Great!" Aubrey answered cheerfully, "Let's get going!" We started to walk, and I slipped a careful glance toward Shawn. He was still angry.

"Shawn!" I whispered, "Shawn!"

"What?" He answered grumpily.

"Come here!" I said, stopping next to the side of the wall. Shawn gave me a confused look, but walked toward me.

"Listen... I know they can be annoying..." I replied, gesturing to my friends, "But bear with me. They're my friends and I love them to death..."
Shawn glared at me.

"Please! For me?" I begged, making puppy-dog eyes. Shawn stared at me.

"Pretty please?" I questioned again, slipping my hand smoothly into his. Shawn blushed, and turned away from me.

"I guess... But only for you Kitten..." He answered, finally giving in.

"Yay!! Thank you!" I squeaked, cheerfully dragging him into a hug. He hugged back for a while, then left the hug.

"Let's find your friends..." Shawn suggested.

"Your friends too!" I answered.

"Umm... I don't really fit in with them... Or anyone..." Shawn replied, sighing sadly.

"Sure you do! You fit in with me!" I assured, "Besides, I should have introduced you better! What's your favorite movie?"

"Truthfully?" Shawn questioned.

"Truthfully." I replied.

"Inside out." Shawn admitted.

"Awwww!!!!" I answered, barely able to contain my excitement, "You love Disney movies!!!!!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I know you think it's dumb." Shawn quickly dismissed.

"No! It's cute!" I argued.

"It's not just a Disney movie, Pixar also collaborated..." Shawn mentioned.

"Well someone knows a lot about movies..." I said, wriggling my eyebrows.

"Okay fine. I love movies. Especially Disney movies. That's because I want to be a movie producer one day." Shawn revealed, blushing.

"Awww!!!!" I squealed.

"Alright. Stop freaking out. Let's find your friends." Shawn exclaimed.

"Okay-Dokey!" I answered, smiling. Shawn rolled his eyes, and took my hand. I grinned at him, while he blushed. What's wrong with me? Okay-Dokey? I never say that! What's happening? I thought, panicking to myself. I sound like dad!

"Let's run!" Shawn suggested,"I see your friends up ahead!"

"Okay!" I agreed, starting to jog.

"Race you!" Shawn shouted, running ahead of me.

"It's on!" I challenged, running. I sprinted past people, until finally Shawn and I were tied.

"I'm going to bet you!" Shawn teased.

"Not if I can help it!" I argued, picking up my pace. Shawn smirked at me and kept running. I was pretty sure I was winning until I heard a shout.

"Kitten! Watch out!" Shawn yelled.

"Huh?" I questioned, slowing down to look over at him. That's when I ran into someone.

"Omg!" I'm so sorry!" I apologized, "I wasn't paying attention!"

"It's fine!" A familiar voice assured. I looked up.

"Alex?" I questioned.

"Yep." Alex affirmed, helping me up.

"Heh... thanks." I blushed.

"It's no problem." Alex smiled, "You okay?"

"Yeah! I'm fine how about you?" I asked, starting to worry.

"Never been better." Alex grinned. I blushed.

Okay, I should clarify something. I know I'm friends with Alex, but I kinda-sorta have a crush on him. Please don't hate me!

I heard a slight cough, and watched as Shawn approached us.

"You okay?" Shawn wondered.

"I'm fine!" I answered.

"So now that that's taken care of, we should get to our gate." Aubrey suggested.

"You mean that one?" Alex asked, pointing to his left. Sure enough a sign was waiting there that read D7.

"Guys? I'm gonna head off to the bathroom, alright?" I informed, "I'll be back."

"Okay." Alex answered.

"Be back soon though, boarding begans in forty minutes." Aubrey warned. I nodded and started to walk away. Now where would the bathrooms be... I thought, glancing around. I saw a map up ahead, and decided to take my chances.

"Let's see..." I mumbled to myself, "The nearest bathroom is near G5." I really didn't want to go that far, but I really had to pee, and didn't want to hold it until I got on the airplane.

"Well, I better get going." I thought aloud, heading to the bathroom.

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